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Splatoon 3 Direct Announced for 10/08


Can't imagine who that might be šŸ˜. I have noticed that nothing that comes out on the switch is any good in their eyes. If it were me, I would cut my losses and invest in another platform, but what do I know šŸ¤·.
No, don't you see? They are entitled to play Splatoon!

It's not a product; it's a right!

CS Lurker

I love Splatoon and would pay for the 3rd game with a smile if they had dedicated server. But they will insist with this shit p2p in 2022... what a joke. No, thanks.

Mr Branding

Wow, this isn't how logic works either. This is incredible though, I guess it's art or something?

This isn't PS2 era, this is PS5 Series S|X era, back in the OLDER era we didn't see games with better fidelity, you see expectations change with the ages, and there are bars that we expect to be met now.
Entitled much?
If you expect ps5/xsx graphics out of this game/system, I donā€™t know what to tell you.
Also, graphics and fidelity isnā€™t everything. Iā€™ve played waaay better indies that look a lot worse than your shiny AAA graphic showcase games.
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Entitled much?
If you expect ps5/xsx graphics out of this game/system, I donā€™t know what to tell you.
Also, graphics and fidelity isnā€™t everything. Iā€™ve played waaay better indies that look a lot worse than your shiny AAA graphic showcase games.
Yea, the $80CND I pay entitles me to good looking games with good gameplay, sorry that upsets you.

entitle verb [T] (ALLOW)​

to give someone the right to do or have something:

These logical backflips are truly entertaining though. This logic you're attempting to apply isn't a counter at all to what I've said. You're using ad hominem a bad arguers favorite logical fallacy.
adjective: ad hominem
  1. (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

Saying someone that expects graphical fidelity or real changes from a new entry in a game franchise is entitled... that's not even logic at all.

Nintendo apologists are running out of bad logic to apply to things, it's a curse and miracle.

No need to reply as you shown me you're incapable of having any kind of lucid argument, that shit doesn't work here.
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Does it have a battle royale mode yet?
It's P2P archaic networking 4v4, Nintendo doesn't know how to code for that many, despite players paying for the online service.

It's ok that there's not BR mode though, not every game needs that, it would be fun though if they managed more than 4v4, yes they have 4v2v2, but that's still only 8 players.

Mr Branding

Yea, the $80CND I pay entitles me to good looking games with good gameplay, sorry that upsets you.

These logical backflips are truly entertaining though. This logic you're attempting to apply isn't a counter at all to what I've said. You're using ad hominem a bad arguers favorite logical fallacy.

Saying someone that expects graphical fidelity or real changes from a new entry in a game franchise is entitled... that's not even logic at all.

Nintendo apologists are running out of bad logic to apply to things, it's a curse and miracle.

No need to reply as you shown me you're incapable of having any kind of lucid argument, that shit doesn't work here.

Lucid argument what? Nintendo apologist?
Bruh, PC is my main platform and I mainly play on Deck atm with the occasional dive on Switch.
You are twisting my words actually, I was saying you are entitled since you expect top tier AAA graphics out of a game that's on an outdated system. I was also saying that graphics aren't everything and that I've played games that look super low budget with amazing gameplay as compared to mediocre gameplay games with amazing visuals.
Also, what you're saying doesn't upset me in the slightest, imagine that. It's just that for all your talk about logic, you make no sense at all.
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I got 2 minutes in and......... yeah I'm still not interested in Splatoon at all. I guess it's just not for me. Also I commend people for sitting through 30 minutes of that woman's annoying voice.
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Do they still do online multiplayer on Splatoon 2? Do they replay the special events?
I played it some, but did not really get into it.
I guess the multiplayer for the first game is dead.
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Gold Member
Do they still do online multiplayer on Splatoon 2? Do they replay the special events?
I played it some, but did not really get into it.
I guess the multiplayer for the first game is dead.


when you say the first game, do you mean Splatoon on the Wii U? I mean the servers are still up but its the Wii U, people have moved on

as for special events... do you mean the splatfests in 2? they repeated them a few times once they ended but haven't recently far as I know, but the games still very active.
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when you say the first game, do you mean Splatoon on the Wii U? I mean the servers are still up but its the Wii U, people have moved on

as for special events... do you mean the splatfests in 2? they repeated them a few times once they ended but haven't recently far as I know, but the games still very active.
Yeah. I was wondering if the servers for the first game are still up. Kind of neat they are still supporting it.


