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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


And here I thought the Xbox 360 was too expensive ...

One's things for sure, I won't be buying all the systems this generation, but VF5 has me by the short and curlies.

I'm very interested to see Nintendo and Microsoft's press conference now.

PS. This thread needs more damage control. ^_~


Drek said:
Rumble sucks... they have a legitimate option (eyetoy + tilt controller) to combat Wii with if it really takes off... they showed off some promising games... I even think the price point is well chosen... Why would Sony want to take a loss... They'll successfully bookend the industry, having both the high and low end options while Nintendo and MS fight for the middle market.
I hate to take your words out of context, but man, that is perfectly executed damage control. I want some of that Sid.


What's even more hilarious is that the tilt sensing thing was done by Microsoft of all people in 1998.

I wonder if MS has an applicable patent on that lying around... because that could mean more legal nightmares for Sony are on the way... :lol


The presentation was great otherwise IMO. I base this on what I've read, and the videos I've seen so far. Sony pressers are always pretty tight-laced, so not some rock concert or anything. But they deliver games. So I'm really hyped about the titles shown (no coincidence, mostly 1st party). The controller is fine by me too. I love the DS2, and the shape works for me. The lack of rumble means nothing, as long as the tilt sensing gets used well in games.

The only real negative I have is the price, and it's a big negative. It's gonna be at least a $700 front to get the PS3 and a single launch games of questionable quality. It just scares me that gaming could be moving so quickly away from a hobby you could bankroll on an allowance or mowing lawns. It'll take a long-ass time to save $700 mowing lawns.

Otherwise, some good news. I'm glad about the color black too. The big exclusives still seem secured as well. It's hard to justify going with another platform in the face of the sheer dominance of the PS brand, but it's looking like the Wii/360 option is a more attactive option right now. PEACE.
Rorschach said:
If there are supposed to be 7 wireless on one system, why does the controller only have 4 slots for a player?


Mr. Spinnington said:
If there are supposed to be 7 wireless on one system, why does the controller only have 4 slots for a player?

I don't know whether it's been specifically mentioned now, but it's probably been ditched.


ghostlyjoe said:
Sony's gone mad. No doubt.

As the market leader, doesn't adding motion-sensing help legitimize Nintendo's approach? Sony's taken some of the functionality of the Wiimote, but none of the design. They've taken a half-step toward Nintendo. Now, it will very hard to paint Nintendo as a company desperately trying to stay relevent, as the market leader has just acknowleged the wisdom of Nintendo's controller design without truly matching Nintendo's controller design.

Sony based many PS1 things around Nintendo's ideas. Difference is they convince people.

Will my friend Jay buy a PS3? Yes. For $500. Hell no. He has a PS2, and he loves it, and he barely plays it. Sony's machines have become ubiquitious by being accessible, by being open to a market beyond the hardcore. Sony's is often credited with making gaming mainstream. Well, so much for that. $500-$600 is not mainstream. $500 to $600 is crippling.

Its a launch the price will fall over time. People will see the superior value no doubt. There are people paying a fortune for current HDDVD and Blu Ray products. Retailers will take advantage of this.

But, it's a good value, right? Yes it is. Blu-Ray players are very expensive. DVD players used to be very expensive, too. The PS2 was very expensive, but it had a DVD player, increasing its consumer value. It worked last time. Will it work this time? If I had to guess, I'd say no. But not because Blu-Ray in PS3 isn't a good value, but because, unlike DVD, Blu-Ray isn't the future. Blu-Ray is an evolution of dying technology. Digital distribution is the real future. HD On Demand will make Blu-Ray DOA.

Quite a long long time yet. Most PVR still cant store even 50 movies.
Well I was impressed by the Eyetoy card game tech demo. That was some hot shit. Hopefully that evolves beyond tech demo. Although having to situate your Eyetoy for use with a table mat could be a pain. Unless it's wireless.

