IGN - 9.0
The Stick of Truth makes one thing abundantly clear: I never want to play another South Park video game made without Trey Parker and Matt Stone's direct, intimate involvement. With a controller in your hand, you are almost literally – gloriously – playing a 14-hour episode of South Park. There’s much, much more here for series fans than the uninitiated, but it’s a light but good quality role-playing game in its own right. It is, in a way, Season 18 all by itself. It is funny, shocking, self-effacing, and pretty much everything I could ask for from a South Park game -- even if it’s mostly a one-and-done experience.
The Escapist - 4/5
South Park: The Stick of Truth could stand alone as an extended episode of the show. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing depends on how funny you think Trey Parker and Matt Stone are. For fans of the show, this is a seriously impressive game.
Eurogamer - 8/10
A finicky combat system, a lack of challenge and few reasons to remain in South Park once the story is done - these minor disappointments hold The Stick of Truth back from greatness, but they don't detract from the sheer audacious hilarity it delivers. In gameplay terms it may be soon forgotten, but there's unlikely to be a funnier - or filthier - game any time soon.
Giant Bomb - 5/5
Obsidian has fashioned an honest-to-god RPG out of the South Park universe, one with enough depth and longevity to hold your interest even when the comedy takes a breather. If the fantastically foul world of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny still holds any appeal to you, The Stick of Truth is a game well worth your time.
Kotaku - Not yet
So if you're thinking about getting this one, especially on consoles, wait it out. Give Obsidian a little while to patch the game, or else you're rolling the dice in hopes that your experience won't be as broken as mine. Stick of Truth is a foul, wonderful, hilarious game, and it's worth your time—just not until it works properly
Gamespot - 7/10
South Park: The Stick of Truth is not the second coming of role-playing games, so if you come seeking Jesus, you'll be disappointed by the veritable second-rate televangelist you find in His place. But it's as funny as the merry tune of Stratford, and more enjoyable than Butters' favorite game, Hello Kitty: Island Adventure.
Endless Backlog - 9/10
Ultimately, South Park: The Stick of Truth is a love letter to South Park fans at-large. It is a testament to the fact that with enough time and care, a licensed game can work. It is clear that Obsidian and South Park Studios had a concise vision for what the perfect South Park game would be, and this is it. Whether you are an Obsidian fan or a South Park fan, there is no reason in the world not to check this game out.
Edge - 8/10
For all that, The Stick Of Truth is surprisingly game-literate. There’s a suite of in-jokes, ranging from the collectable toys that ape Pokémon to more overt nods to Skyrim and even 8bit RPGs. Elsewhere, conventions are sent up gloriously. Repeating soundbites are excused by NPCs insisting they’re being forced to stick to the script, while an inspired gag about audio logs only gets funnier the more you find. The jabs can be predictable, but they’re delivered with an affectionate wink, and it’s evident that Parker and Stone know and love videogames. So, yes, their irreverent take on the medium may have a few technical shortcomings, but you’ll usually be grinning far too much to care.
SlasherJPC - Video Review (Highly recommended)
Rock Paper Shotgun - No Score (moderately positive)
It is at once the South Park game we’ve been waiting for since the series started 17 years ago, and a cluster of stupid mistakes and bad balancing that we’d hoped Obsidian had put behind them. If you’re willing to plough through its dull opening hours (or perhaps mainline the main story until you reach the Taco Bell content to speed that process up), and put up with the technical issues, then there’s a lot on offer here. But that’s a big “if”, and not one someone paying for the game should have to ponder.
Gametrailers - 8.3 (video review)
Videogamer - 6/10
TSoT is the best, most faithful South Park game to date, but it’s still just an okay game. That said it might also be your only chance to fart on a flaming, used tampon and hurl it at Nazi zombie fetuses, unless they make another Postal.
360 - 82
PS3 - 85
PC - 84