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SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - Spoiler Thread

I want to start off with the negatives because I thought it was overall an awesome film.


- Green Goblin's first appearance ended very abruptly. I think many people were surprised by how quickly it ended.

- Tobey's acting seemed a bit off.

- I think the pacing before the final act was a bit too slow.

- The cobweb on the ceiling joke was just very corny.

Small Gripes:
- I wish the bridge scene with the Green Goblin lasted a bit longer or that he fought in his original costume for a bit longer.

- I wish the scene where Andrew Garfield saved MJ was extended just a bit to give it more of a dramatic feel to it.

- Even though Matt Murdock made a small cameo, it was great.

- The fight scene between Doc Ock was great

- Love the mirror dimension scene with Dr. Strange and Spider-Man.

- Andrew and Tobey having their moments near the end with the villains in their universe was great.

- Tom is the less experienced Spider-Man, but it was mentioned during the film that he was able to organize the team because he was with the Avengers.

- Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe's performances were awesome.

- Tobey and Andrew being mentors to Tom was a nice touch.

- I wish we got a small glimpse of Andrew and Tobey in their universe. Maybe Andrew standing over Gwen's grave smiling and Tobey with MJ.

Overall, it was a great film and one of my favorite superhero movies of all time. Having enjoyed Spider-Man films since 2002, this just put everything full circle.

Agree with pretty much all of your points. Tobey seemed fine to me, though. I think the problem with the pacing was too much Ned and MCU MJ. They kept cutting back and focusing on them far too often. It started to get annoying after awhile. Especially during the final battle. We want to see these 3 Spider-Men battle, not follow those two.

A couple small gripes I had were

- them kinda just handwaving any legal repercussions away with the Matt Murdock scene. He just said his legal troubles were fine, but didn't exactly explain how.

- agreed on the scenes of them being in their own world and maybe being sucked in at different times than the villains. Cause the movie makes it look like they were just wondering the streets looking for MCU Spider-Man, instead of helping fight the villains destroying the city.

- I did like that after Goblin smashed his helmet, they put a ripped up hoody on him that kinda looked like his costume from the comics. But, what would have been better is if after he became Goblin, again, he should have gone back and grabbed the front face portion of his helmet to wear under the hoodie. The best of both worlds.

Overall, I'd give it an 8 out of 10. Definitely not perfect, but miles above a lot of what we've been getting lately. And as the box office shows, I think many agree.

Edit: Crap, forgot to add a missed opportunity. That's having Tobey Maguire react to MCU JJ. Like " I guess some things never change," or something like that.
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This lady is 57 years old.


I'm sure some of that is makeup, but it also helps that it looks like she hasn't had much, or any work done on her face. When those actresses get the lip and face injections they look worse than if they just let themselves age gracefully. They also look nothing like themselves and start looking eerily similar.


Don't miss theatres one bit when watching movies on my big OLED/QLED screens with Atmos Soundbars. 👀

I don't disagree, the only thing the theater has going for it is not having to wait to watch the movie and getting all the spoilers in the process.

I rarely go to the movies, but MCU is my one exception, but a lot of that also has to do with needing to find a babysitter, things get pricy.

I do love my 4K Blu Ray Collection, though. I have quite a bit, including but nowhere close to limited to all MCU films.

Will admit, I do need a new sound system as mine is pretty old, it just isn't in the budget atm...
Wow, OK. After being somewhat disappointed with the first two MCU Spidey movies, this one was awesome!

