But didn't everything go back to the way it was before at the end?Didn't Bill Gates die in Bigger, Longer and Uncut?
Shoot, I'll wait and see what y'all say
Yeah, don't watch it....
I muted the tv once George RR appeared because I don't trust South Park to not troll spoil everyone lol
Their aren't spoilers
They bought the Comedy Central "brought to you by" ads tonightIt's kinda funny that an Xbox One commercial came on right after the show went on commercial break.
It's not spoiling anything, more weiner jokesLol yeah I freaked out and ran for my remote.
god damn I really hope we see a part 3
I'm not ready for this to end
There's already tons of season 1 spoilers and a season 3 spoiler of sorts.Their aren't spoilers
There's already tons of season 1 spoilers and a season 3 spoiler of sorts.
What s3 spoiler was there?