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Sound Shapes |OT| A Game For Vita (and PS3)


Reluctant Member
Well I just started playing your levels, and I have no complaints so far after I adjusted to your "no check points" choice. You're doing a great job, so keep doing what you're doing.

Thanks a lot! I'm avoiding deadly obstacles in my new one, but that doesn't mean you won't die. :eek:

I'm really loving the way my new (unpublished) level is turning out! Can't wait to share it with you guys. I'm going for the more atmospheric less challenging tone this time so Lissar will like it. I'm making some complex objects but it's a pain that I can't select all and move around or delete parts of solid objects (make a doughnut for example).

Can't wait to see it! :D

Updated the GAF list with the new songs and deleted your Elevators song Lissar. Let me know if you fix it and I'll add it back.

I spent two hours trying to fix it yesterday. Practically gutted it from its original intent but it still came up with errors. I'm putting it on the back-burner for now until we get news of a patch that should (hopefully) fix it.

Need opinions/impressions for my next conquest! @LISSAR AND OTHERS =)


Thanks for those of you who have played/liked it so far!

Also - Lissar, Elevators worked fine for me yesterday... no errors! And it was pretty freakin' slick. Keep it up!

Thanks! Wish it was consistently reliable so I could keep the level up, but I don't want to be responsible for freezing and restarting PS3s and Vitas. It really seems to depend on which doors you go through and in which directions. I could give people a "safe" way to go through the level, but that would defeat the purpose of the level.

I want to play through everyone's levels but I'll have to do that after work! Can't wait for them.
No, it's ok like that. The chain didn't get used often in the campaign levels so I was just not used to it. The final jump where you have to bounce on the guy drinking coffee is pretty unforgiving though, so you might want to put a checkpoint before that. Getting all the way up to fail there was slightly annoying.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll play around with it tonight to make it less annoying.


Reluctant Member
Yeah, so don't try to cut/paste an area that is more than a screen long or copy it in an area that already has stuff. Anything in the first area that intersects with objects in the second area will be deleted.

I tried selecting all the stuff on the screen and moving it manually, but it said "over limit". D:
I've just finished the main campaign, and I gotta say I was only impressed by the Beck levels. The rest is fun, but not particularly interesting in any way.
Feel the same way. Beck levels were awesome but the others had limited interactivity and the music just wasnt there


Speedrunning is so fun. Currently #2 on Disasteroids with 1:23.73 :D It's awesome to see your times drop with every try.


Thanks Foshy, I'm glad you liked it. Once you get that chain part down you can get through it in a good rhythm with just a few swings. Was that part more frustrating than fun though? I may tweak that part of the level if it annoys people. I queued up your level and I'll give it a go tonight.

Here's the level again for the new page for those that want to try it. Last time I'll post it, I swear!
Cave Rave: http://soundshapesgame.com/profile.html

Great level. Really enjoyed the music and the platforming was not too shabby either! May want to fix that link though so more people see it! :)
Great level. Really enjoyed the music and the platforming was not too shabby either! May want to fix that link though so more people see it! :)

Thanks for trying my level and for the heads up on the bad link. Just tried your level again and it's really fun. Good music and some fun platforming. I like that part where you have to bounce on the bubble streams. I'll have to use some of that in my own levels.


Hey guys, just published my new level Silent Hill 2!

Please check it out, especially if you're a fan of SH2, lol.

Oni Jazar

Here's the level again for the new page for those that want to try it. Last time I'll post it, I swear!
Cave Rave: http://www.soundshapesgame.com/level/zsbTFvIp

Your level was very good but HARD! The last screen almost made me throw my Vita to the wall. Glad I beat it. :)

Need opinions/impressions for my next conquest!


Very Cool! I liked the hidden coins. Could have used more of those. Also I think the bubble area could've been a little easier, it was rough.

Check out my level please guys "Daydream" is atmospheric no challenge, I think I will make my next one tricky.

How do you play levels from your queue? I can't find it in game.
Your level was very good but HARD! The last screen almost made me throw my Vita to the wall. Glad I beat it. :)

Very Cool! I liked the hidden coins. Could have used more of those. Also I think the bubble area could've been a little easier, it was rough.

