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Speed Racer (2008, Wachowskis) - GO WATCH THIS NOW

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Neo Child

One of my fave films ever, fucking love this shit. So good high.

One thing that is sad is, ending spoiler:
whyt does Rex hide the truth or fake his death? Cause he couldn't live with the allegations? Also, why was he suspected of being a dirty cheat?
The more gaf hypes this the less i want to see it. Every scene or trailer from it that i've seen looked utterly stupid. And that comes from someone who's pretty high on the Trackmania ladder.


y'all should be ashamed
Worst movie of whatever year it was released. Couldn't even get through it and had to fast forward a bunch, and I've never had that happen to me with any movie, ever.
The more gaf hypes this the less i want to see it. Every scene or trailer from it that i've seen looked utterly stupid. And that comes from someone who's pretty high on the Trackmania ladder.

Trackmania is probably the best description of this movie I've seen.

I'll tell you what; get really high with a bowl of your favorite snack and just enjoy life. It is a stupid movie but man is it great at what it does.


SpeedRacer is great fun.

After that though, watch Redline, here's my review from the Movies you've seen recently thread:

The more gaf hypes this the less i want to see it. Every scene or trailer from it that i've seen looked utterly stupid. And that comes from someone who's pretty high on the Trackmania ladder.
Don't worry. There are far more entertaining and more important films out there to watch. This was one of the worst films I have ever seen in a theater.


Where's my Matrix sequels Andy and Lana!? (ahem)

EDIT: Oh, and Speed Racer on Blu Ray is mind blowing! The addition of Matthew Fox was pretty awesome too.


The more gaf hypes this the less i want to see it. Every scene or trailer from it that i've seen looked utterly stupid. And that comes from someone who's pretty high on the Trackmania ladder.

It's a fantastic movie. A cinematic and kinetic experience.
The movie is funny, entartaining, doesn't try to be taken seriously at all.
Always up for another Speed Racer love thread.

It's not for everyone, obviously, but I still marvel at how these threads bring out people who need to declare their hate.


Welcome to 4 years ago!

I saw this when it was in theaters. I'd probably watch it again some day... It was pretty.

Mr. Sam

Always up for another Speed Racer love thread.

It's not for everyone, obviously, but I still marvel at how these threads bring out people who need to declare their hate.

The same way it brings out people who need to declare their love. This is a discussion forum; there's not much to discuss if there's not conflicting opinions. Why are threads the exclusive domain of people who want to fawn over the topic at hand?


Movie is fabulous.

Completely ignore the haters and give it a shot. Although it's entirely possible one won't like it, it's a unique enough movie to not miss based on a negative impression.


you speak so well
I loved how crazy and colorful the movie was but I will never understand the huge love. I thought it was nothing more than a mediocre, yet pretty, kids movie.


Add me to that list!! Never smiled so much nor was at the edge of my seat at the end when I saw this with my friends. I think im going to finally give the Blu-Ray a go since I got my HD set up together.

Once again for the haters



The same way it brings out people who need to declare their love. This is a discussion forum; there's not much to discuss if there's not conflicting opinions.
Exactly. Forums would suck ass if you could only agree with whatever the OP says or never express a negative opinion of something.

I'm fascinated by the almost universal adoration this movie gets on GAF far more than I am interested in saying I think the movie sucks. The detractors are a clear minority and those who love it seem to *really* love it. The only other movie I've seen get near this much unanimous praise on GAF is The Dark Knight. I didn't much care for that either, but I can see why so many people like it. With Speed Racer I'm just completely lost. But I like seeing people excited about something they really like so I still enjoy reading the positive comments people are posting.
The same way it brings out people who need to declare their love. This is a discussion forum; there's not much to discuss if there's not conflicting opinions. Why are threads the exclusive domain of people who want to fawn over the topic at hand?

This attitude does more to shit up the internet than any other.

There's lots of ways to have discussion that aren't arguing. Especially when the opposing viewpoint consists of "no, this movie sucks." Appreciation threads exist for a reason.

Angry Fork

Just saw this after seeing lots of gaf hype it. I have to say I'll never listen to critics when it comes to a movie again, no matter what. This shit was awesome. The kid + chimp were insufferable and I wish the kid would be shot but luckily they only lasted a combined 5 minutes or so in the movie. They ruined the ending kiss though.

But the rest of it was great. I feel bad that it didn't make a lot of money, but they shouldn't have marketed it the way they did. Everything about it looked like a kids movie, and while it is a simple good vs. bad movie it's definitely not 'kiddy' imo in the sense I always imagine. The only kid parts that I found to be annoying were a minimal part of the film.

