What a horrible session. Online/matchmaking/lag related.
- I hate when you get into the lobbies and "you will join the next game. Starts in 2:50"
- Said 2'50 crashed when 20 seconds left. 2'30 wasted.
- Return to the hall, find a lobby (much more quickly), game starts, connection lost and crashed after one minute. 1'00 wasted. I also hate when the game lose connection after 2 mins+. Better crash quick.
- Return to the hall, play a couple games (finally), then wait for the 8th opponent. 8th guy arrive. Nothing, still waiting in the lobby with the 7 other guys One quit (how? I want to quit too!). Another 8th arrive. Nothing. Another one quit (still, how??). Another 8th arrive (welcome, you'll enjoy this buggy lobby mate). Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing... That's the first time I see the 200s counter running out. Kicked back to the hall. Powering off Wii U :/
Also, what those japanese players are doing? It's midnight in Europe, must be Friday 6 or 7AM in Japan. And there is plenty of JP players, everyday! What are they doing? Playing in the morning while having breakfast?