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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)


DieNgamers said:
So what's your final verdict on the press conference? I didn't watch it and some people seem to be disappointed...

It started slow, and then started to gain some major momentum towards the end. The controller unveiling was the icing on the cake, and it would have been a great way to finish the event. Then Sony had to damper everyone's mood by announcing the absurd $499/$599 pricepoints for the PS3.
Look at the xbots gathering out of nowhere at the first sign of hope. Last generation's bitchslapping was always going to result in this sort of bitterness.

Stay the course my friends! The Sony juggernaut will roll on and destroy all in its path for the 3rd consecutive generation.


$500 for the retard pack (not even Wi-Fi)
$600 for the normal pack

Yeah right, next-gen of retardness indeed... HD-Era, microtransactions, super high prices for both consoles and games. I guess i'll skip this generation becasue it's not even funny. Waiting for what Wii will offer, but if I dont like what nintendo is offering, ill skip.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The thing about the controller tilt thingy that seems just plain stupid is the fact that they forced it into an existing design in no way intended to take advantage of the concept. And compared to the Wii-stick-thing, a limited form of the functionality.

I mean hell, it looks more desperate than anything else.

I'm entirely uninterested in that aspect of it :p I'm actually really annoyed that the PS3 will kill the force feedback rumble concept on the Playstation platform because by this point, controller vibration was becoming very nuanced and advanced. I've really appreciated the more subtle and detailed rumble capabilities on the 360 pad.

As for the system price, well... tough luck Sony! I'm as hardcore and hopelessly addicted to videogames as the next lifelong gamer, and was first in line for a 360 premium system. But daddy ain't forking over $600 for this one. And he ain't doing it for what will probably be the "great" price drop to $500 a year later.

So I guess it's PS3 for Christmas 2008 for me!

Maybe 2009.
Fix The Scientist said:
Look at the xbots gathering out of nowhere at the first sign of hope. Last generation's bitchslapping was always going to result in this sort of bitterness.

Stay the course my friends! The Sony juggernaut will roll on and destroy all in its path for the 3rd consecutive generation.

How much of your wallet is it going to destroy?
Fix The Scientist said:
Look at the xbots gathering out of nowhere at the first sign of hope. Last generation's bitchslapping was always going to result in this sort of bitterness.

Stay the course my friends! The Sony juggernaut will roll on and destroy all in its path for the 3rd consecutive generation.

If balking at a non-retard pack price of $600 makes one an xbot, then there's about 3 or 4 sony fans in this entire forum now.
Fix The Scientist said:
Look at the xbots gathering out of nowhere at the first sign of hope. Last generation's bitchslapping was always going to result in this sort of bitterness.

Stay the course my friends! The Sony juggernaut will roll on and destroy all in its path for the 3rd consecutive generation.

It's fair game pretty much, every system has taken a beating for a few weeks from people after a bad announcement was made. This time its Sonys turn.


X5z said:
I'm thinking the lights will work like this:

1 through 4 = player 1 through 4
4 + 1 = player 5
4 + 2 = player 6
4 + 3 = player 7

You're insane.

They cut out the 2 extra ethernet ports.

They cut the extra HDMI port.

They cut the extra three controllers.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
heavenly sword, resitance, and mgs4 were awesome... but still not something i couldnt see 360 doing. and that price is just flat out fucking crazy.

and boo to continuing to use CG to promote games, especially the ff13 footage. give me a f'ing break.

and gt hd was soooo lame. i really hope that was a quick thing thrown together to show and has nothing at all to do with what polyphony has in store for gt next...
Maybe Nintendo should've opted for a more powerful chipset?

Nothing ridiculously expensive, but something more in line with today's tech .... Sony is ripe for the picking and unlike Microsoft, Nintendo can actually command a market presence in Japan.
Sorry to bring up something that was probably covered, but I'm really disappointed in Sony for changing the design of the controller.

Yeah, the boomerang looks silly, but I honestly believe that it would've been more comfortable than the ergonomic mess that is the DS2. The angled handles of the boomerang seemed to conform more naturally to a person's wrists, and the thumbs seemed to be in better positions for the sticks.

I was impressed last year that Sony had the balls to change something so popular, but my respect for them was once again eliminated.

Always remember:


SolidSnakex said:
It's fair game pretty much, every system has taken a beating for a few weeks from people after a bad announcement was made. This time its Sonys turn.
I'd say you're right, but did you and I watch the same press conference? I mean for God's sake, it wasn't even a press release [Wii], it was a press CONFERENCE. They should have at least prepared it, not stumbled through after some 50 minutes' delay!