And the visuals, goddamn, that shit was a spectacle of imagination. There's really no way to describe it but to watch yourself. I always loved the Wachowski's but after this now I can't wait for Cloud Atlas. I wish even more so than before that the wachowski's were given the Superman reboot as well. Now I have to wonder what could have been while dealing with Snyder/million different screenwriters bullshit.


They're about equally stupid and juvenile.
I was surprised by how little Redline takes itself seriously (which is good).
I mean, it's an anime, so ofcourse it has a little of that "drama", but it's not so bad.
So yeah, very similar to SpeedRacer in that regard, although Redline tastes like gasoline, while Speedracer it' more green, eco-friendly fuel.
Exactly. Forums would suck ass if you could only agree with whatever the OP says or never express a negative opinion of something.

I'm fascinated by the almost universal adoration this movie gets on GAF far more than I am interested in saying I think the movie sucks. The detractors are a clear minority and those who love it seem to *really* love it. The only other movie I've seen get near this much unanimous praise on GAF is The Dark Knight. I didn't much care for that either, but I can see why so many people like it. With Speed Racer I'm just completely lost. But I like seeing people excited about something they really like so I still enjoy reading the positive comments people are posting.

The movie doesn't get universal praise on GAF, though, it gets plenty of hate as well. Every time it gets mentioned somebody feels the need to say how much it sucks.

And I'm not saying people cannot dissent with opinion-- just that it's the lowest common denominator of discussion, and unless it goes somewhere, is just noise. I don't go into the Wrestling threads just to say "this sucks and is fake, why do people like it?" yet that's how I feel.


Just saw this after seeing lots of gaf hype it. I have to say I'll never listen to critics when it comes to a movie again, no matter what.

That's because most reviewers treated is as a live-action movie, even though it's quite clearly supposed to be a cartoon. The over-the-top mannerisms and character actions that would have flown in animation were seen as hokey and badly-acted because they were being performed by actors.


Just saw this after seeing lots of gaf hype it. I have to say I'll never listen to critics when it comes to a movie again, no matter what. This shit was awesome. The kid + chimp were insufferable and I wish the kid would be shot but luckily they only lasted a combined 5 minutes or so in the movie. They ruined the ending kiss though.

But the rest of it was great. I feel bad that it didn't make a lot of money, but they shouldn't have marketed it the way they did. Everything about it looked like a kids movie, and while it is a simple good vs. bad movie it's definitely not 'kiddy' imo in the sense I always imagine. The only kid parts that I found to be annoying were a minimal part of the film.

And the visuals, goddamn, that shit was a spectacle of imagination. There's really no way to describe it but to watch yourself. I always loved the Wachowski's but after this now I can't wait for Cloud Atlas. I wish even more so than before that the wachowski's were given the Superman reboot as well. Now I have to wonder what could have been while dealing with Snyder/million different screenwriters bullshit.

Thanks for the review! I've added it to the OP and all supporter names up to this one and will continue tomorrow, as well as combing through the old official thread.

Going to bed now (almost 9am lol). Hard work but PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW.
I really don't get the love for this movie. I saw it, it was a fun popcorn flick, but it had the cinematic depth of an Fzero cutscene. It's also about 30 minutes too long. I'm not going to be one of those "I'm happy it bombed" folks because I dig what the Wachowskis do visually, but I'm certainly not surprised that it didn't stick.


The movie doesn't get universal praise on GAF, though, it gets plenty of hate as well. Every time it gets mentioned somebody feels the need to say how much it sucks.

And I'm not saying people cannot dissent with opinion-- just that it's the lowest common denominator of discussion, and unless it goes somewhere, is just noise. I don't go into the Wrestling threads just to say "this sucks and is fake, why do people like it?" yet that's how I feel.
I said it is as close to universal praise as I've seen any movie receive on GAF. If you can name another movie with as many vocal fans besides The Dark Knight and maybe Avatar (although everyone seems to have turned on it since 2010) I would be interested to know what it is.

If the discussion is simply "This is awesome, right guys!!" "Yeah, it's totally awesome!!" "Wait, HOW awesome is it?!" "SO AWESOME", then you've started out at the lowest common denominator. I fail to see the harm in someone poking their head in to say "Meh, didn't think it was that awesome". So you have to scroll past a couple of opinions that don't jive with your own. Is it really that big of a deal?


Great OP for a great movie.

I came into summer 2008 hyped for TDK and came out of it revering Speed Racer. It's seriously my fifth favorite movie of all time.


Some of the scenes with the kid and the chimp were lame but the rest of the movie was amazing.

