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Sony E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

Incognito said:
your avatar reveals all we needed to know.


No one says you have to agree with me. In terms of the games that were shown up to the point where i'm watching (Heavenly Sword, Eight Days, that Naughty Dog game, Afrika, Lair), i really don't see where are all the chants of disappointment are coming from.

Now, you could take a stab at my avatar (LOL OMGBBQ!!) or actually discuss why you think what was shown sucks.


CountZeroInt said:
Honestly I think Peter and J are having champagne right now, playing "Ce~lebrate good times, come on!", dancing on the hotel sofa, ordering lobster bisque.

I felt almost sick to my stomach watching the sony press conference, it's like they decided to copy everything that MS and Nintendo do one-to-one and have this smug look that their brand image and savvy marketing will assure them victory. Kaz reeked of fakeness "look I'm a cool gamer, hey Ridge Racer, you remember Ridge Racer, right? Right? Please?" Genji was awkward. Card game was even worse. Resistance had nothing but a bunch of guns and grenade tossing (looked to be heavily influenced by Call of Duty and Gears of War), no physics. Heavenly Sword looks nice but it's basically Goddess of War, I tihnk people who like that will be satisfied by God of War 2.

Not to say that MS hasn't copied some things from Sony, and games like God of War are certainly having an industry wide influence (which will be seen in both Heavenly Sword and Too Human). But MS has made nothing but smart and frugal moves this generation, and this is just vagrantly stupid and idiotic.

But I think tomorrow will prove in fact how behind the curve Sony now is...they can copy Nintendo and MS to some degree but MS is already stepping ahead when Sony is scrambling to be where they were a year before (for example, Microsoft has a whole freaking division dedicated to media center functionality, and they are agnostic instead of only showing you Sony artists), and Nintendo's use of the controller is going to be much more well thought out where Sony's reeks of a last ditch effort caused by a nasty lawsuit. Unfortunately Nintendo is bound to squander the opportunity, they will do better than GameCube, but they actually have a chance in Japan now and they need to take it.

The moves Sony has made can be summarized by two words:


Arrogance meant the fall of Nintendo. History tends to repeat itself. MS is going to go for the jugular on this one. There is simply no way they will not get #1 worldwide marketshare by end of this generation, and that's including the mess which will become the Japanese marketplace. They are making smarter moves, moving more quickly, and simply understanding what gamers worldwide want better than Sony.

Sony assumes that gamers love them, "it wasn't you, it was the nice car...sorry I've got a new boyfriend now and he treats me nicer"

No way Xbox can pass PS3 this generation, because of Japan, they essentially have 2/3s the audience that Sony does to sell consoles. But this could mean a much closer, Genesis/SNES type fight.
600$ for the full version, 500$ for a version with no HDMI (BR-D suppor with no HDMI?? :lol ), no WiFi, no vibration in controller..

Sony am.. err... fucked. :lol

Bring out the crows! :lol


No surprises...They did what I expected...but to tell ya the truth the price surprised me a bit...it's a bit risky to charge so much for a system...
CountZeroInt said:
Arrogance meant the fall of Nintendo. History tends to repeat itself. MS is going to go for the jugular on this one. There is simply no way they will not get #1 worldwide marketshare by end of this generation, and that's including the mess which will become the Japanese marketplace. They are making smarter moves, moving more quickly, and simply understanding what gamers worldwide want better than Sony.

gamers don't want ffxiii, mgs4, and the ton of other japanese games that will be exclusive on ps3? or do you believe that ps3 will fail from the starting gate, forcing those games to go multi-console?
If PS3 bombs I predict a massive payoff from Sony to Square Enix for a revamped FFVII.

I'll say now Square Enix e3 2k7 announces a new FFVII .

I would buy it JUST for that game


tahrikmili said:
600$ for the full version, 500$ for a version with no HDMI (BR-D suppor with no HDMI?? :lol ), no WiFi, no vibration in controller..

Sony am.. err... fucked. :lol
theres no rumble in controller period.

Sony's Phil Harrison even went so far as to tell us that "rumble was last generation, movement is this generation."
The consequences on 3rd party will be very high.

btw no ps3 network demo.
no ps2 backward compatiblity spoken.
no linux supercomputer.

but 20min gtHD?


Joe said:
the best part of the sony conf. was

"honk honk honk honkkkkk"

At that point they might as well have said "...and now we will watch grass grow as rendered by the PS3 hardware."


I am wondering if folks at Microsoft are staying up late tonight to see how they can change their press conference to take advantage of Sony's misstep here.

