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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


Star Fox Adventures was the oldest game on my backlog. I remember picking it up when it launched back in 2002. A new Star Fox game? A new RARE game??? Day fucking one, I said! This game should be GODLIKE.

I recall playing up to the point where I had to run around collecting 20 scarabs, got bored, got frustrated, and never played again. That was about 2 hours into the game. I was SO disappointed. The overworld design was just so confusing and I could not deal with the CONSTANT fetch quests, and this is coming from someone who loved DK64, BK and BT.

Finally, almost 12 years after its launch, I decided to return to the game, now armed with a bit more patience.

First thing I noticed: Rare truly were technical wizards. Even by today’s standards, Star Fox Adventures looks fantastic, from both a technical and art design perspective. There are basically no load times: transitioning from overworld to dungeon is seamless, something even the newest Zelda games are still incapable of. Hard to believe it was an early Gamecube game from 2002! It’s probably one of the best looking Cube games, and it's running at a perfect 60 fps. Super impressive. Why did Nintendo let these guys go? >_<

David Wise’s soundtrack is also fantastic, though it clashed with what I was seeing at times. It definitely meshed with the whole Dinosaur Planet aesthetic, but not so much with the Star Fox characters. Hard to follow up Koji Kondo’s Star Fox 64 soundtrack, which some of the best music ever in a game.

Aaaaaaaaand the praise ends just about there.

Star Fox Adventures was a game in development hell, and it shows! Originally an N64 title, Miyamoto forced Rare to make Star Fox the main character for some fucking reason. Rare was also one foot out the door in 2002, and it really feels like they just gave up on this game, because there is some sloppy stuff going on. It’s a Zelda clone that is decent in some respects, but downright bad in most.

My original criticisms from 12 years ago still stand. The levels are gigantic and maze like in structure. The NPCs are not helpful at all, usually spouting completely useless dialogue, including stuff like “I don’t feel like talking.” As I result, I felt lost during the majority of my playthrough, and had to consult a guide multiple times to just know where I had to go next. Because I kept running in fucking circles. The controls in general were sluggish and Fox moved way too slowly considering how much walking there was in the game. I wish I could ride the little dinosaur or something. It doesn’t help that you are constantly running around collecting things. At a fundamental level, the game is just badly paced, and it’s not FUN to run around the world with Fox. You know there’s a problem when the best parts of the game are the sequences where you control the Arwing in space!

Some character designs are decent, most are bad. A whole lot of HERP DERP dinosaurs, and Star Fox team members. Krystal is horrible, good god. Now that I’ve played the entire game, I honestly do not understand the appeal and popularity of this character. She doesn’t do anything! Nothing. Why do people want her in Smash Bros again?

Voice acting was brutal, especially coming off of some of the best voice acting ever in a game from Star Fox 64. The story/script was really bad too. Lots of cringe worthy dialogue/delivery throughout the entire experience.

Then, there’s all the little things. Like in Zelda, Fox can jump by running off a ledge. However, unlike Zelda, Fox only jumps when the game wants you to jump. In other words, you can solve puzzles that involve jumping only the specific way the game wants you to solve the puzzle. For example, I can clearly jump over those spikes from this platform. So I try… but Fox doesn’t jump. He grabs the ledge. Sorry, you have to push a block for 3 minutes, climb up, THEN jump over the spikes from the exact, correct platform. Why can't I be creative with my puzzle solving? Baffling game design decisions that made me question whether people even tested the game, or if they just cranked it out because they knew they were on their way to Microsoft in a couple of weeks.

It’s been 12 years, and I’m still waiting on a true follow up to Star Fox 64, because this ain’t it. While it had its moments (some neat boss battles, unique puzzles here and there, great aesthetic, as I mentioned), Star Fox Adventures was a mostly boring experience that was a pain to get through.

Why the fuck did I just post a review of Star Fox Adventures? God I’m bored.

I know! This is the Sonic Community thread, right? It’s been 2+ years, how about I play… a Sonic game?



It’s going down. I just popped this fucker into my Wii, let’s see just how bad it is. Can’t be worse than Colors!
Part of me wants to return to SFA someday because it's been yonks since I last played it even though I'm pretty sure I wont really enjoy it, somehow I played through that game like 5 times back in the day. I blame vintage Nintendo droughts and the fact that the game is relatively short.
SFA combat is dire, enemies lining up to die one at a time as you hit them with the same set of strikes all game long, you have like 3 different attack combos and you only actually need the standard one, using staff abilities in combat just doesn't flow well at all. Really the best thing about the game is that the environments look pretty nice and some of the themes are pretty decent.

Also Test of Fear is the worst, THE WORST!

I know you only say "can't be worse than Colors" just to get a reaction.



I try to no sell it but it just doesn't work, HJLBARGBLVJsefVLUVYiEFSPI indeed.
Well the jokes on him, Secret Rings poor quality is not so secret, now there's one game I don't ever want to restart from the very beginning with its crummy mission structure kicking off with excitement like avoiding vases and walking backwards, jank controls that slooowly improve as the game withholds useful abilities and control improvements until you've endured enough, time break which goes so fast it basically breaks the level design and even the games music is weak.



