Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


It's amazing how everyone complains about generic AAA shooters, but when sony shows beautiful, expansive, open, and refreshing games like Rime, Tomorrow Children, Wild, Tearaway, etc and everyone scoffs.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Those you listed are actually intriguing new games.



Love this fake account.

I lol'd.


I liked the conference a lot - they should have a live audio feed with more crowd reactions though. I want a better feel for when the crowd applauds, laughs or is quiet. When you only hear cut off applause it's hard to judge the excitement in the room.


Tearaway Unfolded // More Tearaway is awesome, but I’m slightly disappointed that they didn’t have it stay on Vita and work on something completely new instead. Good thing that it isn’t a straight port and has been reworked for the DS4.

I will mention that MM have already announced that they are working on two games. Months ago in fact.


The last time Sony was asked about the Vita, I think that was the time when they said all their studios are working on something for the PS4. They weren't lying. It's too bad we'll never get a PSP3 though. The PSP2 hardware will get long in the tooth eventually.
I'm not going to sell you on anything because I don't care. What they showed was damn good. If those games do nothing then stop gaming. I have a PS4, investment well worth it since it has the best games and also the most. That's it.

When did I say they do nothing? I said it was a solid show and would keep owners happy. It hasn't convinced me to pick up a Ps4 anytime soon, but I saw some good titles there, that I will pick up when I buy one.


The variety reminded me of the PS2 era and that's a really good thing. Well done Sony, will joining the PS4 train soon.


Made me feel pretty good for the future of gaming in the new generation.

The beginning of the generation is also the perfect time to make such a push, Sony is doing good.
Overall the conference was damn good. Not the best, but it met my expectations.

I would however, like to discuss some of the more prominent no-shows. I'll omit The Last Guardian, since I don't think anyone was really expecting that.

Here is the break down of the MIA list:

1) Shadow of the Beast: What is the story with this game? Its been a year since it was announced at last Gamescom and there has been squat in terms of new info.

2) Everybody's Going to the Rapture: Same as above. At least there has been some word on this one. I think IGN ran a previous a month or so ago.

3) No Media Molecule new IP: I'm guessing Sony is letting a good number of their developers defer their true next-gen projects while they do remasters and remakes. This will be likely at E3 2015.

4) No Guerilla Games IP: This has been rumored for a long while now. I'm guessing we won't hear anything from them in 2014. Except a possible VGX appearance, but even that seems low.

5) No Planetside 2: This seems ridiculous. Its been nearly a year since this game launched on PC nearly 2 years ago. I still cannot comprehend how this port is taking this long when the PS4 hardware is so much more similar to PC than previous generations. What is the hold up?

6) No Sony Bend: We don't even have the foggiest clue what these guys are up to. New Syphon Filter? Rumored Horror Title?

7) Sony London: Same as above.

8) Quantic Dreams new IP: I'm surprised this didn't show up and that these guys didn't show up entirely. I would've thought we'd AT LEAST get some announcement of a Beyond Remaster. Personally I'm glad they didn't bother. I'd rather see a new IP.

9) No Japan Studios: Makes sense give the euro-centric context of the event, but I expected SOMETHING. Bloodborne isn't really from Sony's JPN studios, so it doesn't really count.

10) No U.S. studios: Once again, it seems to makes sense.However, I would've liked to see something of significance. We got a new trailer for Second Light, but nothing else I can recall.


The Order looked awesome for the first time since E3 2013. It looked simply amazing, out of the world DA, and it looked like real fun (at last !).
Bloodborne is looking amazing as well, BGE incoming !
Rime's new trailer was amazing too... I so want to play that right now. Got Wind Waker / SOTC vibes...
Wild is an amazing surprise, Ancel is an amazing creator, and this looks fantastic. Will make me wait for BG&E2 ^^
Until Dawn looks good too. The visuals have a old gen vibe, but the decision aspect make this quite interesting... Can't wait to see how all of this ends up like.
Alienation is Housemarque, so it will be golden.
A bit disappointed with Mm and Tearaway, but this game was fantastic on PS4. If they do make it a whole new game and not a simple port, it will probably be just as godly ^^
Also disappointed with DriveClub. Looks amazing as usual, but I am still not convinced for some reason... Couldn't they find someone a bit more charismatic to present it ?

And we also had plenty of smaller project and yet really interesting projects (The Tomorrow Children, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Runemaster, Hollowpoint, Hellblade.... ). Few multis, few CGI, plenty of announcements (10ish ?), new IPs, awesome trailers (Bloodborne, The Order, Rime, ... ), ...

This has to be one of the best conf I have ever watched in my life. It may have lacked a final megaton to wrap it up, but that's about it.
People complain they don't see sequels of games they lovenand instead get new ips they might be fans of later baffles me completely.

So much new IPs in this conference.. I love it
That's exactly what I was thinking. Those you listed are actually intriguing new games.

People always want what's not announced. That's always been the reaction to these press conferences for as long as I can remember. Once they are over people would rather discuss and focus on what wasn't shown and if that means everything is doomed, rather than what was shown. Grass is always greener in their eyes I guess.
Thank you.

I wonder what Sony Japan are actually making in house. Most of the games they've been releasing have been collaborations with other studios

Well, they released 2 games last year (Knack/Puppeteer) and is presumably prioritising their resources on TLG/GD2.

I personally have no expectations of any announcements from Japan Studio this year.


Here buddy. Just for you -> Over 150 upcoming VITA games

Why didn't they show any then ?

