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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


genjiZERO said:
yeah this price sux balls, but honestly has it changed the minds of anyone was planning on getting one before?

I still don't have a PS2 (I have an Xbox and a GameCube) so I thought that I would simply just wait for the PS3.

So, yes, it has.
I was just thinking, unless I missed it there was no real XBL Arcade, Virtual Console type of service hinted at. I have a feeling MS is going to unleash some cool XBLA stuff this year, surprised sony isn't doing much (especially with bulit in HD). Did they talk at all about this and I missed it or was there nothing?

anyone think the high price could be due to the fact that they spent all this money on cell and it isn't really being used on anything?

Replace Cell with Blu-Ray and I agree.
Diablos said:
This is just... appalling. And offensive, really.

$400 would've been acceptable. Yet for the base price of $500, we don't even get HDMI, WiFi, and no more than 20 whopping gigabytes of hard drive space. What the hell is 20 gigabytes anymore? You can get a 320 gigabyte hdd for $115-125 OEM! :lol And who are they to think they should beat their chest over the fact that PS3 will help usher in the HDTV as the standard when their cheaper model doesn't even support HDMI? :lol

I see the pricetag as a big problem. IF people don't want to spend $500-600 for their PS3 (I honestly don't think I want to personally), and it's not selling, MS and Nintendo are gonna walk all over that this Holiday season. MS could very well drop the two SKU idea by then, making the default price $300, and oh, by the way, maybe shaving off another $50 to compete with Wii. By then, both MS and Nintendo could also have a lot of appealing exclusives (or games like Sonic that will likely look exactly the same on PS3) ready to go, making the consoles all the more attractive to potential buyers sitting on the fence when they're debating if a new PlayStation is worth it anymore.

I can't believe Sony doesn't realize this. They seriously could have dropped the ball. We can't say for sure of course -- no one can, but I think based on the reaction I've seen not only here, but on IRC and gaming forums across the Internet, the message by mainstream gamers, myself included, is VERY clear: $500 to $600 is way too much money for a video game console. Period. And good god, that's just here in tge US. It's even more expensive in other countries -- which is always the case, but now I'm sure it'll really hit home for you guys. Sony is being TOO confident. This is NOT good.

I just can't believe they weren't willing to sell it for $100 less (either that, or they weren't capabile of it). I think Blu-Ray has a lot to do with this. The stupid format war is coming down hard on Sony right now. Perhaps they would've been better off to just go with HD-DVD, work on getting it out faster, and therefore having production costs cheaper so it could also be integrated into the PS3 for less money as well.

Perhaps Sony would be better off skipping yet another Holiday season, rethinking their strategy (they would HAVE to be aware of what feedback from mainstream gamers will be in a few days), and release the PS3 with one SKU for much less. I know this could potentially hurt them, but hell, so can launching a console for $500-600 when the competition has their stuff on the shelf for $250-300! Do you want to shoot yourself in the foot for a late start or shoot yourself in the head and end it all right there?

I always liked Sony consoles because you get the best of every world. You get some unique first party stuff, you get unique stuff from third-parties from America, Europe, and especially Japan. You get great exclusives like Final Fantasy and Katamari Damacy. It's kind of like a luxury because there's just so much depth to the library. I have an Xbox, and there were games that I liked, but there always seemed like there was something missing. There were a lot of titles that just weren't available for it that I could play on my PS2. This is why I do not want MS to become the market leader -- not because I hate them, but it just doesn't seem ideal. Because I fear we'll get more of the same, yet, they will be the market leader so that's the model we will conform to. And as for Nintendo, the Wii too looks very promising, but mostly for first-party stuff and games made especially for the Wiimote. I think if one thing's certain, Nintendo is not interested in getting a bunch of third parties on their side like Sony and Microsoft.

