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Spelunky |OT| With Fate Guiding My Every Move


Seems that I killed the shopkeeper by mistake at some point because he's always attacking me now... I wish there was a way to cancel that, it's so annoying... will it stop if I cancel my save ?

NM, he's not attacking me anymore... weird.


So I know how to get to the
city of gold
how do I get to
Pick up the Book of the Dead in City of Gold and then use it on the final boss.
Use it = take not of where it blinks most often, like the Eye, and make Olmec land where it blinks and then you can use the top of his head to enter a door down there, which only opens when you're carrying the Book of the Dead.

Yeah that's gotta be a bug, I don't even go near that guy unless I already accidentally killed the shopkeeper earlier.
That little room is meant for high scores, not for shopping.

Keikoku said:
Seems that I killed the shopkeeper by mistake at some point because he's always attacking me now... I wish there was a way to cancel that, it's so annoying... will it stop if I cancel my save ?

NM, he's not attacking me anymore... weird.
Cancel your save...? What game are you playing? :eek:
I spent a couple hours trying to unlock the last shortcut to the third area last night(
as in, trying to finish the Jungle with a shotgun
) but I never quite made it. I had one excellent run starting from the beginning with 7 hearts and 10+ bombs and ropes plus the item I need for the shortcut but I got
grazed by a freaking tiki statue
in 2-4.
Same thing happened to me the first time I went in the haunted castle and opened the coffin. Turns out I squished the unlockable character against the wall the millisecond he popped out with the shield I took from the knight. I killed the unlockable character so fast it didn't even register that I'd unlocked him.

That happened to me too I'm sure, now that I think about it.

(I like your Walter and Perry avatar btw)


Pick up the Book of the Dead in City of Gold and then use it on the final boss.
Use it = take not of where it blinks most often, like the Eye, and make Olmec land where it blinks and then you can use the top of his head to enter a door down there, which only opens when you're carrying the Book of the Dead.

That little room is meant for high scores, not for shopping.

Cancel your save...? What game are you playing? :eek:

I meant delete...
After watching the Giantbomb QL for the xbl version I decided to download the PC freeware version, and man, this game is brutal! After about 25 retries I've got to the 2nd level 3 times and got a little over 50k invested in the tunnel. But that 2nd area is CRAZY. Tons of enemies, impassable traps, and the damn ghost seems to appear about twice as fast. Good grief, I don't even want to think about what levels 3 and 4 hold.
After watching the Giantbomb QL for the xbl version I decided to download the PC freeware version, and man, this game is brutal! After about 25 retries I've got to the 2nd level 3 times and got a little over 50k invested in the tunnel. But that 2nd area is CRAZY. Tons of enemies, impassable traps, and the damn ghost seems to appear about twice as fast. Good grief, I don't even want to think about what levels 3 and 4 hold.
Level 2 is worse than 3, that's the good news. Haven't spent enough much time in 4 to say.
I'm too damn ocd for this game! I only got to play for 30 minutes or so before work but I died constantly trying to get all the loot in a level. Almost made it to to 1-3 but I got mistaken for a terrorist by the shopkeep..
Spent my entire day off yesterday trying to unlock the shortcut to World 4. Getting the
to the tunnel man is so hard. So addictive though, kept getting so annoyed but couldn't stop playing.
Spent my entire day off yesterday trying to unlock the shortcut to World 4. Getting the
to the tunnel man is so hard. So addictive though, kept getting so annoyed but couldn't stop playing.
I know, I was on 3-3 myself with the key and just died, guess how. Dropped the key onto a bounce pad, then I fell on it, and the key bludgeoned me to death. =(


i HATE hitting myself in the head with objects im carrying.
Yeah, I feel like random items bouncing around actually hurting you was a really unnecessary addition to the XBLA version. I mean, it's fine when an arrow from a trap bounces once and lands on your head - you should be more careful than that - but, for example, whipping a treasure chest and having the chest remains bounce against a wall and then back at you is ridiculous. I had a very sweet run for $500k ruined by, I don't even know, like a shard from a blown up vase bouncing against a few walls and hitting me in the face or some similarly impossible to predict shit. :(
Yeah, I feel like random items bouncing around actually hurting you was a really unnecessary addition to the XBLA version. I mean, it's fine when an arrow from a trap bounces once and lands on your head - you should be more careful than that - but, for example, whipping a treasure chest and having the chest remains bounce against a wall and then back at you is ridiculous. I had a very sweet run for $500k ruined by, I don't even know, like a shard from a blown up vase bouncing against a few walls and hitting me in the face or some similarly impossible to predict shit. :(

I think the most annoying thing that happens to me is when I'm trying to drop a vase/chest/rock off an edge to set off a trap, but instead my guy ends up scooting over and hanging off the ledge, which ends up with him throwing the item away and it bouncing back and hitting me and then knocking me off the ledge into the trap I was trying to avoid in the first place.

Love this game, but there are slight controls issues I hope get fixed.

