NNID? I'm just playing turf wars.Well, went from B- to C- in tower control haha
Any gaf rooms going? I don't see my usual...
SM239 has a game going. I joined as well.
What's wrong with the deco vs the regular?
I love the killer wail for little moments of unexpected kills and also those deliberate overkills where you use it on a single enemy you see trying to be sneaky. Like yesterday on arowana mall I saw someone swimming up the ramp on the side of the map and I was able to angle it upward to splat both them and someone else I didn't even know was there.
And also funny moments like yesterday me and Red had a duel on arowana mall that involved us activating our killer wails at the exact same time to try to take the other out
Dumb question, how many losses do you guys go through before putting down the gamepad for the day?
I added you.NNID: Incite
I stop playing ranked after two losses in a rowDumb question, how many losses do you guys go through before putting down the gamepad for the day?
whomever kept putting their Squid beacon on the other side was doing us a huge favor.HELL yes. That's more like it.
Nothing was as disrespectful as seeing this dude placing beakons in our spawn ad infinitum so hold that sniper fire. Also damn SM239, I honestly thought you were going to get away.
I fall off the cliff so much in Bluefin.
Finally got to level 10
I'm not really good enough to play ranked, and all my chothes are boring
What I do now? lol
Damn, blackstatus is sneaky
Never, I'll stop on my own accord. I don't care if I lose in Turf War. If I lose in Ranked, I'll just try to win the next match, even if the game tries to pull it's bullshit weapon composition stuff.Dumb question, how many losses do you guys go through before putting down the gamepad for the day?
It rotatesI came back from holiday and I feel stupid. Why I have just Splat Zones in the Rank mode? How do you access Tower Control?
Watch for those BOMBS Azure J LOL
It rotates
I think it rotates the same way as stages? I haven't played ranked too muchOh! Even if you stay in the same lobby?
Oh! Even if you stay in the same lobby?
I think it rotates the same way as stages? I haven't played ranked too much
No, it rotates every four hours like the maps do. But it doesn't switch every time, otherwise each mode would be only on at certain times every day.
I know.. But even the last turf war matches were pretty toughYou are good enough for ranked. That's why its called ranked. You start C-, so you'll be fine.
If refreshes at midnight in your timezone.I know.. But even the last turf war matches were pretty tough
Also, how long it takes for the shops to refresh?