The good:
+ I expected the OG/Raimi trilogy cast to shine, and that they did. Dafoe and Molina were amazing. Willem Dafoe is one of those guys that... I don't know, I can watch anything with him in it.
+ What I didn't expect, and was very pleasantly surprised by, was Andrew Garfield shining as much as he did. I have to think about it some more but it's almost like he was the best part of the movie.
+ Related to the above -- in a movie filled with emotional moments, my favorite one was when Garfield's Spider-Man saved Holland's MJ. Great acting by Garfield as he holds Holland's MJ in his arms.
+ In another surprise twist, Zendaya was actually nice to see in this movie, and infinitely less annoying than she was in the first two MCU movies. Kudos to her.
+ The banter between the Peter Parkers -- Man, I can watch a whole hour of just that.
+ Of course J.J. Jameson is always awesome, and his shift from a legit newspaper in the Raimi trilogy to the MCU version -- an online-based, green-screen, rage-manufacturing fake news outlet is -- almost perfect.
+ Yet another solid proof that, with Robert Downey Jr. now gone, Benedict Cumberbatch's Dr. Strange has enough gravitas and charisma to be the de facto leader of the MCU, at least for this multiverse phase(s).
+ That post-credits scene was amazing; so it turns out that, after all, the "evil Dr. Strange" from the What If...? episodes is canon? :messenger_winking_tongue: Also, I love me some Scarlet Witch so it was nice to see her too.
+ The ending to the movie proper was awesome enough that they can either keep Holland going as Spider-Man or get a new Spider-Man altogether (cue Electro's "there's gotto be a black Spider-Man somewhere..."). The "if you truly love somebody, let them go" trope was executed pretty well here.

The not-so-good:
- Surprising for a recent MCU entry, a lot of jokes landed kind of flat. The whole "call me sir... actually no, just call me Stephen" stuff got old quickly, and at no point was it actually funny.
- The Spider-Man "fight" with Dr. Strange -- no, just no. I guess if you're the character in the title of the film, then you have to get buffed. But even in Civil War, the only way Cap could beat Iron Man was a contrived 2v1, and even then Iron Man could've neutralized Cap several times (for the record, I'm #team_cap in that conflict, so no bias there). But c'mon, Spider-Man defeating the Sorcerer Supreme on a silly technicality is... a stretch.
- The lizard dude (one of the enemies from the Garfield movies) and Sand Man (one of the enemies from the Maguire movies) were pretty weak villains, the movie honestly could've done without them.
- Also, unless I missed it, no good explanation was given as to why Peter could control his soul when Dr. Strange did that same move that The Ancient One did on the Hulk in Endgame. I forget what that move is called -- you know, that palm strike that separates the soul from the physical body.
- Why is Happy still even around? He seems unnecessary at this point.
- Unlike Zendaya, who (in my eyes) redeemed herself with a solid outing this time, Ned was equally (maybe more?) annoying than he was in the previous films. I guess I have just never really liked the Ned character.


Elden Member
Wow, OK. After being somewhat disappointed with the first two MCU Spidey movies, this one was awesome!

The good:
+ I expected the OG/Raimi trilogy cast to shine, and that they did. Dafoe and Molina were amazing. Willem Dafoe is one of those guys that... I don't know, I can watch anything with him in it.
+ What I didn't expect, and was very pleasantly surprised by, was Andrew Garfield shining as much as he did. I have to think about it some more but it's almost like he was the best part of the movie.
+ Related to the above -- in a movie filled with emotional moments, my favorite one was when Garfield's Spider-Man saved Holland's MJ. Great acting by Garfield as he holds Holland's MJ in his arms.
+ In another surprise twist, Zendaya was actually nice to see in this movie, and infinitely less annoying than she was in the first two MCU movies. Kudos to her.
+ The banter between the Peter Parkers -- Man, I can watch a whole hour of just that.
+ Of course J.J. Jameson is always awesome, and his shift from a legit newspaper in the Raimi trilogy to the MCU version -- an online-based, green-screen, rage-manufacturing fake news outlet is -- almost perfect.
+ Yet another solid proof that, with Robert Downey Jr. now gone, Benedict Cumberbatch's Dr. Strange has enough gravitas and charisma to be the de facto leader of the MCU, at least for this multiverse phase(s).
+ That post-credits scene was amazing; so it turns out that, after all, the "evil Dr. Strange" from the What If...? episodes is canon? :messenger_winking_tongue: Also, I love me some Scarlet Witch so it was nice to see her too.
+ The ending to the movie proper was awesome enough that they can either keep Holland going as Spider-Man or get a new Spider-Man altogether (cue Electro's "there's gotto be a black Spider-Man somewhere..."). The "if you truly love somebody, let them go" trope was executed pretty well here.

