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Spider-Man 2 is the buggiest Sony AAA release ever

People are giving them so much shit for this, but it's an easy mistake to make because the flags are extremely similar with inverted colors.



Is there a reason why the two are so similar?


This one can be beat in ~ 18 hours or so. It's intense but not anything like a 40 or 60 hour game.

Game crashed to dash on me. It is jarring when that happens on a console. Even more so when it is the bog 1st party game of the year.
I suppose most open world games can be beaten relatively quickly if you'll just focus on the main story, with some exceptions here and there.

But why not take time to let it simmer and let all the juices soak in? I dunno, I just find it a bit odd because I find open world games to be more enjoyable when you scoop up the side missions along the way as they unlock. Especially if it means that going back to them later would make you way overpowered, thus rendering them trivial and boring to complete. Also, in most cases when the credits roll, there's a kind of a finality to it and it just doesn't feel right to keep going after the story is concluded.

I much prefer to do as much as possible on my first playthrough, especially if there's a story-related reason to do it, and maybe do a 100% run on my second playthrough, if I liked it well enough.


Gold Member
I just find it a bit odd because I find open world games to be more enjoyable when you scoop up the side missions along the way as they unlock.
There's a bug with collection trophies, so it's not a good idea to tackle that stuff until they fix it.


Gold Member
had a few crashes on my playthrough, some suits loaded as a white cube multiple times for some reason and need to close the game and relaunch to fix and had the floating head bug, only mine was with MJ when peter is super tired. So yeah its not flawless
All of the bugs I have encountered are pretty small. I heard physical disc users had trouble with day 1 patch update. Metacritic for users stands at 87, so I don't think it can be that bad. IDK, I give studios breaks with a bit of bugginess the first few days of release, especially open world games. There is nothing game breaking here that would ruin anyone's experience. Just minor inconveniences, which are expected with any new release


Are the usual shills pushing this hard? I really wouldn't be surprised if they did since they are pretty desperate right now.

P.S And to avoid offending posters I mean the usual group of Colteadtwood/Dealergaming kind of people.
they are, it’s pretty ridiculous, nib has been tracking some of them & Jayrock made 82 (!!!) tweets about Spider-Man 2 trying to make it sound like it’s buggier than anything Xbox has put out this year in a 24 hour period

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I'm only 6 hours in, mostly horsing around. Only bug I've experienced was the film grain stuff, LOD stuff, and during one fight a sand monster was standing in the air for a second. Granted, I don't know how sand monsters would stand in real life so that could be a feature.

Everything else? Perfect. I'm actually more enjoyed with how many check boxes they ticked to appease certain crowds. And how unrealistic NYC is. I've been to NYC a few times and they're not some Andy Griffith community group of people. Every time I've been, someone's fighting and not getting along. All big cities are like this so let's not pretend NYC is a utopia of kindness and intelligent aspiring people.


Gold Member
what’s your point? Nib himself said he did this while at work, so he’s only sunk 5 hours into the game that released 2 days ago

how about you address his actual points instead which is the Xbox evangelists rather be tweeting attacks on Spider-Man 2 than playing Starfield this weekend for some reason?
You're trying to derail the thread to pretend "Xbox evangelists" are making up the bugs. I've finished it on Amazing (fidelity mode, 120 VRR on smooth), and will finish the Platinum (like I did with the first two) once they patch it as there's currently a bug with collections where they're not updating which bugs the trophy unlocks.

In rare cases
Superior for 100% district completion can become unobtainable if a collectible doesn’t count properly. Check the map counter before & after each collectible that it counted. Always save in a different Manual Slot so you can go back to a previous save if something bugged. The trophy is obtainable but individual collectibles sometimes don’t increase the map counter, if this happens it voids the 100% completion (especially Hunter Blinds are affected).
Everything else? Perfect. I'm actually more enjoyed with how many check boxes they ticked to appease certain crowds. And how unrealistic NYC is. I've been to NYC a few times and they're not some Andy Griffith community group of people. Every time I've been, someone's fighting and not getting along. All big cities are like this so let's not pretend NYC is a utopia of kindness and intelligent aspiring people.
people keep saying that the game looks great, & plays great, but i, personally, just can't get past this. it's just parody-level overwhelming. oh, well - maybe a few years down the road i'll be able to appreciate it on an mst3k 'so awful it's hilarious' level?...


