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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


bish gets all the credit :)

hot blingin chrome trim on the non-tard pack.
Damn this really sucks for me. I could careless about the price and HDMI crap. All I wanted was a new controller design. DS is absolute CRAP for FPS games PERIOD. The analog sticks are way too sensitive and they are too close together.

What a dissapointment Ken :(.

1. You pretty much copied and pasted Xbox Live...

2. You jack nintendo's idea.

3. No rumble features??

4th Demension sucks man. ZERO inovation from Sony is what Im truly let down by. Oh,well I'll still be getting one just for MGS4.

The benefits of HD gaming and blue-ray movies are most significant to HDTV owners. If you can afford to drop a few thousand on a nice TV, thousands more on a complete home theatre, the cost of the highest spec gear to utilise that investment is really irrelevent.


What does the 60GB version add that's of importance again? And is the HDD removable? If I can swap in my spare Dell drive, that would be great. Still, I am annoyed by the price. I expected it, but I still can't fucking stand it. $500 as a point of entry is just getting ridiculous. Hopefully I'll have sold my car by then, so I'll have disposable cash. I would wait for a price drop, but there won't be one. Fucking cocksuckers. That really chaps my ass. PEACE.


I would bang a hot farmer!
SuperPac said:
I also don't understand how PS1/PS2 owners are supposed to transfer their game saves from their old PS1/PS2 memory cards to the PS3.
This is a great point -- especially if you buy the lower-end system with no mem card slots on it. But maybe there will be a complicated way to do it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Sony sold a USB adaptor separately in order to transfer those saves to the HDD.


No more Dual Shock? :lol

You put that crappy rip off of the Wii controller's tilt into the PS3 controller and then take out rumble? GG Sony! :lol :lol :lol

Piper Az

DCharlie said:
if people think that the machine will sell strongly, and that the price represents a chance for more profits, then the price may go up.

If people think the machine is going to be too expensive and therefore wont sell , it will go down.

more profits? please. maybe 3 years after its launch. even at $599, i bet sony's losing money.
johns all like said:
i think once this price sinks in, people will realize that with the recession that america is in, being the largest game market, buying the cheaper system is going to be the way to go. espeically if youre getting basically the same thing.
Pretty much. Oil prices are not going to drastically fall. Consumer sentiment is going down and simply there are a wider\cheaper number of alternatives for entertainment.

The only thing that can save Sony is piracy (and a price drop).


Pimpwerx said:
What does the 60GB version add that's of importance again? And is the HDD removable? If I can swap in my spare Dell drive, that would be great. Still, I am annoyed by the price. I expected it, but I still can't fucking stand it. $500 as a point of entry is just getting ridiculous. Hopefully I'll have sold my car by then, so I'll have disposable cash. I would wait for a price drop, but there won't be one. Fucking cocksuckers. That really chaps my ass. PEACE.

Read the other threads on the main page, but to sum up.. no memory slots, no HDMI (so no blu-ray movies I guess? from what I understand). Like I said, your probably better off checking the other threads for exacts..

and obviously the smaller HD
Pimpwerx said:
What does the 60GB version add that's of importance again? And is the HDD removable? If I can swap in my spare Dell drive, that would be great. Still, I am annoyed by the price. I expected it, but I still can't fucking stand it. $500 as a point of entry is just getting ridiculous. Hopefully I'll have sold my car by then, so I'll have disposable cash. I would wait for a price drop, but there won't be one. Fucking cocksuckers. That really chaps my ass. PEACE.

from what i've read you apparently dont get any card readers and some other out put stuff. also, the tard pack isn't upgradable.


So let's see if I've got this right:

-Games are a mixed bag, aside from FFXIII/MGS4 and a few others (I didn't see the conference, but Heavenly Sword and a few others were mentioned).
-System launching at 499-599, with the 499 pack missing some tech features.
-Dual shock no longer has rumble.
-Shoddy attempt at wii ripoff.

