I don't think that the political intrigue in the Wheel of Time is any less important than in a Song of Ice and Fire. The difference is that it's mostly less in your face in the former than it is in the latter. What I'm talking about is how all of the different factions vie against one another, how you can't be sure of a lot of characters' loyalties, and all of the betrayals that take place.There is political intrigue in the series, but I think it's rarely central to the story the way it often is in GoT. The political intrigue in WoT is something that runs alongside the main story in WoT, while it's the main meat in GoT. There are many instances in WoT where you could ignore the political stuff entirely and just enjoy the action.
I'm not as much of a fan of the first book, but that part was pretty great. The one scene I'd want to see is in book 7 -I could have just read the first book and would have been perfectly happy. It had a nice story, I liked the characters, it kept me interested, and then it ended. I read the rest of the series and loved it, but if you're looking to just get your feet wet, there's no harm in stopping early. If I had one moment from Book 1 I wanted to see on TV, it would beMoiraine's "weep for Manetheren" speech from the Two Rivers after the first Trolloc attacks. Put a good actress on that and I'd get choked up.
Swovan Night; when Mat finally figures out who Birgitte is.