And since The Shadow called me out, I have to re-iterate:

I'm not buying a PS3 until I'm good and ready.

I've got too much to play on the PS2 & PSP. The whole "HD Era" is too costly for me to care, I'm not upgrading my television and my console. Screw that noise.

I'm sure the PS3 will be awesome when the price drops and I'm ready to buy, but 11/17/06 is not that day.

I don't know whether it's been specifically mentioned now, but it's probably been ditched.

Ditching seven player support would suck more balls than the price point! :mad:


No one knows if Sony dropped the ball once and for all, but yeah, they lose market share. And with that market share a lot of the depth and scope to the game library that lots of us have appreciated over the years, I would think.

And with games like FF13 using the "White Engine," which I can only assume is fine tuned for PS3, you can forget about them packing up and porting to X360 if PS3 ends up in realllly bad shape.

This could potentially hurt third party developers. Squeenix, for example, is already losing enough money -- they can't lose more because their biggest exclusives that they're using the most amount of money and resources for is going on a console that will not be #1.

This really sucks. I don't know if I want a Wii, I'm not interested in X360 at all. And while PS2 will have tons of games between now and the time I want to buy a PS3, the hardware is so very outdated. I never thought I might be waiting until 2007/2008 to really start playing next-gen games.


firefoxsux said:
FF13 look stupid!

only HS MGS4 save sony.

My impressions

Price is too high. Sony just gave a nice chunk of market share to MS. I can no longer believe that Sony's going to trash MS and Nin. Looks like Sony's in for some pain.

On the 2 packs. Both packs suck. The core pack is the WORST idea ever - and the premium pack costs WAY to much.

On the games.

1) Resistance looks fast and fun - graphics were very meh, except all the smooth action is nice and the smoke effects are pretty good - tiny bits of slowdown - gameplay looked like rinse and repeat - not much color in the art direction so far - No visable HDR lighting, that sucks.

2) HS - best looking game shown that was truely playable. Great camera should keep the game from getting old. I would love to see the mass battles. Lighting was great. Doesn't match the CGI but so what - nothing matches CGI. Best looking game.

3) MGS4 - meh

4) FF - meh

Overall - Next Gen started last year - for cheaper. PS3 Buy = NO

I don't plan to buy one any time soon. Perhaps after a major price drop, I've a family to feed - and I've already spent a pretty penny on 360 and it's more than good enough for gaming. I love my 360, it handles the next gen gaming that I want with online, nothing more nothing less.

Right now I don't see the "need" for PS3.


The reality of what we have just seen tonight is really gonna hit home on the show floor. I bet that after everyone gets to playing with the Wii remote, they are going to truly realise how bad Sony's implemenation really is. This is going to generate alot of negative feelings amongst the press.


gamergirly said:
Sheesh, how much has Sony cut out before E3 from PS3?
Not sure how much of this has changed exactly.


--HDD Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1
--I/O--USB Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
--Memory Stickstandard/Duo, PRO x 1
--SD standard/mini x 1
--CompactFlash(Type I, II) x 1

--Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 3 (input x 1 + output x 2)
--Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
--Bluetooth--Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
--ControllerBluetooth (up to 7)
--USB 2.0 (wired)
--Wi-Fi (PSP)
--Network (over IP)

Screen size 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
HDMI out x 2
AV multi out x 1
Digital out (optical) x 1


I am but one voice, but this is my opinion.

As a LONG-TIME console player, the pricing model Sony proposes boggles my mind. I am a hard-core follower, enthusiast of the gaming industry, I enjoy the community aspect, the competition very much, and even though I'm informed just what the PS3($600) has to offer, I am not going to fork out 600 bucks PLUS for a system that I will primarily use for gaming.

I have not supported the Xbox360 pricing model for the same reasons, however, I will take the plunge once the price is reduced to a satisfactory level, and I will not support such a pricing model such as the one Sony is proposing.

I don't give a shit what they add, do not add to the system, making it seem more attractive as an everything PLUS game machine.