Found out about this thanks to IrishNinja. This is a site that lets you earn achievements for older games via emulation. Some of the Genesis Sonic Games are supported!

Sonic The Hedgehog - http://retroachievements.org/Game/1

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - http://retroachievements.org/Game/10

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 - http://retroachievements.org/Game/21

Sonic & Knuckles - http://retroachievements.org/Game/169

Sonic 3D Blast - http://retroachievements.org/Game/326

Sonic Spinball - http://retroachievements.org/Game/15

Keep in mind the site is still in the early stages, so you might run into some glitched achievements. If you do, just post on the forums or contact whoever worked on that set of achievements. People are also usually open to suggestions for achievements, so if you have an idea feel free to share it on the forums.

Edit: Oh, and Sonic Advance 2 is supported as well: http://retroachievements.org/Game/557


Star Fox Adventures


It&#8217;s going down. I just popped this fucker into my Wii, let&#8217;s see just how bad it is. Can&#8217;t be worse than Colors!
Your oldest game in backlog? Youngster, my oldest one is from 1987. I wasn't even born!

SFA sucks, it always sucked, it's no mistery. I mean, the whole Rare sucked in one game out of two.

Also, SEGAS is good.

(It's SEGAS in Italy, way better than SATSR)

Found out about this thanks to IrishNinja. This is a site that lets you earn achievements for older games via emulation. Some of the Genesis Sonic Games are supported!

Sonic The Hedgehog - http://retroachievements.org/Game/1

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - http://retroachievements.org/Game/10

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 - http://retroachievements.org/Game/21

Sonic & Knuckles - http://retroachievements.org/Game/169

Sonic 3D Blast - http://retroachievements.org/Game/326

Sonic Spinball - http://retroachievements.org/Game/15

Keep in mind the site is still in the early stages, so you might run into some glitched achievements. If you do, just post on the forums or contact whoever worked on that set of achievements. People are also usually open to suggestions for achievements, so if you have an idea feel free to share it on the forums.


They should work on a custom OS for the Retron5


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #125

Song: Supporting Me... for Biolizard
Game: Sonic Adventure 2
Composer: Fumie Kumatani
Arrangement: Heigo Tani
Lyrics: Fumie Kumatani (trans. Shinobu Shindo)

Vocals: Everett Bradley
Guitars: Akira Sasaki

Most of the Kumatani/Bradley stuff, I can't stand. But this? This one works. It's appropriately creepy for a creature like the Biolizard, and manages to be dissonant without devolving into pure noise like the other Shadow tracks. Instruments and even other songs come and go and play off each other in delightful ways, but even when all else is gone, the bassline holds the piece together.


Your oldest game in backlog? Youngster, my oldest one is from 1987. I wasn't even born!

SFA sucks, it always sucked, it's no mistery. I mean, the whole Rare sucked in one game out of two.

oh no, of course I own games from the 80s and early 90s that I haven't finished. I'm talking games that have been in my backlog. SFA has been sitting there for almost 12 god damn years.


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #125

Song: Supporting Me... for Biolizard
Game: Sonic Adventure 2
Composer: Fumie Kumatani
Arrangement: Heigo Tani
Lyrics: Fumie Kumatani (trans. Shinobu Shindo)

Vocals: Everett Bradley
Guitars: Akira Sasaki

One of my favourite boss themes in the series. It's got an incredibly unique sound to it. In fact this is probably what the rest of Shadow's music was meant to feel like, just this was executed better. One of the better fights in the game too, though that isn't saying much.


Secret Rings is one of those game. One of those games where they take a control scheme that worked great with a standard ass controller, like the Gamecube or 360 controller... and forces you to use a sideways Wii Remote. And motion controls.

Those kinds of games are the worst kinds of games.

The controls in this game are some of the worse I've ever had to deal with. And I'm played some shit. The levels themselves are built like the fucking special stages from Sonic 2. Imagine an entire game like that.

So far, this game makes Sonic 06 look like fucking Super Metroid. Stay tuned!


secret rings was very entertaining for me. of course it starts off janky and that was especially strange. the rpg system was a wholly unnecessary feature. i really liked the idea of 'steering' sonic through levels and that the platforming was more or less based on stopping instead of jumping. it was pretty unique, and i would have loved a more refined followup.


"starts off janky"? It gets marginally better, sure, but the controls are the most unpredictable, unrewarding, aggravating crap I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. Whoever's responsible should go drown in a dump truck full of burning diarrhea.


"starts off janky"? It gets marginally better, sure, but the controls are the most unpredictable, unrewarding, aggravating crap I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. Whoever's responsible should go drown in a dump truck full of burning diarrhea.


Why does it have to boot me out of the game every time I complete a level. why. I know I unlock the next level when I beat a level. You don't need to tell me this with a dedicated screen EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Then I select Sand Oasis, then I scroll down and select the next mission... and I have to do this for the entire game, don't I? Throwing me into the next level after I beat a level is too much to ask, huh?

