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South Park: The Stick of Truth |OT| Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (In select regions)


Hey guys, you're acting like Obsidian games are critical darlings and always 90% metacritic or something

http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/alpha-protocol - 72%
http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/dungeon-siege-iii - 72%

It does help publishers decide if they want to further the relationship. I know people think it's just some money scam, but the guy for SEGA was on CGR a while ago talking about how people need to preorder Yakuza because it gave them a good idea of if they should look further into it. They make those decisions pretty early, so pre-order numbers help

Some of their worst reviewed games are sitting at 72 on metacritic.
This isn't bad.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I also predict most game reviewers acting above South Park humor and knocking points off for being 'offensive'. It's the same industry where we knocked points off for the name of an achievement in God of War.
why do people pre-order at all tho? It's not like there is a shortage of supply. Only reason I see is pre-load for digital versions, but that's about it.

i pickup almost all games at midnight from certain places, and most wont let u if u dont have a preorder. I also want whatever the preorder stuff is. But seeing as this game wont have a midnight release and not important dlc, i will probably rent from redbox(which has also been stocking at midnight). I also preorder collectors editions, because u pretty much have to


I only care because I want to see Obsidian do well.

I proudly pre-ordered this game way back when and I have no issue paying $60 for whatever it is I get.

And I NEVER pre-order games. That is how strongly I feel about Obsidian (except for Dungeon Siege 3).


why do people pre-order at all tho? It's not like there is a shortage of supply. Only reason I see is pre-load for digital versions, but that's about it.

It depends on the situation. If you are on the fence about a game you shouldn't preorder.

However, there are a ton of games where I'm content to buy the game regardless of what the reviews say... in those instances there is no reason not to preorder and get whatever bonuses they are offering, especially from a retailer like amazon that doesn't charge you until the game ships.


I also predict most game reviewers acting above South Park humor and knocking points off for being 'offensive'. It's the same industry where we knocked points off for the name of an achievement in God of War.
FWIW I am a lifelong fan of South Park and love everything Trey/Matt have done. Even Cannibal the Musical.
why do people pre-order at all tho? It's not like there is a shortage of supply. Only reason I see is pre-load for digital versions, but that's about it.

It was $20 for the PC version. That price has increased. I haven't paid full price for a preordered PC release in at least a year and haven't regretted most of my purchases because they are much cheaper.
FWIW I am a lifelong fan of South Park and love everything Trey/Matt have done. Even Cannibal the Musical.
That was something I was going to ask actually, I know you can't say much, but does your review take your perspective, or do you mention what it will be like for non fans?


It was $20 for the PC version. That price has increased. I haven't paid full price for a preordered PC release in at least a year and haven't regretted most of my purchases because they are much cheaper.

Yup, most PC games can be had for much cheaper before release. If we had people in this industry who were more than just console guys they would understand.

Can't say for DS3, but AP is GOTG worthy.

Indeed. Criminally under appreciated in reviews. I feel AP would be more well received now than when it came out.
this is what I hate about embargos

there are possible performance issues with a game and the 'journalists' are gagged by the corporate overlords until after the game is out and the pre orders have been fulfilled

The press can't protect us from the inherent risks of buying games the minute they're out. The simplest solution is to stop doing that. Or at least understanding that if you day one a game it's your own damned fault if you end up with a big dick in your mouth. It is their job to inform us, but demanding they do so before the game is out is what leads to bullshit like review events. Accurate reporting and analysis is what should be demanded, not info ASAP. It's us who are doing it wrong.

But outlets that fail to disclose having gone to a review event can lick my balls. Reviews of that ilk are of questionable value at best, and bamboozling us about it is just shitty.


why do people pre-order at all tho? It's not like there is a shortage of supply. Only reason I see is pre-load for digital versions, but that's about it.

I used to preorder for physical bonuses-- t-shirts, key chains, calendars, clocks, etc-- but with digital trinkets (many of which I rarely use), I preorder less and less.

