Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12

TRI Mike

Yeah but since Vita can't handle several PSN accounts (as far as I'm concerned) it's not like you can just switch between a Japanese and NA/EU account and import digital games.


It seems like Sony is doing a great job of pacing themselves. While it can be frustrating at times, conferences like this shows me they are commited to brining unique games/experiences to their console.

Due to the number of absent studios, it's clear Sony's keeping their cards close.

I believe we will see another IP reveal, specific to the TGS demographic at TGS.

Now...let's hope Sony can work on consumer communication when it comes to these updates! lol


My view on Gamescom was good :).

Firstly, love the games coming to PS4 :D. So. many. games XD! Rime looks amazing, The Wild looks to be very refreshing, Sound looks to be very promising (liked Thomas is Alone :D), and the new games from Q-Games and Housemarqe are going to be a blast to play :).

Secondly, they had a very rapid pace in terms of games. The first party stuff just flew by, the third party stuff was a bit boring (just repeating what we know about the games) but went by fast enough, and the independent god, there were just too many XD! Back to back to BACK! Ports of huge indie games on PC mixed with brand new games and IP that are coming to PS4 first/exclusive to PS4, all of them looking unique and different from one another. Hell, some are even landing on Vi....

Lastly, this is my third point; the Vita showings....or lack there of X(. I can understand the platform is really struggling for sales....but that is due to Sony themselves not giving a shit about the platform X(. I've always thought that SCEE did care about the platform....but, now I really don't think that is the case :(. GC, MM, Sony Bend....all no-shows on the Vita front and MM is even bringing Tearaway to PS4 :D. Granted, that is an amazing thing as the game will finally get a bigger audience that the classic really deserves.....but that just sends a very sad and almost insulting message to me; Sony REALLY doesn't care about the Vita, taking away the little, true exclusives it has and porting them to the PS4.

Hell, I can see Gravity Rush 1 being ported next year, Gravity Rush 2 being moved to PS4, Uncharted Golden Abyss/Wipeout/Killzone Merecnary all being ported to PS4 as well (though those make the most sense; they were the most console like out of all of Sony's Vita exclusives). .....I will stop being negative, as we are still getting many indies to Vita (Papers Please and Sounds are coming to Vita :D!), so that is still a nice thing :).

Overall, I liked the conference, as it showed me games that will get for the PS4 in a heartbeat for (gotta get Tearaway Unfolded when it comes out :D!) and shows me the system will have a little bit of everything for people. Besides, it will be the ultiment accessory for my Vita :D.
Is there anywhere I can read a recap of all the announcements? I wasn't able to see the conference and the topics on the front page are moving so fast I feel like I need a more concise summary.


That was a disappointing show. Where were the games the Sony execs were excited for? Seems they are getting excited easily.

I am what the average PS4 buyer thinks about the abundance of indie titles on the PS4. I have the suspicion that most don't care much about those and PS+ is only selling because it is needed for CoD, Madden, FIFA, Destiny etc. Which would mean that TR is bigger than all the stuff which was shown and loosing that is a big blow.

Vita showing was depressing. SCEE seems to follow now SCEAs lead to ignore it completely.

Well, there is hope that TGS will be better.


The funny thing is when you compare some of the people on this thread to their reaction on the MS thread, you'll notice a pattern. It's the usual suspects...

I never do this, but because I've been reading both conference threads all day, I noticed this....

MS conference
Jomjom said:
I dont even know why they felt the need to give any explanation. They dont owe that to anyone.

... ok....
It makes total sense. MS is capable of outmarketing Uncharted 4.
MS wasnt lying when they said they had some big announcements for this show!

Sony conference
Wow I was right, all indies.

Despite the guy on stage reiterating that Sony has not gotten complacent, they most definitely have. What a horrible show.

Opinions and all, but wasn't turning Tomb Raider into an exclusive the only "big announcement? And Screamride was the one new game for their conference?


This was miiiiiiiiiiiiiles better than E3. More games, more exclusives, more interesting figures, shorter, not much time spend on multiplats, no TV crap or long talking. Good stuff.

Yeah, feels like we got 2 E3 level conferences this year from them.

Here's hoping they come guns blazing to TGS as well.
Overall the conference was damn good. Not the best, but it met my expectations.

I would however, like to discuss some of the more prominent no-shows. I'll omit The Last Guardian, since I don't think anyone was really expecting that.