On the other hand, maybe I won't have to worry about 360 games being more of the same. If PS3 continues to not meet sales expectations after an extended period of time because gamers are not willing to pay the ridiculously high price, developers will have no choice but to flock elsewhere. For example, I hope Square-Enix isn't too far into FF13 development, because if the PS3 flops, they may have no choice to pack up and scale it down for X360 hardware (which also sucks). But if they don't and decide to stay confident with Sony and ride this thing through, should Sony not succeed, this could hurt numerous developers who put their faith in Sony taking the #1 spot yet again. Which is just another massive problem within itself. I don't want quality developers like Square-Enix to suffer because all of their big exclusives are on PS3 and it isn't selling.

But if Sony goes down and takes exclusives I love with them, they'll be shutting out one of the best things I loved about gaming once and for all. Seriously, this could very well redefine what we expect out of console gaming, because other aspects of the market will have no choice but to pull the strings, even if they don't want to (consumers and devs alike). And we'll all be stuck with something that might not make sense. All Sony had to do was say the console is $399. I really think they might have dropped the ball.

And the thing is, Sony isn't doing too hot elsewhere, especially the HDTV market. PlayStation is the best thing they have going for them. If they let this one slip, who knows what the future will hold for Sony. This is just massive when you put it all in perspective. Unbelievable.

Who would've thought classic GAF trolls warning of Sony doomsday scenarios back in 1999-2000 would actually have a chance of getting the last laugh? :( I like Sony, and I would like for them to stay where they are in the market, but I really think they're only going to be able to do that if they seriously analyze what people like us are saying to them and rethink their strategy. If it means another delay, so be it. Just don't slip, there's too many good things you would've offered in the long run that we'll never play if you did. And that would suck.

Bad example. If PS3 were 4000 dollars it would still blow out 360 in Japan... (they'd put it on Wii, if anything, even if it had to take a pretty severe graphical downgrade). That said, I don't think they'll need to, but this is a seriously bad decision on their part. Definitely their first major mistake. How major is, of course, yet to be determined.

It will be kinda hilarious though that if, even with that price, they still steamroll everyone (not likely and I'm not sure that would bode well for the pricepoint of their next machine....)


Are there vids of 8 Days or anything not from Blim's site? I love HS and the ND game. Resistance isn't ugly, but not inspiring either. It actually makes me hopeful for what Killzone will end up looking like. We need a torrent of this conference asap. For people like me who were out. PEACE.


FECordeau said:
nintendo had years to get motion tech and rumble working, and did. ms got wireless and rumble working. sony dropped the ball here because they wouldn't settle the case, unlike ms. it was simple arrogance on sony's part, and now they'd end up paying part of those fees to ms, who took the smart route.

The 'smart route' being buying a stake in Immersion as part of their settlement? And fighting in court when you think you have a reasonable case is 'arrogance' now? You people are fucking ridiculous, I swear.

soundwave05 said:
How is the controller a legitimate replacement for what the Wii does?

It's not, and I'm glad it isn't. Tilt sensing has the potential to add an extra dimension to gameplay without replacing conventional controls. I like that.

soundwave05 said:
Can I use the controller to mimic a gun like Red Steel does?

Can I use the controller to mimic a sword like Zelda does?

Can I use the controller to mimic a racket like the Tennis game does?

Can I use it to "point and pass" to open teammates in a sports game?

Did I ever want to do any of those things? I never really felt the urge to play games by swinging around the controller like a sword or a tennis racket. My interest in the Wii stems from the fact that it'll be home to the next Zelda and Metroid, and for the virtual console. The whole controller thing was never a selling point - the opposite, in fact, because the majority of the games developed for it are liable to revolve around that kind of pantomime gameplay.

soundwave05 said:
The whole appeal of the Nintendo controller is that it's a 3D space controller with a vertical, single hand design that can mimic almost anything (flashlight, sword, drumsticks, gun, etc. etc. etc.).

The PS3 controller is just a tilt sensor ... it can't do any of the things above, which is the whole point of the controller.

Appealing if that's how you want to interact with all your games, anyway. For me, it's something I see myself enjoying as an occasional change of pace, but not as a replacement for 'traditional' gaming.

soundwave05 said:
No one would be excited if Nintendo just made a GCN pad with a tilt sensor thrown in.