Also, I'm curious to know what the reaction is to price out in Japan, like on 2ch or whatever. North America is Wal-mart land where price really matters, but as I understand it, in Japan they are a bit more willing to pay more. Are they as upset about the price over there as we are?
Holy crap, the price is insane although it was somehow expected.

Asside from that Sony imo has all cards in their hands. They have this Wii-like thing in the controller, they have the games - MS and Nintendo now have to show that they can do sth. better (or different) than that!

Btw. I haven't seen the conference yet, just a short summary.


Now that I think about it, where was Killzone? Were they afraid of the innevitable shitstorm that would result from the downgrade everyone knows is coming?
firefoxsux said:
btw no ps3 network demo.

So they did not in fact confirm FREE MATCHMAKING in their list of free online services? I've seen a lot of people trumpeting FREE ONLINE as a perceived get in the $500-600 Price Tag but has MATCHMAKING been officially mentioned as being included in this glorious wonderland of freeness?
BenjaminBirdie said:
So they did not in fact confirm FREE MATCHMAKING in their list of free online services? I've seen a lot of people trumpeting FREE ONLINE as a perceived get in the $500-600 Price Tag but has MATCHMAKING been officially mentioned as being included in this glorious wonderland of freeness?

Who knows at this point. How can anybody believe what Sony says? They promise spring launch, they poo-poo multiple SKU, they actually physically delete features from the basic console, they laugh at global launch, and yet everybody expects free matchmaking? I sure as hell hope they have it, but I don't have battered wife syndrome where I keep believing that my husband will stop beating the crap out of me.


FECordeau said:
gamers don't want ffxiii, mgs4, and the ton of other japanese games that will be exclusive on ps3? or do you believe that ps3 will fail from the starting gate, forcing those games to go multi-console?

I saw no release dates on those titles but I wouldn't expect any of them before Summer '07. With the Wii being significantly less, and a potential 360 price drop...it will be interesting. I don't think America will change too much, perhaps a bit of Sony's market will get split between MS and Nintendo, but Japan, Japan will be something. If Sony takes a hit like the DS/PSP scenario...it'll be interesting.


thorns said:
:lol just woke up
there will be indeed much crow eating...

No crow will eaten, too many people on the denial diet.

If deflection was a skill and NeoGAF was Oblivion, Sony's defenders would be leveled up to masters of deflection by morning. Luckily it gives them the ability to spin any statement without being confined to logic :lol


IMHO, it seems whoever thought of the $500 tard pack should be clobbered to death with a crowbar... or at least fired immediately, it's just too retarded.
The more I think about the 500$ pack the more I :lol

It is the tard pack.. I mean, at least Ms's pack is actually cheapass at 300$, but a retarded pack at 500$ ?? :lol Mind boggles.
RevenantKioku said:
I saw no release dates on those titles but I wouldn't expect any of them before Summer '07. With the Wii being significantly less, and a potential 360 price drop...it will be interesting. I don't think America will change too much, perhaps a bit of Sony's market will get split between MS and Nintendo, but Japan, Japan will be something. If Sony takes a hit like the DS/PSP scenario...it'll be interesting.

very interesting. snes/genesis on a level never imagined. 3 viable competitors in most of the world, except japan (sorry ms), and this time having a bulldogish attitude coming from nintendo for the first time in a long long while.


Razoric said:
My verdict:

If Reggie or Allard started chucking their shit at random people in the audience while singing It's Raining Men for 2 hours they might have a worse conference then Sony. Then again, even that would be more entertaining.

When you add in the two press releases after the conference Razoric, your summation hits the nail on the head.

And for all of you waiting for a price drop, Sony does not price drop if they feel they do not have to, whether or not system components come down in value. They have made this stance very clear with the PS2.

Sony is completely insane. While initial shipments may sell out, these $600 systems will sit on store shelves.

And has anyone considered what the real costs will be to purchase one? Since it is neigh impossible to buy a new released system w/o a bundle, you can expect to score one on launch for $1k by the time you leave the store.

At a $600 price point for a full system Sony is showing nothing but contempt for its user base. Because Sony has been #1 for 2 generations, they no longer feel that they have to take a hit on hardware... (quick edit: This very well may be pressure from Sony corporate due to the huge bath they are taking in the TV and consumer electronic division generally...)