It's the principle of the thing. Thank you god for competition and choice. :)
Mr. Spinnington said:
If there are supposed to be 7 wireless on one system, why does the controller only have 4 slots for a player?
that's gotta relate to something else.

7 wireless support is a default feature of bluetooth.

or maybe sony is really really fucking retarded


ummm so basically someone could buy a 360 core pack and a Wii and that would still not be as much as the PS3.

fuck off sony jesus christ :lol :lol :lol


aaaaa0 said:
What's even more hilarious is that the tilt sensing thing was done by Microsoft of all people in 1998.

I wonder if MS has an applicable patent on that lying around... because that could mean more legal nightmares for Sony are on the way... :lol

I had one for the PC with Motocross Madness, sucked hard. I hope the tech is better now.

I have mixed emotions on the price. On one hand it is nice to have been right =) on the other 600 for a gaming console is a little pricey. Having the 360 to give me next gen fix will make waiting a year or so a little easier. But I have a feeling I’m still going to be buying it before the first price drop =P

Its also nice to see the board get a reality check on next-gen. Its more of a work in progress for developers and no hardware is going to make it any easier.


Ya know, at first I was like "yeah Sony is fucking nuts if they think they're gonna get $600 from me for this shit!"

But, after thinking about it more, and thinking about the conference, I remembered this:


Who's with me?! My SingStar FTW! Woooo!


What happened to the HUGE megaton? The one that would make us think differently of the PS3...Was it the Wii controller rip-off or the shitty price? I thought it was supposed to be a good announcement :lol

Oh, and where was World of Warcraft?


As I watched I thought the whole time that I would be prefectly fine paying ~$500, but when they said the price it still stung don't know why, I guess it was the shock. It sucks cause even all these games that people say were underwhelming, I thought looked cool. So I will pay you Sony for your $599 console, damn FF and MGS4.
Razoric said:
ummm so basically someone could buy a 360 core pack and a Wii and that would still not be as much as the PS3.

fuck off sony jesus christ :lol :lol :lol

Yeah. It's like Sony just offered people a "real" alternative. Buy PS3 or (360 + Wii)


All the stuff was updated into the main post... so you can see what happened there. I will try to find images and videos of the remaining things.


Sean said:
What happened to the HUGE megaton? The one that would make us think differently of the PS3...Was it the Wii controller rip-off or the shitty price? I thought it was supposed to be a good announcement :lol

Oh, and where was World of Warcraft?

I think people saw the price and thought differently:)


DieNgamers said:
So what's your final verdict on the press conference? I didn't watch it and some people seem to be disappointed...

My verdict:

If Reggie or Allard started chucking their shit at random people in the audience while singing It's Raining Men for 2 hours they might have a worse conference then Sony. Then again, even that would be more entertaining.


Razoric said:
ummm so basically someone could buy a 360 core pack and a Wii and that would still not be as much as the PS3.

fuck off sony jesus christ :lol :lol :lol

Which happens to be my plan now. :lol I'll buy MGS4, but I doubt I'll play it before 2009.


Pardon me if this has been answered, but looking at the specs I see nothing that would imply for PS1/2 memory card reading, and I never heard anything about backwards compatibility. So is that pretty much a wash?

Guy LeDouche said:
Okay, I'm hating the price tag along with everybody, but MGS4 is not "meh"

at least wait for the full trailer tomorrow.

After MGS3, I'm personally playing the cautious game. That was a huge disappointment for me.


Mr. Spinnington said:
If there are supposed to be 7 wireless on one system, why does the controller only have 4 slots for a player?

I'm thinking the lights will work like this:

1 through 4 = player 1 through 4
4 + 1 = player 5
4 + 2 = player 6
4 + 3 = player 7


FECordeau said:
smart route buying a stake in immersion? absolutely. not only smart, extremely shrewd. ms knew it wasn't looking good for sony to win and capitalized. it was a win/win situation. settle the case and force sony to either strip rumble or end up paying fees to them, in part. kudos to ms as far as i'm concerned.