Scratch me getting one at launch, late next year MAYBE. I can't seem them having any really good games in the pipeline for at least a year based on titles we've seen, it's expensive as fuck, the $599 pack is needed for all the features/larger hard drive, and there's no RUMBLE anymore? What the fucking hell Sony. If it wasn't for FF13/MGS4/DMC4 I wouldn't even see myself getting one in 2007. Terrible, just terrible. I doubt it, but it'd be great if the final secret or whatever on the wii remote blow away Sony's rip off today, just to fuck them.

I'm curious to see what MS/Nintendo's conferences will be like, they HAVE to be better than this.
I'm still getting one... but holy shit... the more this sinks in the more horrible it seems.

Sony has been excellent with this kind of shit in the past (i.e. PS2 launching @ $299)- now they are pulling a Nintendo-style clusterfuck.

They should have held off on the price details until after TGS....
now they have a stain on them for the rest of E3.
genjiZERO said:
yeah this price sux balls, but honestly has it changed the minds of anyone was planning on getting one before?

If anything, it just means i won't be getting one at launch. Unless the 360 is getting Final Fantasy XIII and MGS4, i'll just wait.


I´ve seen many fanboys twisting arguments to their favor, but one thing I had never seen is fanboys tiwsting price argument. I mean, everybody gets fucked when price is high, but yet another time, fanboys me surpreise me and twist the argument so much as to make it look like Sony is giving presents away.

I thought everybody thought thir pocket is sacred, but now I realise some enjoy being ass raped.


genjiZERO said:
yeah this price sux balls, but honestly has it changed the minds of anyone was planning on getting one before?

I was going to get it 2 years from now, but it looks like i have to wait 3-4 years now.


I'm shocked at how disappointing that conference was.

A few games looked great, but not many... and the pacing of the show was just terrible. Why did they spend so long demoing Gran Turismo HD?? And that corny video, with people around the world getting hyped for PS3. The mind boggles, seriously.

"Now that's what I call a duck!!"


Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead

May 8, 2006 - The announcement earlier tonight that the PS3 would come in two separate configurations easily caught the ear of PS3 fans eager for any news of Sony's system. However, upon closer analysis of the images for the systems itself, a rather curious system feature seemed to be missing from the 20 gig configuration.

Looking at the official press site of SCEA, we noticed that the PS3 with the 20 gigabyte hard drive seemed to lack HDMI support. This seems to be confirmed by an offical press release from SCEA, which indicates via comparison between the two systems. However, it also indicates that the 20 gigabyte system won't have Memory Stick, SD or Compact Flash reading capability or WiFi support. Even worse, it appears that rumble doesn't appear to be included with the new six axis sensing controller.

Could the 20 gig become a gamer shunned system? When Microsoft launched the Xbox 360, consumers hated the Core system that didn't come with a hard drive and other features, quickly dubbing it the "tard pack." Will the 20 gig suffer the same fate? We'll have more details as we get them from the show.


buck naked said:

The benefits of HD gaming and blue-ray movies are most significant to HDTV owners. If you can afford to drop a few thousand on a nice TV, thousands more on a complete home theatre, the cost of the highest spec gear to utilise that investment is really irrelevent.

Most people can't afford an HDTV to begin with, much less a $600 console on top of that to play games. If you think targeting that crowd is realistic to win a console war you are off-base.


I said 'wow'

And not in the good way...

How can they mess this up? The only interesting part of the conference was the blatant Wii-mote ripoff, and the Resistance footage. If they didnt have MGS4, just... wow.

No Killzone, bad wii-mote ripoff, boring tech demos (Tiger Woods! Watch him smile!). Damn, even Ken was onstage for barely 5 minutes.. What gives?

Its unbelievable that Sony have dropped the ball so badly here..

And did anyone else notice the 'golf clap' throughout the conference? Or perhaps that was the bad sound pickup from the crowd.. Just added to the overall lacklustre impression of the Sony effort this year.

And then just when I thought it could not get much worse.. They announce the price!

I bet the MS camp are doing lines of coke in celebration right now! And somewhere out there, Iwata is stroking his wiimote lovingly with that far-away look in his eyes.. :D

Here Be Dragons

Junior Member
genjiZERO said:
yeah this price sux balls, but honestly has it changed the minds of anyone was planning on getting one before?

