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Spider-Man 2 is the buggiest Sony AAA release ever


Gold Member
Sounds like I made a good move not getting it day 1 (I originally planned to, but I'm still not done with TOTK lol).


Gold Member


Looks like websites will surely pick this stuff up soon. Starfield was similar and sites went wild with articles on those bugs.
I highly doubt it, there is a blacklist to fear....

PS. People here pointing out and censoring fanatic Xbox trolls on Twitter.... while quote Sony fanatic trolls who are now crying but who did exactly the same with Starfield.🙃
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Looks like websites will surely pick this stuff up soon. Starfield was similar and sites went wild with articles on those bugs.

I'm surprised insomniac launched this in the state its in. I've never seen them release a game like this :(
Most people aren't having major issues. Miles Morales had actual problems when released and their first patch after released solved them all.


I highly doubt it, there is a blacklist to fear....

PS. People here pointing out and censoring fanatic Xbox trolls on Twitter.... while quote Sony fanatic trolls who are now crying but who did exactly the same with Starfield.🙃
Funny you mention that because you don't want to search the OPs posts for "bug". Gloating about Starfield and no bugs pre launch then radio silence regarding the bugs in that game even asking what bugs. The only times he talks about bugs in games are for Ratchet and clank and Sony first party, as a SonyToo defence for Cyberpunk at launch apparently being a bug free experience . Crazy stuff.
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Funny you mention that because you don't want to search the OPs posts for "bug". Gloating about Starfield and no bugs pre launch then radio silence regarding the bugs in that game. The only times he talks about bugs in games are for Ratchet and clank and Sony first party, as a SonyToo defence for Cyberpunk at launch apparently being a bug free experience . Crazy stuff.
I don't know the OP, I don't know his history nor am I interested. Threads (tons) like this have always been made and what the mods should do is close them.... although it was not something they did with the Starfield.

That said, I was referring to those of you who are outraged by Xbox trolls on Twitter and their outrageous console war attitude as if you had forgotten what happened with Starfield.

Also, quote some of the PS trolls who had the same outrageous attitude as if they were honest people....🙃

But ok, nothing new.
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I don't know the OP, I don't know his history nor am I interested. Threads (tons) like this have always been made and what the mods should do is close them.... although it was not something they did with the Starfield.

That said, I was referring to those of you who are outraged by Xbox trolls on Twitter and their outrageous console war attitude as if you had forgotten what happened with Starfield.

Also, quote some of the PS trolls who had the same outrageous attitude as if they were honest people....🙃

But ok, nothing new.
No reason why this thread should be closed. It's the guys opinion even though I very much disagree with the hyperbole he's trying to push with it. Spider-man 2 is a well polished game and the idea that reviewers fear being black listed so it was swept under the rug with 9/10s is simply distorting reality. They've given plenty of first party games low scores. Days gone for one was way more buggy, even TLOU PC.

It's just funny reading some of the OPs posts regarding bugs and performance issues with respect to Starfield pre and post launch then he comes and posts this and you taking it as the opposite. Feels like he's got a chip on his shoulder he's taking out on Spider-man 2. Did the same during the delisting of Cyberpunk due to launch bugs which he turned into Sonytoo, calling Ratchet and Clank rift apart buggy. I'm just going to take that opinion with a huge grain of salt, that's all. I think this is the SonyToo for a string of buggy game releases he considered not buggy and didn’t raise a peep about but rather defended.
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Finished Spider-Man 2 last night, and it's seriously great. Better than both the original and Miles, and Insomniac did an AMAZING job melding two iconic late-80s Spider-Man stories while including modern canon elements to make it familiar to current comic readers. They seriously made a better Kraven movie than Sony Pictures will, and it's inspired by one of the greatest Kraven stories of all time. Despite one brief moment in the third act where I was fearing the pacing would go down a TLOU2 LA drudge, it didn't and the ending was great. They nailed the dual-protagonist sequel so many other developers fail at (looking at you, Atreus levels).

But the game is broken, even with the day one patch. It's super frustrating because from the first Uncharted until now I've NEVER played a first-party Sony AAA release this broken. They used to be close to Nintendo perfection, but this is really bad.

It really feels like the game needed another 4-6 months in the oven. Like it was really meant to be an early 2024 release (Feb/March), but was rushed out for holiday 2023 because they didn't have anything else big this year.

Bugs I ran into from beginning to end:

Hard crashes to the dash. Just swinging around New York. Random times.
Frozen controls. Mostly when it transitions from a cut scene to gameplay and often if there's a prompt on screen for a specific move. Have to reload a checkpoint to progress.
Both Peter and Miles spinning like Michael Jackson when trying to interact with a box/POI (the triangle prompt):

Enemies getting stuck in cars/buses and they can't be killed to complete the crime POI.
Enemies getting stuck under the ground, causing you to reload the checkpoint and restart the whole encounter (happened to me at Coney Island, one robo dog was stuck under the ground).
Those T-stuck animations.
There are certain enviromental things late in the game (spoilers to describe them) that can cause Peter or Miles to get stuck, again causing a checkpoint reload.
Nah I think days gone was worse on launch...


