This is just... appalling. And offensive, really.
$400 would've been acceptable. Yet for the base price of $500, we don't even get HDMI, WiFi, and no more than 20 whopping gigabytes of hard drive space. What the hell is 20 gigabytes anymore? You can get a 320 gigabyte hdd for $115-125 OEM! :lol And who are they to think they should beat their chest over the fact that PS3 will help usher in the HDTV as the standard when their cheaper model doesn't even support HDMI? :lol
I see the pricetag as a big problem. IF people don't want to spend $500-600 for their PS3 (I honestly don't think I want to personally), and it's not selling, MS and Nintendo are gonna walk all over that this Holiday season. MS could very well drop the two SKU idea by then, making the default price $300, and oh, by the way, maybe shaving off another $50 to compete with Wii. By then, both MS and Nintendo could also have a lot of appealing exclusives (or games like Sonic that will likely look exactly the same on PS3) ready to go, making the consoles all the more attractive to potential buyers sitting on the fence when they're debating if a new PlayStation is worth it anymore.
I can't believe Sony doesn't realize this. They seriously could have dropped the ball. We can't say for sure of course -- no one can, but I think based on the reaction I've seen not only here, but on IRC and gaming forums across the Internet, the message by mainstream gamers, myself included, is VERY clear: $500 to $600 is way too much money for a video game console. Period. And good god, that's just here in tge US. It's even more expensive in other countries -- which is always the case, but now I'm sure it'll really hit home for you guys. Sony is being TOO confident. This is NOT good.
I just can't believe they weren't willing to sell it for $100 less (either that, or they weren't capabile of it). I think Blu-Ray has a lot to do with this. The stupid format war is coming down hard on Sony right now. Perhaps they would've been better off to just go with HD-DVD, work on getting it out faster, and therefore having production costs cheaper so it could also be integrated into the PS3 for less money as well.
Perhaps Sony would be better off skipping yet another Holiday season, rethinking their strategy (they would HAVE to be aware of what feedback from mainstream gamers will be in a few days), and release the PS3 with one SKU for much less. I know this could potentially hurt them, but hell, so can launching a console for $500-600 when the competition has their stuff on the shelf for $250-300! Do you want to shoot yourself in the foot for a late start or shoot yourself in the head and end it all right there?
I always liked Sony consoles because you get the best of every world. You get some unique first party stuff, you get unique stuff from third-parties from America, Europe, and especially Japan. You get great exclusives like Final Fantasy and Katamari Damacy. It's kind of like a luxury because there's just so much depth to the library. I have an Xbox, and there were games that I liked, but there always seemed like there was something missing. There were a lot of titles that just weren't available for it that I could play on my PS2. This is why I do not want MS to become the market leader -- not because I hate them, but it just doesn't seem ideal. Because I fear we'll get more of the same, yet, they will be the market leader so that's the model we will conform to. And as for Nintendo, the Wii too looks very promising, but mostly for first-party stuff and games made especially for the Wiimote. I think if one thing's certain, Nintendo is not interested in getting a bunch of third parties on their side like Sony and Microsoft.
On the other hand, maybe I won't have to worry about 360 games being more of the same. If PS3 continues to not meet sales expectations after an extended period of time because gamers are not willing to pay the ridiculously high price, developers will have no choice but to flock elsewhere. For example, I hope Square-Enix isn't too far into FF13 development, because if the PS3 flops, they may have no choice to pack up and scale it down for X360 hardware (which also sucks). But if they don't and decide to stay confident with Sony and ride this thing through, should Sony not succeed, this could hurt numerous developers who put their faith in Sony taking the #1 spot yet again. Which is just another massive problem within itself. I don't want quality developers like Square-Enix to suffer because all of their big exclusives are on PS3 and it isn't selling.
But if Sony goes down and takes exclusives I love with them, they'll be shutting out one of the best things I loved about gaming once and for all. Seriously, this could very well redefine what we expect out of console gaming, because other aspects of the market will have no choice but to pull the strings, even if they don't want to (consumers and devs alike). And we'll all be stuck with something that might not make sense. All Sony had to do was say the console is $399. I really think they might have dropped the ball.
And the thing is, Sony isn't doing too hot elsewhere, especially the HDTV market. PlayStation is the best thing they have going for them. If they let this one slip, who knows what the future will hold for Sony. This is just massive when you put it all in perspective. Unbelievable.
Who would've thought classic GAF trolls warning of Sony doomsday scenarios back in 1999-2000 would actually have a chance of getting the last laugh?

I like Sony, and I would like for them to stay where they are in the market, but I really think they're only going to be able to do that if they seriously analyze what people like us are saying to them and rethink their strategy. If it means another delay, so be it. Just don't slip, there's too many good things you would've offered in the long run that we'll never play if you did. And that would suck.