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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe

John Goodman would be better.


Nah, because of this in Spider-man 2, Simmons will always be the GOAT.


I can't believe I missed this last night. Best news since they rebooted after S-m3.

Bring Tobey back (unlikely I know)
if not then bring back JK Simmons
also Willem Dafoe
also Alfred Molina
and if you're getting Tobey might as well get Franco
Get Sam back

bam do all that youre ready for another GOAT spidey movie

but i dont expect them to do all that lol. I think Dave Franco would be a fun choice for Harry since his brother was Harry in the first trilogy.

Honestly though, it's about damn time. I'm soooo excited - the future is bright for the web slinger!! I'm so glad those pieces of shit ASM movies got cut short too. After that rapid decline in quality from Spiderman 2 -> then 3 -> ASM -> ASM2 - I couldnt handle another Sony helmed movie. Pretty funny how awful ASM2 becomes since 75% of the movie was setup, and it was already awful!

AHHHHH this is just the best news.
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me


I'm totally against adult Spidey, at least an first. Taking away is youth is taking away one of the most interesting things about him. Especially when standing next to the Avengers.

I want quips from Tony about Spidey being late for Chemistry class!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Oh god. Venom I'm fine with, he's an important Spider-Man villain. But stuff like Maximum Carnage needs to stay in the 5 cent bin at the comics shop.

I'm not suggesting a 1:1 copy of the story (or lack of story) from maximum carnage

but a revamped event that other characters can be involved in which is very difficult with the majority of villains in spidey universe

It's not like they couldn't bring Venom back though...

well... it's just not as fun without eddie brock...
i hope they start with an enemy like mysterio then lead into venom for the sequel....

and spend an ENTIRE movie on venom... not like 30 minutes like spider-man 3

and then lead into maximum carnage...
Yes and then we need Agent Venom for a Thunderbolts movie alongside Red Hulk, Iron Patriot (Osborne), Crossbones and some other characters thrown in!


I'm not suggesting a 1:1 copy of the story (or lack of story) from maximum carnage

but a revamped event that other characters can be involved in which is very difficult with the majority of villains in spidey universe

well... it's just not as fun without eddie brock...

just recast eddie brock..? he only disappears at the end of s-m3


I'm totally against adult Spidey, at least an first. Taking away is youth is taking away one of the most interesting things about him. Especially when standing next to the Avengers.

I want quips from Tony about Spidey being late for Chemistry class!

Agreed. Plus, you all know whoever they cast is gonna be around for the next decade. We'll get to gradually SEE Peter become adult Spidey. Which is much better IMO.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Whatever the politics were, I thought he was really good.
Then let it be a lesson to you as you move on in the world. It doesn't matter how good you are at your job if your boss thinks you made him look bad in front of the other bosses. Not even the highest of high fliers are exempt from that basic rule.

There's nothing to suggest he even existed when the events of that movie took place. That was almost three years ago at this point, and it'll be another year until he even debuts in a film. He was just Peter Parker going to school and sometime after The Avengers he got bit and became Spidey. Plenty of time for that to be feasible.
That's fine... just please don't put us through a third origin movie, because we've seen enough of that shit. If they just have to show it, they need to limit it to like 5 minutes. I swear to Christ if we gotta watch the guy get bit and then geegaw at his own bare, childlike chest in the mirror for 10 minutes again, I'm gonna cut myself.


I think the Sinister Six movie could have value. If they're avoiding his origin story it'd be a great way to "introduce" Spidey's rogue gallery without needing to dedicate screentime to their origins or generally introduce them in the mainline Spider-Man movie. Mysterio is an illusionist and Rhino is a thug and Sandman has sand powers, boom, now watch them fight.

It's going to get canned. They've already delayed it to an undetermined date. It's supposedly still in development, but the writing is on the wall.


People are worried about the series of Spider-Man movies before the last series of Spider-Man movies being canon in a new series?

There's literally a zero percent chance of anything in any previous Spider-Man movie having any continuance into this. Marvel's not carrying baggage from another studio into their personal cinematic universe.
Whoa whoa WHOA. Was this in the special features on the DVD or something? That's awesome!

It was part of the extended edition called Spider-man 2.1. It's on blu-ray and is the better cut of the film easily. First time I saw that scene with my family, it was so unexpected, we laughed our asses off.


