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Speed Racer (2008, Wachowskis) - GO WATCH THIS NOW

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Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't, at all. I adore Drive, but Speed Racer is the type of movie that not only delivers great visuals and pure entertainment, but also has tons of heart and deeper characters that you actually care about and can somewhat relate to.


I personally thought the Casa Cristo scenes were the best race scenes in the flick. Broken up with a sweet fight scene too. Just an amazing sequence.

The Maltese Ice Caves sequence has some of my favorite visuals in the movie


look at dat shit


Amen. I feel that a lot of haters see the camp, and the cliches and flat characters (as you put it), and dismiss the film as shit. There are ways to do these things both intentionally and correctly, and Speed Racer may be the best live action example of this that I've ever seen.

And just because a small minority love this film it doesnt make criticisms about this film unwarranted. Plenty of people disliked this film. I never said the film was shit, I just gave my 2 cents on why some might not like it.


Speed Racer would be nothing without its charming characters and its simple but yet effective and uplifting storytelling. People going on about how we only like it because of its visuals and colors are not worth responding to. The last lap means zilch if you're not invested in Speed and his family.

So "blah blah everyone who disagrees with me is wrong" ? Or am I misinterpreting your rant?


So "blah blah everyone who disagrees with me is wrong" ? Or am I misinterpreting your rant?

Three sentences is a rant now? I'm just pointing out that Speed Racer is much more than pretty visuals. Everything melds together to create an excellent package. At leas that's how us fans feel about it.


I don't think you're misinterpreting him so much as you're failing basic reading comprehension.

As the biggest shill for one of the shittiest movies of the past decade, your opinion is definitely not needed.

Three sentences is a rant now? I'm just pointing out that Speed Racer is much more than pretty visuals. Everything melds together to create an excellent package. At leas that's how us fans feel about it.

That is fine, like I said, I must of misinterpreted. But to say people with certain complaints are not worth listening to is a bit fan boyish.


Anyway, speaking of visuals, in a recent thread about the Matrix trilogy someone pointed that the sequels were lacking in "iconic" or memorable visuals. Speed Racer has got to be the complete opposite of that. Nearly every frame in this movie is gorgeously composed to deliver maximum awesome:
















Of course, Speed Racer's real beauty lies in motion:





y'all should be ashamed
Despite my utter dislike for this movie, I will say that this


is a really great piece. I'm a sucker for future-esque skylines. Shame it was so 2D looking in the movie, which was the point I guess. :p


As the biggest shill for one of the shittiest movies of the past decade, your opinion is definitely not needed.

That is fine, like I said, I must of misinterpreted. But to say people with certain complaints are not worth listening to is a bit fan boyish.

Someone saying that only reason to like this movie is for the sugar-coated visuals is not a complaint, neither people attempting to imply that's the only reason anyone likes it. Or to say that there's nothing else worthwhile in the movie. Without interest and care for the characters the final lap(which everyone's praising in the thread) would mean nothing.

way more

Despite my utter dislike for this movie, I will say that this


is a really great piece. I'm a sucker for future-esque skylines. Shame it was so 2D looking in the movie, which was the point I guess. :p

But it was meant to be 2-D! The simple rendering was meant to compliment the characters and their dialogue. They were aiming for that low, low bar so that's why it's so great!


Someone saying that only reason to like this movie is for the sugar-coated visuals is not a complaint, neither people attempting to imply that's the only reason anyone likes it. Or to say that there's nothing else worthwhile in the movie. Without interest and care for the characters the final lap(which everyone's praising in the thread) would mean nothing.

And it still meant nothing to me when I watched it. I liked the visuals, but I hated most of the acting, especially Ricci. I assume you guys liked it because of the visuals, since that is what everyone rants and raves about. I did not find the film worth anything besides a showcase for blu ray.


well not really...yet
The super amazing editing, radical cinematography, inventive action, mindblowingly good soundtrack, genuine characters, and heartfelt storytelling are all what made Speed Racer the best and most memorable film of Summer 2008.

Not an ounce of cynicism in this film. In this way it is very much like The Matrix. Nothing fake about it, for better or for worse.


I still get goosebumps when I see this on bluray.

Also the way they interweaved three seperate narratives at the beginning of the movie is nothing short of awesome!
Amazing. this is why I can't even pick a favorite race despite the final race being the most remembered since it ties it all together.
The heart of the movie starts hitting you when Speed hears his younger self saying 'Can I come with you, Rex?', then looks up and sees that its Spritle asking if he can come with him.

