Haha, nice.Oh yeah, there's a part near the end where he traps a brush between his wall and an actual wall. It was hilarious.
Haha, nice.Oh yeah, there's a part near the end where he traps a brush between his wall and an actual wall. It was hilarious.
dunno, I played too many games yesterday. The wall probably disappeared on my screen first, I couldn't possibly have known that there was lag involved
Sure it takes 5 minutes. How long does earning 30k take though?Getting the sub abilities on the gear you want is still tedious since the whole process of,
takes about 4-5 minutes every time
- put save backup onto usb
- load Splatoon with usb in
- go through the announcements every bootup
- reroll with Spyke
- then either usb->wii u on good rerolls or wii u->usb on bad rerolls
He did overextend by going through his wall for a moment. Maybe that's what you saw and you took advantage of it.
The time between when he stepped back in and when he got splatted looks about right when the ping between us is fairly high. It could also be your upload speed, but I dunno.hm yes he stepped out for a moment and a second later got splatted. That might or might not have been the reason, I'm not really sure about anything anymore
Yea, he asks whether you want to replace it or not.Also you seem to always be asking Spyke to order some gear for you, can you order something you already have and replace what you used to have.
Oh never knew this, going to have to do this from now on. Did the whole room disconnectYea, he asks whether you want to replace it or not.
Yeah we all dc'dOh never knew this, going to have to do this from now on. Did the whole room disconnect
Edit: I was always wondering if you just never bought them from the shop, makes so much more sense
Watching more of those videos and oh wow is that why Master A1 is such a beast with the tentatek? He's lagging?
I knew something was up when they made me watch everyone else play as the map loaded lol. And in that match I want to know how I specifically put my ink strike on the beacon and it didn't get destroyedYeah we all dc'd
it seems he had some problems with his connection yesterday. He got disconnected all the time. He's also really good and a terror with the inkzooka
Was that you who tried to kraken up our base then I just dropped you down lolI seem to have trouble hitting people on the ramp, I'm not sure why.
Yeah lol. I knew I was going to die, why not do it in style?Was that you who tried to kraken up our base then I just dropped you down lol
No it's not why he's a beast, but it does help. I just wish I could play against him with out the server crashing or him dropping. He's fun to play against on balanced teams, but can be really frustrating when randoms are in the mix.Watching more of those videos and oh wow is that why Master A1 is such a beast with the tentatek? He's lagging?
He hasn't teleported for me, but he did kill me with one shot of the tentatek one of these gamesIs Master A1 teleporting for anyone else?
No it's not why he's a beast, but it does help. I just wish I could play against him with out the server crashing or him dropping. He's fun to play against on balanced teams, but can be really frustrating when randoms are in the mix.
Doesn't help, I'm cursed to where no one plays as well on my team as they do against me.
I want to learn how to use the squiffer but I'm just struggling in general lol
I played with you a few weeks ago on your team before I had to feed my son and had the top score. Guess I don't count lolNo it's not why he's a beast, but it does help. I just wish I could play against him with out the server crashing or him dropping. He's fun to play against on balanced teams, but can be really frustrating when randoms are in the mix.
Doesn't help, I'm cursed to where no one plays as well on my team as they do against me.
Sorry. D=
Just have fun with it. Which one are you using? New or Classic?
It is fun to use. Classic, I think New might be unlocked via single player and I haven't done that yet lol
Yeah the new squiffer comes from the fourth boss.
lol so you haven't unlocked either of the aerosprays or dynamo rollers either?
It is fun to use. Classic, I think New might be unlocked via single player and I haven't done that yet lol
Sometimes when I'm playing custom blaster I just throw point sensors at people then wait for a charger to pick them off.If your aiming is off, just have fun spamming point sensors at everybody. =P A lot of GAF have great aim and are very aggressive.
I hope there's a Splatoon 'New Content Approaching' presentation like the pre-E3 one for Smash. Where it explains the August update in more detail, future plans like more maps, gears, collaborations like the Squid Girl outfit, reprints/second wave of amiibos, and Inklings for Sm4sh since that game also has an August update for tournament play.
I haven't actually played in any GAF rooms yet, my NNID is AzureSymphony if you wanted to add me though.
If your aiming is off, just have fun spamming point sensors at everybody. =P A lot of GAF have great aim and are very aggressive.
A few of us are playing now and I'm grinding as wellI'm about to start my stream up. Today's goal is grinding out some gear I blew sea shells on. Hope to see everyone on soon.
I'm about to start my stream up. Today's goal is grinding out some gear I blew sea shells on. Hope to see everyone on soon.
Skies your ninja jump scared the fuck out of me lol
Hehe I try!
What's your splat ID?