This is one of those films I always mention when people talk about overlooked movies.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Speed Racer's one of my favorite movies of the last decade. It's a great film in just about every sense. Here's why critics didn't like it, IMO:

1. It's too colorful. Fuck it, it's true.

2. They refused to take the dramatic part seriously or even pay attention to it.

The thing about the film is that there is a genuine, meaningful emotional core that gives it depth. The family drama is for real. It's written well. The acting, in scenes that actually require nuanced acting, is superb. The non-twist twist of Racer X is great, and adds a genuine bitter tang to what would have been a saccharine finale.

The messages about industry corruption and manipulation, I'm just about certain, were the filmmakers willing to bite the hand that fed them, even if it tanked their career. If anything, the film is subversive. They went and asked for a lot of money to make a popcorn film that had great visuals and was family friendly. Then turned in a movie that viciously mocks the men who held their own purse strings.

There is much more subtlety in the foundation of the film than there appears at a glance. It isn't just a cartoon world, it's a detailed alternate reality with its own history. The Wachowski's put what a lot would consider way too much work into it, so that even incidental references have some context.

And, of course, the action, staging, racing, and sheer conceptualization of the scenarios is like nothing else out there.

I do think it's a film that will curdle one's blood if they take themselves and cinema with too much pretentiousness. It's a giant piss take at a lot of things, including the Wachowski's own career and hyperbole surrounding the Matrix trilogy. (If anything, the movie almost seems like a coded personal apology from the Wachowski's for selling out, after the original Matrix, and seeing dollar signs with the sequels.)

Mr. Sam

This attitude does more to shit up the internet than any other.

There's lots of ways to have discussion that aren't arguing.

Hence why you're being so agreeable.

Especially when the opposing viewpoint consists of "no, this movie sucks." Appreciation threads exist for a reason.

When people just want to add meaningless replies to a thread, it's poor, yes. But virtual high-fiving and butt-slapping is just as worthless, and dissent can make it a lot more interesting.
I'm really hesistant to take this movie seriously as whenever anyone talks about it all they go on about is the visuals.

In fact, pretty much any movie that has visuals as its main selling point is probably safe to avoid.
I'm probably reacting more to history than what's being posted here, and for that I apologize.

I still find the invasion of an appreciation thread by people with a completely dismissive opinion as a waste of time. Yes just posting "It's awesome" is a waste of time too, but the appreciation here is more detailed than that already.
Add me on the list of appreciators, really liked the movie when it first came out. Just fantastic in lots of ways, with perfect action, color everywhere, etc...


I am very sad this movie bombed as it means there will never be a sequel. The film we did get though was fantastic. The stuff with the kid and the monkey were the only real bad parts (and I do understand those existed in the old show/manga or whatever so that is why they are there). If those moments weren't in the film it would be even better. As others in the topic have said, there is more to the film than just visuals. It does have some real depth and an interesting message, not to mention it is pure fun for your brain and unlike anything else you'll watch.


I am very sad this movie bombed as it means there will never be a sequel. The film we did get though was fantastic. The stuff with the kid and the monkey were the only real bad parts (and I do understand those existed in the old show/manga or whatever so that is why they are there). If those moments weren't in the film it would be even better. As others in the topic have said, there is more to the film than just visuals. It does have some real depth and an interesting message, not to mention it is pure fun for your brain and unlike anything else you'll watch.

Well said, I agree with everything here.

But yeah, the visuals... Holy shit. A 3D version would be seizure inducing, but I'd still be there day 1.


I'm really hesistant to take this movie seriously as whenever anyone talks about it all they go on about is the visuals.

In fact, pretty much any movie that has visuals as its main selling point is probably safe to avoid.

The visuals are amazing, but you'll also be surprised by how much emotional impact the movie has. It's a very earnest, honest movie. You care about all these ridiculous characters and you can't help but root for Speed. It's a simple tale of good vs. evil, but it just works nicely. It's not just a VFX extravaganza. It's a live action animated movie, that's exactly what it is. I've always said this: watching the first 20 minutes is a good experiment. If you like that, you'll love everything else.
I'm OK with the movie bombing, actually. I don't think a sequel is a good idea, in general I'm kinda sick of fim "franchises" taking over from individual films.


I'd be in the dick
I still haven't gotten around to seeing this. I wonder if I can find the blu-ray for cheap.

EDIT: Yep, $7.99 on Amazon.


I guess if I was ten years old or less this would have been the coolest shit ever. Now it's just a turd with some gillter sprinkled on it.


Agree with Korey, this is one of my top 10 movies of ALL TIME. The visuals alone are just mind blowing.


I said it is as close to universal praise as I've seen any movie receive on GAF. If you can name another movie with as many vocal fans besides The Dark Knight and maybe Avatar (although everyone seems to have turned on it since 2010) I would be interested to know what it is.
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