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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


They screwed themself by releasing that 599.99 price when unless you plan on using your PS3 to download movies, you don't need 60GB.

So 549.99 CDN is 50 bucks more than the 360 price. So I don't see what the big deal is.

Doesn't matter what the price is. They'll all sell out at launch and people will be buying them for $1000 on ebay.
Judging by the reactions and obviously the price, I’ll take a guess and say the profit margin on Ebay won't be too good. Damn Sony!


MIMIC said:
Which was crazier tonight?

24 shit or Sony announcing a $499/$599 pricing for their new PlayStation 3.

I think Sony won this round.

Thanks alot for the freaking spoiler...

I wonder why they didnt showcase Resistance and heavenly sword with the controller :) This pretty much proves that it was added later.


The half-arsed tilt sensor reminds me of the pressure sensitive buttons on the Dual Shock 2; without Sony pushing for it's implementation it's going to fall flat on it's face. All it seems to do is replace the analogue sticks and in an old school controller design (such as the Dual Shock), it's going to be somewhat difficult [from a gamer's perspective] to combine the use of the tilt sensor and button combinations. The whole thing just seems awkward.

... and $600, why would they dream of doing this with a company as big as Microsoft snapping at their heels?
this is how you do a worldwide launch and not have to worry about supply problems.

I will get a PS3 but there needs to be a noticeable graphic leap over the 360. I'm not paying $500 for PS2.5


I agree that Heavenly Sword looked awesome. Much better than I expected (gameplay and how the weapons connect with the enemies). I like it a lot.

MGS4 looked bad ass.

But FXIII was CG so I can't say that it was impressive. I guess it was a nice cutscene but I want to see gameplay graphics.

The price is mighty high. I guess it's time to save up.


Jupiter said:
The Worst thing about this is that every single PS3, at launch, will still sell. It will just encourage Sony and Microsoft to price the xbox 720 and PS4 at or above $500.

yes, stupid people will eat this shit up and PS4 will be $900

and that`s fine?? FUCK THEM!

that`s why i dont even own a Sony TV


So now that the conference is done. What is up with the graphics on the xbox 360? It seems more like a last gen system than a next gen system.

Shompola said:
I have seen them as low as 350 Euro including VAT. Costs 400 euro otherwise.. You are lying.

399 Euro. £290 in the UK. Thats the RRP. If PS3 were even £350 it still shits over the Xbox 360 value wise. The cheaper price wont mean much if it doesnt offer any value.


Shompola said:
In one fixed point what you described is three degrees of freedom. For every "point" add three degrees of freedom. I thought wiimote thing could sense where in the room you were? That is definitely way more than just one fixed point.

/edit, in your example there are two fixed points. yes six degrees of freedom. is this what nintendo advertises it as?

I don't know. Going off what we saw with the warhawk demo there's clearly tilt sensitivity as well. And if you notice in Phil Harrisons demonstration the virtual controller clearly moves up when Phil picks the real controller up.


Amir0x said:
If MGS4 trailer didn't look SO AMAZING, this would have been so much easier... because now I know there are games I can't live without on a system I have to live without, 'cause I cannot afford it.

I will be poor if I try :(

You should start an internet fund to raise money to get a PS3. ~_~
EviLore said:
they shouldn't have released a $600 price point. That's just terrible for perception.

At $500 though, you're getting wifi, bluray, and a 20gb hard drive. That's a better value than Xbox 360. Of course, X360 may have a price drop by the time PS3 hits.

I was hoping for $400, but I also wasn't expecting a built in HDD. It's expensive but count me in.

my line of thinking. at first, i thought this was flat out stupid, until i realized the premium 360+wireless adapter+xbl=$550.

basically, you're getting free online+the new controller tech+bluray+wifi with the 20gb version for $50 less than a complete 360 package, and for only $50 more, you get 40gb more hd.


PhatSaqs said:

5 please!

This day (and thread) will forever be remembered in gaming history! :lol

God I'll be in for a long wait to play Virtua Fighter 5 and Metal Gear Solid 4. Peter Moore will probably be very happy, and Reggie/Iwata very pissed! :lol


I've never passed on a relevant hardware launch since the NES, but this will be the first time that I do. I don't even think hype can convince me to take a $500 plunge (without games). I'll be waiting until the premium model is down to $400 before bothering with the system now. By then there will probably be a good GH selection as well...
Zaxxon said:
Holy shit at the price. Waaaay too much. Microsoft is smiling.

God damn I want MGS4 though. My only hope is to win one in some sort of Pepsi contest.

I'm with you.

Hopefully MGS4 gets ported. Sony fucked up big.


The price hurts, but it's the $600 pack that makes it seem worse (because as hardcore gamers, after the 360 we automatically assume only the higher priced SKU is worth it).

In reality, it's $100 more than a 360 with Blu-Ray and built in Wi-Fi.

But holy crap does that price hurt, even though I can afford it. My wife ain't gonna be pleased.
Anybody who think the DS3 controller will work AT ALL as well as the Wii's is SEVERLY mistaken. How the fuck is that going to work better for a FPS? For a Flight sim? Boxing game? Baseball? Platformer?

It really isn't going to work well at all. Sony, you're fucked unless you decrease the price.
PS3(499) + game(60) + tax = $600
PS3(599) + game(60) + tax = $700

If you want to buy a Blu-ray movie to pop in your new player add $30.
Jupiter said:
The Worst thing about this is that every single PS3, at launch, will still sell. It will just encourage Sony and Microsoft to price the xbox 720 and PS4 at or above $500.

Edit: Although, I would buy the PS3 for $500 just for the blue-ray player, if I had an HDTV.

