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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread |OT3 & Knuckles|


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
The special stages, visuals, and sound test menu of Knuckles Chaotix are all really, really good.

That's about all it has going for it, though.


Heh so similiar impressions as mine, I too found the graphics great but gameplay lacking.

Man this part from the SEGA-16 interview with Kalinske is just...wow; there could've been a SEGA 64

Sega-16: So could that have perhaps caused them to exert more authority over how things were done? The inner rivalry that existed between the American and Japanese branches of Sega is legendary, and most believe that this, rather than any hardware decision, is what caused the company to lose its focus. Would you agree? How much do you think SOJ’s treatment of its U.S. branch hurt business?

Tom Kalinske: I think so. I don’t know how many different instances you know about, but what basically occurred (and I’m probably going to be a little fuzzy on the timing. Joe Miller could probably help you on that one) was that we all knew that there would come a day when the Genesis would no longer have a life, and we’d have to move on to the next technology. There was of course, a big debate as how best to go about that. When we started the CD-ROM efforts, clearly those were the early days of using optical discs for video games, and it was very rudimentary (a lot of it was even done in black & white back in those days), and the combination of live-action and real program software was very difficult.

I remember Joe Miller and I were talking about this, and we had been contacted by Jim Clark, the founder of SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc.), who called us up one day and said that he had just bought a company called MIPS Inc. which had been working on some things with some great R&D people, and it just so happened that they came up with a chip that they thought would be great for a video game console. We told them that in the U.S., we don’t really design consoles; we do the software, but it sounded interesting and we would come over and take a look at it. We were quite impressed, and we called up Japan and told them to send over the hardware team because these guys really had something cool. So the team arrived, and the senior VP of hardware design arrived, and when they reviewed what SGI had developed, they gave no reaction whatsoever. At the end of the meeting, they basically said that it was kind of interesting, but the chip was too big (in manufacturing terms), the throw-off rate would be too high, and they had lots of little technical things that they didn’t like: the audio wasn’t good enough; the frame rate wasn’t quite good enough, as well as some other issues.

So, the SGI guys went away and worked on these issues and then called us back up and asked that the same team be sent back over, because they had it all resolved. This time, Nakayama went with them. They reviewed the work, and there was sort of the same reaction: still not good enough.

Now, I’m not an engineer, and you kind of have to believe the people you have at the company, so we went back to our headquarters, and Nakayama said that it just wasn’t good enough. We were to continue on our own way. Well, Jim Clark called me up and asked what was he supposed to do now? They had spent all that time and effort on what they thought was the perfect video game chipset, so what were they supposed to do with it? I told them that there were other companies that they should be calling, because we clearly weren’t the ones for them. Needless to say, he did, and that chipset became part of the next generation of Nintendo products (N64).

So that’s an example of how, partly due to our success in America, Japan just didn’t want to do the things that we suggested.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Just a note that today is the last day to get your speedrun times in.

You have until 11:59 PM PDT on May 17th (ie: Saturday going into Sunday) to get them in.

And I'll probably be asleep then, so lol. I won't be home tomorrow until Sunday night so I will be checking stuff out later on Sunday (or if I'm way too tired, Monday) to tab results if there are new times posted.

In the meantime, please enjoy this Segata Sanshiro ad compilation.


You'd think that, buuuuut


They've been carefully excising characters in contention from collection covers for a while now, so it's odd to suddenly see him show up on one with a new Rafa Knight model to boot (which is still basically Green Sonic, admittedly).


You'd think that, buuuuut


They've been carefully excising characters in contention from collection covers for a while now, so it's odd to suddenly see him show up on one with a new Rafa Knight model to boot (which is still basically Green Sonic, admittedly).

I thought he gets out of it because scourge is considered a different entity than anti sonic?

Also neat covers , love the ones with the models

Sonic still stretching the term rival as far as it can go.
Scourge, Shadow, Mecha Sonic, Metal Sonic, Silver...how many Bad the Hedgehogs do we need

sega pls name the next one Bad the Hedgehog



Huh ok.

I know in other comics and media in general there are certain situations where people own versions of sections of backstory to character. So they just one version of the character or modify the story a bit.

So ken didn't get scourge? Or do they gotta pay ken?


Penders claims that the antiverse is his concept, and that all of its characters are either directly his work or derivatives thereof and consequently his by extension. Dunno if they've managed to hash that out behind the scenes or if they're planning to recycle the Scourge design with a different backstory or what.


I can see them just retooling his entire back story.

