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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

shpankey said:
I can't believe how shitty Gran Turismo 4 looked. I mean, I actually laughed out loud at those ridiculous spectators. The whole game just looked like GT3 but just at a higher resolution.

It was actually GT4 at a higher resolution, nothing more. They mentioned that right before playing it, i'm surprised you missed it :p
stolin said:
This is almost a bigger slap in the face than the price tag!

Totally agree on that, this whole 2 SKU nonsense is ridiculous. The only benefit to this is that all PS3's sold will have an HDD so that should keep developers happy.
Diablos said:
It really is a shame. Sony offers a quality games library with so much depth and enjoyment. I would hate to see that tank while MS and Nintendo take the lead and do whatever the hell they want because... they know consumers for the most part aren't going to buy PS3, and we're stuck with what may still be widely regarded as a crappy library opposed to what PS3 *could have been*.

I was going to get a PS3 at launch, but forget that. I don't think I'll be picking one up until Final Fantasy 13 is about to be released, and that'll be a loooong time from now. Assuming, of course, FF13 STAYS a PS3 exclusive because the console is selling well enough at $500-600 (my god, I still can't believe it's that expensive).

And as for them ripping off Nintendo's Wiimote -- honestly folks, I was expecting it, but NOT THIS SOON. Maybe like a year or two after it's on the market, but holy crap, they didn't hesitate at all. Gotta wonder how Nintendo feels. Probably ready to sue. :lol But I doubt they could unless they have a patent on the idea.

That makes no sense whatsoever. 3rd party developers would be stupid to stick with a lagging system. Remember how Nintendo pretty much owned that department in the NES and SNES days until the PS1 took over? Who's to say that Sony may be the losers this time out, and the big guns transmigrate over to the 360 and the Wii?
Let's put it this way - even major publishers didn't know about this price point. I just got an e-mail from a friend at one of the top 5 3rd party publishers going "WTF Sony?". HDD was also always banged out in tech docs as "optional".

It was speculated about, but pretty much everyone has pinned it as $399 w/o HD and $499 w/ HD so just $100 more than 360. That would have made a lot of frigging sense compared to what they're doing, but they are tweaking strategy to try to make their console look like it's more advanced. You can't buy thought leadership and you can't force people to respect you by wearing a nice coat. I have a feeling they really think people are that stupid?

Look at me, I'm holding a $249 PSP that's playing $19 Ridge Racer I downloaded from my $600 PS3! Yes our online is completely free, besides all the songs we force you to buy to enjoy SingStar! Ugh...just so poorly executed. $399 w/o HD would have made for an interesting 5 year battle. Since it's removeable we will have to see if they leave the "optional" clause in the TCRs, if so they are leaving the option open for $399 Fall 2007 w/o a HDD SKU (would be an ultra tard park).
cartman414 said:
That makes no sense whatsoever. 3rd party developers would be stupid to stick with a lagging system. Remember how Nintendo pretty much owned that department in the NES and SNES days until the PS1 took over? Who's to say that Sony may be the losers this time out, and the big guns transmigrate over to the 360 and the Wii?

What I think Diablos might be getting at is how the Playstation has them all in one place.
_leech_ said:
It was actually GT4 at a higher resolution, nothing more. They mentioned that right before playing it, i'm surprised you missed it :p

Yes granted that was obvious ... the bigger question is who's friggin' idea was it to:

A) Start off the PS3 part of the press conference with this.

B) Spend 20 minutes on it.

I mean holy shit Sony.

Did the GT designer get all diva-like and refuse to work on GT5 unless he got some lengthy E3 limelight?

For a minute there I thought the guy was going to start showing family album photos with the added impressive caveat that were all running in glorious 1080p :lol


Jonnyram said:
I was about to ask this. Surely this has major implications from here on.

Yea I was thinking baout that too. I'd suspect many PS3 projects would be put on hold thinking they'd lose less money that way than releasing the game(s) to a tiny fanbase

man, this is terrible from every angle

watch mgs4 jump ship to the 360
Edwood said:
Wonder how much PS3's are going to go for on eBay this winter.


Start with the bundles, then worry about eBay. Shit, man, start with the fucking SALES TAX.

I just realized...


Bravo, Sony. I am so glad you didn't announce the next gen Wipeout today. I actually love you quite a bit for that.


Yeah, even getting past all the faults of the system, some elements of the presentation were just bizarre. They started with 20 minutes of a high-res PS2 game and then followed that up with an eye toy demonstration (that was cool, but not mind blowing). That's not really how you grip your audience. Then their real time demos were incredibly awkward. The presentation hit it's stride with the third party games, but they could have built up the MGS4 trailer so much more (it should have capped off the presentation). Instead, they suffocated any good will from it by showing the motion activation DS3. Whether the controller idea is a good one or not, they treated a room full of game journalists like a bunch of idiots by hyping it as their invention. It's a pretty well defined audience and Nintendo's show is tomorrow, so they have the Wii remote already on their minds.