But why not take time to let it simmer and let all the juices soak in?
Gamepass effect. Gotta recoup as much of the $70 as possible before trade in or resale value drops. This will change a bit once the $1 deals are up for renewal but the damage is done.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Well, I'm 12h in and half way though the main story-line and the most egregious bugs so far have been:
  • audio & subtitle desync in a cutscene
  • blocker in a side activity where I had to restart from last checkpoint
  • some audio issues (seems the audio mix is a bit weird, but maybe it's my setup)
That said, I've been playing in 120hz with VRR uncapped and the perf has been rock solid on my end.


You can play the entire game without the update. But the update fixes several things.

So you can play a broken version of the game without the patch?

Bizarre putting out the post like they did but with a huge patch like they have



Gold Member
Just had an issue were the middle of the map and a mission objective was inaccessible and was receiving a "leaving the game area message" until I quit to the main menu and reloaded my save.
I had that happen in Central Park this morning. I did a restart and it was fine.
I agree it will bite them in the ass with their current strat. Part of me thinks it's also the reason their lineup is a big question mark. They can't figure out where to put the company going forward. Their main business is consoles its super likely that they not gonna get a big enough foot in the pc space to offset potential losses. And if they try to be more than a 3p on steam and epic doing a good enough launcher in the pc space will use even more resources. They are fucked imo. Ofc they still make bank these changes dont happen overnight rho.

It's a bit harsh to say Sony's 'fucked', IMO. Have they maybe made a mistake in over-committing to PC too soon, or to a glut of GaaS titles? Yes. But, if they've realized that internally (hopefully many months ago) and have began to address the strategy at that level, then at worst there'll just be a momentary bump in the road.

Conveniently, that's at a time where Microsoft is basically floundering, and the Switch is generally on the decline. So, that gives Sony some breathing room. And it sounds really weird to put it that way because the only massive points of concern I think exist with Sony ATM is the cadence of non-GaaS marquee 1P AAA ports to PC (it needs to be a much larger window, at least 4-6 years, if at all, and always within 1-2 years of a new big release coming to the console), and the GaaS titles (10-12 is not needed, they can do just well (even better actually) with just 3-6, at least for a good 4-7 years).

Outside of that they've been delivering strongly on 1P, way better than Microsoft and at least on par with Nintendo. They have strong 3P relationships though some of that's come under threat by Microsoft buying big 3P publishers (something Sony DOES need to address, with buying 1-2 Japanese 3P publishers, some independent studios, buying shares in various Eastern & Western 3P publishers and putting more investments into key partners. Maybe also get some ex-SIE people on the BoD of some of these 3P publishers). They have a solid hardware timeline, generally strong marketing (could do more with messaging presence in enthusiasts spaces online IMO), etc. Oh, and they could be doing more with in-house 1P AA-tier releases, to pad out release schedule (and take pressure off some of the AAA productions releasing a tad too soon) if they want that without relying as much on 3P exclusivity deals.

So, I guess the frustrating point is that while Sony are doing quite well, they could be doing even better and have some obvious blind spots that need to be addressed. They may just be small or modest issues right now, but can grow into major issues years down the road (particularly affecting PS6) if they aren't taken care of sooner rather than later.


The Mary Jane's testosterones.

Oh look, they put Andrea Pinchiachapikachu or whatever that catfishing Xbox fanatic's name on Twitter is, in the game!
they are, it’s pretty ridiculous, nib has been tracking some of them & Jayrock made 82 (!!!) tweets about Spider-Man 2 trying to make it sound like it’s buggier than anything Xbox has put out this year in a 24 hour period

Halo Infinite, Redfall and Starfield really ruined a lot of people.
They are trying so hard to make it seem this game is as buggy as those 3 at release it’s not even funny.


Like reviewers?

Yeh sure, if you want to call ~130 reviewers across a range if geographies and outlets an "echo-chamber" then you do you.

Let's not talk about what's highlighted here though:

they are, it’s pretty ridiculous, nib has been tracking some of them & Jayrock made 82 (!!!) tweets about Spider-Man 2 trying to make it sound like it’s buggier than anything Xbox has put out this year in a 24 hour period

secret smell GIF
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