Check out my level please guys "Daydream" is atmospheric no challenge, I think I will make my next one tricky.

Yeah, I added some more checkpoints to my level to make it less frustrating. One at the chain part and one on the last screen.

I just tried out your level and I liked it. Nice bass line on that screen with all the flowers. Good stuff. I like that color scheme too.

How do you play levels from your queue? I can't find it in game.
Go to your profile in Community and they will be listed under Favorites.


Thanks for trying my level and for the heads up on the bad link. Just tried your level again and it's really fun. Good music and some fun platforming. I like that part where you have to bounce on the bubble streams. I'll have to use some of that in my own levels.

No problem, and thanks! The bubbles certainly seem like they could lead to some really cool platforming ideas. PS - I claimed the top score back from you. =D

Hey guys, just published my new level Silent Hill 2!

Please check it out, especially if you're a fan of SH2, lol.

Awesome! Definitely feels like Silent Hill. Very creative. The part near the end with the fiery stairs had my tearing my hair out.. it seems so simple but I must have died 15 times. =)

Very Cool! I liked the hidden coins. Could have used more of those. Also I think the bubble area could've been a little easier, it was rough.

Check out my level please guys "Daydream" is atmospheric no challenge, I think I will make my next one tricky.

Thanks for the play! Yea I think I'll definitely include more hidden coins/exploratory aspects in my next level. I really enjoyed Daydream as well. Atmospheric without a challenge is always a nice change of pace. The challenge is still there for those who want to beat the top time! I'd like to see more!


Reluctant Member
I was going to wait until it's actually the 15th to post this, but might as well do it now. :eek:

Happy Birthday to Me: The Search for More Cake

Please play it
because it actually is my birthday. :eek:

I'm going to play through some of your levels in a bit, I've been working on this one since I got home!


Reluctant Member
Ugh, more glitches. In my new level there is an issue where the box won't drop if you decide to retry. :/

Edit: Fixed the glitch by lowering the box thingamajigs.

And yes in the level you may run into dead ends or can't solve a puzzle. :eek: I'll understand if this frustrates you and you want to quit though.
Is there enough game in there if you dont want to create?.

The campaign is probably anywhere from 3 to 5 hours, depending on your skill level. Once that is finished Beat School and Death Mode become unlocked. Beat School is fun, but short and easy. At least I thought so. Death Mode, on the other hand, can get quite difficult because of how much of it is based on luck.


Reluctant Member
Oni Jazar - I thought the level was quite nice and I thought the music flowed very well!

Pretty much everyone else - Sorry, your levels are too hard for me. :< I hope you aren't disappointed in me, I'm just particularly bad at platformers. D: *artist and puzzler*

Um, but I did notice that many people should try to concentrate on neatness in your levels. Especially things like unintentional screen bleed (objects not intended for that screen appearing on it) or areas where you can jump up to a completely empty screen for a few seconds can be a bit confusing. Or just making lines neat would make things look nicer (which I know can be frustrating to make things align, but use directional pad or Snap to Grid!)

Oni Jazar

Um, but I did notice that many people should try to concentrate on neatness in your levels. Especially things like unintentional screen bleed (objects not intended for that screen appearing on it) or areas where you can jump up to a completely empty screen for a few seconds can be a bit confusing. Or just making lines neat would make things look nicer (which I know can be frustrating to make things align, but use directional pad or Snap to Grid!)

HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE! jk thanks for the feedback. :) I did keep a little blue guy horribly hidden on a few screens because I oh so wanted his beat to continue but I didn't want him as a part of the level. Sloppy on that I know and also on edges and empty screens. Thanks again! I may revisit it because I think I have an amazing new ending to add on to Daydream.

Oh and Happy Birthday! I'm eager to try your new level.

Thanks for the play! Yea I think I'll definitely include more hidden coins/exploratory aspects in my next level. I really enjoyed Daydream as well. Atmospheric without a challenge is always a nice change of pace. The challenge is still there for those who want to beat the top time! I'd like to see more!

Thanks and you weren't kidding. You and Wired All Wrong beat my time! I gotta take it back.

I'm going to try some more GAF levels. Also I have ideas for a new level which would be more open world style.