Tellaerin said:
*Stuff about the Immersion thing.

Let it go. Sony dropped the ball huge in the Immersion suit by arrogantly going ahead when Immersion obviously had previous squatting ownership of the tech (even if they weren't using it). That's the name of the game. Microsoft played it and Sony arrogantly tried to tackle it.

They lost then.

And now there system is looking like a hyper-bastardized N64 because of it.
Tellaerin said:
Competition between companies should benefit the consumer - ideally, they ought to be fighting for marketshare by trying to offer the best products at the lowest prices, not using the legal system to bleed potential competitors dry.

agreed. but does it not hurt sony customers at all to not have rumble? slightly, at least.

I still don't see where you get 'arrogance' from. Or 'incompetence' for that matter, unless Nintendo was equally incompetent when they designed the Wavebird. To be honest, I think they didn't want to be stuck paying Immersion (and by association, Microsoft), and considering Nintendo's efforts to popularize motion sensing tech in games, replacing the rumble with a tilt sensor probably seemed like it would be perceived as a fair tradeoff in the minds of gamers. Much like you praised MS for the business with Immersion, I have to give kudos to Sony for not only finding something to include in place of rumble technology that adds something to gameplay and won't involve paying royalties to a rival company on every unit sold, but coming up with a believable way to sell consumers on the situation. Lemons into lemonade. Though I'm sure the real reason this bothers you (and so many others here) is because they're 'copying Nintendo', that this wondrous idea that was going to propel Nintendo back to top-dog status in the videogame industry (which I seriously doubt was going to happen anyway, all wishful thinking aside) had been stolen by those perfidious Sony scoundrels. :p

haha. wow. this is where it gets fuzzy. see that man right over there beside my name <---. my nintendo fanboy cousin practically cussed me out after the announcement. i think we're mostly on the same side here if sides be chosen, just a bit of a difference in the way sony handled this. i think it could have been done with a bit more class, but i too salute them for flat out doing what they did with the controller. i embrace it, i think i'll enjoy it, and i believe the damage control by nbots to make themselves feel comfortable by thinking the ps3 version is much more inferior is silly. will i enjoy the ps3 any less w/o rumble? no. can motion tech only help the industry as a whole? yes.

and no, copying has nothing to do with the real reason this bothers me at all. i'm all for copying/adapting, whatever word one wants to use. this bothers me a bit because i'm a businessman. as one, i believe customers come first, as we've stated. i think sony could have handled the situation differently in hindsight, but hindsight is always 20/20. what irks me the most is that single statement in their pr, b/c it's as if they tried their best to come up with the most lousy excuse for why the ps3 controllers won't have rumble. sure, they can't flat out say, "no rumble in ds3 b/c we lost a lawsuit," but still.

btw, truth be told, i have no intentions at all of owning a wii. today, i'm as far away from a fan of nintendo as one can get. in fact, some might consider me a rank and file raging sonybot, and the conference has done nothing more but strengthen my resolve to pick one up in november, price be damned. if search wasn't disabled, i'd pull up my quote about "copying" a few days ago where i tried to defend sony civilly when all the nbots were throwing wide accusations around left and right, as they always do. i even came out with a compliment for not being a sheer sony fanboy. :)


Battersea Power Station said:
I was impressed last year that Sony had the balls to change something so popular, but my respect for them was once again eliminated.

Always remember:



I guess they wanted to play it safe. That said, my main gripe with the boomerang was the actual size.

It looked like it would fit in the palm of my hand. Way too small.


Ben Sones

Mrbob said:
It started slow, and then started to gain some major momentum towards the end. The controller unveiling was the icing on the cake, and it would have been a great way to finish the event. Then Sony had to damper everyone's mood by announcing the absurd $499/$599 pricepoints for the PS3.

Momentum? Really? The only game that really "wowed" me was HS. And MGS, I guess, but we've already seen that. The rest of the stuff was predictable, forgettable, crappy, or (in a few cases) all three. It was thoroughly underwhelming--especially in the visuals department (where are all the folks who were saying that the PS3 was going to blow away the Xbox 360's visuals? They are awfully quiet now). The controller was a lot like icing on a cake: cloying, sugary icing that you want to scrape off with a knife. I mean, how stupid is Sony, anyway? Way to legitimize Nintendo's controller concept by tacking on a vastly inferior version to your own console. Nintendo is going to have a field day with that.

The price announcement wasn't wind from Sony's sails--it was a nail in their coffin.