The Immersion fiasco struck me as an example of how corporate greed screws up things for consumers. 'Shrewd' or not, I can't stand the idea of one company buying into (or otherwise funding) another because they happen to be involved in a legal dispute with one of that company's competitors, so they can funnel their own resources into the legal battle and/or profit on the resolution. Competition between companies should benefit the consumer - ideally, they ought to be fighting for marketshare by trying to offer the best products at the lowest prices, not using the legal system to bleed potential competitors dry.

FECordeau said:
i wasn't as clear as i should have been, but the arrogance i spoke of was this little quote straight from the official sony pr released tonight: "Pursuant to the introduction of this new six-axis sensing system, the vibration feature that is currently available on DUALSHOCK and DUALSHOCK2 controllers for PlayStation and PlayStation2, will be removed from the new PS3 controller as vibration itself interferes with information detected from the sensor."

i thought it would be more clear that i was referring to this by saying nintendo had years to get both right, and sony can't? i guess i should have just quoted this in my first comment, but now which is it? arrogance, a bold-faced lie, or incompetence?

I still don't see where you get 'arrogance' from. Or 'incompetence' for that matter, unless Nintendo was equally incompetent when they designed the Wavebird. To be honest, I think they didn't want to be stuck paying Immersion (and by association, Microsoft), and considering Nintendo's efforts to popularize motion sensing tech in games, replacing the rumble with a tilt sensor probably seemed like it would be perceived as a fair tradeoff in the minds of gamers. Much like you praised MS for the business with Immersion, I have to give kudos to Sony for not only finding something to include in place of rumble technology that adds something to gameplay and won't involve paying royalties to a rival company on every unit sold, but coming up with a believable way to sell consumers on the situation. Lemons into lemonade. Though I'm sure the real reason this bothers you (and so many others here) is because they're 'copying Nintendo', that this wondrous idea that was going to propel Nintendo back to top-dog status in the videogame industry (which I seriously doubt was going to happen anyway, all wishful thinking aside) had been stolen by those perfidious Sony scoundrels. :p
X5z said:
I'm thinking the lights will work like this:

1 through 4 = player 1 through 4
4 + 1 = player 5
4 + 2 = player 6
4 + 3 = player 7
Why not just include 7 and avoid confusion? It's really not that hard to add 3 more slots in that $600 controller. After all, getting your money's worth, etc.


Razoric said:
My verdict:

If Reggie or Allard started chucking their shit at random people in the audience while singing It's Raining Men for 2 hours they might have a worse conference then Sony. Then again, even that would be more entertaining.

ROFL :lol


I'll wait out a price drop or two for the PS3, even if that means I don't get one until 2008. But what bugs me is then I start thinking about the PSP to fill the Sony void in the meantime and... what? What was there? Pretty underwhelming on that front. Maybe more action there will come on the part of the third parties, but as far as first party PSP stuff goes, it was close to zero. Where's that Jaffe PSP game??
I wonder if we're in for another industry crash.. some signs point to yes.

So, I'll be paying at least $800 cdn after taxes for a retail system and a single game? Right.
Sigh I was planning on having a Wii first at launch and getting a Ps3 sometime early 2007 once I could save up the nessisasry cash. And if I was really luck and enough good games that I want came out I'd also get a 360 down the road as well to duplicate how I did the current generation.

But Sony had to go and price me out of the running. $560 Canadian for the tard pack before tax and a game is insane and the premiumum pack is even worse.

Sigh at this point I can't see having a Ps3 for a Looooong loong time... like 2010 or later.


X5z said:
I'm thinking the lights will work like this:

1 through 4 = player 1 through 4
4 + 1 = player 5
4 + 2 = player 6
4 + 3 = player 7

If that's the case, just use 3 lights and make it Binary. It's about as intuitive.
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