Attempted to do some speed/no treasure runs today. Failed miserably. Not sure whether it'll end up being easier to do those or the
City of Gold/Hell run


I think the most annoying thing that happens to me is when I'm trying to drop a vase/chest/rock off an edge to set off a trap, but instead my guy ends up scooting over and hanging off the ledge, which ends up with him throwing the item away and it bouncing back and hitting me and then knocking me off the ledge into the trap I was trying to avoid in the first place.
Agreed, I really hate that move too.

Attempted to do some speed/no treasure runs today. Failed miserably. Not sure whether it'll end up being easier to do those or the
City of Gold/Hell run
I'd say all kinds of runs depend pretty highly on what items you get, unless you're some kind of Spelunky god, but going to City of Gold is definitely easier than speedrunning... Or speedrunning could be joke easy if you find a jetpack in a crate on level 1 and get only open, easy-to-jetpack levels throughout the game. That's the cool part about the randomization, that anyone can pull off any achievement as long as they stick with the game and play it over and over until the game randomizes up the perfect conditions.


Been practicing my ironman runs today, getting better about clearing the Mines with at least 5-6 health, sometimes with enough gold to make it with a good amount of bombs/ropes and maybe a cape or shotgun. Then usually in the Jungle levels I come across the
Undead Stages with Ash's gravestone for a shotgun
if I haven't earlier. I just tend to run out of steam around the Ice cave levels where I end up either hanging on the edge and the shotgun stunning me into the abyss or an explosion taking me out.

Just more practice.
I'll kill one of those Anubis enemies...
The final stage in this game is so rage inducing. I opened the final shortcut last night and spent about 2 more hours trying to finish the game for the first time. Not only did I fail, I increased my total death count from about 140 to over 300. The final world is just brutal.

I think I'm going to change up my strategy and just start from the beginning each time, that way I'll hopefully have more to work with once I make it to the end.

Regarding difficulty, I know I've heard some comparisons to Super Meat Boy but I really don't think that comparison is very apt. Spelunky is an entirely different kind of difficult. SMB requires skill in short bursts to progress whereas Spelunky requires consistent performance over a much longer period of time. I see Spelunky as a marathon and SMB as more of a sprint. At the end of the day I find the difficulty of a game like Spelunky to be much more frustrating but it's still very rewarding in its own way. I definitely love/hate this game at this point, and that was after keeping it fairly cool over the course of the first three worlds.

Last night when I finally gave up I just sat there on the death screen for a solid minute or so, feeling completely dejected and simply not good enough. I need to step up my game.


Did an all-nighter of Ironman runs. Managed to actually make it to the Temples, 4-2; with a shotgun and cape.

Actually braved the Black Market with the Eye and took the Ankh without dying and made it out with a shotgun and cape. Died near a totem head to get the 3rd piece to the city and made it to the temples with 4 hearts, shotgun, cape and lots of sticky bombs and 2 ropes. Took out an Anubis along with two mummies and got myself the Scepter and found the glorious gold door to the city...

Where I ended up being crushed by a trap while looking for the necronomicon... ;_;
Oh, yeah! Finally beat the Ice Caves from the mines. Ranked 498 in the leaderboards. 300+ deaths, but, yeah I'm a happy chappy. Now to conquer the Temple world.
I haven't been this outright addicted to a game in as long as I can remember. It's completely pulled me out of my 30 hour Dragon's Dogma investment. I beat the game in a single run earlier this week, and now I'm trying to reach
in one piece. It's got that "one more time" hook that makes a one hour session go to three before you know it. Don't think that's happened for me probably since Trials Evo or Super Meat Boy.


MyEpitomeCliché;39760008 said:
I haven't been this outright addicted to a game in as long as I can remember. It's completely pulled me out of my 30 hour Dragon's Dogma investment. I beat the game in a single run earlier this week, and now I'm trying to reach
in one piece. It's got that "one more time" hook that makes a one hour session go to three before you know it. Don't think that's happened for me probably since Trials Evo or Super Meat Boy.

Same here... Finally beat it in 268 deaths. The secrets are keeping me going now.
As a veteran Spelunky player (or possibly addict) I will offer some words of wisdom -

- 90% of the time you will die because when you went too fast and weren't paying attention to the world. You'll fall off something of blow up a damsel or piss off a shop keeper. If you play slow and boring you'll probably make it through okay (until something really bad happens).

- It's rarely, if ever, worth it to go that extremely dangerous location just to pick up a bigger gem/open a chest. You will die and it will suck.

- Luck plays a big part. If a shop keep is selling a shotgun (and you can afford it) you are on easy street.

- Always carry something you can throw to set off traps. You can throw stuff down (hold stick down) across (dont hold stick) and up (hold stick up). Watch out for stuff bouncing back and hitting you on the head.

- Bombing is a great way to short-cut really dangerous portions of the map (or even go straight to the exit!) but be careful.

- I hate spiders.

I've been re-reading the thread looking for help(lols) or tips or what have you and just wanted to say thanks, this is really good advice.

Also going to the options and changing the damsel to the cross eyed pug is hilarious!