I mean, yeah, lot's of stuff coming. But I am pretty personally sure that 90% of people (that is, people who don't browse gaf) who own a vita don't know about most, if any of these games. They need advertisement to sell !

Sony expects that the games will just sell themselves, like tearaway, and when they don't they just go "Woops well I guess people just don't care on the vita !".

I love that little console and it's so, so disheartening. It has some of the best hidden gems atm but it seems Sony is trying to kill it metaphorically by suffocating it with a pillow and litteraly by just not talking at all about it, hoping that everybody else will forget about it's existence and the failure of sony at making it relevant
Overall the conference was damn good. Not the best, but it met my expectations.

I would however, like to discuss some of the more prominent no-shows. I'll omit The Last Guardian, since I don't think anyone was really expecting that.

Here is the break down of the MIA list:
[Long list of missing games]

The fact that they filled an hour with games (and some firmware stuff) without these, bodes well in my eyes.
I found that conference to be refreshing. The games they showed were different and new, exactly what I wanted from the conference. They revealed a lot as well. Well done Sony.
The conference was brilliant, we actually saw plenty of new IP and it wasn't chocked full of shooters! It proves that Sony's backing of the indies was the right decision.


Why didn't they show any then ?

I mean, yeah, lot's of stuff coming. But I am pretty personally sure that 90% of people (that is, people who don't browse gaf) who own a vita don't know about most, if any of these games. They need advertisement to sell !

Sony expects that the games will just sell themselves, like tearaway, and when they don't they just go "Woops well I guess people just don't care on the vita !".

I love that little console and it's so, so disheartening. It has some of the best hidden gems atm but it seems Sony is trying to kill it metaphorically by suffocating it with a pillow and litteraly by just not talking at all about it, hoping that everybody else will forget about it's existence and the failure of sony at making it relevant
Handheld gaming is dying in the west.
Deal with the truth.
PS4 / console gaming is beasting.
Therefore: Gamescom / PS4 show
Tokyo Game Show / More VITA stuff (because it actually sells there)


I'm floored by the people not impressed, honestly. Such variety and people still claim it's nothing.

So no new bundles, huh?

Guess I'm getting a PS4 on Friday.

Destiny is their bundle. Don't expect Xbox One levels of bundles into next year...maybe not even that many though, Xbox has a LOT already. They won't subsidize games when they're selling 10 million in less than a year.


I found that conference to be refreshing. The games they showed were different and new, exactly what I wanted from the conference. They revealed a lot as well. Well done Sony.

The conference was brilliant, we actually saw plenty of new IP and it wasn't chocked full of shooters! It proves that Sony's backing of the indies was the right decision.

I don't remember, but did they put a date on the new firmware update?

I don't think so.


Other than my vita rant, good show for the ps4. There was an actual nice variety of things. Rime looks fantastic and i'm very intrigued by the Tomorrow Children, and a lot of other stuff. It seems pretty surreal

Bloodborne looks GOAT, no doubt about that

Still not quite on board for the Order but it certainly looks more interesting than before. We got to see some more variety although there isn't something gameplay wise that has quite catched my attention yet
If they show as much variety at TGS from JPN devs, I'll be a believer, but looking good so far from the West.

Not sure on which scale Sony cooperates with Japanese indie developers. Most small Japanese developers are working on mobile games or 3DS this days. Sadly Stationary Systems are like dead in Japan. So I would not get my hopes up.
So no new bundles, huh?

Guess I'm getting a PS4 on Friday.

SCEE does bundles so frequently that they don't announce those stuff at conferences, but at blog post.

Destiny bundle was a major announcement because it was a SCEA thing... SCEA extremely rarely do bundles.


Handheld gaming is dying in the west.
Deal with the truth.
PS4 / console gaming is beasting.
Therefore: Gamescom / PS4 show
Tokyo Game Show / More VITA stuff (because it actually sells there)

I really really hope so. But it's just so sad because we already had e3 where it had almost nothing and the constant evasiveness of even Yoshida and House and Rohde.

I hope TGS will bring something, anything.


Not sure on which scale Sony cooperates with Japanese indie developers. Most small Japanese developers are working on mobile games or 3DS this days. Sadly Stationary Systems are like dead in Japan. So I would not get my hopes up.

I do wonder about how JP indies fare with Sony...they seem to...not do so at all, really. Shame because some JP indies put out crazy good stuff like Platine Dispositif.


Also disappointed with DriveClub. Looks amazing as usual, but I am still not convinced for some reason... Couldn't they find someone a bit more charismatic to present it ?

Kind of a weird criticism to be honest. The guy presenting it could fumble his way through the whole segment, it doesn't stop a good game from looking good. In the same way, a really charismatic person can't make a bad looking game look better.
I do wonder about how JP indies fare with Sony...they seem to...not do so at all, really. Shame because some JP indies put out crazy good stuff like Platine Dispositif.

JP indies are doujin game makers, mostly. There's no thriving indie scene in Japan in the same context as the rest of the developed gaming world.


JP indies are doujin game makers, mostly. There's no thriving indie scene in Japan in the same context as the rest of the developed gaming world.

Is it because PC does so poor there? The JP indies I know are mostly on PC, which I know does poorly. Surprised Gundemonium got put on PS3. Would love to see Bunny Must Die on console too.
I would agree, but it would've been nice to see an something on a few of those.

We'll probably see them outside conferences.

Sony holds a 'preview show' every now and then where they get press to come and play some games and then write news about them in-between major conferences.

Like for Helldivers and Hohokum, both of those games aren't given conference times, but rather backstage/stream demos instead.
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