So, this is how it is for me to describe life and the universe for everyone to understand, from simple right up to the stuff that will hurt your head.
So to me... I visualise the steps up in dimensions as follows:
It's all just the times table.
Dimension 1
- A single line upon a single axis (x)
Dimension 2
- Add another line upon the y axis which then joins to the point on the x axis to create a triangle - the most basic two dimensional shape... or is it?
First to second dimensional bridge
- A circle, it's a single line, however creates a two dimensional shape.
Dimension 3
- add three more straight lines on the z axis to the triangle to get a 3D triangle making the least number of lined three dimensional object... or is it?
Second to third dimensional bridge
- A sphere, it's a two dimensional object, that has traits of one dimension but extend the centre of it perfectly upon the z axis and you get a sphere, but we've still only just created this from a SINGLE one dimensional line (this is a key component).
Dimension 4 (this is where it gets complicated but keep and open mind)
- time, the light radiating away from an object of three dimensional space in all directions of time based on the speed that light travels away from that point - to a human, a single point of three dimensional mass in what seems like a SINGLE LINE of time (past, present, future) but really it is time moving away in all directions, it's hard to visualise shapes like this but let me make my next point:
Third to fourth dimensional bridge
- A sphere of time. The sphere, or circle is the answer to every step of dimensional bridge. Still we are only just using a STRAIGHT LINE of time, but it moves away from the centre three dimensional object in EVERY DIRECTION like a sphere pulls away from the centre of a 2D circle. This is how to picture time.
This then leads to a profound thinking. What causes the universe to 'rotate' and 'spin' what causes the solar system to 'spin', what causes gravity and a block hole - the answers come from this sphere.
1. Take a two dimensional object.
2. Place it in a 3 dimensional world
3. Place directional force on this object in three dimensions
1. A flat face fan (2D)
2. Held in our gravitational space / atmosphere.
3. Place a directional force on the fan in the form of a single dimension or... a straight line = WIND
What is the outcome? The fan will spin, in a CIRCLE. Where is the most energised point of the fan? The CENTRE. But all blades of the fan spin at the same speed around the centre, it doesn't slow down the further from the centre that the edge are. However when we look at the very centre point of a spiralling fan it almost looks as though it is not moving at all, but it is the centre that holds it together.
Okay... so lets takes this up a step.
1. Take a three dimensional object.
2. Place it in a 4 dimensional world
3. Place a directional force on the object in four dimensions.
1. A star / sun
2. Placed in a Galaxy
3. Place our always somehow connected one dimensional force upon this three dimensional object in essentially one dimension... a straight line over time = LIGHT
What is the outcome? The Star spins, in a circle. Where is the most energised point of the sun? The CENTRE... ONCE AGAIN!
Lets look at this from a very macro level.
1. A galaxy
2. Placed into the universe.
3. Lets hit these three dimensional objects with our fourth dimensional straight line of light / time, and look at that... we get a spiral galaxy. Where is the most energised point of the galaxy? The CENTRE... what is at the centre of a galaxy? A black hole. What causes the black hole? The massive compounding spiral of energy in the FOURTH dimension which is light pushing the fan arms of the galaxy around in a circle which creates the energy at the centre, which seemingly looks to not be moving, enough so as to cause so much energy to gather that light itself cannot escape due to such compounded pressures because of the gravity. Therefore if the gravity stops time because it is heavier than light, then any 'straight line light' passing by must be curving around it as well. Light isn't such a straight line as we think.
So what do I think? The fourth dimension is not a straight line, it's a bendable movable sphere on top of a sphere, infact the circle is the connection between every dimension because it's a perfect object, even in three dimensions there is still only a single dimensional line making it up.
So where does this take us?
What is the answer to the universe and it's size?
Essentially, whenever we look in any direction - if we could find the right co-ordinates, we should be able to see ourselves in space.
Every new level of human understanding undertook this path. First, the world was flat. Then it was a sphere. Now the universe is currently a finite sphere of 13.7 billion light years because we're living in the sphere world of three dimensions, but we know it's bound by huge distances of time, therefore, it must be a a sphere of time, and for the sphere of time to work with all that curving gravity (which is caused by the energy of life itself - light) somewhere, somehow, the light that leaves earth has been bent around a HUGE gravitational point out then and wizzed back to us.
It wont be like pacman where we move off one side of the screen and re-appear on the other, but I'm willing to bet forever that somewhere out there, looking in some direction, upon some sort of gravitational light curve, that we can see ourselves.
Apply this to all points in the universe and you get the sphere shaped universe that we see when we point hubble at the ultra deep field.
There is no way that this theory cannot be correct (maybe) - this is my visualisation of the fourth dimension - I hope it helped to make yours.
Now then... so the 5th dimension what's that all about?
Lets leave this one with just one comment (which is very Hitchhikers of me).
The 5th dimension is life.
Life records the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimension, keeps a record and forever will it be remembered... so if it's the construct of those initial four dimensions that makes up the memory inside the life receivers then that IS the 5th dimension. I can't work out how to get that to make sense yet though.