I've been playing Unleashed (HD-PS3) over the past weeks, too. First time playing it in over a year and I still really like it. Definitely had some rough spots, such as the framerate which can go from really smooth to laughably jittery as soon as a bunch of enemies hit the screen. I still hold true to my opinion that if the Werehog A) were entirely leveled up with its full modeyst at the being of the game, B) had more emphasis on stretchy-arm platforming than combat, and C) were Knuckles, people would have hated it a lot less.
I dunno, for all the praise that Colours and Generations get for refining the store that Unleashed founded, Unleashed feels like the last game that Sonic Team actually put a lot of effort into making. From the graphics details (Oh Hedgehog Engine, just like the playstyle from Unleashed to Generations, you will never live up to your full potential.), the lack of nostalgia-whoring, to the world they created in the game, it doesn't get enough credit for what it did for the franchise.
I still laugh at people who say that Generations "perfected" they boost gameplay style, when there was still so much that could be done.