Oni Jazar

Hey guys, just published my new level Silent Hill 2!

Please check it out, especially if you're a fan of SH2, lol.

Really liked the look and feel you gave it. loved the way you tied dudes to the chains lol. Yeah that fire stair part was a bit too brutal. If I had died on the other side I don't know if I would have had the strength to continue but I'm glad I made it through! Nice finish! How you did it in under a minute is crazy. Your level did have quite a few holes in it that needed to be patched in though.


Junior Member
So based on all the posts so far I am guessing the consensus is that this is more or less a great game? Cant wait for Europe to get it.

Oni Jazar



So I published a level for the first time last night and have no idea how to get a link to it and post it on here. It's called Invaded, and it should be linked to my PSN ID deadlastvita

Oni Jazar

I was going to wait until it's actually the 15th to post this, but might as well do it now. :eek:

Happy Birthday to Me: The Search for More Cake

I liked where you were going with it but that damn first box had trouble falling in the right place. Had to restart a few times. Also I missed one coin in one of the last free fall tunnels which was disheartening. Glad I was able to have some cake though!
Picking this up tonight on the Vita but going to be busy now for a while and away to Dublin this weekend, can see it getting played on the flight over there though.


When's embargo up for UK sites? Is there one, or have the simply not reviewed it because it's not British, a middling iPhone game or (British) Xbox Live Indie?


Hello gaf. Just finished a level that I'm really excited to share. I'd be much obliged if you'd give it a play:

There's not much platforming challenge, but it does contain some light puzzle solving. I really tried my best to push the boundaries of the editor -it contains a new way of hiding rooms, a "cut scene" engine of sorts, and a neat exploit involving game overs that I don't wanna give away as it ruins the surprise.

I don't think there will be a problem getting through it but I'm happy to help out if people get stuck.

Thanks for considering playing!
Hello gaf. Just finished a level that I'm really excited to share. I'd be much obliged if you'd give it a play:

There's not much platforming challenge, but it does contain some light puzzle solving. I really tried my best to push the boundaries of the editor -it contains a new way of hiding rooms, a "cut scene" engine of sorts, and a neat exploit involving game overs that I don't wanna give away as it ruins the surprise.

I don't think there will be a problem getting through it but I'm happy to help out if people get stuck.

Thanks for considering playing!
Sounds cool, I'll check this out later when I'm around my Vita again. It's interesting reading about your design methodology because of how different it is from mine. You're more interested in puzzle mechanics and interesting uses of the level editor while I'm purely focused on making good music with fun and difficult platforming elements in my levels.
Hey guys,

sorry if this was discussed before but is there any way to preview the sounds in creation mode? It's quite annoying having to first select an instrument, then place it in the level, just to hear what it sounds like. I'd rather like to be able to listen to and compare the different instruments in the instrument selection screen.


Sounds cool, I'll check this out later when I'm around my Vita again. It's interesting reading about your design methodology because of how different it is from mine. You're more interested in puzzle mechanics and interesting uses of the level editor while I'm purely focused on making good music with fun and difficult platforming elements in my levels.

I just played through Cocoa Puff, and yeah it's pretty much the polar opposite of And I to Fire from a design standpoint. It's also ridiculously good. The tune is great but the level design is just fantastic. The first time I played it it was fiendishly difficult, I think I got a time of 7 minutes or so. The deaths never felt cheap though, and on my second playthrough I got 3:39. This is the mark of good design I think -that I was compelled to play it again and that I improved; the level "taught" me how to play it.

The hardest part for me was the shaft on the final screen filled with alternating deadmau5 boulders. It looks so simple but your timing has to be just perfect to get through. I wanted more stuff like this out of the campaign levels, which on the whole seemed a little too breezy.

Also I don't think I could ever dethrone your time of 1:33. That's just insane man.


Really liked the look and feel you gave it. loved the way you tied dudes to the chains lol. Yeah that fire stair part was a bit too brutal. If I had died on the other side I don't know if I would have had the strength to continue but I'm glad I made it through! Nice finish! How you did it in under a minute is crazy. Your level did have quite a few holes in it that needed to be patched in though.
Thanks for the feedback! What holes are you talking about?
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