I just finished RE 4 remake DLC, and I got it at launch. I will play Spider Man 2 next. I will probably take a month or 2 to finish it. Some people will find me super slow but playing 20h a day is weird to me.
Not me. I like to take my time with video games. Books I can knock out in a few days if they’re good, not matter the length, but video games? I like to enjoy myself and take in as much as I can. I still have yet to finish Hogwarts Legacy, and that’s okay with me; I want to experience it at my own pace.


Gold Member
I have only seen like 2 issues in 10 or so hours.

Got stuck on the bridge one time where it seemed like there was an invisible wall because he would start to climb but couldn’t get out.

Then in a mission two of the guards were frozen.

That’s it though on my end. And for such a big world that’s pretty good IMO. It’s obviously not a Redfall or even Starfield (though Starfield was the least buggy I’ve ever experienced a BGS game).


i'm about 8 hours in and had one bug with the bike but other than that it's run great. I turned off film grain, chromatic abberation and motion blur at the beginning


The one part where you were sneaking around the school and it tells you how to jump on the ceiling was bugged for me. It just wouldn’t do it. Restarting the game fixed it.
I encountered a bug where I couldn't swing properly through the city, pressing and holding R2 would not work properly, restarting also fixed the game. That and some minor clipping is all I have experienced in my 6 hours of gameplay so far. I didn't expect this from Insomniac.
That twitter guy PeterOvo is a twat. Nonstop console warring from that account.

Been blocked that clown ages ago. So glad to have done so.

Are people playing this game on Great Value™-branded SSDs?

I highly doubt it, there is a blacklist to fear....

PS. People here pointing out and censoring fanatic Xbox trolls on Twitter.... while quote Sony fanatic trolls who are now crying but who did exactly the same with Starfield.🙃


Literally disgusting. Yet, Phil Spencer, Aaron Greenburg (especially) and others at Xbox condone and enable people like JayRock and PeterOvo.

How do you have so empty a life to hate-tweet about a game 82 times in one day?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Definitely the buggiest but most of these are funny bugs then anything impacting actual gameplay.

some bugs ive encountered so far in 5 hours.

- NPCs talking on the phone, but have no phones in their hands.
- Cars parked into each other.
- NPCs window shopping glitching into actual windows.
- guitar players missing leaving the guitar floating in mid air
- enemies glitching into boxes unable to get out.

None of this is bad but its definitely not something im used to seeing in a sony game.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I've only hit pretty minor bugs, a cutscenes with some missing textures... One time it crashed when quitting to the title screen.


Havnt had much bugs yet but Im only 3 hours in. It does seem thou another month and it would be much better. Im sure they realised this and Sony must have seen it and said F it we not delaying. Starfield and Halo were delayed an ENTIRE YEAR and Sony couldnt do a month for Spiderman so they kinda deserve to be called out for bugs. Starfield couldnt be delayed again so it released with some bugs, but not that bad espically compared to almost all prevoius Bethesda games. Spiderman released with about the same level of bugs as Starfield and could have been avoided with a 4-6 week delay but they didnt want to do it or there is a communication gap between Insomniac and top Sony executives.

Its interesting, do you piss people off by delaying or do you piss people off by releasing a buggy game?

Or more specifically

Delaying = Piss off customers, maybe losing a small percent of pre orders. Burn a bunch of cash on marketing that now needs to be thrown out and re-done. Temp hurting investors/stock price.
Releasing buggy = Pissed/annoyed customers as most bugs are fuuny/annoying visual glitches, unless quest/game breaking. Hurting the Brand. When I think of Sony or Nintedo First Party I am used to a damn near bug free releases. Now Im not so sure.


Finished Spider-Man 2 last night, and it's seriously great. Better than both the original and Miles, and Insomniac did an AMAZING job melding two iconic late-80s Spider-Man stories while including modern canon elements to make it familiar to current comic readers. They seriously made a better Kraven movie than Sony Pictures will, and it's inspired by one of the greatest Kraven stories of all time. Despite one brief moment in the third act where I was fearing the pacing would go down a TLOU2 LA drudge, it didn't and the ending was great. They nailed the dual-protagonist sequel so many other developers fail at (looking at you, Atreus levels).

But the game is broken, even with the day one patch. It's super frustrating because from the first Uncharted until now I've NEVER played a first-party Sony AAA release this broken. They used to be close to Nintendo perfection, but this is really bad.

It really feels like the game needed another 4-6 months in the oven. Like it was really meant to be an early 2024 release (Feb/March), but was rushed out for holiday 2023 because they didn't have anything else big this year.

Bugs I ran into from beginning to end:

Hard crashes to the dash. Just swinging around New York. Random times.
Frozen controls. Mostly when it transitions from a cut scene to gameplay and often if there's a prompt on screen for a specific move. Have to reload a checkpoint to progress.
Both Peter and Miles spinning like Michael Jackson when trying to interact with a box/POI (the triangle prompt):

Enemies getting stuck in cars/buses and they can't be killed to complete the crime POI.
Enemies getting stuck under the ground, causing you to reload the checkpoint and restart the whole encounter (happened to me at Coney Island, one robo dog was stuck under the ground).
Those T-stuck animations.
There are certain enviromental things late in the game (spoilers to describe them) that can cause Peter or Miles to get stuck, again causing a checkpoint reload.
I've had the game crash twice and a handful of enemies get stuck on the environment running in place. But that's it. Definitely surprising it is as buggy as it is though.
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