I would have been. :p Hell, I would have probably preferred a built-in tilt sensor in the DS to the touchscreen.


Diffense said:
Microsoft had a vision (built around online play).
Nintendo had a vision (build around the controller).
Sony now seems somewhat clueless against more focused and prepared competitors.

I wouldnt say either company has much after the conference. Clearly interms of ofcus they know what they are doing. Here in the UK i can see Sony's FREE ONLINE causing Xbox live issues. Also Wii just sint going to get the games to attract your typical PS buyer. It will be young kids as usual. The games will be more gimmicky than any Sony game.
Diablos said:
This is just... appalling. And offensive, really.

$400 would've been acceptable. Yet for the base price of $500, we don't even get HDMI, WiFi, and no more than 20 whopping gigabytes of hard drive space. What the hell is 20 gigabytes anymore? You can get a 320 gigabyte hdd for $115-125 OEM! :lol And who are they to think they should beat their chest over the fact that PS3 will help usher in the HDTV as the standard when their cheaper model doesn't even support HDMI? :lol

I see the pricetag as a big problem. IF people don't want to spend $500-600 for their PS3 (I honestly don't think I want to personally), and it's not selling, MS and Nintendo are gonna walk all over that this Holiday season. MS could very well drop the two SKU idea by then, making the default price $300, and oh, by the way, maybe shaving off another $50 to compete with Wii. By then, both MS and Nintendo could also have a lot of appealing exclusives (or games like Sonic that will likely look exactly the same on PS3) ready to go, making the consoles all the more attractive to potential buyers sitting on the fence when they're debating if a new PlayStation is worth it anymore.

I can't believe Sony doesn't realize this. They seriously could have dropped the ball. We can't say for sure of course -- no one can, but I think based on the reaction I've seen not only here, but on IRC and gaming forums across the Internet, the message by mainstream gamers, myself included, is VERY clear: $500 to $600 is way too much money for a video game console. Period. And good god, that's just here in tge US. It's even more expensive in other countries -- which is always the case, but now I'm sure it'll really hit home for you guys. Sony is being TOO confident. This is NOT good.

I just can't believe they weren't willing to sell it for $100 less (either that, or they weren't capabile of it). I think Blu-Ray has a lot to do with this. The stupid format war is coming down hard on Sony right now. Perhaps they would've been better off to just go with HD-DVD, work on getting it out faster, and therefore having production costs cheaper so it could also be integrated into the PS3 for less money as well.

Perhaps Sony would be better off skipping yet another Holiday season, rethinking their strategy (they would HAVE to be aware of what feedback from mainstream gamers will be in a few days), and release the PS3 with one SKU for much less. I know this could potentially hurt them, but hell, so can launching a console for $500-600 when the competition has their stuff on the shelf for $250-300! Do you want to shoot yourself in the foot for a late start or shoot yourself in the head and end it all right there?

I always liked Sony consoles because you get the best of every world. You get some unique first party stuff, you get unique stuff from third-parties from America, Europe, and especially Japan. You get great exclusives like Final Fantasy and Katamari Damacy. It's kind of like a luxury because there's just so much depth to the library. I have an Xbox, and there were games that I liked, but there always seemed like there was something missing. There were a lot of titles that just weren't available for it that I could play on my PS2. This is why I do not want MS to become the market leader -- not because I hate them, but it just doesn't seem ideal. Because I fear we'll get more of the same, yet, they will be the market leader so that's the model we will conform to. And as for Nintendo, the Wii too looks very promising, but mostly for first-party stuff and games made especially for the Wiimote. I think if one thing's certain, Nintendo is not interested in getting a bunch of third parties on their side like Sony and Microsoft.