Fucking fuck is it annoying we'll never get a sequel. :(

I want to see Rex reunited with Pops.


The heart of the movie starts hitting you when Speed hears his younger self saying 'Can I come with you, Rex?', then looks up and sees that its Spritle asking if he can come with him.

Fucking fuck is it annoying we'll never get a sequel. :(

I want to see Rex reunited with Pops.

Yeah not getting Speed Racer 2: Visual Boogaloo in facemelting 3D is a minor tragedy.

I need this as a wallpaper Jett!!!


This is as high quality as I can get it.

All my caps are from the 4-minute trailer from Showest.
I still need to see this on blu-ray.

I saw this on DVD when it released on home video and even then I found the movie eye popping gorgeous looking.

And this was on my 2007 40in LCD HDtv, so I might sear my eyeballs looking at this thing again on blu on my 50in plasma set, dat color.


Unconfirmed Member
The shot where the camera slingshots around the curves of the track is EXHILARATING.
So much visual imagination in this movie. Why can't the Wachowskis direct every CGI action blockbuster?

If the brothers have as much freedom making Cloud Atlas as they did with Speed Racer...


But yeah, I don't see why they won't be able to do whatever the hell they like. WB only paid for a small portion of the budget and the rest is made up of contributions from a bunch of international production companies.
I'm saying that you keep insisting that all anybody in this thread has talked about is the visual qualities of the film, when the truth of the matter is that a lot of discussion has actually been about the family dynamics and heart the film carries with it.

So either you ignored or missed all of those posts or - as I am suggesting, you read them but didn't comprehend what was being said.


I'm saying that you keep insisting that all anybody in this thread has talked about is the visual qualities of the film, when the truth of the matter is that a lot of discussion has actually been about the family dynamics and heart the film carries with it.

So either you ignored or missed all of those posts or - as I am suggesting, you read them but didn't comprehend what was being said.

I tend to ignore most of your posts based on your past history. Also, you must not read what I wrote because I plainly stated I felt nothing for the final race, because I wasn't invested in the movie. Why? Because it felt fake. I found everything about the movie lacked substance and depth. But you are right, the film sure looks pretty. But keep throwing the personal attacks like a lack of reading comprehension, it makes your arguments look better, believe me.
I tend to ignore most of your posts based on your past history. Also, you must not read what I wrote because I plainly stated I felt nothing for the final race, because I wasn't invested in the movie. Why? Because it felt fake. I found everything about the movie lacked substance and depth. But you are right, the film sure looks pretty. But keep throwing the personal attacks like a lack of reading comprehension, it makes your arguments look better, believe me.

Well when the last post you made says this..

I assume you guys liked it because of the visuals, since that is what everyone rants and raves about.

...after jett just went round in circles with you. Yeah, I'm going to have to say that your still assuming that everybody likes it because of the visual aspects is based on an inability to grasp what is being repeated over and over to you. I'm sorry if I came across snarky, I'm in a bit of a snarky mood and this mood feeds on people who are willfully ignorant and can't see where they went wrong. See what I mean? Fuck I'm snarky today.


Well when the last post you made says this..

...after jett just went round in circles with you. Yeah, I'm going to have to say that your still assuming that everybody likes it because of the visual aspects is based on an inability to grasp what is being repeated over and over to you. I'm sorry if I came across snarky, I'm in a bit of a snarky mood and this mood feeds on people who are willfully ignorant and can't see where they went wrong. See what I mean? Fuck I'm snarky today.

Read more than one post, I guess that is too hard for someone of your stature. I understand that is kind of hard, but do try son. Please accept my apologies and continue to talk about shitty movies.


What exactly do you mean by visuals? Does that includes editing and other technical stuff, or just framing and cinematography.

I thought the framing/cinematography was great. It was a very well made film. I just found the content lacking. I think it might also be because I hated Ricci in this film.


I tend to ignore most of your posts based on your past history. Also, you must not read what I wrote because I plainly stated I felt nothing for the final race, because I wasn't invested in the movie. Why? Because it felt fake. I found everything about the movie lacked substance and depth. But you are right, the film sure looks pretty. But keep throwing the personal attacks like a lack of reading comprehension, it makes your arguments look better, believe me.


Read more than one post, I guess that is too hard for someone of your stature. I understand that is kind of hard, but do try son. Please accept my apologies and continue to talk about shitty movies.

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