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Space: The Final Frontier


Darklord said:
I'm watching through Carl Sagan's Cosmos. Man, I wish I could have met him. So logical and scientific but really passionate and imaginative too.
I'm not really that versed with Sagan (I have only read Cosmos) but did he actually do any scientific work or was he just a promoter of science ?


It's like the first time people have seen Tyson in public. He's just hamming it. He has a wife & 2 kids. He's not some anti social nut. The dude is just having fun, saying what he wants to say in a funny way. Geez.


MaddenNFL64 said:
It's like the first time people have seen Tyson in public. He's just hamming it. He has a wife & 2 kids. He's not some anti social nut. The dude is just having fun, saying what he wants to say in a funny way. Geez.
I have seen Tyson on many occasions and this is first time I have seen him to behave like a dick. I would appreciate if he would let people to end their sentences before he makes his comments and/or his own point. Also his ability to lower his voice has started to bother me. It's nice way to emphasize your points every now and then but it loses it's purpos when you are constantly shouting. He said what he wanted to say in a funny way but at the same time he didn't show any respect for his fellow speakers.

Then again they didn't seem to mind but imo would have been better discussion without Tyson.


Just watch that TAM conference again people, is all i'm saying. It's not about being a dick. Look how informal it is. They're having a ball.
Kyaw said:
That was an awesome watch indeed.

Is there any more discussion videos or lecture videos including Lawrence Krauss that isn't 'The Universe from Nothing'? And also recent. (Post 2010)

Yes there's plenty of videos with Lawrence Krauss out there, here's a search Google search query for Lawrence Krauss videos since 1/1/2010:


You can customize the date further and also the website source (e.g. youtube only).

I quite liked this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wtkjpvu2CXk

And this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=678RCOOmvQk&feature=related

And the Beyond Belief ones are good too.

He's one of my favorite science dudes.
MaddenNFL64 said:
Just watch that TAM conference again people, is all i'm saying. It's not about being a dick. Look how informal it is. They're having a ball.

No, go back and look at that woman's face the first time Tyson interrupts her to talk about Lewis and Clark. She clearly gave him a "why the fuck are you interrupting me?" expression. He's not entertaining anyone. The entire panel was visibly annoyed with him many times throughout the discussion.
Ghost_Protocol said:
No, go back and look at that woman's face the first time Tyson interrupts her to talk about Lewis and Clark. She clearly gave him a "why the fuck are you interrupting me?" expression. He's not entertaining anyone. The entire panel was visibly annoyed with him many times throughout the discussion.

This. Even Kruass at times seemed to have a more distant demeanor about him when Tyson was going off. It certainly was making some of them a little uncomfortable at times. He's a very empowering person because of his booming voice and his deep passion.Everyone know's Tyson is like this, early on they make mention of how "calm and silent" hes been. But then he just goes off. Can't help but love the guy though.

Angry Fork

Tyson was annoyed because Krauss doesn't give a shit about manned exploration so Tyson being edgy is justified imo. I'm 100% in agreement with Tyson I love robots they're fine but being okay with replacing them with people really sucks. If everyone in the scientific community banded together to try to get congress to put more money into NASA something might be able to get done but guys like Krauss just keep getting walked over by the government. 'Oh you're gonna cut funding for this this and this? well... hmm, okay =( I don't like that but like, well ...okay we'll see what we can do =D'

Fuck that, I don't get why these people aren't more vitriol and hardcore about science and space exploration. It's like nobody has passion anymore about moving everything forward except Tyson and a few other people. There needs to be a Christopher Hitchens in the physics/space community that will go around the country and fuck people up verbally. Convince people that space is worth exploring and develop plans/ideas for what should be cut instead of NASA.

I do hate when Tyson interrupts people though I will concede that.
The government will be the first to say to hell with man in space since it costs a fortune versus sending robotics/probes. And they are already cheap as hell with NASA so why push for more manned space flight right now when you know you aren't going to get it? Robotic exploration is what we need right now, until we get the right people in the government who'll give NASA the budget it does need to eventually get humans farther into space for feasible manned missions. So while I do agree with Tyson, he is fighting a war he unfortunately won't win. Not now. I don't think he should be shitting on robotic exploration because we have learned insurmountable information about the universe from unmanned probes in the last decade.