Just from this thread and the IGN boards, I'd have to say yes. I'm waiting for a $100 price drop. =(


Just saw that .pdf posted. Wow, if true that sucks balls, I notice they pulled it though. Was that officially shown or just found on the website? If it's official fuck Sony because their slides were misleading saying the memory card slots and 1080p were included in the powerpoint. More so showing off and pushing 1080p games like Gran Turismo if you need the specific console.

I'm getting my middle finger ready for Sony on that but i'm going to hold off till that's more official because it just doesn't make sense. No memory card slots is asking for trouble, hinders PSP connectivity with Memory Card duo's and limits their ability to sell fucking accessories. It just doesn't make any sense at all. Neither does omitting HDMI.


vitaflo said:
No more Dual Shock? :lol

You put that crappy rip off of the Wii controller's tilt into the PS3 controller and then take out rumble? GG Sony! :lol :lol :lol

Ironic how whenever N-fans talked about the Wavebird and the lack of rumble came up, all I ever heard was 'rumble's not important - it's wireless, and that's all that matters!' Yet now that Sony's omitting rumble from their wireless controller, suddenly it's the greatest thing ever invented.

Ranger X

What the fuck with Sony just NOT speaking of their online plans??? I thought that was a focus next-gen. WTF

No rumble + over-priced is already a blow, what the fuck are they doing...

Ben Sones

Sony dropped the ball here. I mean, they really dropped it. You people shouting "Sony FTW!" need to stop and take a fucking reality check.

1. Their game presentation sucked. Almost everything they showed (with the exception of maybe the Heavenly Sword game) looked utterly forgettable. Notice how almost nobody was applauding? The PS2's big E3 press conference wasn't like that, I can assure you. Worse yet, none of them looked any more visually impressive than what we've seen on the 360, and by the look of things, the launch lineup is going to make the 360's look brilliant by comparison.

2. Stealing Nintendo's controller concept just came off as sad and desperate. I'm not sure why Sony felt the need to do that, especially in such a half-assed manner (clumsy tilt-sensitivity only?). Brace yourself for the upcoming Nintendo ad campaign that highlights how much better the Wii (god, I still can't type that without snickering) controller is.

3. The pricing is INSANE. They didn't show anything that makes that console worth $500, let alone $600.

Nintendo and Microsoft have been given a gift. It will be interesting to see if they can run with it.
DCharlie said:
yes, to that small set of people it is irrelevant.
$2,000+ TVs (1080p anyone?), $600 game consoles... They're the same target market! Cashed up tech savvy early adopters. A big investment in a HDTV surely must represent an indication of the kind of 'returns' the owner is expecting: significant amounts of hours of premium in-house entertainment.

Those of us gaming in our parents dingy basement who are compelled to own the latest/greatest on day one are, dispite our limited finances, are in fact the small set of people.


Piper Az said:
more profits? please. maybe 3 years after its launch. even at $599, i bet sony's losing money.

I doubt that, they probably saw they had only a few million supply this year and did some market studies to figure out what'd be the highest possible price at which they'd be able to sell through such a likely limited supply. I predict $100-150 price drop as soon as they're able to match the higher demand at such lower prices, with an adequate supply of units.


CaptainABAB said:
Are we sure ALL online functionality is free?

All I see is slides that say "BASIC Community Services"

with acount management, video chat, latest info, friends, ranking, profiles, voice chat, text messages as bullet points.

What about head-to-head gameplay?

Or am I looking too much into this? I guess I'm expecting a headline in the slide saying ALL online features free!

That's what I thought, too.

Holy fuck.


trmas said:
Just watched the Heavenly Sword trailer from Blim's site again. OMG... to hell with the price. I'm rich anyway, and I HAVE to have this game. $600 for my preorder tomorrow if HS is a launch game.
you might be surprised at how many of us are fairly well to do. :)
but it's ok, mention how rich you are again. it is america afterall.


genjiZERO said:
yeah this price sux balls, but honestly has it changed the minds of anyone was planning on getting one before?

I was planning to be there on launch day, even if it meant standing in the freezing rain for ten hours. But now I will wait until it drops to something more reasonable... like $399. I don't expect that to happen until late 2008.

Apparently, Merrill Lynch knew what they were talking about a few days ago.
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