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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

I totally expected that price but I'm VERY surprised that Sony announced it at E3. It's like shooting themselves in the foot. The only way I thought they would give out the price at E3 is if they were completely undervauling the system or if it was comparable to what the 360 is currently. A $399 price point would be like the $299 bomb they dropped in '95.

This $499/599 thing is going to an albatross for Sony during this entire show now. Just won't make for good press.


Price of buying a VF5 arcade machine = 10k+
Price of buying a PS3 w/VF5 and Blu-Ray Disc player = < 10k+

I am thrilled :)

Doube D

But here is something I STILL don't get. With all this bitching, no one has come out and explained the obvious. WHY ONE EARTH should sony price it lower when the first 10 or so mill will FLY off the shelves at the 499/599 price point? All you business school drop outs, please explain to me what sony would have to gain by losing an additional ~100 or so bucks per unit when they can JUST AS EASILY sell it at the higher price.

If sales start to slow, they can always reduce the price, but why do so from the get go when people are willing to fork THOUSANDS for them on ebay.

common sense >>>> GAF

btw, for all the people saying OMG, i can't afford it, prey tell. You can afford a 399 x360 but an additional 100 will ruin you?
Soul4ger said:


Good point. I saw the PSP stuff and was like, WTF is this shit? Nothing looked terribly interesting (no Jaffe game, WTF) and they showed Syphon Filter!?!? Weak.
Seriously, that was bordering on sad just watching a giant like Sony fumble something so easy to run with. Just when things were getting really bad they drop the price bomb. I predict they retract this, because even I'm not going to pick one up any more.

I feel like I'm in bizarro world. It feels like there's an opening for Nintendo and all they have to do is play a trump tomorrow and November is theirs.


Let's see.

Buy a Wii for $250, free online gaming, downloadable game content both free and pay...
Buy a 360 for $400, $50/y online gaming, downloadable game content both free and pay...
Buy a PS3 for $500, $50/y online gaming, downloadable game content both free and pay...

Looks like my calendar is unchanging:

360 late summer '06
Wii late summer '07
PS3 late summer '08

Maybe by '08 the thing will be a sane price. :-|


"GAF's biggest wanker"
:lol This gen, every camp gets to turn in their jackets.

Didn't really get to see much of the conference though. Only saw Dylan Jobe contorting on stage in some weird interpretive dance. Warhawk did look very nice in the dusk lighting though.

Then the price. Sony is willing to concede significant marketshare, simple as that.


Gotta love how people are calling the unit with the 20 gig HD a 'tard pack', as if it's comparable to the two X360 packages. There's a big difference between a system that ships with either a 20 or 60 gig HD and one where the low-end unit ships without a HD at all. If they wanted to offer a more reasonably-priced 'entry-level' unit, this was the right way to go about it.

I think the pricing's a little steep, but even the 20 gig unit offers a decent amount of space, especially if you intend to use it primarily for gaming content (as opposed to, say, stuffing it full of mp3's or something).

As far as the tilt sensitivity in the DS3 goes, I've been saying all along that I wasn't too keen on the Wii wand because I'm not looking for 'a totally new way to play videogames'. There are a few genres where I think spatial tracking could be handy, but a lot of the game ideas I've heard for the Wii seem to revolve around pantomiming gestures to perform specific actions, and that doesn't do much for me. I'm actually a little more interested in the tilt sensitivity because it doesn't seem to be intended to replace conventional controls altogether, just to supplement them. (Then again, I'm supposedly a Luddite because I didn't suddenly decide that I didn't like normal gamepads anymore just because Nintendo said they were no longer in style, either. :p )


I would bang a hot farmer!
Canadians shouldn't complain too much about the PS3 20GB price, it's only $100 CAD more than what the PS2 launched at ($550 CAD vs $450 CAD). I shudder to think what the price would be if the Canadian Dollar was still at the level it was when the PS2 launched ($750 CAD).


Wow, that conference certainly had its ups and downs. And sleep-inducing moments in-between.
The PSP games were underwhelming, I had been hoping for some new and exciting games, and instead they showed more or less nothing (Killzone did look nice though). On the other hand, I was happy to see them showing off the game download feature for PSP, to see it actually becoming a reality. Hope it's not limited to primitive games like Ridge Racer though.
Nice to see Sony copying Live and making it free, also that they're including a HDD with every unit. The games looked...down to earth. I mean, after all the hype and last year's "target renders" or whatever, the games generally looked more like what I would expect in a realistic world.

