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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

I find it funny now that clearly the 360 controller will likely own on most games over rehashed DS2, hard to imagine how it won't. I wish they would fix the analog sticks on the DS2, unlikely. I'll likely still be getting a *gulp* $599 PS3 at launch, but Sony is making it real hard to do that.


The price is quite alot, but Sony know they are going to sell it, plus they have to maintain the PS2 brand for at least another year. They can't do a MS and drop the last gen completly.

So people who want next gen, will buy the PS3 at that price, any one who is looking for a cheap console will buy PS2.

With HDD and Blu Ray out of the box, the console is future proofed as cache and disc access techniques take full advantage of the tech, so PS3 is future proofed for a lot longer than the 360 will ever be.

Sony didn't cut corners, MS did. Sony charge premium for a premium product.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Oh Snap was my reaction to the price, I think sony could get away with it lunching first but not with a affordable Wii and potential 360 price cut.


Olivier said:

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


My predictions now is that Sony will lose marketshare to MS in NA and to Nintendo in Japan and crime will rise in the UK as the chavs follows Sony's stealing ways for a PS3.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Sony is fucking lame.

Almost makes me want to go out and buy a 360 out of spite.... almost.


dalyr95 said:
The price is quite alot, but Sony know they are going to sell it, plus they have to maintain the PS2 brand for at least another year. They can't do a MS and drop the last gen completly.

So people who want next gen, will buy the PS3 at that price, any one who is looking for a cheap console will buy PS2.

With HDD and Blu Ray out of the box, the console is future proofed as cache and disc access techniques take full advantage of the tech, so PS3 is future proofed for a lot longer than the 360 will ever be.

Sony didn't cut corners, MS did. Sony charge premium for a premium product.
Are you blind, or just really really stupid?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Unbelievable. Looks like I'll be snagging a Wii and Zelda this November. If not for MGS4 and VF5, I'd be content skipping the bloody PS3 entirely this round.


They have placed the entire corporation at risk, as far as I am concerned. And that SCEJ PDF has stunned me. I am... that's absurd. That's... how could Sony show such incompetence? Why would Sony do something so potentially damaging to its divisions and its crown jewel's very future and legitimacy? Every big point for the PlayStation 3 was sold up the river in a way that would make Microsoft blush: no real 1080P, no flash options (barely understandable, but what happens when you want to take a game save to another friend's PS3?), no wireless connectivity to the net. That's just stupid, and the gimped PS3 goes for $499 before 8.375 percent tax in New York alone.


MightyHedgehog said:
I think that, if anything, if Sony loses out to MS or Ninty in marketshare this gen, it will be linked, in large part, to the base system being too much of an all-in-one package. The vast majority of people out there don't care about high-definition DVD formats, so the functionality is nice but could be something that will work against Sony for the rest of the generation. I see Sony losing MAJOR marketshare to both MS ans Ninty because they simply aren't focused enough on the core use of the console and want too much to be paid for it.

That pricing, however realistic and logical it may be, is leadership suicide.

Thats quite true if they were focusing it as only a console. It would be too much. But they do have Blu Ray to leverage and Blu Ray players in general are expensive. The market for next gen video will only grow. Clearly they arent aiming at the popular PS2 market for now.


I hope MS drops the price of the 360 come PS3 launch.

$199 Core
$299 Premium

The gap between that and the PS3 would be just insane.


I like that they added tilt to the controller. Sure it's a shitty half assed version of the wiimote but it validates what Nintendo is trying to do, which I think overall is the right direction. The more systems that do this the better it is for gaming (like the analog stick before it).

As for the price. WTF. 3D0 and Neo-Geo anyone? The only thing I can think of is they figure they'll be shortages worldwide at launch and these things would go for $600 on ebay anyway, so why not sell them at that price from the get go. Then drop the price once supply catches demand.

Either way, Nintendo can launch at any price they want now and it will seem like the steal of the century.


soundwave05 said:
Oh fuck no.

No HDMI support in the $500 version :lol :lol

No rumble in the controller? :lol :lol :lol

Oooooooooh shit Sony. What the fuck are you doing?

MGS4/FF13 are cool ... but guess what? Those aren't the big gun franchises in North America anymore (FF is even losing steam in Japan) ... I think they're in for some trouble this generation.

ok now its fucked up. i give up :lol


Skilotonn said:
Uh... nice lie Sony, how about, "we lost the patent case, tried again, and lost the case, now we can't include rumble in our controllers"... talk about a bold-face lie - on top of stealing Nintendo's idea for a new console...