Just wanted to chime in and say that the PC version is freaking awesome! I don't have a 360, but Spelunky is the perfect game to play while listening to podcasts. And it's definitely a game where if I die, it's because I screwed up, which means I don't really get frustrated if I die a bunch. Too many games are the other way around.
I'd say all kinds of runs depend pretty highly on what items you get, unless you're some kind of Spelunky god, but going to City of Gold is definitely easier than speedrunning... Or speedrunning could be joke easy if you find a jetpack in a crate on level 1 and get only open, easy-to-jetpack levels throughout the game. That's the cool part about the randomization, that anyone can pull off any achievement as long as they stick with the game and play it over and over until the game randomizes up the perfect conditions.

Yeah, my first time trying for City of Gold, I managed to make it all the way to the Temple...I just didn't have a proper way to kill Anubis and got fried by a ghost because I couldn't kill him in time.

I actually still have no idea what the doors look like that I need to open to get to the City, though, funny enough.

The final stage in this game is so rage inducing. I opened the final shortcut last night and spent about 2 more hours trying to finish the game for the first time. Not only did I fail, I increased my total death count from about 140 to over 300. The final world is just brutal.

The Temple is actually brutally easy if you make it from the beginning...that's a big if, though. If you're stacked with bombs, ropes, and at least something like Climbing Gloves or a Cape or anything, really, the Temple becomes much easier. Using the shortcuts actually hurt you in the long run I've found, simply because it's in the Mines that you usually get the best goodies that help you in the Ice Caves/Temple, it's just getting through the Jungle that's the hard part.
The Temple is actually brutally easy if you make it from the beginning...that's a big if, though. If you're stacked with bombs, ropes, and at least something like Climbing Gloves or a Cape or anything, really, the Temple becomes much easier. Using the shortcuts actually hurt you in the long run I've found, simply because it's in the Mines that you usually get the best goodies that help you in the Ice Caves/Temple, it's just getting through the Jungle that's the hard part.

Yeah, the shortcut to the temple is useful because you need to die all those times to know how enemies react to you. It'll be difficult to actually finish from there though, I've only made it to 4-4 once in fifty or so lives thus far.

Are the exit doors in the temple really hard to see or do I need to adjust my TV?
The Temple is actually brutally easy if you make it from the beginning...that's a big if, though. If you're stacked with bombs, ropes, and at least something like Climbing Gloves or a Cape or anything, really, the Temple becomes much easier. Using the shortcuts actually hurt you in the long run I've found, simply because it's in the Mines that you usually get the best goodies that help you in the Ice Caves/Temple, it's just getting through the Jungle that's the hard part.
Yeah, I definitely think you're right about this. The problem is it's hard for me to have the patience to start from the very beginning each time, especially now that I'm up over 450 deaths... (I was at about 150 when I unlocked the final shortcut).

Yesterday I had a fantastic run from the beginning all the way to the final boss. I had almost gotten him
down to the lava when he did one of those kills where it squishes you on the side while he's rising up.
I had 7 hearts at the time. I was too distraught to be angry so I just sat there and didn't move for awhile.

The crazy thing about this game is that I cannot stop until I finish it. It's the only game I'm playing right now and it's driving me absolutely insane knowing that I'm on the final boss and I haven't finished it.
Yeah, the shortcut to the temple is useful because you need to die all those times to know how enemies react to you. It'll be difficult to actually finish from there though, I've only made it to 4-4 once in fifty or so lives thus far.

Are the exit doors in the temple really hard to see or do I need to adjust my TV?
I had the same issue so I jacked up the brightness a little in the ingame menu.
Had a decent run yesterday.
Got to 5-3 for the first time with some health and a bunch of bombs left.
Even found a shotgun in
Olmec's room

Unfortunately, I fired the shotgun on a ledge over a lava pit.
Finally beat the game after many a death in the temple. It's rare to actually feel a sense of accomplishment for beating a game these days. Now to do it without shortcuts! /addicted.
Made it from the beginning to 4-4 on my first try last night with 7 hearts, 30 bombs, and about 15 ropes.
I lured Olmec over to the side of the room and proceeded to make a giant pit using almost all of my bombs, all the while dropping ropes everywhere to make sure I had plenty of ways out. Right before I lured Olmec over to the pit I told my wife to look at the awesome job I was doing. I tried to jump across from one side to the next using the ropes and fell straight down into the lava.

Hit 500 deaths last night and still haven't beaten the game (only took me 150 to open the last shortcut). At this point the game is just toying with me.
So how does the eye from the locked chest work in the mines? I heard it blinks for the black market and got it to do so in the jungle but bombed everywhere and couldn't find it. I NEED a shotgun. The Jungles are getting boring.


So how does the eye from the locked chest work in the mines? I heard it blinks for the black market and got it to do so in the jungle but bombed everywhere and couldn't find it. I NEED a shotgun. The Jungles are getting boring.

The closer you are to the black market entrance, the faster it blinks.
Finally got to 5-4.
I haven't read any spoilers or guides, so I seriously didn't expect it.
Died obviously, but it is glorious.

This game is awesome.
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