You could have shortened the bold part to just "the added burden of putting out a quality product"
Too much to ask for amirite

… keep thinking of just flicking a switch and there it is. Easier said than done, when you do not have infinite time and budgets and some non technical person above you tells you that “engines scales so quit your whining we will be fine, fix stuff in a patch will ya?”

We are dealing with already very complex systems and very high expectations, on top of that we have a platform which either gives you a quite abstracted perspective of most things (and this is the land of weird performance oddities, weird bugs, tons of testing needed to avoid more and more technical debt and catastrophic bugs later) or you need to deal face on with a much more varied ecosystem you need to tangle with yourself (insert same but about bugs, testing, and support).
You are spending more and more time getting things to work than actually the game you want to make and this also adds stress to your development and art teams and slows down iteration (or it does not and you deal with well great PC ports that make Battaglia so happy and stress free…).
The PC ecosystem and model has some great advantages and the console ones have advantages too, each has limitations and issues. People ignoring this and wanting the other to converge in the former are IMHO almost hopelessly misguided but hey