The not-so-good:
- Surprising for a recent MCU entry, a lot of jokes landed kind of flat. The whole "call me sir... actually no, just call me Stephen" stuff got old quickly, and at no point was it actually funny.
- The Spider-Man "fight" with Dr. Strange -- no, just no. I guess if you're the character in the title of the film, then you have to get buffed. But even in Civil War, the only way Cap could beat Iron Man was a contrived 2v1, and even then Iron Man could've neutralized Cap several times (for the record, I'm #team_cap in that conflict, so no bias there). But c'mon, Spider-Man defeating the Sorcerer Supreme on a silly technicality is... a stretch.
- The lizard dude (one of the enemies from the Garfield movies) and Sand Man (one of the enemies from the Maguire movies) were pretty weak villains, the movie honestly could've done without them.
- Also, unless I missed it, no good explanation was given as to why Peter could control his soul when Dr. Strange did that same move that The Ancient One did on the Hulk in Endgame. I forget what that move is called -- you know, that palm strike that separates the soul from the physical body.
- Why is Happy still even around? He seems unnecessary at this point.
- Unlike Zendaya, who (in my eyes) redeemed herself with a solid outing this time, Ned was equally (maybe more?) annoying than he was in the previous films. I guess I have just never really liked the Ned character.
peter’s spidy sense allowed him to control his body during that astro projection, they made a point to illustrate his spidey sense with the old fashion spidey sense waves coming out of his head. that’s the explanation.
peter’s spidy sense allowed him to control his body during that astro projection, they made a point to illustrate his spidey sense with the old fashion spidey sense waves coming out of his head. that’s the explanation.
Ah. "Astral Projection" -- that's what that move (or rather, the out of body experience) is called.

Also I remember the waves now, at the time I didn't know what that was about. Yeah, that explains it.

Thanks, man!


- Also, unless I missed it, no good explanation was given as to why Peter could control his soul when Dr. Strange did that same move that The Ancient One did on the Hulk in Endgame. I forget what that move is called -- you know, that palm strike that separates the soul from the physical body.
I immediately thought spidey-sense.

Thought it was a cool moment.

edit: Sorry, didn't notice someone else answered.
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Elden Member
He exists as the same character in two universes?
I mean so does Doctor Strange (we'll see that in the next film), So its not that strange.

The MCU universe has a J Jonah that is a reporter, but this one is more an Alex Jones/Conspiracy nut type, while the Tobey universe one was more a sensationalist traditional journalist.
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Can’t Git Gud
I've been to the cinema earlier today before going to the new year party.
Refreshed 2002/4/7, watched AMazing 1 and 2 and Homecoming, Far From home before.

I Loved it. OMg it was so good !!!
I am very bittersweet about the ending. It leaves so many questions and it's kinda nonsense.
If it's "everyone forget who peter is" then what about video footage? what about writted proof? documents?What about Tony Stark remembering him? Is he still the next Iron Man?

This is such a stupid BS. It kinda ruined the whole ending for me but maybe I am not sure what to think about it yet.

Also, William Defoe steals the role. He is amazing. And Andrew Garfield?! Holy balls he was phenomenal. And he is super handsome lol and I am 32yo dude.
Tobey aged and Holland is very fitting but here is too clumsy. They wrote him as too much of a f up.

Edit: wish I could see it on my oled. Looked like crap in my local cinema. The cinema crap has to go
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Can’t Git Gud
Yeah! I guess for this to work but Peter and Stephen had to act like there wasn't any character growth in their previous movies. Peter seemed to be fighting and behaving like a noob, hard to believe a brilliant kid would make so many bad choices. Stephen ran it like if he was just learning about all the power he has.
Yeah Tony stark chosen super smart kid is all wasted now. A failure not learning with his childish mistakes and throwing all the faith Tony had in him away.
I understand he is a kid and there must be a reason for the plot but it is his 3rd movie. He should have known better

Ulysses 31

I am very bittersweet about the ending. It leaves so many questions and it's kinda nonsense.
If it's "everyone forget who peter is" then what about video footage? what about writted proof? documents?What about Tony Stark remembering him? Is he still the next Iron Man?