No actually it makes sense. If a game had vibration and tilt, when something vibrates the visuals will go all spaz because of the vibration affecting the tilt.


carlos said:
Just a thought, to all of you who defend the high price tag because you get a blu ray player, Ask yourself: "why the FUCK do you want one?" are dvd's not good enough to watch now? does the extra storage space actually benefit YOU? are you happy to buy yet another version of the same movie?

Sony is just ramming this blu-ray crap down your throat because it will be good for their bottom line having a monopoly on the medium; few of us are actually gonna benefit because of this format change....

right on, i got hundreds of DVD's and they all work just fine.
no way am i letting some company tell me i have to rebuy them all .

i'd rather it have the boomerang, no tilt, and a dvd drive and launch for 299-399
Skilotonn said:
Good LORD this is hilarious!!!

How are you guys gonna justify the "$500/Euro Tard Pack" now that it's missing all of that? Hahaha!!!

And I love this quote in the press release:

Uh... nice lie Sony, how about, "we lost the patent case, tried again, and lost the case, now we can't include rumble in our controllers"... talk about a bold-face lie - on top of stealing Nintendo's idea for a new console...

Value my ass!!! Damn I can't WAIT for the conferences tomorrow!!! So that the competition can just turn the knife in Sony's back... :D

That's bad PR


hyperbolically metafictive
it would've been easy to justify a $500 ps3 if it played blu ray movies -- no hdmi and i probably won't buy one. what a colossal fuck up.

more than the price, the waggle shock 3 just galls me. i can't believe a company arrogant enough to sell a $600 game machine is simultaneously craven enough to steal nintendo's idea when it's unclear that this idea is even worth a damn. this actually dampens my enthusiasm for the ps3 games i wanted to play.

is this how freethinking wiitards felt when nintendo named their new console after piss?
Whoa, I'm late. Well, holy shit! $600?! Microsoft might actually stand a chance this time!

As for me... hmm, I guess I'll be buying a new PC to go with my Wii? :lol


Mooreberg said:
:lol @ whoever decided to mention that 60GB sku price

They should have ditched the hard drive and gone for $399. If the system can hook up to so many storage formats than I don't need the HD, especially since they've taken the MS route and decided an extra 40GB is worth $100 :lol

See you in 2007. Cheap games on Steam + $20 PS2 games until MGS4 comes out.

The HDD is going to be used for caching.


Unless Sony plans on plummeting that price as soon as the supply channel opens up, this is not going to go well.

I was fully prepared to spend $400 and considering spending $500 for this thing, but a combination of:

-No good games


-$599 for HDMI

makes Juice a sad boy.

J2 Cool

FFXIII, Heavenly Sword, and MGS4 are their saving grace. I can't believe they get rid of rumble pack for the useless tilt bullshit. And the 2 console packs as a way of padding the real $600 price tag.. Unbelievably frustrating. I love MGS4 and Kojima so much though..
aaaaa0 said:
LOLLers. Sony is so screwed.

The PS3 retard pack doesn't come with HDMI (so much for TRUE HD 1080p), nor does it come with WiFi, nor does it come with MemoryStick/Compactflash/SD slots.


And they had to get rid of rumble to make the tilt detection work...



thank-you. i retract my previous statement. how in the world can sony justify the $500 version with those stripped features? i should have gone with my first impression. this will NOT fly with casuals.


Ponn's review of Sony Confrence (not that anybody gives a shit)

Underwhelmton. FFXIII and MGS4 Suicidal Snake saved the day. The moment Kutaragi came out and said "Oh yea, one more secret" and took out the controller from his jacket the EXACT same way Iwata revealed the Revmote I was like "No, oh no they didn't". Me and my friend looked at each other and were in agreement that was really a low blow. It's only being done for really one thing and that is to steal Nintendo's thunder. I don't really see it being used much but my roommate was still excited in the used of FPS's (tilting controller to look around corners and stuff), Loco Roco, Katamari and those type. I don't, just really low Sony there in pulling that. At least its not the batarang anymore but it opened a whole new can of worms.

Games aren't really much different. Heavenly Sword I thought looked really good and fun in the vein of God of War. Lair you would think have some gameplay or something by now. At least I have FFXIII to look forward to for now and Marvel Ultimate Alliance and FFXII for launch. Maybe Heavenly Sword and maybe Lair if it actually shapes into something.