Angry Fork

I think i'd argue that a large part of the reason the government cuts this stuff is because they know the public won't care if they did. There aren't enough people going out there and explaining why this stuff is important or why it doesn't have to be poverty OR exploration and so on. Tyson is one of those guys but scientists/professors etc. like Krauss and co. just sit back and say 'oh well..' etc. kind of thing.

I don't think it's an unwinnable war it's just advertising/marketing/politics etc. you have to reach out and convince people. NASA sucks at that. That other guy who made the Sagan videos, THAT kind of stuff is wonderful they should be playing those as commercials but instead NASA does nothing about it. I doubt NASA even put such videos on their website or tried to promote them at all.

Talking about this video btw that got really popular:


I do agree with you though I'm not anti-robot or whatever that would be silly I just think it's a huge step backward to get rid of manned exploration is all. The yearly budget for NASA is already a joke anyway so I'd argue to bump that up first before anything else.
MaddenNFL64 said:
He was just standing up for Bill. You need to chill on this, they all know eachother.

Tyson needed to chill, because there was nothing to "stand up" for. Bill was just speculating generally on things that might come out of pure physics research on the expansion of the universe, and Klauss was trying to say that one of his examples wasn't good. It's not like Bill's argument seriously rested on that point specifically, and Klauss was providing a correction for accuracy's sake.


Angry Fork said:
Tyson was annoyed because Krauss doesn't give a shit about manned exploration so Tyson being edgy is justified imo. I'm 100% in agreement with Tyson I love robots they're fine but being okay with replacing them with people really sucks. If everyone in the scientific community banded together to try to get congress to put more money into NASA something might be able to get done but guys like Krauss just keep getting walked over by the government. 'Oh you're gonna cut funding for this this and this? well... hmm, okay =( I don't like that but like, well ...okay we'll see what we can do =D'

Fuck that, I don't get why these people aren't more vitriol and hardcore about science and space exploration. It's like nobody has passion anymore about moving everything forward except Tyson and a few other people. There needs to be a Christopher Hitchens in the physics/space community that will go around the country and fuck people up verbally. Convince people that space is worth exploring and develop plans/ideas for what should be cut instead of NASA.

I do hate when Tyson interrupts people though I will concede that.

It would take a manned crew a few weeks to do what the Mars rover did on Mars.

I don't think there's a conspiracy to cut manned exploration. Actually I've seen more scientists/ lefty liberal types question the expense as opposed to right wingers who often rightly see its value, if for the wrong reasons (national pride/tie in for defense etc)
This thread is depressing because by the time Humanity starts to venture out into space and set up colonies on mars and the moon we will all be dead.

I don't think it will happen within the next 50 or 60 years.
Ghost_Protocol said:
Tyson had some good things to say but he was being a dick at times for no reason. I think he has some kind of personality disorder.
Clearly you have never been in an engineering planning meeting. People have strong opinions about things they know and care a lot about. News at 11.

The discussion was great all around, and if anyone there was offended they need thicker skin.


TheVampire said:
This thread is depressing because by the time Humanity starts to venture out into space and set up colonies on mars and the moon we will all be dead.

I don't think it will happen within the next 50 or 60 years.
Let's hope that by then other branches of science will have extended the human lifespan far beyond what it is now, and that I have enough money to afford such treatments. ;_;


Felium Defensor
Clevinger said:
Well, he's already essentially doing the UK version of Cosmos right now anyway.
Yup, Wonders of The Universe is fantastic!
Brian Cox seems like such a genuine man. So is Tyson and Lawrence. I like all of them. So passionate about their work.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
PantherLotus said:
He's great, but he's no Sagan. My vote to take Cosmos would've been Dr. Brian Cox.