Launch and longterm are 2 completely different realities. Wii, 360, AND PS3 are going to sellout at Xmas. But who's going to buy a $500 console after that? People cant even afford a 360!

On a side note, was price the real reason the Saturn died? Or is this just a mistaken deja-vu

Musashi Wins!

Deg said:
So now that the conference is done. What is up with the graphics on the xbox 360? It seems more like a last gen system than a next gen system.

No, you can watch movies on the fucking thing too apparently.
I'm still getting a PS3 come fall but to the bots who swore up and down that Sony could do no wrong...


Would you like some rice with that?



Sony to unveil NEW secret at TGS!!!!!!!!!!

They just won't know what it is until Nintendo's conference tomorrow.

^^fucking true


Connectivity? Motion/tilt/something detection? I thought Kaz said no gimmicks?

Also, does a $370 price difference between your last-gen console and your current console really seem like a good idea?


Complain about Microsoft macrotransactions all you want and praise the features all you can, but $499 for basic entry is absurd and that's a bottom line assessment for people who don't have MetalAlien's fetish and don't necessarily care for BRD or wifi as much as they do their ability to buy and enjoy the games and systems. The PlayStation 3 just pulled not a Sega Saturn nor a 3DO, but a motherfucking silly absurd stupid. I just got priced out, and that's fine: I am done with Sony. Fucking done.




Fuzzy said:
I'm pretty sure he said

2M at launch
2M more in 2006
2M by March

He did.

But I'm having visions of 3DO all over again. The games simply didn't look that GREAT, goddamnit. There weren't enough of them, and Motorstorm and Killzone were conspicuous by their absence.

Consumers are going to look at that price tag and say, "WTF?" And third-party devs are going to give 360 another look.

On top of THAT, they've given Microsoft half a year to react to the pricing.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall"?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So... Sony's trying to copy the Wii remote with its already complicated Dual Shock controller, but the added functionality absolutely pales in comparison. It's just a tilt sensor. Ooh boy, welcome to Kirby Tilt n Tumble on the GBC.


reaver18 said:
yeah, good deal if you want a fucking blu ray player. I want a game console, not a bluray or hd dvd player.

Sony does not make game consoles, you knew this going in. 2 other companies do though, so you should be ok.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Let's set up a system of co-ownership. We can get into groups of 3, spend $200 each and have it one week on, teo weeks off. Then, when the price drops, we can get our own.

No? Fuck you guys.


BrandNew said:
Anybody who think the DS3 controller will work AT ALL as well as the Wii's is SEVERLY mistaken. How the fuck is that going to work better for a FPS? For a Flight sim? Boxing game? Baseball? Platformer?

It really isn't going to work well at all. Sony, you're fucked unless you decrease the price.

The Wii will probably have ltwo First Person Shooters in it's entire lifespan. Who cares.
Amir0x said:
If MGS4 trailer didn't look SO AMAZING, this would have been so much easier... because now I know there are games I can't live without on a system I have to live without, 'cause I cannot afford it.

I will be poor if I try :(

Final Fantasy XIII is taunting me... oh God I must be strong.

I'm getting married this summer, and she thinks I've got enough games already... but the whole $600 for the PS3 and a new BluRay player may help my cause once there is a price drop. Please win the HD format war, BluRay, it will really help.


This is even more appropriate.

In mechanical engineering, aeronautical engineering, and robotics, the six DOFs of a rigid body have special names:

1. Moving up and down (heaving);
2. Moving left and right (swaying);
3. Moving forward and backward (surging);
4. Tilting up and down (pitching);
5. Turning left and right (yawing);
6. Tilting side to side (rolling).

From wikkipedia.

So the PS3 controller is esentialy identical to the Wiimote in funtionality. Oh wai... no speaker! Nintendo Lives!

(It's also 600 dollars hahahahhaa)
Wow. Just wow.

I'll admit I've had a grudge against Sony for pioneering practices like buying exclusives for games that were already in development for competeing systems back in the PS1/ Saturn days. I did own a PS1 eventually and enjoyed it. Blu-Ray was making PS3 tempting for me, but this is bullshit. They shamelessly rip off Xbox LIVE and the Wiimote then ask for $500-$600 for games that aren't leaps and bounds beyond the competition. It's just...gross. Fuck you Sony. Your practices are grim and you come off like a bunch of sleazeballs.
drohne said:
between the tilt function and the price, i've decided to become an xbot. i don't want to flail around while i play mgs4. and while i can spend $500 or $600 on a ps3, most people won't think of it, and sony's going to bleed third party support along with their marketshare. what a fuck up.

I differ in opinions with you on many things but you do have the conviction of your own. And while I'm open to the 3d-controller idea, I think theirs is going to look like a hackneyed version of Nintendo's on the show floor.

I *wanted* a PS3 at launch. I'll want one for MGS4. But for now - they can goto hell.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
:lol What a completely mixed bag

The first few games were really fucking underwhelming and I thought maybe it was a piss take. Then I saw stuff like MGS4 (Raiden even looked fucking badass), Eight Days and the other sweet looking first party games. None of the playable stuff impressed me that much except for Heavenly Sword which looked very nice if a bit repetative. The eyetoy card game was cool but not that interesting. There is potential there for some really neat ideas though.

When the controller was unvealed I almost wet myself with laughter. I can't believe Sony would be so blatent but bless them. :lol Pimp smooth Ken in his suit with his smug smile. It was priceless. To be fair I don't think the controller is as advanced as the Wiimote but it's still hilarious.

The price bomb is too high for me too. From a European perspective it's not awfully high and I might stretch to the "Core" pack if the launch games are good. I can imagine it won't be popular with a lot of American Gaffers though.

Given a few days to digest all this and get proper direct feed HD footage I'll probably feel different but I was expecting so much more to be honest...
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