Anybody know the weakness for thecyclops
I don't believe he has an elemental weakness, but you can attack him without problems when
he is hammering on his spear
Anyone else finding golems only meh and going with bombs/explosives instead? Perhaps I've missed a lot of pages in this thread where someone else has maybe talked about this general strategy (as I've been playing a hellacious amount of this game instead of staying on top of this fast moving thread) but on boss runs I generally tend to now go with builds consisting of 3 slots for explosives, one slot for bombs, one slot for heal item, and one slot for homing or thorns (usually of the elemental type next in line to break the boss out of whatever "hell" I'm going to place the boss into with my initial bombs and explosives). I use elemental ones if fighting a boss with a particular weakness. Seems to work awesomely for many bosses - especially the ones that transform. Just hit "start" button and start placing bombs around them while they transform (two or so), run back a ways, then hit em with an explosive. Against bosses that charge at you and where shields greatly help, then I'll swap out one slot of explosives with a shield (against Cerberus, Jacks, etc.).
I bomb the shit out of the bosses in this game. Long range artillery all the way...
Actually, unless its because I'm mostly dark magic (and I hope it changes a LOT with more of a divine build) I find the only way I can handle most of these bosses is to keep my distance as much as possible. I can dodge their swings and melee attacks pretty easily, but those area attacks can one shot kill me sometimes. Even at full health and with the proper elemental-matching armor on. And that is even when I'm not using my typical +70% attack / -35% defense sigil (I think that is the ratios).
Are people with more divine builds finding that they can survive a LOT more damage against some of these harder hitting bosses - especially in the higher level Avalon quests? I'm assuming if you're going with a tank build that you're probably going with defense sigils as well with perhaps a weapon enhancement sigil to basically be a melee fighter? Just wondering if the troubles I'm having are simply due to my current 23/46 build and that I usually have very low defense/high offense.
I hope that's the case and that the bosses don't hit everybody as hard as that would remove a lot of replay and variety in the game.
Anyway. Fun game! So far the biggest pain in the ass boss I've met is in the
Chapter Four boss with the extra character story lines where you fight a werewolf all by yourself and with no AI partner. I finally got through it after a few tries but damn if that wasn't just mean! EDIT: I forgot the name of the character but its the third extra sorceror story character - the guy who is chasing the werewolf.
Oh - I should add that I've gotten through all four character story lines and beaten those and gotten to the very last fight in the Magusar story line and I'm going through the Avalon VI or VII quests now.
Just beat the Centaur if that helps to explain where I'm at. Damn was that an easy fight too - especially with the corridor nature of the map you first face him. All I had to do was let him chase my AI partners down that long corridor and set a bunch of bombs to block him when he comes back.