Seems to me he had no time to rehearse at all.I think Joel has made every single developer guest really uncomfortable. Is he drunk or does he just not wanna be there?
NTGYK if you mention teen wolf one more more time lol
Geoff just said Titanfall was X1 exclusive. Megaton?
No 360/PC?
Joel just wants to leave.
So is Sony just staying the heck away from this trainwreck?
But is it worse than Konami 10?
Should have had these guys host.
He is reading from a prompter
Thought you had boogied for the evening?
Sony again making all the right moves
I'm sick of zombies, i really am.
God... McHale is annoying as fuck on this... the only thing stopping me from retroactively hating Community right now is remembering how ridiculously hot Alison Brie is.
Is there likely to be anything more new announced or can I stop watching now?
Should have had these guys host.
Thought you had boogied for the evening?