Some incident similar to the were hog, except scrounge and a bunch of anti people got made.

Or instead of the anti verse its just like mobius 3. Here is another planet that isn't totally the anti realm called mobius 3 where the evil people come from. Totally orginal.

Oh Oh and mobius 2 could be like classic sonic like with DC.

That would be sick
Ken Penders and his bizarre relationship with a tie-in comic to a 90's videogame series is one of the most morbidly interesting drama's I've ever witnessed unfold in comics. I'm also not sure how he'd remotely argue he owns a character with the name 'Evil Sonic' any better than Chris-Chan would argue he can legally make money off 'Sonichu'.

Those recent 3D comics are really neat though. Did Archie just commission a 3D artist to create it from scratch or did SEGA start supplying some actual game assets to a comic they otherwise tend to ignore the existence of?


Ken Penders and his bizarre relationship with a tie-in comic to a 90's videogame series is one of the most morbidly interesting drama's I've ever witnessed unfold in comics. I'm also not sure how he'd remotely argue he owns a character with the name 'Evil Sonic' any better than Chris-Chan would argue he can legally make money off 'Sonichu'.

Ultimately the claim would probably not hold up in a court of law, but Archie is 100% done fighting him about this stuff. He doesn't really care about anyone but the echidnas anyway, outside of a general interest in making sure he gets his.

Those recent 3D comics are really neat though. Did Archie just commission a 3D artist to create it from scratch or did SEGA start supplying some actual game assets to a comic they otherwise tend to ignore the existence of?

dA fan artist turned pro, like basically everyone else working on the book.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Will talk about the speedrun stuff tomorrow. I am exhausted.

I also saw Godzilla. It was actually kinda decent, and kinda liked the nods to the older films. Though, bear in mind the last Godzilla film I saw was the one with that one Puff Daddy song.

dA fan artist turned pro, like basically everyone else working on the book.
Really loved his Mega Man #37 alt cover. Saw that the other day and thought it looked amazing.


dA fan artist turned pro, like basically everyone else working on the book.

Interwebs has become a far easier way for people to get into sections of the entertainment industry as illustrators than ever before. One of my professors ( i will not say which ) would say that's why his section of the comic book industry he illustrates for isn't doing so hot. And feels as though there should be a lot more young people getting jobs, and feels as though other industries are making more strides in artistic maertits because of these young new artists.

But thats enough inside illustrator baseball for oneday.

I would like to do an archie thing for them, but that would require me to get off my lazy butt an actually post art on the web when i finish it. And finish the rest of it.


Will talk about the speedrun stuff tomorrow. I am exhausted.

I also saw Godzilla. It was actually kinda decent, and kinda liked the nods to the older films. Though, bear in mind the last Godzilla film I saw was the one with that one Puff Daddy song.

I thought it was great and akin to the original 50s movie, although one thing would've made it awesome


Penders claims that the antiverse is his concept, and that all of its characters are either directly his work or derivatives thereof and consequently his by extension. Dunno if they've managed to hash that out behind the scenes or if they're planning to recycle the Scourge design with a different backstory or what.
Last time Ian was on /v/'s "The Ride", he dodged the question but didn't say no.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who tried to participate in the Sonic Generations speedrun "event" as it were. I know stuff was really bumpy and crazy and didn't really stop being that way. For that, I apologize.

Lessons Learned

- For the most part, now I realize that folks would rather just do the modern Sonic zones for speedrunning the Uncolourations games. Therefore, I think I will leave the Unleashed runs in July as-is, with only Daytime stages being done.

- Competitiveness was probably the worst thing that happened here, with folks opting not to participate due to a perceived lack of ability. Therefore, I will experiment with the Unleashed runs and not offer a prize this time. The prize probably did more damage than good. The point of the runs was to try to get better at the game and have fun without embarrassment as opposed to trying to one-up each other.

- Scheduling. Three weeks is too long. Next time, I'll only go for either one or two weeks. Especially since most of us are a little freer in summer. I should also make sure to warn folks when to start better.

- Rules. I had to state the rules multiple times for this, and therefore, I should just make a bigger post clearly outlining the rules instead.

- For Unleashed, we're just doing the PS3/360 versions. That's it. No Generations mod, unless people make a good argument for it. No PS2/Wii versions as they are different and lack some stages. Most people only have a "finished/endgame" save for the game so I won't mind that they've leveled up their Hedgehog abilities.

Top 4

The Top 4 never changed in the last week, and they are:
4) Pietepiet
3) Dario ff
2) Sega1991/Blaze
1) Sciz.