Here is the break down of the MIA list:

1) Shadow of the Beast: What is the story with this game? Its been a year since it was announced at last Gamescom and there has been squat in terms of new info.

2) Everybody's Going to the Rapture: Same as above. At least there has been some word on this one. I think IGN ran a previous a month or so ago.

3) No Media Molecule new IP: I'm guessing Sony is letting a good number of their developers defer their true next-gen projects while they do remasters and remakes. This will be likely at E3 2015.

4) No Guerilla Games IP: This has been rumored for a long while now. I'm guessing we won't hear anything from them in 2014. Except a possible VGX appearance, but even that seems low.

5) No Planetside 2: This seems ridiculous. Its been nearly a year since this game launched on PC nearly 2 years ago. I still cannot comprehend how this port is taking this long when the PS4 hardware is so much more similar to PC than previous generations. What is the hold up?

6) No Sony Bend: We don't even have the foggiest clue what these guys are up to. New Syphon Filter? Rumored Horror Title?

7) Sony London: Same as above.

8) Quantic Dreams new IP: I'm surprised this didn't show up and that these guys didn't show up entirely. I would've thought we'd AT LEAST get some announcement of a Beyond Remaster. Personally I'm glad they didn't bother. I'd rather see a new IP.

9) No Japan Studios: Makes sense give the euro-centric context of the event, but I expected SOMETHING. Bloodborne isn't really from Sony's JPN studios, so it doesn't really count.

10) No U.S. studios: Once again, it seems to makes sense.However, I would've liked to see something of significance. We got a new trailer for Second Light, but nothing else I can recall.

one thing I take away from this conference is that Sony's third party relation team is fucking godly, I was ready for Sony to show some of those no show you mention because well, I thought what else are they going to show.

turns out, they have a shit lot of games with third party dev and they're pretty damn good at picking them too. the conference are jam packed with games without most of Sony's in house dev pitching in.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
jesus the manchild fanboy salt is embarassing

that conference was rad as fuck

until dawn really got me going
The most exciting part about this Gamescom conference, outside of a great show, is that it's making E3 next year look amazing.

We'll almost certainly get Guerilla and Sony Santa Monica new games, and a major showing for Uncharted 4.



That was a disappointing show. Where were the games the Sony execs were excited for? Seems they are getting excited easily.

I am what the average PS4 buyer thinks about the abundance of indie titles on the PS4. I have the suspicion that most don't care much about those and PS+ is only selling because it is needed for CoD, Madden, FIFA, Destiny etc. Which would mean that TR is bigger than all the stuff which was shown and loosing that is a big blow.

Vita showing was depressing. SCEE seems to follow now SCEAs lead to ignore it completely.

Well, there is hope that TGS will be better.


Thank you for pinpointing where the average sits, with your plethora of precise data on user preferences.


one thing I take away from this conference is that Sony's third party relation team is fucking godly, I was ready for Sony to show some of those no show you mention because well, I thought what else are they going to show.

turns out, they have a shit lot of games with third party dev and they're pretty damn good at picking them too. the conference are jam packed with games without most of Sony's in house dev pitching in.

I'm impressed too :D; Sony really has went all out with getting support from all over the place for PS4 :).

Almost all the games shown off at Gamescom were varied, interesting and more ambitious then anything the 'bigger' studios have been putting out :D. Can't wait to see more of these games, making my future PS4 purchase all the more likely :).
I never do this, but because I've been reading both conference threads all day, I noticed this....

MS conference

Sony conference

Opinions and all, but wasn't turning Tomb Raider into an exclusive the only "big announcement? And Screamride was the one new game for their conference?

DetectiveGAF is best GAF.
My opinions / impressions;
The Tomorrow Children // Very intriguing / different. I’d like to see more; this game definitely has my attention.

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter // Intriguing, very interesting.

Volume // Already seen. Mike Bithell is awesome. I will definitely pick this up.

Hollowpoint // Meh, not really my thing.

Dayz // Nice get. I might finally need to check it out. ‘In under three years’ is a bit far off though… No gameplay or anything? No trailer? Seems like this plan only was made recently.

Hellblade // Ooh, Ninja Theory! Looking forward to more on that! Looks promising.

Rime // Still awesome. Most anticipated game for me. Incredibly beautiful. Awesome trailer.