And now, with three preorders cancelled in a month's time because of various leaks/info pre-release that diminished or even eliminated my interest in those games, I think I've finally learned to just buy when I'm ready instead of putting money down on games that may or may not be what I hope them to be in advance.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think you guys are missing the point. I'm saying that it's weird for people to worry about ominous review teases when Obsidian games never review that well.


I think its obligatory that when someone is telling us their feelings on the game that they should also have to tell us how they feel about the show as well.


This is spot on yo. Like I said before, companies are under no obligation to provide us with early copies of games, so we either play by their rules or buy games ourselves, and the former option is much more helpful for readers. There's really nothing to debate there.

So basically, the current system is good for everybody except consumers....great.
I don't know when I last read a review for a game for a purchasing decision. I don't make bad purchasing decisions like most gamers. I've rarely had a bad purchase that i've regretted. So what's the point in me waiting for a review? I'd rather just rely on word of mouth from someone who has actually played it that isn't being paid to do it and it is an unbiased opinion due to the fact of them having no associations with the publisher/developer in question other than playing their games.
I think its obligatory that when someone is telling us their feelings on the game that they should also have to tell us how they feel about the show as well.

Well, if they criticize the games humor then it's probably safe to say that they don't like the show either. Everything we've seen from the game so far matches what goes on with the show in terms of humor.

Anyway, it's possible that Jason isn't referring to the quality of the game but rather the technical issues that it may have. It may very well be a solid RPG in terms of story and mechanics, but have major technical issues. Enough that people may want to hold off until they get patched up. Which probably wouldn't come as a surprise to many people given Obsdian's track record.


I also never wait for reviews, if I find a game that looks interesting to me I'll go ahead and buy it. I only had this bite me in the ass a couple of times, and since I was able to pre-order SP for 19 dollars, it wouldn't bother me if it bit me in the ass this time. I don't think it will however, the game looks fun to play for me.

If you want to pre-order a game but wait for a review, why not just let it sit at the store for a day? That's what I do if I am not sure.


I think only fans should be allowed to review this game, since it's a purely fanservice game first and foremost. If you don't like the show, then the game wasn't made for you. And frankly, there's no reason to try to appeal to people who aren't fans already.


This is spot on yo. Like I said before, companies are under no obligation to provide us with early copies of games, so we either play by their rules or buy games ourselves, and the former option is much more helpful for readers. There's really nothing to debate there.

then buy the game yourself and release the review days later? sorry you cant benefit from day one hype/ad revenue. im going to buy the game irregardless, but if there is a a blaring problem (like in BF4 NOT WORKING on PS4 the first week of its release) then consumers deserve to know.
If it's about a price vs. game time proposition then stop complaining and wait for reviews. Is a long in the tooth RPG better than one that is short and sweet?

I guess I just don't view games that way. If it's good it's worth my cash, despite the length (unless we are talking games less than 5-6 hours). Then again I rarely pay full price so maybe I'm jaded from that.

Camp Lo

I also never wait for reviews, if I find a game that looks interesting to me I'll go ahead and buy it. I only had this bite me in the ass a couple of times, and since I was able to pre-order SP for 19 dollars, it wouldn't bother me if it bit me in the ass this time. I don't think it will however, the game looks fun to play for me.

That logic. I don't know why the cost of being bit in the ass makes a difference, whether it be 60 or 20, a bite in the ass is a bite in the ass, especially when patience could have prevented the bite altogether.

I used to look at it like that, but never again. I've been bit too many fucking times.
I think only fans should be allowed to review this game, since it's a purely fanservice game first and foremost. If you don't like the show, then the game wasn't made for you. And frankly, there's no reason to try to appeal to people who aren't fans already.

Well, Matt and Trey really wanted to make a game worth playing, as oppose to the sheer shit games they had before. So i mean, if the game sucks, its gonna be a real bummer, they seemed to really want to make a good game.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That logic. I don't know why the cost of being bit in the ass makes a difference, whether it be 60 or 20, a bite in the ass is a bite in the ass, especially when patience could have prevented the bite altogether.

I used to look at it like that, but never again. I've been bit too many fucking times.