This is such a stupid BS. It kinda ruined the whole ending for me but maybe I am not sure what to think about it yet.
You'll have to assume it's all part of Strange's spell that all evidence disappears which does makes Strange's powerlevel seem OP that he has universe altering spells.

Also makes you wonder why Strange doesn't mess with his enemy's memories to win battles.
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Can’t Git Gud
You'll have to assume it's all part of Strange's spell that all evidence disappears which does makes Strange's powerlevel seem OP that he has universe altering spells.

Also makes you wonder why Strange doesn't mess with his enemy's memories to win battles.
Yeah it breaks all logic if this is so easy spell.
And I never thought of it like magic wizard spells until now. Too op and unexplained


Saw yesterday. Liked it. Spidey is my favourite comic book character. The chemistry between the 3 Spider-Men was great, Tobey looked old. Green Goblin and Doc Oc, stars as always. I liked the ending, letting go to allow MJ a normal life - coolio. Relationship between MJ and Peter Parker is the best and most believable out of any previous Spidey series.

As always with Marvel, a lot of it is eye porn/nostalgia porn. I’m not sure how well it will hold up in 5 years.

Fixing the bad guys seems a bit limp and PC. I really wanted Doc Oc to be one bad mofo in this film rather than a good guy (I realise ‘he’ has always been good but still).


I went in to this film expecting to be "meh-ed" like I was with the past 2 Spidey films, but this one just floored me with how good it was. I was honestly not expecting it. The spideyverse stuff made sense (as much as it could anyways), and the performances were mostly good. Also, I love Cumberbatch's Strange, so he didn't fail to deliver.

I rarely say good things about superhero movies anymore, but I have to say that it was one of the best films I saw in 2021.


Gold Member
Watched it yesterday and loved it.
I wasn’t sure they could pull off having so many enemies on screen (one of Spider-Man 3’s weaknesses) but they pulled it off, giving each character a decent amount of screen time.

-Zenyada was great as MJ, not sure if it’s just her growing up and being less of an angsty teen or if she got acting lessons but she appeared much more dimensional in this one.

-Had the Morbius trailer play at the beginning and found it interesting that Morbius is in the MCU world (Adrian Toomes exists in both) whilst Venom does not. I wonder if this movie is planned to lead into Blade.

-Doc Ock was easily one of the biggest highlights, his redemption was fantastic.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
-Doc Ock was easily one of the biggest highlights, his redemption was fantastic.

I think that is what really added to it. He remained true to his sympathetic nature from Spidey 2. Even when everyone turned he didn't. I really liked what they did with him and how he was essentially the most respected enemy.


Gold Member
I think that is what really added to it. He remained true to his sympathetic nature from Spidey 2. Even when everyone turned he didn't. I really liked what they did with him and how he was essentially the most respected enemy.
It’s a shame there was no follow-up on what occurred when they went back to their universes, did they die? Did they change the world in a big way by living?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
It’s a shame there was no follow-up on what occurred when they went back to their universes, did they die? Did they change the world in a big way by living?
If you saw the movies you know what happened. They all came over at the moment of their death. They all died.


So I really don't understand wtf Strange was doing in this movie.

I feel like he did this whole messed up spell thing on purpose because he's trying to investigate the multiverse for some reason. At no point did it seem to me like things were too out of control for him to fix.

That or they turned him into a wreckless idiot making broken spells to make this movie happen.

Ulysses 31

So I really don't understand wtf Strange was doing in this movie.

I feel like he did this whole messed up spell thing on purpose because he's trying to investigate the multiverse for some reason. At no point did it seem to me like things were too out of control for him to fix.