I really was jonesing for more shit on the online, marketplace and upset at nothing on multimedia. That really pissed me off. I want to know why I need a 60GB HDD compared to a 20GB HDD.

And the price, all I have to say is, TOLD YOU BITCHES!! And the more sensible people on the board have been saying $499 for awhile now with HDD (with the hope of 399) so really there shouldn't be much bitching. You are getting the hundred buck worth difference between the 360's premium $399 and PS3 $499 with the BRD alone. And you WILL be using it regardless for games, thats the point. If your dropping 400 bucks for a 360 and considering the HDDVD addon which will be anywhere from 100 to 200 or more then a 500 console with Blu-ray isn't that much of a stretch. 2 Million for launch worldwide they will still sell out and be sold out for awhile even after that. The question is if it stays steady when it comes time for the casuals to buy it or if Sony does a price drop quick.


Lo-Volt said:
They have placed the entire corporation at risk, as far as I am concerned. And that SCEJ PDF has stunned me. I am... that's absurd. That's... how could Sony show such incompetence? Why would Sony do something so potentially damaging to its divisions and its crown jewel's very future and legitimacy?

The Eatable Arab said:

400 for 360 premium
100 for wireless internet
100 for hd-dvd
50 for xbox live

650 for same features.

don't get me wrong, price pisses me off, but 150 bucks less for same features? pretty nice

You don't need wireless internet, and if you don't already have it, fucking get it. You also don't need an HD-DVD drive, so strike that from your price and pull your head out of your ass.

Not the same features for $150 less. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
What can I say?

Sony is just insane. The best they could have done was not even mention the prices until later in the year, now it constantly hangs over the head of PS3 for the rest of the show and the year.

$500-600....good god...


Holy shit! They no longer have any rumble in the controller! And I knew the controller was motion capable during the Tiger Woods demo. The guy kept shaking the controller like he was gimp.

I can't believe Sony has fucked up this much. They had almost a year to copy the Wii remote and this is all they can come up with. Freaking GBA Wario tilt!

PSP was lame again. Man this show wasn't just boring, it was damaging.


$599? Are they freaking crazy? I was planning to buy one at launch but with that price tag there's no way I will be able to get one til early 2008, that is if Sony drops the price.


I feel sorry for Japan, they said the 60GIG version will be OPENED PRICING, meaning the Retailers decide on the price of the system.

Welcome to $1000+ Japan, that's what you get for supporting Sony so much...


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Oh and Japan, how will you justify this now?

The PS3 is going to cost more in Japan than in the US... and you hated the Xbox's size you said?


325mm x 98mm x 274 mm

309 mm x 83 mm x 258 mm

The PS3 is officially bigger and heavier than the 360... something that of course I don't care about, but it was apparently a hot topic in Japan...


Thank God I'm rich. Sony is going to gouge the early adopters and drop the price bigtime at E3 next year or whenever FFXIII and MGS4 come out. My wife is going to freak when she hears about this one.

I'm gonna have to buy her another damn rock.


Hey did anyone else notice that they removed a hdmi port???

I remember on the old pics there were 2 hdmi ports.. now this press release says 1 hdmi port


drohne said:
it would've been easy to justify a $500 ps3 if it played blu ray movies -- no hdmi and i probably won't buy one. what a colossal fuck up.

more than the price, the waggle shock 3 just galls me. i can't believe a company arrogant enough to sell a $600 game machine is simultaneously craven enough to steal nintendo's idea when it's unclear that this idea is even worth a damn. this actually dampens my enthusiasm for the ps3 games i wanted to play.

is this how freethinking wiitards felt when nintendo named their new console after piss?
I'm sad to say drohne that this is a thousand times worse than "Wii."


They can probably get away with that price(assuming a $100 price drop after the fabs are running full throttle sometime mid-next year), and it's probably the wisest move if they've a shortage(see ebayers 360 success, market demand for ps3 is even bigger), but DAMN IT that's just too much, even getting it free I'd be afraid to walk out the store with that in my hands this christmas.

Fellow neogaffers my recommendation is to work/get-a-friend-to-work or get someone that works at one of the many chains offering large employee discounts and get it through there(though, employees have to skip launch at some stores, I think you'd find a few units, somewhere after launch, given that price).
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