The whole pricing announcement was absolutely bizarre, especially since Sony is usually the one wowing us with surprising (in a good way) prices announced at the end. I mean, they must have anticipated that $600 was more than people were expecting, right? And then masquerading the stripped down version as simply a HD downgrade was pretty insulting of them.


While the 360 looks more affordable now that the PS3 price has been released - this lessens the hope that MS would issue a pricedrop on the 360 :(


I dont see the price as a problem, people are willing to spend quite some money on premium entertainment equipment.

This is by far not a mass market price, but Sony wont be able to produce more then 6 million units in the first 6 month anyway. I have not a shadow of a doubt they will easily sell those 6 million units at the price.

Come april 2007 the price probably drops (probably after MS ditched the tard pack and sells premium for $299). Until then PS3 is for those who dont care about price or want to get a bluray player anyway and get a game console for free.

Those not able to pay the price still have the PS2 option, Sony wont kill the console nor game support anytime soon.

Many probably will go for Wii or 360, but probably would have anyway. And if Sony really produces superior quality (graphics) they will easily win in the long run. Most stuff shown seems to confirm this, and I am sure by the time they are done Killzone, Motor Storm and especially the new GT will blow us away too.

btw. I dont think the price point is that much a marketing decision, they probably produce the consoles at some $800-$1000 price. With bluray drive prices probably dropping fast that will change quickly.


can you at least upgrade to wifi and hdmi with the core pack?

...dont tell me once you go core theres no way to get hdmi and wifi without add-ons? and is the hard drive upgradable?


mug said:
While the 360 looks more affordable now that the PS3 price has been released - this lessens the hope that MS would issue a pricedrop on the 360 :(

Yup and on the contrary raises the possibilty of the introduction of a new SKU with the HD-DVD drive and/or a 100GB HDD at 499$ or more.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Start with the bundles, then worry about eBay. Shit, man, start with the fucking SALES TAX.

I just realized...


Bravo, Sony. I am so glad you didn't announce the next gen Wipeout today. I actually love you quite a bit for that.

Yeah, no shit.

Can't wait to see $1K+ bundles. Whoopoie.



hey Jonnyram, what is the reaction to the PS3 price on the Japanese gaming sites? Are people thinking it's as crazy as most people here do? Or are they more ok with it?
Bat said:
Yeah, even getting past all the faults of the system, some elements of the presentation were just bizarre. They started with 20 minutes of a high-res PS2 game and then followed that up with an eye toy demonstration (that was cool, but not mind blowing). That's not really how you grip your audience. Then their real time demos were incredibly awkward. The presentation hit it's stride with the third party games, but they could have built up the MGS4 trailer so much more (it should have capped off the presentation). Instead, they suffocated any good will from it by showing the motion activation DS3. Whether the controller idea is a good one or not, they treated a room full of game journalists like a bunch of idiots by hyping it as their invention. It's a pretty well defined audience and Nintendo's show is tomorrow, so they have the Wii remote already on their minds.

The whole pricing announcement was absolutely bizarre, especially since Sony is usually the one wowing us with surprising (in a good way) prices announced at the end. I mean, they must have anticipated that $600 was more than people were expecting, right? And then masquerading the stripped down version as simply a HD downgrade was pretty insulting of them.

Yup- bizzare is the word. What they were missing was momentum, and the segments didnt gel. Just felt so stuttered as to content, and the message they were trying to bring home. I was just confused as to how I should react when I finished watching- not the reaction one would want.
So what do we call the controller now? Dual Shock 3 is clearly inappropriate, but going back to something like "PlayStation 3 controller" seems so generic now.

genjiZERO said:
yeah this price sux balls, but honestly has it changed the minds of anyone was planning on getting one before?
Yes. I'm interested in Blu-Ray, and wanted to get a compatible machine as soon as possible so I could start buying them instead of DVDs, and I know I'd eventually want a PS3 for exclusive games anyway, so I was willing and expecting to pay something more than $300. But the one with all the functionality and best outputs at $600? I find that hard to justify to myself for this year. Reading that news made Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam look a little less ugly.

Jonnyram said:
I was about to ask this. Surely this has major implications from here on.
Seems like a tricky situation for very Japan-centric games. X360 isn't a viable platform, and Wii couldn't handle a port of the truly advanced games.
Red Blaster said:
What I think Diablos might be getting at is how the Playstation has them all in one place.