I can't imagine that this is going to turn out well for them.
it's amazing...

all the bumbling and stumbling MS has done with the X360 since the MTV event last year... and in one evening all of that is washed away and all the sudden they are clean. :lol @_@

way to go, Sony. I guess come 2006 holiday season we'll see just how far mindshare and marketshare really goes.


krypt0nian said:
I'm sure it will hit youtube soon enough. Not joining for E3 with google and youtube. =)

good luck with that, youtube is quick to delete copyrighted stuff :|


not an idiot
wow, Sony is fucking up bigtime. i can honestly see the Wii and 360 both beating PS3 out this next-gen now. before this, i would have laughed that idea off the face of the planet.

360 and Wii will be the way for me... at least until that price goes down 300 or so.

lame Sony, lame.
TheJollyCorner said:
it's amazing...

all the bumbling and stumbling MS has done with the X360 since the MTV event last year... and in one evening all of that is washed away and all the sudden they are clean. :lol @_@

way to go, Sony. I guess come 2006 holiday season we'll see just how far mindshare and marketshare really goes.

...deflection at its finest.

f_elz said:
good luck with that, youtube is quick to delete copyrighted stuff :|

But the list of copyrighted stuff up right now is astounding. It will be up long enough I'm sure.


Sony's marketing strategy is fucked up big time.
A tard pack at 500$ with no HDMI port after they have been talking about dual HDMI 1080P output for a year?And I don't even want to consider the other missing features,the size and weight of the thing :lol
This is trying to fool customers.I feel that they're wasting a lot of potential here,after seeing games like Heavenly Sword,Eight Days,Lair,new Naughy Dog game,MGS4 and FFXIII running on PS3,it's really a pity to see a console with such a huge potential to be ruined by an atrocius marketing strategy.
I hope Sony after all the critics adress this shit.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Razoric said:
My verdict:

If Reggie or Allard started chucking their shit at random people in the audience while singing It's Raining Men for 2 hours they might have a worse conference then Sony. Then again, even that would be more entertaining.

:lol :lol

that was great after wading through 50+ pages of this thread.

As for the conference, wow, i am shocked at what sony did. They played it exactly like MS wanted them to, and I am sure there is a lot of partying going over at redmond right now.

The immense irony at the pricing scheme is just too funny.

The games looked good to bad to wow, but nothing beyond signaling a whole new ballgame. In fact most are on par with 360 games scheduled for nov to 2007
Elios83 said:
Sony's marketing strategy is fucked up big time.
A tard pack at 500$ with no HDMI port after they have been talking about dual HDMI 1080P output for a year?And I don't even want to consider the other missing features,the size and weight of the thing :lol
This is trying to fool customers.I feel that they're wasting a lot of potential here,after seeing games like Heavenly Sword,Eight Days,Lair,new Naughy Dog game,MGS4 and FFXIII running on PS3,it's really a pity to see a console with such a huge potential to be ruined by an atrocius marketing strategy.
I hope Sony after all the critics adress this shit.

Q&A sessions with the Sony PR stooges should be interesting/hilarious...
Alright, finally finished watching it. My thoughts:

- Not a very well executed conference compared to last year.
- Not much PSP stuff.
- The PS3 titles impressed me.
- The six degrees of motion thing is cool and i think it'll work out well, but it was horribly demonstrated.
- The price... well, i've already commented on the price in other threads.

The price announcement at the end totally dampened the whole thing, if it wasn't for that (and a little bit more demonstration planning) it would have been a decent show.


not an idiot
I can't believe how shitty Gran Turismo 4 looked. I mean, I actually laughed out loud at those ridiculous spectators. The whole game just looked like GT3 but just at a higher resolution.

PGR 3 just shits all over it. Forza 2 will probably blow them all away.


I think Sony is making a huge mistake on the pricing, but I have to wonder how much (if any) of the decision can be attributed to all the people here who said things like, 'Look at how much 360's were going for on eBay after the system launched! Sony could get away with selling the PS3 for $600 and it would still sell out!' Now I'm just imagining some Sony execs trawling GAF, reading those posts and looking at one another: 'You know, that's an awesome idea! These guys are giving us the green light to gouge them!' :p


TheJollyCorner said:
Q&A sessions with the Sony PR stooges should be interesting/hilarious...

They will be important because,if they're not looking at the reactions on the formus (which I doubt),other people will make them note the absurdity of their strategy LIVE.


there is joy in sucking dick
shpankey said:
I can't believe how shitty Gran Turismo 4 looked. I mean, I actually laughed out loud at those ridiculous spectators. The whole game just looked like GT3 but just at a higher resolution.

PGR 3 just shits all over it. Forza 2 will probably blow them all away.

Of course PGR3 and Forza2 will shit all over it. They essentialy showed GT4 (PS2 GT4) being rendered at 1080p. Theres nothing next gen about it :p
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