On the other hand, maybe I won't have to worry about 360 games being more of the same. If PS3 continues to not meet sales expectations after an extended period of time because gamers are not willing to pay the ridiculously high price, developers will have no choice but to flock elsewhere. For example, I hope Square-Enix isn't too far into FF13 development, because if the PS3 flops, they may have no choice to pack up and scale it down for X360 hardware (which also sucks). But if they don't and decide to stay confident with Sony and ride this thing through, should Sony not succeed, this could hurt numerous developers who put their faith in Sony taking the #1 spot yet again. Which is just another massive problem within itself. I don't want quality developers like Square-Enix to suffer because all of their big exclusives are on PS3 and it isn't selling.

But if Sony goes down and takes exclusives I love with them, they'll be shutting out one of the best things I loved about gaming once and for all. Seriously, this could very well redefine what we expect out of console gaming, because other aspects of the market will have no choice but to pull the strings, even if they don't want to (consumers and devs alike). And we'll all be stuck with something that might not make sense. All Sony had to do was say the console is $399. I really think they might have dropped the ball.

And the thing is, Sony isn't doing too hot elsewhere, especially the HDTV market. PlayStation is the best thing they have going for them. If they let this one slip, who knows what the future will hold for Sony. This is just massive when you put it all in perspective. Unbelievable.

Who would've thought classic GAF trolls warning of Sony doomsday scenarios back in 1999-2000 would actually have a chance of getting the last laugh? :( I like Sony, and I would like for them to stay where they are in the market, but I really think they're only going to be able to do that if they seriously analyze what people like us are saying to them and rethink their strategy. If it means another delay, so be it. Just don't slip, there's too many good things you would've offered in the long run that we'll never play if you did. And that would suck.

Even though I'm still a little bitter about the DC, the PS2 has given me some of the best gaming experiences of my life. To think, that could have been amplified by the PS3 was very exciting. The most powerful console, a competent online system, overwhelming third party support, Sony had all of the ingredients for another fantastic generation yet they want to piss all of that away by making it nigh-affordable. I'll be playing my PS2 with a tear in my eye tonight.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
for 600 bucks I better get a shitload of demos availible for download.


Has problems recognising girls
This image should've been posted some 20-30 odd pages back when the controller's innovative secret was unveiled alongside the price.. but now is better than never right?




I am just totally pissed that Sony pretty much ninja'd Nintendo's idea.

I am disappointed. Mucho disappointed.

It costs way too much, and they stole Nintendo's fucking idea. Wow, Sony. Good conference.

This pretty much sets it up for Nintendo to show how their controller kills the DualShock 3, and for a much cheaper price.

Seriously, $499 for the cheapest bundle? I swear. Nintendo says they aren't competing with Sony and Microsoft, but with these prices, it's like Sony is the one who isn't trying to compete. I mean I know the hardware is expensive, but it is better to make some money off of games and accessories by making the system cheaper rather than accept being outsold by two systems come holiday time.
Diffense said:
Microsoft had a vision (built around online play).
Nintendo had a vision (build around the controller).
Sony now seems somewhat clueless against more focused and prepared competitors.

Damn....as a Sony fan this hurts to admit that this statement is powerfuly true. Thats honestly the vibe I got from the conference.

Meh, no real worries though MGS4 will take care of everything....just watch.:)


GitarooMan said:
I was just thinking, unless I missed it there was no real XBL Arcade, Virtual Console type of service hinted at. I have a feeling MS is going to unleash some cool XBLA stuff this year, surprised sony isn't doing much (especially with bulit in HD). Did they talk at all about this and I missed it or was there nothing?

There was nothing that talked about this.
Pimpwerx said:
Are there vids of 8 Days
I wouldn't bother looking too hard for it. It was a target render with an ammo count UI widget thrown in to make you think it wasn't a target render. One of the more pathetic parts of the presentation.

"Sony, you're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do. I don't want to see you at the hotels, I don't want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there. You understand?"
Deg said:
I wouldnt say either company has much after the conference. Clearly interms of ofcus they know what they are doing. Here in the UK i can see Sony's FREE ONLINE causing Xbox live issues. Also Wii just sint going to get the games to attract your typical PS buyer. It will be young kids as usual. The games will be more gimmicky than any Sony game.