That or they turned him into a wreckless idiot making broken spells to make this movie happen.
Also, what was Wong, the sorcerer Supreme, on letting Strange just cast these spells when he knows how dangerous they are. Some protector of the world he is. 👀


Gold Member
If you saw the movies you know what happened. They all came over at the moment of their death. They all died.
That was if they didn’t fix themselves, it was said there was a chance they wouldn’t die if they became good, which is why they were working so hard at it.


Gold Member
So I really don't understand wtf Strange was doing in this movie.

I feel like he did this whole messed up spell thing on purpose because he's trying to investigate the multiverse for some reason. At no point did it seem to me like things were too out of control for him to fix.

That or they turned him into a wreckless idiot making broken spells to make this movie happen.
Peter changed the spell seven or so times while Dr Strange was trying to complete it. His constant interference is what broke the spell.

Ulysses 31

Peter changed the spell seven or so times while Dr Strange was trying to complete it. His constant interference is what broke the spell.
It's still on Strange that he starts the spell before even telling what it will do. It's completely in character of Peter that doesn't want him to finish casting the spell.

Dr. Strange was put on the alter to make the rest of the movie happen, sadly.


Thought Far From Home was trash but I absolutely loved this. A dream come true really to see Tobey back as Spider-Man.

As others have said though, it was arguably Garfield who stole the show.
Would this movie be as successful without Tobey and Andrew? What if had they hired random actors to play the spidermen and villains from the other universes?

I enjoyed this movie, but it's like 90% nostalgia. They won't be able to pull it off again.

The Skull

Would this movie be as successful without Tobey and Andrew? What if had they hired random actors to play the spidermen and villains from the other universes?

I enjoyed this movie, but it's like 90% nostalgia. They won't be able to pull it off again.
I think so. The other Tom Holland movies did fine and they were pretty crap tbh. This is the first time he's had any character growth and the movie is miles better for it. Maybe it wouldn't have had the same impact but it's certainly not 90% nostalgia carrying it.


Would this movie be as successful without Tobey and Andrew? What if had they hired random actors to play the spidermen and villains from the other universes?

I enjoyed this movie, but it's like 90% nostalgia. They won't be able to pull it off again.

Yes it would have been just as successful without Tobey or Andrew. None of the marketing contained either actor and the vast majority of people don't look for leaks.


Finally saw it

- Really liked the acting from everyone involved, all 3 Spidermen were great and played on their individuality from eachothef
- Supporting characters like MJ and Ned were great
- Willem Defoe just nailed it and had a joker level of menace. Taking his mask away was the smart move he is too good an actor to hide behind a suit
- The marvel de-ageing CG is just phenomenal
- I thought the idea to cure the villains was a good emotional through line
- Holland Spidey just can't catch a break. Looking forward to his college years and the reset button on nobody knowing him feels like a good way to refresh without replacing the actor

- Felt like they were really building up to something expansive that finally spilled beyond the single movie with the multiverse breaking at the end but it was too easily resolved
- Felt like they wasted a chance to have Venom cross over properly and to introduce a Miles character
- Still don't like the electro character


Would this movie be as successful without Tobey and Andrew? What if had they hired random actors to play the spidermen and villains from the other universes?

I enjoyed this movie, but it's like 90% nostalgia. They won't be able to pull it off again.
Yeah, the last two Spiderman movies were mega hits and this is the first blockbuster movie in awhile. Spidey is basically the tentpole for Marvel now without Ironman, Captain America and Black Panther


Would this movie be as successful without Tobey and Andrew? What if had they hired random actors to play the spidermen and villains from the other universes?

I enjoyed this movie, but it's like 90% nostalgia. They won't be able to pull it off again.
The movie was about tying Holland's Spider-Man to the legacy of the other Spider-Men. So it would have made no sense to recast the actors. But Sony are free to to make different crossover stories, such as with Venom or Spider-Gwen or Miles Morales. And these may be similarly successful if they are seen as "Avengers" level movies.


