I wonder how the new EXP system will work. It probably is calculated similarly to the Splatfest EXP system. And rewards every 5 levels? I hope they're good lol.
What if someone gets to S+ and then does Squad Battles, do they still get points? Do they still lose points if they lost?
It doesn't seem like they're gonna do that. The Reddit translation would have mentioned it if that was the case.
Hmm, theoretically this means one doesn't need to be using a points hoarding weapon like Aerospray RG for points farming, which I think is great. I like Custom Jet Squelcher but I'm very unlikely to go over 1k points with that in Turf Wars. At least now if I'm contributing then I'm compensated as well as anyone that is also contributing.
I feel the 96 is similar to the Tenatek... viable in all situations, especially if playing with Japan. The lag gives you the surprise factor to splat in two hits before they can react.
I just had a funny moment in turf wars. It was a hard fought battle and we just barely won. The whole time I am saying "where is my team, I am literally doing everything myself". I didn't understand what was going on. Then after it was over, I saw the rankings. Somehow I got matched into a room of B's.
The 96 Deco is definitely a very solid weapon that doesn't need Kraken. The 96 Gal is pretty monstrous by itself and Splash Wall can be used to gate off longer ranged weapons and reduce mobility. It's got some problems when facing enemies uphill however. Or at least, Splash Wall isn't really good when enemies can fire over it.
A team of 4 96 Decos would be really annoying to fight for sure. Not even Inkzooka will be effective if the 96 Deco team can consistently put up Splash Walls. But this starts falling apart on maps where verticality matters, like Moray Towers or Bluefin Depot. Splash Wall is not great on those maps, and 96 Deco doesn't charge up Kraken very fast either.