One big problem with the conference was how they showed off games like Genji and Gran Turismo HD for waaaay too long, especially since they weren't very exciting to look at in the first place. Should've made the presentations a lot shorter, and throw in some great games in the beginning instead of GT4 tracks in hi-def. :/
Heavenly Sword looked great though, and MGS4 (Raiden actually looks cool now, who would've thought :p) of course. I also liked the EA stuff more than I thought I would, Warhawk and Resistance looked nice too. Dunno about Tekken though...not that I expected something similar to last year's E3, but Virtua Fighter 4 looked a lot better (although VF5 has the advantage of being a completed game and perhaps we saw the arcade version).
They showed quite a lot of games in movie-form that looked great IMO, but then...it was in movie form, thus they cannot be trusted. :p

And that controller feature...man...seems pretty pointless in my opinion. :/
As long as it's optional though I guess it's OK. I though the eye toy thing with the cards was a lot more interesting control input-wise, I hope they actually turn it into a real game eventually.

And finally...the price. Wow. I mean, I'm sure early adopters will eat it up...but MS will probably have a great line-up this winter, and they already have the lower price. I have a feeling the PS3 price-point is simply too high, and will scare away consumers. I think Sony could be in serious trouble, they could be in the biggest trouble they've ever experienced on the console market.


Heavenly Sword and Resistance = best things about the conference

Anyone thinking 8 days was realtime is delusional

When GT came on, I kept telling people in the room that they were going to cut to the new version any second.. :lol


MetalAlien said:
500 bucks for a HD DVD player

OR 500 for a blu ray player that does everything else the PS3 can do...

DAMN good deal you dorks!

Look its not about being a good deal or not, of course its a good deal. But its still a video game system, and it must be priced according to the competition. And then you have to think....HD penetration in Europe is so bad for example that you can't stop but wonder why the hell do you have to pay for Blu Ray.

Its a Video game system....it could come bundled with a Ferrarri and cost 100.000 Dolars, and be a good deal, but the point is...its a video game system, its a console.
You can't have such a price.

I think Sony just overestimated itself, lets see whats going to happen in the next few months after tomorrows Conferences.




I never thought MS stood a chance at winning this generation...until today. Anyone else seeing similarities between PS3/X360 and PSP/DS?


Like sand through the hourglass, yo.

Interestingly enough, Bill Gates is the only person who buys a PS3, because he can afford it.

Feelin' more and more comfortable with my plan to wait three years before buying any new consoles :)
aaaaa0 said:
LOLLers. Sony is so screwed.

The PS3 retard pack doesn't come with HDMI (so much for TRUE HD 1080p), nor does it come with WiFi, nor does it come with MemoryStick/Compactflash/SD slots.


And they had to get rid of rumble to make the tilt detection work...



Holy shit, this is big news, 599 all the way now (Wifi, HDMI, 60GB) We have a new Retard Pack folks.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I feel nauseous.

Like...I had built up so much anticipation for this event and only the Heavenly Sword, MGS4, and FFXII videos impressed me at all...and then that price....

I'm in shock. My first reaction was like, "Well, that's not too bad," but then I realize I'm going to be at school next year and I'm not going to have any money.


Am I hoping for too much when I hope that the gaming press calls them on some of this shit? I know it doesn't mean much in the large scheme of things, but I'm sick of their senseless pandering.


everything >>>> GAF population


The price point is bad but man, the insane amount of bitching in here is ridiculous. I'll say it again, most of you won't even buy this thing at launch, I don't see how it even affects you.


Saoh said:
yes, stupid people will eat this shit up and PS4 will be $900

and that`s fine?? FUCK THEM!

that`s why i dont even own a Sony TV

With a Nintendo avatar. If Nintendo could do the same thing, they would.

I think you've forgotten the price of N64 games, the exact same thing you nfans are whining at Microsoft about.

Hell, it wasn't until Sony that video game prices dropped with games selling for 39.99 to 49.99 brand new and the ever so popular 19.99 price point of GH titles.