I enjoyed this movie, but it's like 90% nostalgia. They won't be able to pull it off again.
They can, and will, pull it off again. In doing what they did with No Way Home, Marvel have opened the door for all sorts of multiverse shenanigans. We could see the likes of Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen pop up in future Holland films, along with possible new films for Maguire and Garfield, not to mention the possibility of other Marvel characters visiting from other universes after ‘dying’ in this one.


Neighbours from Hell
Finally saw the movie and it was good to see Toby Maguire and Garfield again. Maguire is my favorite Spiderman, as he's the first one I really got into in live action. Great moments with him and Garfield, I liked how they bonded with Holland and all teamed up. I never thought Zendaya was a great MJ, but I'm curious on what they'll do if they make another Holland film. Not sure if another has been officially confirmed yet.


Finally saw the movie and it was good to see Toby Maguire and Garfield again. Maguire is my favorite Spiderman, as he's the first one I really got into in live action. Great moments with him and Garfield, I liked how they bonded with Holland and all teamed up. I never thought Zendaya was a great MJ, but I'm curious on what they'll do if they make another Holland film. Not sure if another has been officially confirmed yet.

Not officially announced but I bet 1.8 billion dollars it does get made.


- Felt like they were really building up to something expansive that finally spilled beyond the single movie with the multiverse breaking at the end but it was too easily resolved
It's NOT resolved fully, that's what the next Dr Strange film is about. Phase 4 seems to be about breaking the universe and timelines and each time a show/movie has ended thus far has left it cracking just a bit more as it's all leading to the Multiverse of Madness.


It's NOT resolved fully, that's what the next Dr Strange film is about. Phase 4 seems to be about breaking the universe and timelines and each time a show/movie has ended thus far has left it cracking just a bit more as it's all leading to the Multiverse of Madness.

I avoid the shit out of leaks, spoilers and rumours as much as possible. But I'll put this in spoilers in case what I theorise becomes true.

I honestly would not be surprised if Nightmare is behind everything. Nightmare is a big villain for Strange and MCU advertising has involved the multiverse before. The trailers for Far From Home made us think the multiverse was involved, but it wasn't. Now in Multiverse of Madness, it could all be a nightmare and not true at all either.


Watched this last night. With all the insane hype, and so many people proclaiming it to be the hottest thing since sliced cheese, I kind of had some big anticipation for it. What I got was.. eh.. I am still marinating, but it was OK. What they have done here is fairly novel - I mean, yes, the Spider-verse trope has already been done before in animated fashion, but it was fascinating to see it attempted in live-action with the actual previous actors and movie worlds. I was curious how the overlap would work, and I guess they did a good job of that, but for some reason it felt different than how I would have imagined it would go. Summoning them through magic portals felt funky.. actually basically ALL of the magic stuff felt funky and inconsistent ("it's magic, it doesn't have to make sense" yes but still!) Peter wanted Strange to concoct a spell so that he and his friends could go to MIT? I think the MCU has already proved that major hero characters aren't dependent on having secret identities/double lives, this was the best reason they could come up with? It felt sloppy and forced. Oh, the spell ended up being clunky and now all the other realities are going to merge into this one unless, for some reason, everyone in the world forgets that Peter is Spidey?

Anyway I could go on, but a lot of the logic didn't wash with me. As I was watching this movie, I had that feeling that "this movie was clearly made by people who grew up watching Harry Potter" whereas when I was in my 20s watching the Raimi movies, I had the feeling that "these films were made by people who grew up watching 80s action movies/the Terminator/etc." It just made me feel old. Seeing Tobey Maguire in his 40s (and not as a college-age Spider-Man) made me feel old. Maybe I am just at the point of MCU burnout. I dunno, I will still tune in for whatever Gunn does next.

It was basically not expected but I was really hoping they would go for a deep cut and put a Nicholas Hammond (1970s Spidey) scene in there in some capacity, for the 7 or 8 of us who would have appreciated it, haha (hey, we got Old Man Loki in that Loki show..) At the end of the day I'd love to see a documentary on the making of this film and hear about all the crazy ideas they must have whittled down to get to where it wound up.
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