At this point, I feel like I should award all four of them Steam games of their choice. So, congrats to all four of you. You guys did good!


If any of them would like to say that they didn't want to do it competitively and would like to not get a Steam game, let me know in this thread or via PM. If they would like their prize, PM me their Steam name and the game they would like and I'll add them since my account is apparently unsearchable.


If other people have any other suggestions, let me know. I am also still taking suggestions for the Soundtrack of the Year thread even though it's months away.

Remember, we are starting Sonic Unleashed sometime in July (I'll give a more definitive date next week)! Get your practice in until then.


in a completely bizarre case of misreading something for another, i completely and i mean completely and utterly failed to recognize the speedrun was for generations and not unleashed. with the speedrun starting, i think my brain just associated it with the start of the gen, excluding both secret rings and 06.

i would have given it a shot if i had, at any point, read that as generations. of course i'm super competitive and i don't mean for any sarcasm to be inferred there.

anyway, i've been listening to some good ol' nostalgia music recently. the band polaris, who performed music on the adventures of pete and pete, was known as miracle legion before a legal dispute with morgan creek or some other label meant they were unable to use it. as a result i bought every one of their five albums (excluding the polaris/pete and pete album), and there's some really great stuff there. just say hello, out to play, snacks and candy, and storyteller (wish i could find a better version) being among my favorites.

OMG Aero

Lessons Learned
- Competitiveness was probably the worst thing that happened here, with folks opting not to participate due to a perceived lack of ability. Therefore, I will experiment with the Unleashed runs and not offer a prize this time. The prize probably did more damage than good. The point of the runs was to try to get better at the game and have fun without embarrassment as opposed to trying to one-up each other.
I didn't enter the speed run for different reasons but the Project Diva thread has had competitions when those games were released in English and that's exactly why I never entered those competitions, there were just some people that you knew you were realistically never going to beat so it just demoralises you from entering.
Instead of having no prize at all, I have another suggestion that might be better. Instead of just having one prize for first place how about offering a second prize, with the catch being that the second prize is awarded to a randomly selected person excluding whoever came first. That way people still have a motivation to do their best because being first guarantees you a prize, but for the people who know that they aren't going to be first they still have a motivation to at least enter because they have a random chance of getting a prize anyway.

It's a shame I got all the HD Sonic games on my 360 because that's now put away in a box somewhere and I'd enter otherwise, but I'll be down for entering whenever you get to Colours. Speaking of which, if I could make a suggestion for that too then there should be a category for the challenge mode that game has that makes you do all the levels back to back. That would be way more interesting to me because a speedrun of that mode would have it's own kind of metagame where if you mess up in a stage you have to decide whether to continue on and make that up later on or restart from the beginning and lose all the times you got for the other stages.

Dario ff

I don't want a prize, I just like competing in a single stage if a good challenger shows up. I didn't even know CPZ could be done that quick.

I think it might be a bit less overwhelming if you make it just 1 or 2 stages per week/days. There's a good chance I might not be participating for Unleashed due to July being a pretty busy month for me as well, but that's ok. I'm not sure where my PS3 is anyway. :p



Victory through being largely uncontested wooooo. Run more classic levels guys, they're fun. D:

But seriously, like I said before, I was just in this for the fun of it. My Steam backlog's already got 35 games awaiting my attention.

I think it might be a bit less overwhelming if you make it just 1 or 2 stages per week

And this strikes me as a good idea. Getting a good time on a single level can easily take north of a hundred restarts, and nobody's got the time or focus to go through that for nine levels all at once.

I assume this thread goes fast yes?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
lol. Considering all four of you are like, "you don't have to give me anything", I'm kind of at a loss. So if you change your mind by the end of the week and would like to claim a prize, let me know via PM or Twitter.

And as Sonic fans, we're allowed to criticize other series that fall down the same rabbit hole as Sonic did (ex: FF).

I think it might be a bit less overwhelming if you make it just 1 or 2 stages per week/days. There's a good chance I might not be participating for Unleashed due to July being a pretty busy month for me as well, but that's ok. I'm not sure where my PS3 is anyway. :p
This is a really good idea. If that's the case, would you guys mind moving up the Unleashed stuff a little into the last two weeks of June? It'd be easier to facilitate 1-2 stages per week or every 4-5 days depending how they divide up in terms of scheduling.