The Raimi movies aren't being made canon. And not just because Eddie Brock is dead... lots and lots and lots of reasons.

while Eddie is most likely alive (his death is ambiguous for further appearance of Venom in the planned sequel) - he literally just disappears without a trace

they can't be made canon because a reboot already exists that tries its best to make all of those experiences not count

reading Alan Fine's opinion on TASM 2 really puts it in perspective

I wouldn't doubt for a second that someone with as much pull as RDJ would want Tobey back as well

not to mention how much marvel's current movie formula owes to the first two spider-man movies..

but alas it looks like it cannot be done.
eddie brock died in spider-man 3... that's why i'm saying they can't make it canon lol

remember you see his skeleton in the explosion

Or they could ignore Spiderman 3 exists.......it's what I do.

But yeah I rather them start anew before holding on the previous film series' baggage.
I loved how inconsistent the power level of the pumpkin bombs were in the Raimi movies. In one scene they leave Harry with a nasty burn on his face and in another they completely vaporize an alien and an entire person while destroying a bunch of steel pipes in the process.
They can still bring back Tobey Maguire and have it take place with Peter in high school. Just say that he got held back a couple of times.
The original cast wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I mean they had one poor film and unlike X-Men there wasn't any real lasting damage done in Spider-Man 3 aside from venom being botched, when could be retconned in some way down the line by casting a new Brock.

Chemistry with established MCU characters and Toby seems like it would be terrible though
At least bring back Simmons. Just treat him like M from James Bond.

I know it, you know, and Disney surely knows it; they aren't going to top his J. Jonah. He nailed that character so well it's scary.

Given how he's prominently featured in all the current Marvel cartoons, I think it's a given. The real question is, are they going to depict The Daily Bugle as a News Channel like they have been or go classic with a Newspaper publisher?
I loved how inconsistent the power level of the pumpkin bombs were in the Raimi movies. In one scene they leave Harry with a nasty burn on his face and in another they completely vaporize an alien and an entire person while destroying a bunch of steel pipes in the process.

Don't forget the first film where a bomb disintegrates an entire executive board but leaves a wheel chair intact.


People hoping for continuation of Raimi Spidey, it aint gonna happen. Sorry.

The only way I can see Marvel doing Spidey is as a kid who is/was in school during the attack on New York. There won't be some bullshit 'he was doing laundry' excuse. Spiderman isn't around yet in the MCU. I will of course eat the worlds biggest crow if I'm wrong. But na. Nope. New Spiderman. New story. New origin. Be excited. There is no looking back - only forward!




he's dead jim
Eh, in S-M 1 this is how it looks when you die from a pumpkin bomb:

but in S-M 3 this is what's left of Venom:

My mistake about his skeleton being there, but I am 1000% positive they were going to bring him back with some "his body fused with the symbiote and rebuilt itself" bullshit. You could be right though since it's not like we see a pile of bones on the floor of the Oscorp committee. I just think it was clearly giving themselves an out for later installments lol.
I loved how inconsistent the power level of the pumpkin bombs were in the Raimi movies. In one scene they leave Harry with a nasty burn on his face and in another they completely vaporize an alien and an entire person while destroying a bunch of steel pipes in the process.
Eh, in Spider-Man 1 it vaporizes innocents, but it leaves Harry with a scar I'm guessing because he's got Green Goblin formula in him making him a super soldier or whatever. Then it goes back to S-M1 strength against Venom lol.

edit: as much as I'd love a Wright directed Spider-Man, I really don't think he left Marvel on the best of terms lol
Eh, in S-M 1 this is how it looks when you die from a pumpkin bomb:

but in S-M 3 this is what's left of Venom:

My mistake about his skeleton being there, but I am 1000% positive they were going to bring him back with some "his body fused with the symbiote and rebuilt itself" bullshit. You could be right though since it's not like we see a pile of bones on the floor of the Oscorp committee. I just think it was clearly giving themselves an out for later installments lol.

You are correct. Avi Arad loves Venom and keenly understands the character is a license to print money. There was a lot of talk of a Venom spinoff even after Spider-Man 3 had come out.
They don't even need Eddie Brock to do Venom. Why would you have lame Brock Venom when you can have cannibal Gargan Venom or superspy Thompson Venom? My esteem for the character rose a lot when they kicked Brock out of the suit
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