That I got. It was the same deal with the NES and SNES. Point is, it's unwise to stay on a sinking ship. Not necessarily to say that that's what's going to happen with the PS3 though.

If Nintendo is able to demonstrate the superiority of the FHC, AND that hopefully the motion sensing capabilities are intact with the controller shell, they'll make Sony's inclusion of tilt look like a hack job. Of course this depends on tomorrow's conference.


It actually kinda makes sense to believe that Sony is givnig out a fake price now, then closer to launch, Lower the price.

Creates attention and gives the competition the bird.


The Eatable Arab said:
It actually kinda makes sense to believe that Sony is givnig out a fake price now, then closer to launch, Lower the price.

Creates attention and gives the competition the bird.

You wish

...and so do I :(


mug said:
While the 360 looks more affordable now that the PS3 price has been released - this lessens the hope that MS would issue a pricedrop on the 360 :(

Yup, the Sony ass fucking spreads in many more ways.



Zaxxon said:
hey Jonnyram, what is the reaction to the PS3 price on the Japanese gaming sites? Are people thinking it's as crazy as most people here do? Or are they more ok with it?
The price in Japan is more expensive than the US, people are not impressed.

Someone drafted a list of every console that has launched for more than 40,000 yen in Japan:

1990/04/26 Y58,000 - NEOGEO (SNK)
1990/11/10 Y44,800 - PC engine GT (NEC-HE)
1991/09/21 Y59,800 - PC engine Duo (NEC-HE)
1991/12/12 Y49,800 - Mega CD (Sega)
1991/12/13 Y99,800 - PC engine LT (NEC-HE)
1992/04/01 Y82,800 - Wonder Mega (Victor)
1993/07/02 Y59,800 - Wonder Mega M2 (Victor)
1993/08/20 Y89,800 - Laser Active (Pioneer)
1994/03/20 Y54,800 - 3DO REAL (Matsushita/Panasonic)
1994/11/22 Y44,800 - Sega Saturn (Sega)
1994/12/23 Y49,800 - PC-FX (NEC-HE)
1996/03/22 Y64,800 - Pippin@ (Bandai)
2003/12/13 Y99,800 - PSX (SCE)
2006/11/11 Y62,790 - PlayStation3 (SCE)

General consensus:
- it's too expensive to get excited about the graphics for now
- hopefully they'll drop the price before Monster Hunter 3 comes out (Capcom confirmed it is being developed for PS3 today)

Wollan said:
Did you miss out on Heavenly Sword, Warhawk & Resistance?
The card game aswell was pretty impressive.
The show doesn't start until Wednesday. How are they playable?


GAF's Bob Woodward
I've yet to see everything, but my current thoughts:

The games mostly impressed me, in particular Heavenly Sword, Lair, MGS4 :)o), obviously. Lots of nice stuff to look at. Pleasantly surprised at the amount of original stuff coming out also - I was sure we were going to see J&D when the Naughty Dog logo came up ;) Resistance also looked surprisingly good compared to what we saw before.

Surprised at the controller, I'm more wondering what if anything they can do between this and eyetoy.

It seems they focussed mostly on first party stuff at the conference? Did they even show Mercenaries 2, for example? I have it on pretty good authority that's effectively a PS3 exclusive, at least for now.

The "cut-down" 20GB version is disappointing, although if that's the price for a standard HDD, I'd take it.

As for the prices..I was laughed at when I said I was putting aside €600. I'm glad I did now, and will try and preorder later today for real.
after watching most of the HD trailers. It's clear that the PS3 is will be a nice graphical leap over the 360 (even though people wont admit it).

Maybe it's the developers Sony has on board but there are some seriously sweet looking games coming out for the PS3.


the conference was boring... but then again... sony conferences are usually very boring and the speakers can somehow suck the excitement out of anything cool.

sony's lineup was meh to me... i sat there like "man... where's the third party stuff"

and once it hit... only the usual suspects amazed me... metal gear solid 4, final fantasy XIII, all games published by sega... and armored core.

tekken 6 looked like a HD version of dark resurrection... they should have just created TTT 2 and justified the way it looks... especially when about 80 percent of the games shown really looked like they were ripped right out of a CG movie... the biggest let down of the show.

i mean... itagaki didnt even try to enhance the look of the characters in DOA 4 and somehow it looks WORSE than that? wtf is that about.

.. the lack of surprises, coupled with a "meh" lineup of games, and the 599 price point (im not even looking at the 499 version)... made this such a bad showing... i really cant bring myself to buy a PS3 at launch now... i have the money to pay for one... but man... i'd hate myself in the morning if i woke up and saw one lying there in my entertainment center.
quetz67 said:
I dont see the price as a problem, people are willing to spend quite some money on premium entertainment equipment.

