A sequel should use the superhero concept as the basis for the game.
Butters is getting mad at me since I keep doing all the side quests and exploring. I've been playing the game like 6 hours and I haven't even gone back to Cartman after I recruited the 3 kids yet.
So far I'vekicked some hobo ass and made the Mongolians my bitch and I'm almost level 5. Those level 3 Mongolian arrows kick ass. I have 2 or 3 summons right now and a crap load of friends. The only things I still have left to do is finish the Al Gore quest and the hunting one. I'm also missing one fast travel flag. Wait I also have one or two kindergardeners to find.
Butters is getting mad at me since I keep doing all the side quests and exploring. I've been playing the game like 6 hours and I haven't even gone back to Cartman after I recruited the 3 kids yet.
So far I'vekicked some hobo ass and made the Mongolians my bitch and I'm almost level 5. Those level 3 Mongolian arrows kick ass. I have 2 or 3 summons right now and a crap load of friends. The only things I still have left to do is finish the Al Gore quest and the hunting one. I'm also missing one fast travel flag. Wait I also have one or two kindergardeners to find.
Butters is getting mad at me since I keep doing all the side quests and exploring. I've been playing the game like 6 hours and I haven't even gone back to Cartman after I recruited the 3 kids yet.
So far I'vekicked some hobo ass and made the Mongolians my bitch and I'm almost level 5. Those level 3 Mongolian arrows kick ass. I have 2 or 3 summons right now and a crap load of friends. The only things I still have left to do is finish the Al Gore quest and the hunting one. I'm also missing one fast travel flag. Wait I also have one or two kindergardeners to find.
I was disappointed that (Character spoilers)Scott wasn't in it at all. Also, I wish Terrance and Philip were summons.
Yeah, it was pretty strange thatScott wasn't even referenced by name. I think the only time he was mentioned was when Cartman said he once made a guy eat his parents. Barbara Streisand also was only mentioned in a message by Randy wondering the name of a giant robot.
I understand the RPG people saying that the combat is too easy (it's easy), but 1) it's perfectly geared for non RPG players to jump in, which is kind of the point, and 2) you can just go for aesthetics and boom, your under powered, harder game. The length is perfect for me, but my tastes have changed to prefer more concise games so there's that.
you're confusing....they are referring toScottsfrom Canada (that's why the name keeps coming up when Canada is being discussed)...you're thinking ofScott the Dick...Scott Tenorman
This was probably not the game for you then sadly.Well, I find most South Park humour to be boring and probably only get a fraction of the references, so my mileage is obviously different to most people's. I'd like it a lot more if the combat wasn't so absurdly easy.
A sequel should use the superhero concept as the basis for the game.
How in the world...
was Scott not a villain in Canada.
I guess but that's not how I play games. I find the best stuff and use it. And the Holy Defender/Warrior's Scythe combo is too overpowered early on.
A sequel should use the superhero concept as the basis for the game.
I would love this, The Coon, Mysterion, Professor Chaos (he was in here too but not fully) would all be great in this.
Some of those you can't do yet until you move on with the story.
I was 1 short on flags for a while, I eventually realized it was the flag at the Elves base and felt like an idiot.
About one of the side-quests you mentioned:You're gonna have a bad time if you continue on the Al Gore quest without getting some more levels under your belt and the last flag is storyline related, you won't find it now.
Ah, so you have the .swt from installing Java then?
I hate it when programs install extra file directories without informing you!
Just finished the main quest about an hour ago.
Amazing game all the way through, I really enjoy playing it and will platinum it, but am I the only one that thought thefinal boss battle against Kenny was just lame? Farting on his balls was funny as hell but the actual battle itself just felt slapped together with him getting up over and over again.
Just finished the main quest about an hour ago.
Amazing game all the way through, I really enjoy playing it and will platinum it, but am I the only one that thought thefinal boss battle against Kenny was just lame? Farting on his balls was funny as hell but the actual battle itself just felt slapped together with him getting up over and over again.