I've been resisting the urge to poke fun at some of you Sony fanboys, but there's just so much blind faith in this post. You've got the true believerism, son. You've been brainwashed by the cult of Katuragi.


Bloodwake said:
This pretty much sets it up for Nintendo to show how their controller kills the DualShock 3, and for a much cheaper price.

How is waving a wand around going to move people away from Popular gaming? If anything its the Wii that has to prove everything. So far not good. Especially as when peopel walk into shops hey will notie PS3 has the fincionality too but with much more such as Eyetoy , next gen graphics etc.

Ben Sones

If Nintendo launches at $199, then I could conceivably buy both a Wii and an Xbox 360 for the price of a PS3. For the price of the CHEAP version of the PS3.
There's no way I'm buying a PS3 come November. Way too expensive, as I have tuition and books to pay. I think the blue drive is shooting the playstation brand in the foot. Why else is the console priced so high?

Maybe Iwata is right when you shouldn't listen to hardcore gamers. Look at the PS3.


ghostlyjoe said:
I've been resisting the urge to poke fun at some of you Sony fanboys, but there's just so much blind faith in this post. You've got the true believerism, son. You've been brainwashed by the cult of Katuragi.

The opposite is true. The Nintendo fanboys especially need to be realistic. :lol


Yeah if going launch $600 console for avid gamer you cant forgot about the games. Honestly so many of those were CG,demos and only good stuff seem liked late 07 material. PS3 is still game system as much as sony has forgotten that.
Tellaerin said:
The 'smart route' being buying a stake in Immersion as part of their settlement? And fighting in court when you think you have a reasonable case is 'arrogance' now? You people are fucking ridiculous, I swear.

smart route buying a stake in immersion? absolutely. not only smart, extremely shrewd. ms knew it wasn't looking good for sony to win and capitalized. it was a win/win situation. settle the case and force sony to either strip rumble or end up paying fees to them, in part. kudos to ms as far as i'm concerned.

i wasn't as clear as i should have been, but the arrogance i spoke of was this little quote straight from the official sony pr released tonight: "Pursuant to the introduction of this new six-axis sensing system, the vibration feature that is currently available on DUALSHOCK and DUALSHOCK2 controllers for PlayStation and PlayStation2, will be removed from the new PS3 controller as vibration itself interferes with information detected from the sensor."

i thought it would be more clear that i was referring to this by saying nintendo had years to get both right, and sony can't? i guess i should have just quoted this in my first comment, but now which is it? arrogance, a bold-faced lie, or incompetence?


Baiano19 said:

:lol :lol

I think I'll wait for the redesigned PSThree in five years. It'll be a quarter of the price. A quarter of the size. And by then the good games should be out.
LOL HOLY SHIZ, someone linked to some download and i thought it was todays conference nad it was last years and i watched 1 hour of it until i realized something was similar about this... and that they are showing the same stuff last year omg, i wasted 1 hour of my time rewatching what i thought was todays conference!!


colinp said:
:lol :lol

I think I'll wait for the redesigned PSThree in five years. It'll be a quarter of the price. A quarter of the size. And by then the good games should be out.



I wouldnt say either company has much after the conference. Clearly interms of ofcus they know what they are doing. Here in the UK i can see Sony's FREE ONLINE causing Xbox live issues. Also Wii just sint going to get the games to attract your typical PS buyer. It will be young kids as usual.

MS and Nintendo knew what they were going for. Sony just seems like a runaway freight train. They've thrown everything but the kitchen sink into PS3, even the motion sensitivity that PR people bashed after Rev's unvieling. Obviously they're trying to imitate all of their competitors (Both the MS online model and Nintendo's controller experiments) in the event that one of them turns out to have the killer idea. They do this instead of bringing something new and unique to the table. It's pretty unconvincing IMO, and lays bare Sony's status as the most 'creatively bankrupt' hardware manufacturer.

