The press can't protect us from the inherent risks of buying games the minute they're out The simplest solution is to stop doing that. Or at least understanding that if you day one a game it's your own damned fault if you end up with a big dick in your mouth. It is their job to inform us, but demanding they do so before the game is out is what leads to bullshit like review events. Accurate reporting and analysis is what should be demanded, not info ASAP. It's us who are doing it wrong.
But outlets that fail to disclose having gone to a review event can lick my balls. Reviews of that ilk are of questionable value at best, and bamboozling us about it is just shitty.
I fully agree with not preordering games and the whole dick in your mouth aspect of it
that said, they know the game is broken (if it is broken) but will not share that info with the consumer because it hurts their relationship with the publisher
(even if they want to, like schreier telling people to wait for the reviews before buying)
that is what almost all those gaming journalism threads and the frustration of readers/gamers/consumers in them always boils down to, that they are beholden to the publishers and that it hurts their ability to do their job and especially the reader/consumer's ability to get the information he or she needs
And then the question rises (as always) what exactly is the purpose of the games press right now from the reader/consumer pov if they are unable to look out for our interests and in the end act as little other than an extension of PR (especially leading up to the launch) with the information they share being carefully controlled and shaped by publishers.
As always the responsibility gets passed on to the consumer (noone's ever accountable in this industry, probably why noone outside of it has any respect for it)
You tell people to stop pre ordering (which I fully agree with) while it's publishers who work so hard to control the message up to launch through marketing to create this pre order culture in the first place.
And then when I point out that the games press are acting as an enabler the response is that they do what they need to do to get theirs along with a facefull of shit slung at me in that typical twitter agressive defensive circle jerk manner (and from one of the people who is supposedly on our side in all of this and hates not being able to tell us, imagine what the people like Gies will say and think)
Sorry if I don't have any sympathy for them, they don't have any for the consumer either