Last Boss spoiler:As I was doing the fight, I was expecting Kenny to keep ressurecting until you had done all of the character specific counter attacks (I only saw Stan and Jimmy's but I'm talking about Stan's big counter against the unicorn and Jimmy's big counter against the rats), I was disappointed to find that I had missed Butter's and Kyle's counter to specific attacks and it would have still made sense with it culminating in Cartman helping you by holding Kenny for you
I think it depends on who were your two most used team mates, excluding Cartman. I saw Butters' and Kyle's because those were the two I used most often.
Last Boss still:I used Stan once the entire game just during the fight against his sister. I just looked up a video online, and you can see all four counters but this is just another case of the enemies being too weak for the battle system. Fight ends when Kenny is KO'd three times regardless of what is going on, guy I watched took the fight really slow, got all four counters and then Cartman, on the sidelines, said something like "guess I'm the only hope" and came in to fight, he didn't have a special move to counter as far as I saw though.
I was a bit disappointed we didn't get a Protect My Balls song montage from that "Playing with Weapons" episode. The only reference kept was thatButters could turn into Professor Chaos as his ultimate ability, and the perk called "Protect My Balls".
Ah, crap. I take it there isn't any way to get back into the school halls after the early Detention quest? I was looking through a guide of missable collectables and the only one I'm missing is the weapon you can get in a locker after beating the boss.
I hate quick time events, in all their forms. My progress has frozen at Randy Marsh and the 'Nagasaki Fart' because I can't do it.
you're confusing....they are referring toScottsfrom Canada (that's why the name keeps coming up when Canada is being discussed)...you're thinking ofScott the Dick...Scott Tenorman
Was wondering if it's possible to miss a side quest by advancing the story? I wanna get other party members and use them for the side missions but I don't wanna miss anything.
You can't get it until the story prompts you to.ksdixon said:On that note, how do we get a passport? The photo dojo guy just asks me over and over if I've ever thought of doing modeling, he never takes my picture at all.
On that note, how do we get a passport? The photo dojo guy just asks me over and over if I've ever thought of doing modeling, he never takes my picture at all.
Was wondering if it's possible to miss a side quest by advancing the story? I wanna get other party members and use them for the side missions but I don't wanna miss anything.
I thought the mountie stopping you from entering Canada early-on was Scott? He was certainly being a dick about things. "See? No matter which way you try to go, I. AM. BLOCKING. YOU!"
On that note, how do we get a passport? The photo dojo guy just asks me over and over if I've ever thought of doing modeling, he never takes my picture at all.
I think the only side quest you can possibly miss is theone with Sergent Yates available after the Nazi Zombies appear but you can't get it if you've already beaten the final boss.
There's also at least two quests that have parts that can be missed.
Jimbo's quest has a part that can only be done during a certain mission. The same goes for the Hobo quest as well, I think.
This game does have quite a few problems that drags down the experience but fortunately all these problems aren't beyond fixing.
* A more challenging battle system with nerfed status effects
* A WAY more detailed, if not automated "learn magic" since it's hard to do, gives you vague or wrong instructions and if you fail you have to wait a long time. In game you don't even use it as much and it functions differently!
* Bug fixes - I finally managed to clear the final level this morning (360) here and apparently I'm one of many facing lots of issues
It's a great game and with these fixes it can be even better. Haven't bothered to check the metascore or reviews.
True, but I've definitely got fun out of it. There are some bits that are funny, the world in general is charming, and I'm impressed by how detailed and realized and faithful it all is. It's a real feat for Obsidian, who are a developed I love.This was probably not the game for you then sadly.
I hate letting Metacritic disturrb me especially when I haven't finished the game...
But there is no way this is an under 85 game. That is absurd. Maybe I've been lucky since I haven't run into any bugs yet. I've been looking forward to this game and I never anticipated it being this good. -Box Quote.
The love for the property oozes through everything. Couldn't be happier with the game so far.