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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


Phoenix said:
This wouldn't be as big a deal if they had actually brought a strong content pipeline with them, but to charge so much after showing almost nothing? Sorry Sony. I'll wait for the content to ship before I even consider spending that much money. I like you and all, but Nintendo has burned all my good will with buying consoles without content.

If Sony doesn't deliver on a VERY strong launch, they will still be able to claim that it sold out... but not from people falling over themselves to get one. More to the point, why in the fuck would it cost $100 for another 40 gig drive? Anyone with a brain in their head will just get the tard pack and upgrade the drive later with a 300GB Best Buy special :)

What in the hell were you thinking?

Thats not a good argument since MS charge a fortune on lots of addons and still cant offer the same functionality. Not to mention online is free. There is no con subscription plan or expensive wireless add on to buy.

With the PS3 you get a HDD, A fully functional and full featured Blu Ray player, a wireless controller, free online usage(!), WiFi ready system, the best graphics, 1080p output, 3 format memory card reading and a host of other features out of the box which are not possible on any other console. Customers look for value not necessarily the lowest price tag or everyone would have brought a GC.


Shouta said:

The price point is bad but man, the insane amount of bitching in here is ridiculous. I'll say it again, most of you won't even buy this thing at launch, I don't see how it even affects you.

Honestly, I expected tons of bitching about Micro Transactions as it seems Sony is going to push that wholeheartedly to make up for online costs. They already mentioned extra levels for warhawk and the game isn't out. The Singsong online Itunes shop was neat, but GAF generally hates that stuff.. or at least they hated it when MS launched it.

I guess the system price took first precedent.


Should Nintendo remain humble in their conference and keep it as planned.

Or should they try to one up Sony and bring out a Dual Shock 2 Controller and mock it (like it's the DS3w/tilt controller) while trying to play one of the Wii's games with it, and then throw it down in disgust, realizing it's really a insufficient, senseless handicap version of the the Revmote?

I have no qualms w/ what Sony did...but that grin that Kataragi displayed and then act like it's an innovation that they came up with...said it all. It was a last minute effort on their part to try to one up Nintendo.

They truly fear Nintendo. Why no sale charts of PSP dominating in Japan? They know that Nintendo is on to something and fear their home territory is in jeopardy.

Nintendo has nothing to worry about...just stick to their guns and keep their cool.


The Translator
where's the dual hdmi out on the premium version???

This is a major joke. And to steal the controller idea is an embarrassment. What a letdown


I just dropped 6 grand just to watch normal DVDs on a 92" screen (I tend to buy a new HDTV every 2 1/2 years), it's guys like me that will help bring down the price on the PS3 for the rest of you.

It will be ok.
Oh fuck no.

No HDMI support in the $500 version :lol :lol

No rumble in the controller? :lol :lol :lol

Oooooooooh shit Sony. What the fuck are you doing?

MGS4/FF13 are cool ... but guess what? Those aren't the big gun franchises in North America anymore (FF is even losing steam in Japan) ... I think they're in for some trouble this generation.




Just a thought, to all of you who defend the high price tag because you get a blu ray player, Ask yourself: "why the FUCK do you want one?" are dvd's not good enough to watch now? does the extra storage space actually benefit YOU? are you happy to buy yet another version of the same movie?

Sony is just ramming this blu-ray crap down your throat because it will be good for their bottom line having a monopoly on the medium; few of us are actually gonna benefit because of this format change....


500 bucks for a HD DVD player

OR 500 for a blu ray player that does everything else the PS3 can do...

DAMN good deal you dorks!

Sony packed the PSP with features. $250 for a movie player, mp3 player, and now GPS and whatever else they announced for it, it's probably the best deal on the market.

However, it's currently in a console war against an opponent who does games just as good (and that;s being modest for the DS,) which does none of that and sells for $129.

Most big developers are going with DS, except for a few (Kojima, for one, is fiercely loyal to anything and everything Sony puts out.)

Just look at Japan's sales if you want to see how much people care about a "good deal" when the competition is half the price. American sales, too, to a lesser extent. PSP is loaded with western oriented games that should make it sell at least twice DS every month, but in reality it's just about even.


$600 for the premium

That's twice the price of an Xbox Core, and 200 more than the premium.

Bad decision? Good decision? Who knows? I'm not one to predict the future.

All I'm going to say is I'm not getting one until the price drops.

Also, the blatant rip-off of the Wii controller is a little eyeroll inducing.


Junior Member
MadOdorMachine said:
Nov 17/US

PS3 w/ 60GB HDD = $599
PS3 w/ 20GB HDD = $499

I'm going back to the ghetto. WTF? Double that to get a decent TV that will last 10 years. Imagine when these fucks start breaking. I won't get out of the gaming ghetto for 3 years until the price drop to $250.

Hey Frenchie, are ya gonna buy the new Nintendo?


Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Thanks for the Heavenly Sword vid, blim. Downloading now.

