Has anyone ever received perfect gear from Spike? Closest I´ve been is 2 subs and I´ve ordered stuff from him almost everyday since launch
I finally got one a few weeks ago.
Bike helmet: Ink Refill rate increase, all slots! I saw someone in the plaza with it, so figured I'd order it. Spyke gave me it with 2 ink refill subs(1 main). Once I leveled up the third sub, I was actually hoping for a throw increase, sub saver, or ink efficiency. So I was pleasantly surprised when I got the final ink refill increase.
Other than that, two matching subs(+ 1 main) was the closest I've been also. I can't imagine hitting two subs - on an ability I wanted - then blowing sea snail/$30k to reroll again for the ever-so-slight possibility of perfect subs. Knowing my experience with Spyke, I may never even get those 2 subs again, letalone 3!
Also, question for anyone who knows: Am I bugging, or does Spyke get you closer to the gear you want, the longer you hold out on buying?
I swore I odered some shoes one time, all slots were filled, 1main, 3 subs. Spkye got them for me with 1 main, 1 sub. I did not buy. I kept checking with Spyke the following day, and subsequently after, though he threatened to bin them. The final time I checked, the shoes had 1 main, 2 subs this time... much closer to the original gear I wanted. It was more expensive too! It wasn't $50k before. I believe wanted to wait again to see what would happen, but didn't play Splatoon , so Spyke tossed them by the time I was able to check. Does this really happen(more accurate oders if you wait longer), or is my memory foggy, and maybe I'm mixing different enents together? I'm confused. :/