As much as I hate playing Devil's Advocate, if everyone employed that logic we'd never get any big budget sequels.
why do people pre-order at all tho? It's not like there is a shortage of supply. Only reason I see is pre-load for digital versions, but that's about it.

Because Futureshop had a pre-order 3 games and get 33% off each game during E3 the last 2-3 years.....

...and then they upgraded everyone to the collectors edition with the Cartman doll for free


Camp Lo

then buy the game yourself and release the review days later? sorry you cant benefit from day one hype/ad revenue. im going to buy the game irregardless, but if there is a a blaring problem (like in BF4 NOT WORKING on PS4 the first week of its release) then consumers deserve to know.

How would that benefit anyone? The current model ensures (for the most part) early review copies which lets people post a review day one.


If a game has issues, the absolute latest you'll find out is the day it comes out, so if you want to fight against this system, don't preorder games.

That's not necessarily true, like in the case of Skyrim PS3 or some games with save corruption glitches (Virtue's Last Reward). Although admittedly with publishers being able to pick and choose the code they want reviewed the only thing you can do is disclose the format you've played the game on, and even if review conditions were ideal there's no guarantee the relatively smaller sample of reviewers will get hit with the bug.


then buy the game yourself and release the review days later? sorry you cant benefit from day one hype/ad revenue. im going to buy the game irregardless, but if there is a a blaring problem (like in BF4 NOT WORKING on PS4 the first week of its release) then consumers deserve to know.
I'm not sure why I need to keep explaining this.

Your options are A) I agree to an embargo and, at worst, I inform you about a game's issues the day it comes out; or B) I buy the game myself when it comes out and you don't find out about its issues until even later because it's already out. Is there some magical third option in which I can buy a game and tell you about it before it's released?
I got inside word from Schrier posting on a "secret" forum, he says it's a "technical mess" and "shorter than I expected" but "the combat system owns tho".
I used to preorder for physical bonuses-- t-shirts, key chains, calendars, clocks, etc-- but with digital trinkets (many of which I rarely use), I preorder less and less.

I used to pre-order to make sure I get a copy day one, otherwise the store I used to go to would be sold out. With Steam, I'll pre-order if there's a big bonus, usually a free game. Age of Empires II: HD Edition came with Age of Empires II. GRID 2 came with a ton of free DLC and the first GRID. Bit.Trip Runner 2 came with the first Bit.Trip Runner...even though that's technically the third copy of the game I own. I am interested in these costumes, though again, I though they were classes.
then buy the game yourself and release the review days later? sorry you cant benefit from day one hype/ad revenue. im going to buy the game irregardless, but if there is a a blaring problem (like in BF4 NOT WORKING on PS4 the first week of its release) then consumers deserve to know.

how does this help people who buy day 1 though? No matter anyway you cut it, day 1 purchasers will get screwed, maybe not the initial time if someone breaks embargo and leaks issues with a game but if no press got early copies then no one would have reviews until after its up on shelves. Its a no win situation for consumers, the only way consumers can protect themselves is to not preorder/buy day 1 unless they are absolutely certain they'll love the game or have complete faith in the product based upon previews and such
why do people pre-order at all tho? It's not like there is a shortage of supply. Only reason I see is pre-load for digital versions, but that's about it.

I mostly do it only for games that might sell out the first day, or be in low quantity. I've had many times when I would go to GS to buy a game on release date, only for it to be sold out. Then I end up waiting a week for more copies to come in. I'd rather just pre-order it, and make sure I can get my copy.

"Proud parent of Stan The Warrior and Shelly The She-Ogre."

Remembering the time when Randy said,"I wish Jaden Smith was my son!" "I bet he lets his dad do whatever he wants!" I loved that scene.
''Hey guys, wait for those *Professional Personal Opinions* mascarading as actual analysis of the game! Don't forget! We're still relevant! Keep on clicking!''

Well actually, this thread and the anticipation of impressions/reviews show that people indeed view them as relevant still.

Heck, you've seen review threads on here, right?
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