This is by far not a mass market price, but Sony wont be able to produce more then 6 million units in the first 6 month anyway. I have not a shadow of a doubt they will easily sell those 6 million units at the price.

Come april 2007 the price probably drops (probably after MS ditched the tard pack and sells premium for $299). Until then PS3 is for those who dont care about price or want to get a bluray player anyway and get a game console for free.

Those not able to pay the price still have the PS2 option, Sony wont kill the console nor game support anytime soon.

Many probably will go for Wii or 360, but probably would have anyway. And if Sony really produces superior quality (graphics) they will easily win in the long run. Most stuff shown seems to confirm this, and I am sure by the time they are done Killzone, Motor Storm and especially the new GT will blow us away too.

btw. I dont think the price point is that much a marketing decision, they probably produce the consoles at some $800-$1000 price. With bluray drive prices probably dropping fast that will change quickly.

this actually makes some sense. I mean, Joe Consumer probably wouldn't want to drop $600+ on a videogame system, but with the amount of systems Sony is slated to ship, he'll have the decision made for him cause there won't be any systems to go around as the first batch will be snatched up by hardcore gamers and tech enthusaists. This keeps the perception of demand high, and then maybe Sony drops the price by $100 by next e3 (not likely, but i can dream) when they get the supply steady.


can someone tell me what that playstation card was all about? i missed that part of the conference.

also anywhere i can download the conference in high quality for free?


Joe said:
can someone tell me what that playstation card was all about? i missed that part of the conference.

also anywhere i can download the conference in high quality for free?

playstation card = microsoft points


Ninja Scooter said:
this actually makes some sense. I mean, Joe Consumer probably wouldn't want to drop $600+ on a videogame system, but with the amount of systems Sony is slated to ship, he'll have the decision made for him cause there won't be any systems to go around as the first batch will be snatched up by hardcore gamers and tech enthusaists. This keeps the perception of demand high, and then maybe Sony drops the price by $100 by next e3 (not likely, but i can dream) when they get the supply steady.

The problem is that Joe Consumer might decide to skip on the PS3 and just get a 360. And even if the price is dropped by 100 in a year....that's still $500 (or 400), way higher than the competition.
Bat said:
The problem is that Joe Consumer might decide to skip on the PS3 and just get a 360. And even if the price is dropped by 100 in a year....that's still $500 (or 400), way higher than the competition.

this is true. But the low shipment thing could work similar to what Sony did by sticking with the Spring 2006 launch date for so long. People thought "Oh PS3 is coming in the Spring, might as well skip 360 and just wait!" and by the time the delay was announced it was "Well i waited this long...".


Ninny Prancer
Red Scarlet said:
Was there a loud, audible gasp at the revelation of the price?

There was just the sound of frantic typing, furiuos writing, and a few whisper "whaaaaa..."s in the auditorium. My reaction has "LOL! You guys are crazy!".

We just had a LOOOONG discussion about this, with pretty much everyone in attendance thinking, "What a disaster of a press conference".

Really quite disappointing and confusing. I simply cannot believe that they announced a price point today. I think that was a monumental disaster of a decision.

BUT. The free margaritas were delicious! All was forgiven after a trio of those.


Count Chocula said:
after watching most of the HD trailers. It's clear that the PS3 is will be a nice graphical leap over the 360 (even though people wont admit it).

Maybe it's the developers Sony has on board but there are some seriously sweet looking games coming out for the PS3.

The games on PS3 may very well end up looking better than games on 360, but none of the playable games looked like a "nice graphical leap".


Geek said:
There was just the sound of frantic typing, furiuos writing, and a few whisper "whaaaaa..."s in the auditorium. My reaction has "LOL! You guys are crazy!".

We just had a LOOOONG discussion about this, with pretty much everyone in attendance thinking, "What a disaster of a press conference".

Really quite disappointing and confusing. I simply cannot believe that they announced a price point today. I think that was a monumental disaster of a decision.

BUT. The free margaritas were delicious! All was forgiven after a trio of those.

if i got free margaritas.. i still wouldn't forgive them. margaritas are nasty :(
What exactly is the difference between the two SKU's? I know one has a 20gb hard drive while the other has a 60, but what else? I read something about a card reader and HDMI but I'm not sure what those are. I know HDMI has something to do with HD output but that's it.


there is joy in sucking dick
brandonh83 said:
What exactly is the difference between the two SKU's? I know one has a 20gb hard drive while the other has a 60, but what else? I read something about a card reader and HDMI but I'm not sure what those are. I know HDMI has something to do with HD output but that's it.

The $600 one comes with all the fixings

The $500 one is mising Wi Fi, Firewire (I believe) and Memory Card Slots

I may be wrong on this. Someone will hopefully correct me
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