What matters most is that you try this build with a loadout that you already like and see if there's a style that clicks with you. There are very few loadouts in the game that don't want to be using their sub weapons, so your build will be useful no matter what.Anyone got an idea on what I should do with this build? I leveled my 4th piece of triple equipment today (a duplicate Ink Recovery/Ink Saver Sub) and have discovered that 3 of my 4 triples are all in Ink Saver Sub.
I feel like that is the Splatoon gods (or maybe just Spyke) telling me I need to minmax my subweapons.
(That hat, though.)
So one idea is Point Sensors. I can throw 3 of them pretty comfortably while still having a manageable amount of shooting ink left over. Although do you really need to ever throw 3 Point Sensors? It's unfortunately not quite enough to Double Suction Bomb... Juuuuust barely short. It can be done with a quick tap into the ink, however. Splash Walls get it down to about half a tank and re-fills fairly quickly after the penalty. 2 Disruptors can be thrown very comfortably, with 5 or 6 Tri-Sloshes left over. 5 Burst Bombs can be thrown, but that'll probably go down to 3 soon.
My first instinct is that it could be a good Forge build? Maybe vanilla Nozzlenose? Splash Wall weapons perhaps? Is there any real functional reason to run 9 Ink Saver Subs and ignore everything else?
With that said, I would recommend a build that makes use of Splat Bombs, Suction Bombs or Burst Bombs for that build you're showing. Personally I might try Splattershot Jr or Carbon Roller, but that's just my personal preference. I don't think being able to throw more Point Sensors or more Disruptors is necessarily that helpful, but being able to reduce the cost of throwing individual sub weapons is always good.