Do they still do online multiplayer on Splatoon 2? Do they replay the special events?
I played it some, but did not really get into it.
I guess the multiplayer for the first game is dead.

I get it if you don't play Splatoon at all (but then why are you here?...), but yes, there are still a lot of people playing it. It's not some unknown game that had it's multiplayer die within the first few months. Some of that is due to it being the only real shooter on the Switch, but also a dedicated fanbase. The special events have finished; this is literally on the fanmade wiki that you could have looked up in a few seconds.

The same applies to the Wii U game. It was less popular, but you can still find games.

And not to sound like too much of a fanboy, but I've found it much easier to find a game I want into Splatoon and Splatoon 2 years after release than say, Battlefield 1 six months after release.


Gold Member
I think I will hold my purchase since I hate smash online with passion and don't want the same situation sure to p2p
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I think I will hold my purchase since I hate smash online with passion and don't want the same situation sure to p2p
If you played either of the Splatoon games and liked them, then it's just going to be the same.

I've honestly had no noticeable problems. Perhaps I've missed some shots that maybe I should have gotten, but no more than in games that use servers.


Gold Member
If you played either of the Splatoon games and liked them, then it's just going to be the same.

I've honestly had no noticeable problems. Perhaps I've missed some shots that maybe I should have gotten, but no more than in games that use servers.
Hmmmm good to know. I haven't played Splatoon and wanted to hop on but I play a lot of Smash and hate online to death, even using cable so I don't think I'd want the same in another $60 game


Hmmmm good to know. I haven't played Splatoon and wanted to hop on but I play a lot of Smash and hate online to death, even using cable so I don't think I'd want the same in another $60 game
I've only heard of the issues with Smash. What are they again?

NPLN is only going to be for the lobbies, so matchmaking. It never was an issue for me with Splatoon. The multiplayer (netcode) is still likely going to be P2P.

If your issue is with the netcode, then you might not like it. The gameplay is different to Smash, so you might not notice it. Though I doubt many, if any, reviews will address it.


Gold Member
I haven't played Splatoon and wanted to hop on but I play a lot of Smash and hate online to death
Iā€™d say Splatoon is more comparable to the online in Mario Kart rather than Smash. It works well most of the time.

Smash is by far the worst online game Nintendo has put out imo, which is ironic considering how polished it is. The online mode sticks out like a sore thumb in that game.
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Iā€™d say Splatoon is more comparable to the online in Mario Kart rather than Smash. It works well most of the time.

Smash is by far the worst online game Nintendo has put out imo, which is ironic considering how polished it is. The online mode sticks out like a sore thumb in that game.
that game deserves so much better.
i stopped playing smash after like a month cuz of the terrible online.


Gold Member
When someone asks you what day it is, do you not say August 18th? Honest question, idk.

We've always said month/day/year in America. Except when celebrating America's birthday. Then we say 4th of July.

We normally say "tuesday" followed by the date if they give you a look suggesting they want more like 17th because people tend to know what month it is... how can you not know what month your in? Theres only 12 of them.

Also yes we say things like "The 18th of May" rather than May 18th

1:40 in that video as stated pretty much the rest of the world talks like this, it's just America doing its own thing again.
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We normally say "tuesday" followed by the date if they give you a look suggesting they want more like 17th because people tend to know what month it is... how can you not know what month your in? Theres only 12 of them.

Also yes we say things like "The 18th of May" rather than May 18th

1:40 in that video as stated pretty much the rest of the world talks like this, it's just America doing its own thing again.

Some people in the UK say 'May 18th' and I fucking hate it. If you're American or Canadian I can tolerate it and keep my mouth shut (still grates), but if you're a fellow Brit you had better be saying 'The 18th of May'.