With only one sold competitor, this strategy of imitation might work. However, with two going in different directions, it is likely to strain resources. Hence a $600 price point for do-it-all hardware instead of something that's focused on implementing a coherent vision.

I think Microsoft has its opening.
Sony's gone mad. No doubt.

As the market leader, doesn't adding motion-sensing help legitimize Nintendo's approach? Sony's taken some of the functionality of the Wiimote, but none of the design. They've taken a half-step toward Nintendo. Now, it will very hard to paint Nintendo as a company desperately trying to stay relevent, as the market leader has just acknowleged the wisdom of Nintendo's controller design without truly matching Nintendo's controller design.

Will my friend Jay buy a PS3? Yes. For $500. Hell no. He has a PS2, and he loves it, and he barely plays it. Sony's machines have become ubiquitious by being accessible, by being open to a market beyond the hardcore. Sony's is often credited with making gaming mainstream. Well, so much for that. $500-$600 is not mainstream. $500 to $600 is crippling.

But, it's a good value, right? Yes it is. Blu-Ray players are very expensive. DVD players used to be very expensive, too. The PS2 was very expensive, but it had a DVD player, increasing its consumer value. It worked last time. Will it work this time? If I had to guess, I'd say no. But not because Blu-Ray in PS3 isn't a good value, but because, unlike DVD, Blu-Ray isn't the future. Blu-Ray is an evolution of dying technology. Digital distribution is the real future. HD On Demand will make Blu-Ray DOA.


Systems_id said:

Even though I'm still a little bitter about the DC, the PS2 has given me some of the best gaming experiences of my life. To think, that could have been amplified by the PS3 was very exciting. The most powerful console, a competent online system, overwhelming third party support, Sony had all of the ingredients for another fantastic generation yet they want to piss all of that away by making it nigh-affordable. I'll be playing my PS2 with a tear in my eye tonight.
It really is a shame. Sony offers a quality games library with so much depth and enjoyment. I would hate to see that tank while MS and Nintendo take the lead and do whatever the hell they want because... they know consumers for the most part aren't going to buy PS3, and we're stuck with what may still be widely regarded as a crappy library opposed to what PS3 *could have been*.

I was going to get a PS3 at launch, but forget that. I don't think I'll be picking one up until Final Fantasy 13 is about to be released, and that'll be a loooong time from now. Assuming, of course, FF13 STAYS a PS3 exclusive because the console is selling well enough at $500-600 (my god, I still can't believe it's that expensive).

And as for them ripping off Nintendo's Wiimote -- honestly folks, I was expecting it, but NOT THIS SOON. Maybe like a year or two after it's on the market, but holy crap, they didn't hesitate at all. Gotta wonder how Nintendo feels. Probably ready to sue. :lol But I doubt they could unless they have a patent on the idea.
Diablos said:
Who would've thought classic GAF trolls warning of Sony doomsday scenarios back in 1999-2000 would actually have a chance of getting the last laugh?
i cannot even begin to imagine the amount of enjoyment deadmeat must be getting from this. :lol


momolicious said:
LOL HOLY SHIZ, someone linked to some download and i thought it was todays conference nad it was last years and i watched 1 hour of it until i realized something was similar about this... and that they are showing the same stuff last year omg, i wasted 1 hour of my time rewatching what i thought was todays conference!!
:lol :lol :lol
Kutaragi has balls to expect this price. Craziness. Please, I want photoshops.

I'm hoping MGS4 is out Fall 2007. Maybe it will suck at launch and they'll drop the price or something. Hardware bugs should be figured out then too.


I really don't think alot of the things done today really make a difference in the long run, sony would sell out of their initial shipment whatever, and if they're smart, they WILL drop the price soon.

As far as a retail standpoint goes, its not a massive issue. However the effect alot of this has on the fanbase in simply indefensible. A $400 pricepoint is barely acceptable, and BOTH pricepoints for PS3 range from very expensive to flat out joke.

I dont care for the sort of justifications you can try to do with price comparisons by adding together 360 + wifi + HDDVD etc etc. It simply doesn't work, using that sort of logic you could have justified a similar pricepoint for PS2 and even PSP, it simply isnt anything less then very expensive, for whatever piece of kit it is.