I didn't enter the speed run for different reasons but the Project Diva thread has had competitions when those games were released in English and that's exactly why I never entered those competitions, there were just some people that you knew you were realistically never going to beat so it just demoralises you from entering.

Instead of having no prize at all, I have another suggestion that might be better. Instead of just having one prize for first place how about offering a second prize, with the catch being that the second prize is awarded to a randomly selected person excluding whoever came first. That way people still have a motivation to do their best because being first guarantees you a prize, but for the people who know that they aren't going to be first they still have a motivation to at least enter because they have a random chance of getting a prize anyway.

It's a shame I got all the HD Sonic games on my 360 because that's now put away in a box somewhere and I'd enter otherwise, but I'll be down for entering whenever you get to Colours. Speaking of which, if I could make a suggestion for that too then there should be a category for the challenge mode that game has that makes you do all the levels back to back. That would be way more interesting to me because a speedrun of that mode would have it's own kind of metagame where if you mess up in a stage you have to decide whether to continue on and make that up later on or restart from the beginning and lose all the times you got for the other stages.
This is also a good idea. And thanks for letting me know about that. It's one of the reasons why I didn't participate much in the DJ MAX competitions when we had those for Technika Tune, too.

I was thinking, if I did dole prizes out next time around, of making them more diverse or of the person's choice out of the ones I pick (ex: eShop card depending on territory, PSN card depending on territory, Xbox Live thingy depending on territory, Steam game, a copy of The History of Sonic the Hedgehog, some Sega/Sonic-related book, etc. Just as long as it isn't too expensive). Considering some of the winners mostly did it for fun, though, I wonder if providing incentives would be a good idea. I'm leaning towards 'yes' considering your anecdote. If other people have input into this idea, I'm all for hearing feedback.

I definitely want to get to Colours (especially since it's currently readily available and you can run it in Wii mode on Wii U or emulate it) and I had challenge mode in mind just like the example you provided, actually.

i would have given it a shot if i had, at any point, read that as generations. of course i'm super competitive and i don't mean for any sarcasm to be inferred there.

anyway, i've been listening to some good ol' nostalgia music recently. the band polaris, who performed music on the adventures of pete and pete, was known as miracle legion before a legal dispute with morgan creek or some other label meant they were unable to use it. as a result i bought every one of their five albums (excluding the polaris/pete and pete album), and there's some really great stuff there. just say hello, out to play, snacks and candy, and storyteller (wish i could find a better version) being among my favorites.
If we did Colours, would you consider participating? :p

omg, that makes me feel kinda old. Though, to be fair, Beef got me to start watching old Degrassi episodes from the 80s the other day, so I'm busy listening to 1980s pop and rock. Those Polaris tunes sound pretty good.

I ended up switching one of the radio stations in my car to a station that played 90s/early 2000s rock because I just realized that I couldn't listen to the majority of the music on the new rock station anymore because it isn't really rock, per se. I also switched to a station that played more 90s dance and hip-hop/rap, and it's going pretty well.

Bastion was okay. Pretty. Shallow. I'll be surprised if Transistor transcends its flaws.
Waitaminute I thought people loved Bastion!

Dunno if I'm gonna pull the trigger on Transistor yet.
...as Sonic fans, we're allowed to criticize other series that fall down the same rabbit hole as Sonic did (ex: FF).
If anything, I'd argue that as Sonic fans, we're in a uniquely qualified position to recognize when a franchise is going downhill, given we've gone through it something fierce.

Unless any of you are the kind that insist Sonic 2K6 is actually a good game. In which case, yeah, your opinion is questionable. (I know Anth0ny says the game's fun, but even he admits it's not a good game by any stretch of the imagination.)


I found Bastion to be an audiovisual joy, and that easily makes me forgive gameplay that might be a little short coming. Transistor so far is beautiful, and the combat is very satisfying. I'm having a blast.

Note that this does come from someone who will put graphics, audio and overall style above tight and interesting gameplay, so I guess take that into consideration when you read my opinions of this game, haha. (Though I do think Transistor has interesting gameplay!)


Transistor >>> Bastion. Bastion was nice to look at, but I thought the gameplay was a bit lacking. Transistor does gameplay, visuals and audio incredibly well IMO.


that puzzling face
schala you could buy me transistor instead!

edit: nm someone already bought it for me

edit2: Yeah, I'm going to agree that Bastion had a top notch aesthetic but was actually a chore to play. (gamepad+PC) I actually gave up halfway and just stuck to the soundtrack and YT'd the final hour or so. At cursory glance Transistor seems to be legit awesome to play though.
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