Heck no. He comes across like a poncy twat. He always sounds like he's trying to hit on a cheap tart on a night out by impressing them with his "deepness" and his "profound" knowledge. Such a slimeball.

Just get Patrick Moore to narrate it over some cgi funk and it'd be gold.
I thought Cox was silly and juvenile until I watched Wonders of the Solar System. Pretty much sold me on him as someone with the same kind of genuine passion for science as Sagan.
TheVampire said:
This thread is depressing because by the time Humanity starts to venture out into space and set up colonies on mars and the moon we will all be dead.

I don't think it will happen within the next 50 or 60 years.


Izayoi said:
Let's hope that by then other branches of science will have extended the human lifespan far beyond what it is now, and that I have enough money to afford such treatments. ;_;

I have oft wondered what life would be like if science made the human body age-less. Not immortal as in cannot die, but simply cannot die from disease or old age.

Would people become paranoid shut-ins worrying about the next earthquake or accident that would kill them?


Harry Dresden said:
I have oft wondered what life would be like if science made the human body age-less. Not immortal as in cannot die, but simply cannot die from disease or old age.

Would people become paranoid shut-ins worrying about the next earthquake or accident that would kill them?
It would be super interesting, that's for sure.

Fine Ham Abounds said:
The day they figure out how to reverse aging and prolong life indefinitely is the day I start an assisted suicide business.
As long as you live in Oregon!


Professional Schmuck
Slightly Live said:
Heck no. He comes across like a poncy twat. He always sounds like he's trying to hit on a cheap tart on a night out by impressing them with his "deepness" and his "profound" knowledge. Such a slimeball.

Just get Patrick Moore to narrate it over some cgi funk and it'd be gold.

Maybe I LIKE poncy twats?


PantherLotus said:
Maybe I LIKE poncy twats?

Cox's schitck is his 'cinematic' experience. And I have to admit his 'Wonders of' series have a rocking score and breathtaking visuals.

Listening to him describe the birth of stars and the different eras of the universe is, well, quite inspiring. The score building up slowly in the background and beautiful CG certainly didn't hurt either.

But doing a show like that is very different from a matter of fact presentation of Cosmos. But I think Cox's version of what a science show should be in the post-TV age is what will get the most viewers.


Professional Schmuck
Perhaps I incorrectly remember the whole point of Cosmos. I will say that Sagan had a bite that I willingly acknowledge Cox could never touch. Tyson can, though. I'm just not sure it will be done with as much love. He's been pretty cool with the flat-earthers from what i've seen, though.


Deku said:
Cox's schitck is his 'cinematic' experience. And I have to admit his 'Wonders of' series have a rocking score and breathtaking visuals.

Listening to him describe the birth of stars and the different eras of the universe is, well, quite inspiring. The score building up slowly in the background and beautiful CG certainly didn't hurt either.

But doing a show like that is very different from a matter of fact presentation of Cosmos. But I think Cox's version of what a science show should be in the post-TV age is what will get the most viewers.

That trailer gives me goosebumps every single time.
I really like what I've seen of Brian Cox. You can tell that he's really passionate and loves what he does.
I like Cox's shows for what they are. I mean they're called 'Wonders of the Solar System/Universe' not the 'Science of the Stars' or whatever. They're supposed to inspire wonder, he does a good job.
Neverender said:
I like Cox's shows for what they are. I mean they're called 'Wonders of the Solar System/Universe' not the 'Science of the Stars' or whatever. They're supposed to inspire wonder, he does a good job.

I dislike his accent and he always has this stupid grin/smile on his face that makes me want to punch him...
Milky Way Musings - Home of the Carl Sagan Tribute Series

Season 2 of the Carl Sagan Tribute Series begins with a bang. Imagination is coming on November 12.


"This is, far and away, the most ambitious video I've done yet."

Sneak Peak (best watched in HD): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5ZzXvwcxpo

Cosmos Remake??

And since everyone is talking about Brian Cox, I might as well chime in and say that I love him. I love his enthusiasm, his looks, and his mannerisms and sense of humor. Haters be damned.