While it isnt really important, sony has been previously acting, and even during the conference making references that they're the real innovation, HD, and next gen, and all they were doing during the conference was playing catchup. Showing off a vague XBL type service? Microtransations? Downloadable Content? Showing off gimmicky controller use? Poor PSP backwards compatibility, with no other direction? This is not confident actions of a market leader, their following and reacting to the others.

While some of the games obviously looked amazing, many didn't. Even less were really suprises, and there was little to no aggressive third party snatchups either. VF5 is pretty much a given, and not really a big deal, and the other new IPs they had looked good, but not good enough to make anyone forget about the other parts of the conference. They showed next gen graphics, and nothing more.

Their usual aggressive stance just turned into quickfire damage control of Microsofts and Nintendos actions, it was them saying they've got some vague alternative to what they both offer, but not with any real direction or details. Outside some info on their XBL copy, and a very brief look at their good looking console interface very little extra was displayed of the PS3s features, the backwards compatability was mentioned, but where was the info on upscaling etc?

The downscaling of the hardware is also undefensibly pathetic, if the $500 lack of features are too, which seems suprising if so. Even if not, wheres the two HDMI ports? The router features? The linux stuff? The tivo/media center features promised ages ago? This downloadable content stuff, WHERE IS IT? They have time to show black/stoned/australian people talk about how awesome PSP graphics, show absolutely sad stuff like GT HD and Genji, but wheres the consoles features?

Normally i might give them the benefit of the doubt, but sony has taken the awesome potential of the PS2 and PSP and completely flushed their feature potential away. The PSPs abilities should be twice as much as they are now, and E3 showed they had absolutely no intention of changing that, and the PS2 was supposed to be able to do some of the things the PS3 was doing during the conference and more, and it didnt happen. Sony are not getting the benefit of the doubt.

This would all be well and good if they really wearnt trying to have their product as the leader, and the premium piece of kit to own, but they are. They want their media hub? They really want to be the true innovaters and next gen? Well where is it, all they showed of the PS3 was the an upgraded PS2 with the online network that the PS2 was supposed to have, and 360 already has, and a last minite attempt of a competitors controlle, and they're charging $200 more then their closest competitor for it.

But as i said, it wont make the difference, at the end of they day, its the PS3. They have the brand, they have the games, the graphics and now they have ripoff versions of their competitors strongest features. The price can and will drop, much like the PSP, but also like the PSP, they're just not showing a strong enough direction and commitment to their promises. This time they also have an unreasonable pricing scheme to go along with it. They did a damn good job of giving both MS and Nintendo a damn good chance to take some marketshare this gen, which could have been avoided very very easily with a better pricepoint and less last minite feature inclusions.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wow, the reaction was a lot more negative than expected.

The price IS too high. Doesn't bother me, per se, but it will hurt the product. Could be a fatal mistake.

The controller is a GREAT thing. I'm thrilled they kept the old design while adding those triggers. I also have no issues with the 6 degrees of freedom thing. Yeah, it's copying Nintendo (kind of shameful, I suppose)...but it gives us those functions while still providing a standard interface and a ton of buttons. Seems like a fantastic controller to me.

The demos shown looked fantastic, I thought. A real step above what we've had thus far this gen. What I DID NOT understand was the demonstration of GT HD and Genji 2. Both of them looked ultra weak and GT didn't even make any damn sense. They just showed GT4, basically. Most of the other stuff looked really neat.

I think, really, the only major mistakes made are related to the pricing scheme. Removing features and charging such a high price really could destroy them and result in the PS3 tanking.
really, the only thing I'm happy about is HDD built-in, even if you get the Tard pack. That will be a big plus for years to come. MS made their decision and can't go back now. GT HD load times were impressive.


Ps3 posts on digg...