I've heard it on the BBC more recently and it really gets my goat.
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Single player being samey is disappointing but it's an online multiplayer game first and foremost. So I'm def excited for that part. The squid roll is interesting. You activate it like the Mario somersault.

All the specials look really fun and DUDE mentioned there being no armour really makes the game feel more aggressive.

I'm glad there's no invincibility specials. Splatana looks fun to use.


Gold Member
Splatfest is not looking strong. Constant disconnects. It seems if one player quits mid game everyone will be booted to the lobby


ā€¦and I am done. Given the game launches in a week and they have just moved to new netcode I will pass on Day 1.

Fair enough and not a good look for them.

Neither of the other trials ran smoothly either though, especially the one for Splatoon 2. They've probably grossly underestimated how popular it was going to be yet again.

I'm pretty sure both games' online ran fine at launch though.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Fair enough and not a good look for them.

Neither of the other trials ran smoothly either though, especially the one for Splatoon 2. They've probably grossly underestimated how popular it was going to be yet again.

I'm pretty sure both games' online ran fine at launch though.
I've never had major issues in the past. I'll try this out briefly tonight.
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Played couple of rounds Zero interest. I've probably outplayed myself on Splatoon anyway with 2000+ hrs on both 1&2.

Basic mechanic is as clever as ever but I think the series has lost something. The first one was a great game despite it's problems: it is 80% skill, 20% luck/lag it was a simple and a straight-forward game.

The sequel went bigger it started really bad with weapon balance being all around the place. Down the road they found the sweet spot and for a moment it was better than 1. Then they started patching it again, overdid it and fucked it up royally.

Their biggest mistake was to make it more mainstream friendly after the first game was a huge success. Meaning, they introduced a lot of new weapons and outpatched multiple old ones to be beginner friendly. That led to a situation where there were high skill weapons and low skill weapons and most of the not-so-good players were able to do just fine with these easy weapons. Which led everybody playing with these and drop all the harder weapons because why bother? Until they patched everything again.

Anyway, in the end Splatoon 2 was only 50%, 30% meta weapon and 20% luck and lag.

And I lost my interest.

But I played my share, at best had GREAT time with it. I'll return to it if they ever turn back the dial instead of taking it further and further from where it started - which was the game I wanted to play.


All of the things I had stated about this being a full priced expansion pack are true, as a test I went back and forth between Splatoon 2 and 3 and the changes are so small I couldnā€™t give a shit.

Shame on Nintendo for catching lazy COD fever.

If you own 2 thereā€™s no need to get 3, if you own neither 3 is a great fun game, and itā€™ll appear a new experience.

At least with COD Activison gives deeps discounts when they flounder to try and boost the community there is no luck here with Nintendo ever doing that.

The new extra long win screen that is unskippable, no doubt to sell ā€œvictory posesā€ or whatever is really annoying. Being able to practice on stationary targets in the lobby is nice. The graphics look slightly nicer, but all of these things donā€™t make $80 CND to me.

Nintendo should have made this cheaper for owners of 2 which wouldnā€™t hurt them too much considering itā€™s impossible to get a reasonable deal on 2 even when it goes on sale.

In 2022 sticking a ONLY 2 map rotation is retarded. Not being able to change equipment mid-matchā€¦ fucking stupid. Nintendo fixed almost nothing.

This feels even lazier than a new COD iteration.
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Played 3 hours, no lag. If a player rage quits it boots you to the lobby. Pretty good experience so far.

The game is ok, very position based shooter. No aim assist, and it's hard to see enemy players silhouettes.
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The bow is ASS. Poor that. I think it needs to be able to hold a charge in squid form like chargers to make it more viable.

I've had no lag issues or disconnects yet, personally, but it sucks for people that are experiencing that.


Gold Member
God the three way turf war for splatfest is dire for the winning faction, I just stopped playing after how uttely unfun it was and the fact its RNG if you get a regular turf war or the god awful tricolour "why would I want to play this?" War.
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