I refuse to believe humans tested this shit and said "yeah, that's fine. Ship it."


"starts off janky"? It gets marginally better, sure, but the controls are the most unpredictable, unrewarding, aggravating crap I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. Whoever's responsible should go drown in a dump truck full of burning diarrhea.

well either i got a lot better at controlling it, or i reached a real sweet spot with the stats, because during the later levels i was kicking serious ass.

i never controlled sonic much differently than a truck in excite truck. just slight movements left and right. it worked out really well for me. the controls honestly were the least of my problems with the game. i had more issues with the '2d' levels and some of the level design in the missions.

for a sonic game where you're constantly running forward, i thought it gave the player a very large degree of control over the character by limiting other movements.

and i actually did a lot of customizing sonic for specific levels depending on the challenge.


Don't get me wrong, the rest of the game is just about as shitty. But even 12 hours in any kind of movement at very slow speeds was insanely floaty and unpredictable, the homing attack and targeting was still fucked, and those winged pots were beyond fucked. I'm normally the one defending unusual control schemes and saying they worked just fine for me after figuring them out, but Secret Rings was so bad not even I could deal with it.


SEGA1991, what's a recommended alternative to Sony Vegas you'd recommend? Preferably a free video editor if possible?
SEGA1991, what's a recommended alternative to Sony Vegas you'd recommend? Preferably a free video editor if possible?

I wish I knew of one. The closest would be Windows Movie Maker. That doesn't really have layer support or anything but you can cross fade between clips, add background music and do rudimentary text overlays. It's certainly not impossible to use it to make some great videos. I actually had to go back to it just last year because my main PC was out of commission and that was all I had.


When will this month's issues of the Sonic comics be published?

I wish I knew of one. The closest would be Windows Movie Maker. That doesn't really have layer support or anything but you can cross fade between clips, add background music and do rudimentary text overlays. It's certainly not impossible to use it to make some great videos. I actually had to go back to it just last year because my main PC was out of commission and that was all I had.

Thanks, I'm planning on making a video for Broken Age, so hopefully I can make a decent video with it ^^;
As far as I know, your choices are basically Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, or breakin' out the text editor and going all AVISynth/VirtualDub on the video's ass.


Hmm let's see if Handbrake is any good with converting to a YT proper video

Other than that, come on guys & gals:


Please let it be Generations 2. 2D, classic Sonic fans are happy, and weird 3D boost Sonic fans are happy. It's a win win!


I'd rather they just commit to either 2D only or 3D only.

Of course.

Honestly, in an ideal universe:

-They make Sonic 4, 5, 6, 7... with Generations-esque 2D graphics, gameplay, etc. Classic Sonic design is used. This is basically their NSMB for the Sonic franchise.


-They make Sonic Unleashed/Colors 2, 3, 4, 5... with no werehog of course.

boom everyone is happy.


TBH I'd rather it be a $15-30 game and not a $60 retail sized game.
Looking at Sonic Generations 3D stages and seeing how they could base a game solely on those stages, a small short-ish game within that price range could work.

Dario ff

TBH I'd rather it be a $15-30 game and not a $60 retail sized game.
Looking at Sonic Generations 3D stages and seeing how they could base a game solely on those stages, a small short-ish game within that price range could work.
I still have no idea how the hell Generations on PC was priced from day one at $30, and it only came out like a few days later than the console versions.

I do agree on trimming out the fat tho. They should be confident that a short, replayable product can be good enough without the need of spending more budget on Story/Cutscenes/Filler missions. They just need to convey the focus of the game better to the reviewers, as in, discouraging just single straight playthroughs and then complaining that it was short.

The people who like the story have the comics anyway, I couldn't care less about it on their games. In Lost World it was actually annoying, completely unfinished, and it ended up hurting the game.

qq more

-They make Sonic 4, 5, 6, 7... with Generations-esque 2D graphics, gameplay, etc. Classic Sonic design is used. This is basically their NSMB for the Sonic franchise.

NSMB? We don't want constant releases of soulless rehashy Sonic games, man! I'm not ready for Slightly Greener Hill Zone!

(but yes, your entire post is what I want, NSMB-comment aside!)


I'm not even going to lie; that was a really stupid post of mine. I need to hold better judgment regarding toxic threads like that.


Only if you go full creep

Who from the Sonic universe would you rather sleep with?

A slumber party with tails would be interesting in the literal sense.

Other than that I'm not touching it.
TBH I'd rather it be a $15-30 game and not a $60 retail sized game.
Looking at Sonic Generations 3D stages and seeing how they could base a game solely on those stages, a small short-ish game within that price range could work.
Nah, I'd rather a long schpeel.

The game isn't coming out for a while so I want something juicy out of it.


i can't take these motion controls anymore

i can't

why do i have to swing on ropes with waggle, who on earth thinks that's fun

this game will kill me
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