"Sony PS3 $499US version will NOT have HDMI port "

"PlayStation 3 Controller Loses Vibration "

"PS3 price announced. "

"First picture of the new PS3 controller! "

I hope Sony didn't think they could fool everyone by hiding the details in their PDFs?
Newduck said:
I really don't think alot of the things done today really make a difference in the long run, sony would sell out of their initial shipment whatever, and if they're smart, they WILL drop the price soon.

As far as a retail standpoint goes, its not a massive issue. However the effect alot of this has on the fanbase in simply indefensible. A $400 pricepoint is barely acceptable, and BOTH pricepoints for PS3 range from very expensive to flat out joke.

I dont care for the sort of justifications you can try to do with price comparisons by adding together 360 + wifi + HDDVD etc etc. It simply doesn't work, using that sort of logic you could have justified a similar pricepoint for PS2 and even PSP, it simply isnt anything less then very expensive, for whatever piece of kit it is.

While it isnt really important, sony has been previously acting, and even during the conference making references that they're the real innovation, HD, and next gen, and all they were doing during the conference was playing catchup. Showing off a vague XBL type service? Microtransations? Downloadable Content? Showing off gimmicky controller use? Poor PSP backwards compatibility, with no other direction? This is not confident actions of a market leader, their following and reacting to the others.

While some of the games obviously looked amazing, many didn't. Even less were really suprises, and there was little to no aggressive third party snatchups either. VF5 is pretty much a given, and not really a big deal, and the other new IPs they had looked good, but not good enough to make anyone forget about the other parts of the conference. They showed next gen graphics, and nothing more.

Their usual aggressive stance just turned into quickfire damage control of Microsofts and Nintendos actions, it was them saying they've got some vague alternative to what they both offer, but not with any real direction or details. Outside some info on their XBL copy, and a very brief look at their good looking console interface very little extra was displayed of the PS3s features, the backwards compatability was mentioned, but where was the info on upscaling etc?

The downscaling of the hardware is also undefensibly pathetic, if the $500 lack of features are too, which seems suprising if so. Even if not, wheres the two HDMI ports? The router features? The linux stuff? The tivo/media center features promised ages ago? This downloadable content stuff, WHERE IS IT? They have time to show black/stoned/australian people talk about how awesome PSP graphics, show absolutely sad stuff like GT HD and Genji, but wheres the consoles features?

Normally i might give them the benefit of the doubt, but sony has taken the awesome potential of the PS2 and PSP and completely flushed their feature potential away. The PSPs abilities should be twice as much as they are now, and E3 showed they had absolutely no intention of changing that, and the PS2 was supposed to be able to do some of the things the PS3 was doing during the conference and more, and it didnt happen. Sony are not getting the benefit of the doubt.

This would all be well and good if they really wearnt trying to have their product as the leader, and the premium piece of kit to own, but they are. They want their media hub? They really want to be the true innovaters and next gen? Well where is it, all they showed of the PS3 was the an upgraded PS2 with the online network that the PS2 was supposed to have, and 360 already has, and a last minite attempt of a competitors controlle, and they're charging $200 more then their closest competitor for it.

But as i said, it wont make the difference, at the end of they day, its the PS3. They have the brand, they have the games, the graphics and now they have ripoff versions of their competitors strongest features. The price can and will drop, much like the PSP, but also like the PSP, they're just not showing a strong enough direction and commitment to their promises. This time they also have an unreasonable pricing scheme to go along with it. They did a damn good job of giving both MS and Nintendo a damn good chance to take some marketshare this gen, which could have been avoided very very easily with a better pricepoint and less last minite feature inclusions.

And we see one of the best posts I have seen on this board tonight. Sony am not doomed in my opinion either. But they just lost a crapton of market share. Whether that leads to dooming in the far future, is not for us to even try to guess at this point. They'll sell, but who will sell more? That's the rest of the console war.


Wollan said:
Like David Jaffe said, 'Microsoft is fucking scared of us and they fucking should be. This E3 is going to be HUGE.'

Bring it on Sony. Bring it ON!

Wonder what Jaffe was so excited about?
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