I'm so glad the "just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" Jax is finally dead. Going back to that well season after season was ruining SoA for me. It was never handled terribly (and most people don't seem to be bothered by it), but for some reason it always took me out of the show.
Anyway, great finale (no S3 roadside-Stahl level catharsis, but still great) barring one glaring issue - Gemma.
Gemma's character is the epitome of nepotism. To keep her around, and pull off that awful stand-over-Jax-with-one-arm-on-his-shoulder pose the writers love so much, required so many contrivances and plot-holes, they basically force the viewer into thinking Tara is either incredibly stupid or incredibly naive or both.
First, we're expected to believe that when Tara was threatened in her office she just 'forgot' her massive trump card over Gemma - she was in on JT's murder - even though she was willing to imply the threat earlier in the season? Second, is it not worth mentioning to Jax that Gemma is fully prepared to turn rat if they ever try to leave charming? Nah, instead just stay silent and get played.
Seriously, the lengths Kurt is going to to keep his wife on the show is getting comical at this point.