You'll get Majora's Mask 3D and you'll like it.
I wonder what issue surrounding this inevitable Zelda reveal will bring the expected dosage of high drama, I'm expecting something visuals related.
Choose one or more from the list below.
A.) It doesn't look like the tech demo.
B.) It's too cartoony.
C.) It's too realistic.
D.) An option for motion controls exists.
E.) Said option wasn't refined from Skyward Sword.
F.) Too much focus on the gamepad.
G.) Not enough focus on the gamepad.
H.) Ganon is the villain again.
I.) Still no voice acting.
J.) This just looks like another OOT sequel.
K.) It should play more like Majora's Mask.
L.) It should play more like Dark Souls.
M.) It should play more like Skyrim.
N.) It should be open world.
O.) It should be more mature.
P.) Where the black people at?
Q.) Where the gay people at?
R.) Why is there a black person in this? Keep your social commentary out of my Zelda.
S.) Why is there a gay person in this? Keep your social commentary out of my Zelda.
T.) Is Ganon black?
U.) Why is Link still the protagonist?
V.) Why can't Zelda/a female be the protagonist?
W.) Why can't Zelda be male?
X.) Why can't Link be female?
Y.) Can this save the Wii U?
Z.) This still won't save the Wii U.