So I just watched the film based on the hype for this thread.. and I'm sorry but I have to say it was pretty horrible. The entire production is extremely corny, the acting is horrid, and the storyline nearly bore me to tears. I can tell they're trying to do a live-motion cartoon/comic feel with the vibrant colors and special effects, but honestly it just detracts any seriousness from the plot/characters and makes entire film excessively juvenile.
Sorry GAF but I just don't get the praise for this film.
Cheap on Amazon today. I bought it.
Just got done watching this.
First of all, I had to watch it in SD =( Was still a visual treat but I couldn't help imagine how great it could look.
Anyway the film is as amazing as I thought it would be and i'm a fool for waiting this long to watch it.
I do wish they'd have left out the fat kid and the chimp. They should release a new version with all their scenes and appearances deleted. They added absoloutely nothing.
Cheap on Amazon today. I bought it.
*gasp*....whoa. You guys were right!! I'm watching Speed Racer for the first time (used to watch the cartoon every blue moon as a child). I just got to the scene with the desert race and when they sun came up and the race started...and the racers started speeding through the Indian temple looking place...I literally got goosebumps and realized after a minute how large my eyes had widened (o_0) The visuals in this film are intense, the colors are bold, and the action is plentiful. After only seeing commercials for this film years ago, I never in m life imagined this movie would actually hold my attention or be any good but I'm honestly entertained and I'm seriously contemplating getting the series or the manga at some point.
This thread's constant bumping and the price at Amazon led me to buy this. Hasn't come yet. If it sucks I will never trust GAF again. But you've gotten what you wanted already!
Gotta admit, I'm a little sad none of my posts were included in the OPPosted quite a bit in a few Speed Racer threads. Hate you OP.
Just checking back in after finally getting around to watching the Blu-ray.
Gotta say I wasn't expecting much, I thought there'd be a lot of cheese and some nice effects, but I've never seen anything like that before. Visually, it blew my tiny mind, absolutely loved it!
I'd never have bothered watching this if I hadn't read this thread, so I'm very glad I did.
Nice one GAF.
In a way, a sequel isn't needed for this movie. It starts and ends perfectly.
In a way, a sequel isn't needed for this movie. It starts and ends perfectly.
In a way, a sequel isn't needed for this movie. It starts and ends perfectly.
I've never liked Speed Racer 2008. Love the old cartoon, but I find the movie boring. Sure, the visuals are cartonnish and crazy and outlandish, but they just fucking irritate me. And the races did not excite me at all, I felt no sense of tension or urgency or wonder in any of them. I just don't like the route the brothers took with this one. But it has been a few years, maybe I'll buy this on blu-ray and bring it home and watch it in hi def on my 61" with surround and see if time has allowed me to finally appreciate whatever it is all of you love about it...
You have to give the Washowski's one thing though: they sure did make a movie that was unique and polarizing. It never fails to stir debate and conversation not only here on GAF but also in real life too.
Okay, so I bought this tonight for $8 on blu-ray from a Best Buy and my gf and I sat down and watched it. And...
I still don't like it. In fact, I really don't like it. Yes, it's colorful. Yes, the cast is good. But, the chaotic direction style just irritates me. And, the races hold no weight or tension for me whatsoever. None. It's just too random and unrealistic and crazy just for the sake of being crazy. I can barely tell what's happening half of the time, and if I can't tell whats happening how am I supposed to care about it? The races in Cars had more tension, action, and emotion and feel behind them than Speed Racer 2008. This movie gives me the exact same feeling that the new Star Wars movies from George Lucas gave me: too many effects on screen at the same time just because you can, and not enough story behind them to make it matter. It just doesn't have substance.
IMHO of course.
Sorry GAF, but I disagree with the majority on this one. I just don't like this movie, at all. I'm sorry I spent $8 to validate my initial feelings on it four years ago, but eh, it's only $8.
Picked up the Bluray for cheap, watched and enjoyed it. Completely ridiculous in the most fabulous way. I've never seen its cartoon, so no nostalgia here.
Only you seem to be bothered by thisAre you seriously still bumping this thread for no reason?
Congratulations guys, all of your Speed Racer threads over the years have finally paid off. I decided to give it a shot, and holy fuck.
I just realized that this movie came out 4 years ago.
And that feel when they never managed to show this in 3D IMAX![]()
Congratulations guys, all of your Speed Racer threads over the years have finally paid off. I decided to give it a shot, and holy fuck.
This thread isn't motivation enough?I have this on bluray sitting on my shelf collecting dust, still haven't watched it yet. Motivate me gaf.