Dang that was lamest conference I seen in long time. Messy, boring,fearful, showing more renders, demo models then actual games. Alot mumbo jumbo about multimedia features instead. Alot games were blah. Then they had to end by showing quick rushed rip off of the wii with one game. This will be one hell of conference for books, I dying to see how sony zealots put blinders on this one. I love my ps2 but even I cant defend this mess or spin it virally in their favor.
K@M said:



i wanna know the true uk price , i just know were gonna get shafted as always

£299= $555



if they even think of £499 they can f**k off,£299 for the 20gb version count me in.


They should really drop the $599 pricepoint, and just sell the 60GB HDD seperately. As Evilore said this is just terrible for perception.

Regarding the controller: yeah you get 3d movement, but it's not a point device like the Wiimote. Big difference.


karasu said:
The Wii will probably have ltwo First Person Shooters in it's entire lifespan. Who cares.

Now that Monorojo is gone, maybe someone can take on the tag of official Sony damage control bot?

I wonder who?

*looks up, conspicuously.*


meh, graphics cards nowadays sell for about 300 bucks. I don't see much problem with the price at all. You know you;ll get alot of great games on the system with mind blowing graphics. Most of the awesome great japanese games will be on PS3 and playstation always got a bunch of awesome western content.

I'm sure alot of you will change your minds when the release of FF13 or MGS4 approaches tho. You will.




Bitches love smiley faces
littlewig said:
So, what happens if you PS3 breaks down?????

I don't trust the PS3 durabilty. T_T

QFT, IF i plunk down that much money I'd better be insured that it won't crap up on me. Fuck it, I'd rather get a new computer :p

Way to shoot yourself in the foot.


The PS3 retard pack doesn't come with HDMI (so much for TRUE HD 1080p), nor does it come with WiFi, nor does it come with MemoryStick/Compactflash/SD slots.

Oh, now that's FUCKING stupid.

I thought it was just HDD size and I was happy with a 500 price point, but without HDMI, I'm forced to get the 600 and 600 is insane.

I take back my opinion.
The problem is I think the 20GB is "fools gold" ... I don't think Sony will make those readily availible at all.

The 60GB version is the one that they'll gouge consumers with ... they did the same thing with the PSP in Japan ... the cheaper "core" pack was impossible/difficult to find, you really had to pay the extra $$$$ for the deluxe package.

They did it then, they will do it again here IMO.

Be ready to pay $600.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
:lol @ whoever decided to mention that 60GB sku price

They should have ditched the hard drive and gone for $399. If the system can hook up to so many storage formats than I don't need the HD, especially since they've taken the MS route and decided an extra 40GB is worth $100 :lol

See you in 2007. Cheap games on Steam + $20 PS2 games until MGS4 comes out.
Soul4ger said:
Am I hoping for too much when I hope that the gaming press calls them on some of this shit? I know it doesn't mean much in the large scheme of things, but I'm sick of their senseless pandering.
Oh they will. And the reporters will have sweet sweet English to say only what we think but can't form into words. Sony am hurt.


Damn. I never honestly expected Sony would charge higher than $399.99. Holy crap was I wrong. Damn, Sony. :-( I really wanted one at launch, but they can go to hell with that price point. Price drop FTW!!!


So, the Sony conference in a nutshell:

-PS2 leftovers
-PSP has no games, but let's pretend like it does
-PS2 IS AWESOME. So awesome that uh... YEAH! MONKEYS!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Gran Turismo HD!
-History of Gran Turismo
-Gran Turismo HD!
-Rip off XBL
-Hey, it's Ridge Racer! On the ... PSP.
-Shitty PS3 first party games ahoy!
-Watch these morons play some games.
-Hey, FFXIII looks neat.
-LOL Tekken 6 LOL
-Rip off Wiimote... poorly
-Watch super spazman wave both arms around awkwardly in poorly and slap-dashed game


Tag of Excellence
I'm out for launch, not touching the system until it has at least another $100 price drop. It should drop in price by the time MGS4 comes out anyways. Best conference ever, a quarter of it was absolute tripe, half of it was impressive as hell, and the rest was a nonstop comedy gag reel. I fucking love Next Gen.


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