The Eatable Arab said:

400 for 360 premium
100 for wireless internet
100 for hd-dvd
50 for xbox live

650 for same features.

don't get me wrong, price pisses me off, but 150 bucks less for same features? pretty nice

Uhh, my 360 has an ethernet port on the back, so $100 for wireless access isn't essential in most cases.


What's left to say that hasn't already been said? The price is ridiculous, the controller is ridiculous (no rumble, forced motion sensors), the dual sku is ridiculous, the size is ridiculous (I better see some damn photoshops), and they still kept the Spiderman font...

MS needed a slip-up by Sony to take the lead from them this gen... well Sony just fell on it's face. I would be very dissapointed if MS didn't take full advantage of the situation.

What MS really needs to do now is tout numbers... especially the number of games in development and the number of games that will be available on retail shelves around Nov. 17th.

...anyone else anticipating a US/Europe delay for the PS3?
Mr. Spinnington said:
I'd say you're right, but did you and I watch the same press conference? I mean for God's sake, it wasn't even a press release [Wii], it was a press CONFERENCE. They should have at least prepared it, not stumbled through after some 50 minutes' delay!

Everyones had those. Remember Nintendo conference when they put alot of focus on connectivity? Sony's E3 2K conference (excluding MGS2) was terrible also. Not much you can do about it once its over. This was a terrible conference though, no doubt about it.


Interesting.. SONY might actually force me to ONLY buy a PS3. I didn't get an X360 early because of the initial price point (for non-tard) and now the prospect of paying 1000 dollars for two consoles (so I don't get yelled at by neogaf for bias) seems overwhelming.. even over a couple of years, considering that I would spend roughly 1000 dollars per year additionally on games. This might be a strategic price point to force people into purchasing/investing in only one console. And given that the Playstation brand is going to draw the vast majority of 3rd party titles.. it's hard to settle on 360 if you can only get one.

In other words, SONY SUCKS. Make me pay 660 dollars for VF5. Screw you.


AMazing, amazing, amzing conference, console, games!!!!!!!!

$100 too high on both SKU's.
Grand Turismo was boring.
Low Blow to Nintendo.
Hope Reggie delivers a nice diss.


Man, here in Canada I'd have to pay $805 for the PS3 alone. Fucking insane

I mean, I'm a HUGE sony fan but fuck that. And wow, how long till it's a reasonable price? For me, atleast 2 years!

I haven't been this depressed in a long time :(


Battersea Power Station said:
Sorry to bring up something that was probably covered, but I'm really disappointed in Sony for changing the design of the controller.

Yeah, the boomerang looks silly, but I honestly believe that it would've been more comfortable than the ergonomic mess that is the DS2. The angled handles of the boomerang seemed to conform more naturally to a person's wrists, and the thumbs seemed to be in better positions for the sticks.

I was impressed last year that Sony had the balls to change something so popular, but my respect for them was once again eliminated.

Always remember:



I actually like that controller in black.


Sal Paradise Jr said:
Fix The Scientist said:
Look at the xbots gathering out of nowhere at the first sign of hope. Last generation's bitchslapping was always going to result in this sort of bitterness.

Stay the course my friends! The Sony juggernaut will roll on and destroy all in its path for the 3rd consecutive generation.
If balking at a non-retard pack price of $600 makes one an xbot, then there's about 3 or 4 sony fans in this entire forum now.
:lol :lol :lol

So true.
Am I the only one who doesn't care about rumble? It can be nice, but it certainly doesn't add much (imo).

I also don't give a lick about the motion/tilt sensing...

(I do like the design though... I've always been a huge fan of the DS)


Man...is it just me, or did the warhawk guy look like he was getting a serious workout trying to fly that damn ship?

He couldn't even land the ship properly at the end :lol
Well, i'm watching the conference now and while i do agree that it's not as exciting as last years', it's definitely solid. I see very little to be disappointed about as far as the PS3 is concerned... well, except for the price, but i'm not there yet. The realtime and gameplay footage was amazing, even on this shitty stream.


cicero said:
Are you blind, or just really really stupid?

I actually agree somewhat with his PS2 argument. Sony will still be making money on those I imagine. So the PS2 will be the Cavalier, and the PS3 will be the Caddy.


Guy LeDouche said:
Okay, I'm hating the price tag along with everybody, but MGS4 is not "meh"

at least wait for the full trailer tomorrow.

Sorry I was in a rush - I just meant to say I need / want to see more / gameplay.

Musashi Wins!