I hope it looks as good as it did during the stream, this might be higher quality, perhaps I'll notice some problems.

And who said the game looked repetitive? The character did all sorts of shit in the few minutes we saw it, I thought it was fantastic! Now Genji 2, there's a game that was repetitive...what a piece of shit that was...


"The PS3 retard pack doesn't come with HDMI (so much for TRUE HD 1080p), nor does it come with WiFi, nor does it come with MemoryStick/Compactflash/SD slots."


Wow. I would never THINK of buying a PS3 without HDMI, and I would never THINK of paying $599 for it.

Something has to give.

And it isn't me.

This time.


sportzhead said:
PS3(499) + game(60) + tax = $600
PS3(599) + game(60) + tax = $700

If you want to buy a Blu-ray movie to pop in your new player add $30.

Yep. That's exactly the problem. A person could rationalize and finally convince themself that they can swing $500 or $600 for a console, but add on 2 games and sales tax and you're talking between $700 and $800. $700 or $800 for a console with two games. Yow. Well, here's hoping it sees a $100 reduction in both skus by autumn 2007.




Tag of Excellence
AniHawk said:
So, the Sony conference in a nutshell:

-PS2 leftovers
-PSP has no games, but let's pretend like it does
-PS2 IS AWESOME. So awesome that uh... YEAH! MONKEYS!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-History of Gran Turismo
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Rip off XBL
-Hey, it's Ridge Racer! On the ... PSP.
-Shitty PS3 first party games ahoy!
-Watch these morons play some games.
-Hey, FFXIII looks neat.
-LOL Tekken 6 LOL
-Rip off Wiimote... poorly
-Watch super spazman wave both arms around awkwardly in poorly and slap-dashed game
:lol :lol

You forgot the completely creepy "Tiger Woods gets emotional" session.


why oh why did they go back to the DS layout.

i love my PS2 but hate the controller.

they should have swiped the 360 controller and then added the tilt, at least then it would be the best two handed most comfy ever made.


well that was interesting.

Some of the games blew me away but a lot of the most impressive stuff was probably not real time. They have a crap version of the revmote function that's obviously just been added since only one game supports it... I personaly find that hilarious... then BOOM they wen't and made the system unafordable and rendered all their advantages moot. I don't care if it's a good deal for what your getting... Most people want a ps3 to play games, not hd movies.

Even though sony showed many great looking games, they actually managed to make me MORE interested in a 360. I'm gonna want one system with fancy graphics next gen, and now i know i can't afford a ps3 for a few years, so i hope microsoft has some really cool games to show tommorow.

DJ Sl4m

Makes me appreiciate my 360 purchase so much more.

I wonder how much disdain the Japanese have for the 360 after Sony announced the price.

The PS3 is still more attractive to me than the Wii.

Somebody needs to bump the next gen prediction thread now that Sony showed thier cards.
(I have a strong feeling the PS3 wont win NA this round)

At least we have a better chance of not having a shortage at launch, I'm planning on getting the tard pack with HDMI out.

This thing is going to knickle and dime you to death online for shit. I think more so than we ever dreamed.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
somebody tell me they've got an AVI of the MGS4 video. GS steam shit the bed for me after the Insomniac part.
now call me a nintendo fanboy if you will, but i thought sony had enough on their own merits to sucessfully introduce ps3 witout having to resort to so blatently stealing nintendos ideas. They look fuckin pathetic and it quite frankly disgusts me.
They are arrogant too, thinking that having some tilt sensor is enough (a la warioware twisted) and that just because of the playstation brand we are gonna spend that sort of money on a games console like fuckin tools.

They make me sick, im so digusted with teh fact they jacked nintendo that im selling my psp and getting a ds lite.

I hope this stunt backfires on them.
carlos said:
Just a thought, to all of you who defend the high price tag because you get a blu ray player, Ask yourself: "why the FUCK do you want one?" are dvd's not good enough to watch now? does the extra storage space actually benefit YOU? are you happy to buy yet another version of the same movie?

Sony is just ramming this blu-ray crap down your throat because it will be good for their bottom line having a monopoly on the medium; few of us are actually gonna benefit because of this format change....

I know. I do want Blu-Ray, but I can afford it .... it does definitely suck ass for people who don't have that kind of disposable $$$$


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
AniHawk said:
So, the Sony conference in a nutshell:

-PS2 leftovers
-PSP has no games, but let's pretend like it does
-PS2 IS AWESOME. So awesome that uh... YEAH! MONKEYS!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-History of Gran Turismo
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Rip off XBL
-Hey, it's Ridge Racer! On the ... PSP.
-Shitty PS3 first party games ahoy!
-Watch these morons play some games.
-Hey, FFXIII looks neat.
-LOL Tekken 6 LOL
-Rip off Wiimote... poorly
-Watch super spazman wave both arms around awkwardly in poorly and slap-dashed game
Spot on :lol


:lol :lol :lol

I'm not going to say that the PS3 is going to bomb because of this, but there is no way in hell PS3 will have the dominance that PS2 had this current generation.