Indie montage // Nice. Some good stuff. Will definitely check some of them out.

Destiny // I’m already sold. I don’t need Hirschberg talking corporate PR / pre-order talk. Second guy was disinterestedly reading from the prompter. PvP. Nothing really new. Nice new shots. Should have been just the trailer.

Far Cry 4 // I like snow. Nice to see a more exotic environment. Not very exciting presentation. Keys to Kyrat not as big as originally thought.

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor // Generic revenge story is not that amazing. Still on the fence about this game.

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain // Hadn’t seen this before. Nice of them to give the box more versatility vs. just as a reference. Completely hilarious and out of place. And hilarious.

P.T. // Ok? Jumpscare reaction vid? I don’t care; show me the game!

Firmware 2.0 // What, play any game with any PS+ subscriber without them owning the game? Stream crapped out beyond that. I want to know more on that, and what does this make Keys to Kyrat? How does it work? What are the specifics?

Morpheus // Stream crapped out. Missed this bit. Demoes on show floor.

PSNow // Stream crapped out. Heard something about the beta coming to EU in 2015.

PSTV // Stream crapped out. Probably won’t sell. Not really interested as I already have a Vita.

Until Dawn // Corny B-movie horror? Nice graphics? You decide who lives? Yes please!

Driveclub // Still looking good. From the trailer straight into gameplay; good. Very focused on social. Weather looking very good. Affects car control / gameplay. ‘HOW FAST DO YOU WANNA GO?’, as always in a Driveclub trailer. Might not have needed the on-stage demo.

Tearaway Unfolded // More Tearaway is awesome, but I’m slightly disappointed that they didn’t have it stay on Vita and work on something completely new instead. Good thing that it isn’t a straight port and has been reworked for the DS4.

Alienation // Awesome destruction. Pretty much Dead Nation with Aliens. Will play.

Wild // Michel Ancel. Looking great. Expansive open world. Play as any living creature? Awesome. Very intriguing. Lots of potential here. Want to know more!​
Huge step up from last year’s Gamescom, and I love how there was a minimum amount of fluff. No 20 minutes on media and movies and services; they just briefly talked about the 2.0 update and PSNow, that’s it. Great. For the rest it was just games games games with minimal fluff. Destiny could’ve just shown the trailer; the PR-talk / pre-order talk accompanying it just dragged it out a bit. The stream crapped out for a little bit, but luckily during the small non-games part. Sadly no Vita news, but that was to be expected.

Great conference with a ton of new, unique and promising titles. Also great that Sony was fully clear on any timed exclusivity, unlike certain other companies.

thank you kindly for this
Now that was a conference! Great showing from Sony, that really went all in on games after people complained like crazy about the Powers segment at E3.

And people saying the Microsoft conference was better are straight up crazy.

Microsoft announced exactly 1 new game in the span of 90 minutters:

Screamride (Frontier. Xbox One, Xbox 360)

Sony managed to announce 9 new games in just an hour:

The Tomorow Children (Q Games. PS4)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (The Astronauts. PS4, PC)
Volume (Mike Bithell Games. PS4, Vita, PC, Mac)
Hollowpoint (Paradox Interactive. PS4, PC)
Hellblade (Ninja Theory. Only announced for PS4, presumably we'll see Xbox One later)
P.T. (7780s Studio. PS4)
Tearaway Unfolded (Media Molecule. PS4)
Alienation (House Marquee. PS4)
Wild (Wild Sheep Studios. PS4)

5 of those are completely exclusive for PS4 and the others are timed exclusives. You're kidding yourself if you think MS had the better conference.


Sony's focus seemed to be all about the games, which was awesome. It was game after game after game.
Imo they were very few boring moments in their conference, but they should limit the speaking part of each game to 2 min. imo.
I'm excited about games again!

The most astounding thing for me is, despite all of these excellent looking games (I'm personally excited about The Tomorrow People, Wild, Tearaway, The Order, Rime and Bloodborne) is that Sony haven't begun to flex their first party muscle.

Japan Studio (Alan Becker's turnaround)
Guerilla Games
Guerilla Cambridge
Media Molecule (other project)
Santa Monica
Polyphony Digital
Studio London

They all haven't announced anything. Quantic Dream haven't announced anything and Naughty Dog haven't released their first built for PS4 game yet.

Lots of interesting stuff ahead, surely.
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