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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe


This is majestic.
Thank you so much for your effort. :)


That gif is glorious. One of the best costumes spiderman costumes. I hope the MCU one is good.

I also really hope Dylan gets the role or someone a bit older looking because the rumour auditions look wayyyyy too young.


Man, Spiderman's costume just seems so out of place when next to the rest of the Avengers. Maybe it's the mask, or what but seems off. Hopefully I change my mind after his solo movie


April Fools wouldn't be so bad if you could fast forward through all the lame stuff like you can with your DVR.

It's like commercials during your favorite program. Just hit the skip button. There might be an ad you decide to watch because it catches your eye. But you'll probably decide to fast forward through it about halfway through as well.

April Fools used to be something you endured for a few hours the morning of April 1st. Now it's like a 3 day thing.

There's the lead-in day, where a lot of 'jokes' get posted or leaked early, mostly due to timezone stuff.

Then there's April 1st itself where every website on the planet feels obligated to fool or at least amuse you somehow.

Lastly, there's April 2nd where you have to put up with all the roundups.

It just goes on and on and on!


But they want Teenage Spidey for multiple Spider-Man movies. Dylan can only be Spidey for two cameos & 1 of his own films.

I don't think he'll have a problem looking high school age for a few more years. I laid out a timeline in the other thread where the character will be at least 19 by the third film. I'm not saying he'll be cast for sure, but his age probably isn't that big a factor at this point. A busy schedule might be the main thing keeping him from being signed on.


Dylan plays a high school student right now.








... He's going to be able to play a 19 year old at 27 (which is how it would work if he were 16 in the first film). If they don't cast him, "him being too old" shouldn't be the reason. It should be because either someone else was better, or (ugh) there was a scheduling conflict.
Feige said "In terms of the age of an actor we’ll eventually cast, I don’t know" This was an answer to a question that wasn't even asked. Feige added that detail. The question is why and why did he allude to a very very funny very witty Spider-Man? Sounds like how Dylan would approach the audition. Plus I don't buy howbtheybhavetcsdar H kewktsxmrbwtysode?qunsolicknow".


Feige said "In terms of the age of an actor we’ll eventually cast, I don’t know" This was an answer to a question that wasn't even asked. Feige added that detail. The question is why and why did he allude to a very very funny very witty Spider-Man? Sounds like how Dylan would approach the audition. Plus I don't buy howbtheybhavetcsdar H kewktsxmrbwtysode?qunsolicknow".
I personally buy howbtheybhavetcsdar H kewktsxmrbwtysode?qunsolicknow"


I personally buy howbtheybhavetcsdar H kewktsxmrbwtysode?qunsolicknow"

Feige said "In terms of the age of an actor we’ll eventually cast, I don’t know" This was an answer to a question that wasn't even asked. Feige added that detail. The question is why and why did he allude to a very very funny very witty Spider-Man? Sounds like how Dylan would approach the audition. Plus I don't buy howbtheybhavetcsdar H kewktsxmrbwtysode?qunsolicknow".

... I might agree.


So I've heard that Feige stated that there is no Spiderman in AoU (including after-credits). Think it's BS? Or will we have to wait until Ant-Man/Civil War for a glimpse?


So I've heard that Feige stated that there is no Spiderman in AoU (including after-credits). Think it's BS? Or will we have to wait until Ant-Man/Civil War for a glimpse?
Will have to wait until Civil War.

It was very optimistic hoping for a cameo in Age of Ultron.
Could still be mentioned or hinted at (like Strange in WS). I'd love something like that. If Fury told Stark/Cap (guys, there's a kid out there that's caught our attention, we need to bring him in) or something.

"Stark, there's a genius kid out there spinning around Manhattan" *turns to camera, winks*

"Cap, we've heard stories about a kid doing amazing stuff." "Yeah, it's all over the web". *throw heads back in laughter*

I should write Transformers 5.
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