If I had to make a bet, Sony's stacking the cards in Nintendo for them to steal this gen.


LOL @ Nbots trying to make the PS3 controller out to be a disaster. The tilt functionality is NOT a primary feature, its an add on, that could have some fun uses in certain games. The rest of the controller is solid. Triggered shoulder buttons, guide button (also a rip off). They got rid of the boomerang. What more do you want? The DS design pretty much destroys every controller out there not including the 360, or S controllers. As someone else mentioned, Sony is aimed at making the wiimote functionality seem not so unique in the mind of casual gamers.

The pricing is pretty terrible. You're basically paying $500 for the ability to play MGS4 and FFXIII at this point. There were some neat looking titles but nothing besides FF/MGS is really worth buying a system for. Normally I'm willing to plunk down cash on a new system to play the best looking sports titles. So far I see no reason to believe multiplatform titles (like EA games) won't look any better on PS3 than on 360. If that turns out to be true, then I'll likely go with a 360 first. It really sucks because I was getting really psyched about PS3 up until they revealed the pricing options.

No Killzone and Motorstorm upset me far more than the rip off tilt sensor (which is really cool, despite what desperate ntards would have you think)
I think that, if anything, if Sony loses out to MS or Ninty in marketshare this gen, it will be linked, in large part, to the base system being too much of an all-in-one package. The vast majority of people out there don't care about high-definition DVD formats, so the functionality is nice but could be something that will work against Sony for the rest of the generation. I see Sony losing MAJOR marketshare to both MS ans Ninty because they simply aren't focused enough on the core use of the console and want too much to be paid for it.

That pricing, however realistic and logical it may be, is leadership suicide.
AniHawk said:
So, the Sony conference in a nutshell:

-PS2 leftovers
-PSP has no games, but let's pretend like it does
-PS2 IS AWESOME. So awesome that uh... YEAH! MONKEYS!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-History of Gran Turismo
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Rip off XBL
-Hey, it's Ridge Racer! On the ... PSP.
-Shitty PS3 first party games ahoy!
-Watch these morons play some games.
-Hey, FFXIII looks neat.
-LOL Tekken 6 LOL
-Rip off Wiimote... poorly
-Watch super spazman wave both arms around awkwardly in poorly and slap-dashed game
That actually is exactly what happened. You forgot about the part where they take a shotgun to their big expensive shoes.



400 for 360 premium
100 for wireless internet
100 for hd-dvd
50 for xbox live

650 for same features.

don't get me wrong, price pisses me off, but 150 bucks less for same features? pretty nice


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
aaaaa0 said:
LOLLers. Sony is so screwed.

The PS3 retard pack doesn't come with HDMI (so much for TRUE HD 1080p), nor does it come with WiFi, nor does it come with MemoryStick/Compactflash/SD slots.


And they had to get rid of rumble to make the tilt detection work...



Good LORD this is hilarious!!!

How are you guys gonna justify the "$500/Euro Tard Pack" now that it's missing all of that? Hahaha!!!

And I love this quote in the press release:

Pursuant to the introduction of this new six-axis sensing system, the vibration
feature that is currently available on DUALSHOCK® and DUALSHOCK®2 controllers for
PlayStation and PlayStation®2, will be removed from the new PS3 controller as vibration itself interferes with information detected by the sensor.

Uh... nice lie Sony, how about, "we lost the patent case, tried again, and lost the case, now we can't include rumble in our controllers"... talk about a bold-face lie - on top of stealing Nintendo's idea for a new console...

Value my ass!!! Damn I can't WAIT for the conferences tomorrow!!! So that the competition can just turn the knife in Sony's back... :D


My reaction.

At first: Meh x 10. But Heavenly Sword looked awesome!

At the end: Wow. I just lost every bit of respect I had for Sony. No buy.


Insanity. A $200 difference between the premium 360 and the premium PS3. Wow. And if the 360 price goes down any by the end of the year the gap will be even larger. I really don't care about its Blu-Rayness. HDMI cables aren't cheap. The peripherals for this system aren't going to be cheap. The GAMES aren't going to be cheap. I'm fine with having a 360 and a Wii this holiday.


Hey, at least with the 360 tard pack you can always add on the hard drive.

Once you get the PS3 w/o HDMI there is no upgrade path.

...noticed the DVD drive is 8x and 360 is 12x
Win E3 is not important. participating is! :D

HS MGS4 are the good eggs.

rest are underwehlming. failed render targets + more render targets.
8 days is clear render target guys! stop getting fooled! i suspect FF13 render target too!
btw Tekkan6 is a joke. where is SSX? DOA4 seems better. where gone DOA trolls?

cheap last minute Wii copycat. Reggie will lol!

step on stage: $500-600.
step off stage. 80m causals: OH NO!

no GTA4 exclusive spoken...

no Sony Online demostration too.

350 days later = meh.
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