PantherLotus said:
So you've never seen his non wonder stuff? He's very Sagan:


I have seen his Horizons stuff, one about the nature of time the other about the attempts at nuclear fusion. Prof. Cox has stated before that Sagan is one of his role models.

Anyways, Sagan wrote the book on how to do a good show on 'everything' coupled with great visuals and a great narrative hosted by an enthusiastic telegenic scientist.

Cox's version of this is amping up the AV side ; The music and CG are really very well done and he speaks with such breathless wonderment, like a little kid explaining what he learned to his mum that there's even a parody of it.

I thought the shot of him on a peak in the Wonders of the Universe was a bit absurd. And it was shown in the intro sequence to the series, guaranteeing that no one would miss it.
He later apologized for his vanity


Deku said:
I have seen his Horizons stuff, one about the nature of time the other about the attempts at nuclear fusion. Prof. Cox has stated before that Sagan is one of his role models.

Anyways, Sagan wrote the book on how to do a good show on 'everything' coupled with great visuals and a great narrative hosted by an enthusiastic telegenic scientist.

Cox's version of this is amping up the AV side ; The music and CG are really very well done and he speaks with such breathless wonderment, like a little kid explaining what he learned to his mum that there's even a parody of it.

I thought the shot of him on a peak in the Wonders of the Universe was a bit absurd. And it was shown in the intro sequence to the series, guaranteeing that no one would miss it.
He later apologized for his vanity

Did you see Wonders of the Solar System? It was much better than Universe, and was (a little bit) less focused on Cox posing/walking thoughtfully on pretty backdrops.


PantherLotus said:
So you've never seen his non wonder stuff? He's very Sagan:

That was good, I really need to start watching more stuff from this man. I have seen his articles/interviews in many UK publications but not that many outside UK. They need to start marketing this guy outside uk too.

BTW someone should create Big Science OT. Interesting stuff going on in the scientific world beyond the space.
Clevinger said:

Went in for some Sagan to calm the soul. Video froze after the Sun swallowed the earth. I'll just assume the rest was about gamma radiation cooking off the atmosphere, Yellowstone choking the planet, the Magellanic Clouds and Andromeda destabilizing Earth's orbit and ejecting the planet out of the galaxy and into an ever-expanding sea of nothingness, the magnetosphere filling up with piss and hate, mutant robot dogs forcing the elderly in to prostitution, and some footage of babies crying in the war-torn ruins of post-apocalyptic cities.
Astronomers Discover Complex Organic Matter Exists Throughout the Universe

Astronomers report in the journal Nature that organic compounds of unexpected complexity exist throughout the Universe. The results suggest that complex organic compounds are not the sole domain of life but can be made naturally by stars.

Prof. Sun Kwok and Dr. Yong Zhang of The University of Hong Kong show that an organic substance commonly found throughout the Universe contains a mixture of aromatic (ring-like) and aliphatic (chain-like) components. The compounds are so complex that their chemical structures resemble those of coal and petroleum. Since coal and oil are remnants of ancient life, this type of organic matter was thought to arise only from living organisms. The team's discovery suggests that complex organic compounds can be synthesized in space even when no life forms are present.
Not only are stars producing this complex organic matter, they are also ejecting it into the general interstellar space, the region between stars. The work supports an earlier idea proposed by Kwok that old stars are molecular factories capable of manufacturing organic compounds. "Our work has shown that stars have no problem making complex organic compounds under near-vacuum conditions," says Kwok. "Theoretically, this is impossible, but observationally we can see it happening."


Clevinger said:
Did you see Wonders of the Solar System? It was much better than Universe, and was (a little bit) less focused on Cox posing/walking thoughtfully on pretty backdrops.

Yes I saw Solar system first. Actually I'm listening to the Wonders of the Universe OST right now.

Really nice mood music for a low energy Friday at the office.

Looks like both series are on iTunes for download and on BR/DVD in North America.

BBC did a hit job on all the youtube links cause of it =[
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