Razoric said:
My verdict:

If Reggie or Allard started chucking their shit at random people in the audience while singing It's Raining Men for 2 hours they might have a worse conference then Sony. Then again, even that would be more entertaining.


I don't understand. Is this hubris? How could they be so fucking dumb?
_leech_ said:
Well, i'm watching the conference now and while i do agree that it's not as exciting as last years', it's definitely solid. I see very little to be disappointed about as far as the PS3 is concerned... well, except for the price, but i'm not there yet. The realtime and gameplay footage was amazing, even on this shitty stream.

Ummm ok. Double check to see that's not last years conference you're watching.
_leech_ said:
Well, i'm watching the conference now and while i do agree that it's not as exciting as last years', it's definitely solid. I see very little to be disappointed about as far as the PS3 is concerned... well, except for the price, but i'm not there yet. The realtime and gameplay footage was amazing, even on this shitty stream.

your avatar reveals all we needed to know.

SolidSnakex said:
Everyones had those. Remember Nintendo conference when they put alot of focus on connectivity? Sony's E3 2K conference (excluding MGS2) was terrible also. Not much you can do about it once its over. This was a terrible conference though, no doubt about it.
I do remember Nintendo's big slip-up, but it was just a concept based on two consoles. One extremely successful and one performing moderately well. Sony's bomb-o-rama was based on their future of a franchise. That's why this one is such a 2x4 in the face to the company.

Once your machine is nearly rejected by internet forums across the web, as well as a suffering portable console [here's the connectivity gimmick again through the mouth of Sony], there's not much hope for sucessfully marketing it for at least a week or two. Not without either a price drop or maybe pulling out their dicks when they show us what the games are REALLY like instead of CG.


Mr. Spinnington said:
Why not just include 7 and avoid confusion? It's really not that hard to add 3 more slots in that $600 controller. After all, getting your money's worth, etc.
I agree, including 7 would make more sense (I'm assuming we're talking about the LEDs on the controller). The 4 + x thing seemed like something I've seen on before on some consumer electronic stuff.

vitaflo said:
If that's the case, just use 3 lights and make it Binary. It's about as intuitive.


Juice said:
You're insane.

They cut out the 2 extra ethernet ports.

They cut the extra HDMI port.

They cut the extra three controllers.

This thread's moving too fast, so skipping the last 10 pages I'm just now finding out about the removed ports. Assuming Sony's still using Bluetooth, why would they remove support for the extra three controllers? I would guess that handling them would be a software issue. Would they really save any money remove support?
Honestly I think Peter and J are having champagne right now, playing "Ce~lebrate good times, come on!", dancing on the hotel sofa, ordering lobster bisque.

I felt almost sick to my stomach watching the sony press conference, it's like they decided to copy everything that MS and Nintendo do one-to-one and have this smug look that their brand image and savvy marketing will assure them victory. Kaz reeked of fakeness "look I'm a cool gamer, hey Ridge Racer, you remember Ridge Racer, right? Right? Please?" Genji was awkward. Card game was even worse. Resistance had nothing but a bunch of guns and grenade tossing (looked to be heavily influenced by Call of Duty and Gears of War), no physics. Heavenly Sword looks nice but it's basically Goddess of War, I tihnk people who like that will be satisfied by God of War 2.

Not to say that MS hasn't copied some things from Sony, and games like God of War are certainly having an industry wide influence (which will be seen in both Heavenly Sword and Too Human). But MS has made nothing but smart and frugal moves this generation, and this is just vagrantly stupid and idiotic.

But I think tomorrow will prove in fact how behind the curve Sony now is...they can copy Nintendo and MS to some degree but MS is already stepping ahead when Sony is scrambling to be where they were a year before (for example, Microsoft has a whole freaking division dedicated to media center functionality, and they are agnostic instead of only showing you Sony artists), and Nintendo's use of the controller is going to be much more well thought out where Sony's reeks of a last ditch effort caused by a nasty lawsuit. Unfortunately Nintendo is bound to squander the opportunity, they will do better than GameCube, but they actually have a chance in Japan now and they need to take it.

The moves Sony has made can be summarized by two words:


Arrogance meant the fall of Nintendo. History tends to repeat itself. MS is going to go for the jugular on this one. There is simply no way they will not get #1 worldwide marketshare by end of this generation, and that's including the mess which will become the Japanese marketplace. They are making smarter moves, moving more quickly, and simply understanding what gamers worldwide want better than Sony.

Sony assumes that gamers love them, "it wasn't you, it was the nice car...sorry I've got a new boyfriend now and he treats me nicer"
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