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Splinter Cell Remake Job Listing Reveals The Original Game’s Story Is Being Rewritten For Modern Audiences

As long as the story isn’t cringeworthy then I can’t imagine I’ll give much of a shit. Just make sure the game is good, I couldn’t care less about the writing in those games.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
We pretending anyone cared about the story in Splinter Cell 1?

Just dropped the game 2/3rds of the way through and I couldn't tell you a single memorable thing about the plot.


This is the mentality we all need to have when it comes to reboots of old franchises. Just because a developer or publisher bears the same name, it doesn't mean anything 20 years later.

I'd rather Splinter Cell as an IP die and have a new franchise that has a similar espionage style and real world geopolitical narrative than for some dev team with "fresh ideas" destroy Sam Fisher and his legacy.
Its the "2000's" best defense for criticism... the already old "it was not what you wanted but you dont tell them what to do, just buy it and shut up!" , you see it in movies, tv shows and now games ....this freaking generation of buy product, consume product and be excited for next product


Gold Member
So Ubisoft plans to destroy the Splinter Cell legacy.

The Circus Middle Finger GIF by Showtime


First Kotor and then now Splinter Cell ? Anyway it'll probably be open world with tons of icons and towers and shit, i don't think ubisoft can make something good with SC 💀
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Writes a lot, says very little
The story to Splinter Cell has always been so fucking bad, I just don't give a fuck what they change with it.

I always just liked the gameplay and even that was always behind MGS. Its a solid series, but I don't know how much many really, really give a shit abou that story to be trying to do some fake ass outrage. Sam could have gotten ran over by a bus and a new agent took his place and I still wouldn't care lol Give me some great stealth gameplay and I'm there, I don't care even remotely for that trash ass story that folks are now trying to do revisionist shit to pretend was "good" lol That was always an afterthought with those titles.

Before anyone even tries to force this shit like you NEED Sam Fisher, need I remind you folks...the damn IP itself mentions that if he dies, another Splinter Cell takes his place, he was always replaceable and interchangeable. I even thought when the series first came out, thats what they'd do, like if he dies you play some agent avenging him or something lol
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I literally hate Splinter Cell fans. Just shit endlessly on Conviction and Blacklist until the series died. Years later with heads removed from their asses they realized those games were pretty great.

But of course let the shitting begin again. You were all such geniuses to get through Chaos Theory. The NSA should have hired you after beating the game so that your pure stealth standards could be put to use defending the country. We don't even know what the new game is yet but let's hate it so that our chubby from beating Chaos Theory 20 years ago can stay forever partially hard in our hearts. Amen.
Because both game were not great. Especially Conviction was bad. Nice Action shooter but nothing like Splinter Cell


So Sam Fisher will be probably black man who struggles with his gender, right?
From what I see browsing the human swamp that is the Internet it's almost always white kids from rather well-off families studying liberal arts that have time for they/them. Black people are too busy dealing with things like poverty or the police.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Makes sense.

Majority of games now strive to really reflect the modern western world, which means being as diverse and inclusive as possible. Same with most films, novels and even places of work.

Wouldn't be surprised if Sam Fisher is a lesbian woman in the next game. I wouldn't care as long as the gameplay is just as good as the original. That's all I want.


Saw the title, imagined that many replies would be about gender, entered the thread, was not disappointed.
Personally I enjoy female protagonists. Currently replaying DMC5 and wish they let us play as Lady or Trish :(. Literally a cast of 4 playable characters, all male, why Capcom? Lady with her bazookas :):) would have been awesome.
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I have only played the first one but I can't remember anything of the story. Was probably Tom Clancy fanfiction level anyway. Rewriting makes it automatically more like a reboot than an actual remake. Why even call it remake of the first one, the new writer(s) should just restart and take the best pieces of the first Splinter Cells and write what makes sense to them. Movies get rebootet all the time and we also got sparkling vampires because someone did not want to rewrite the same shit again and again. etc.
"Modern audiences" sounds terrible though, since it automatically implies that past audiences will get excluded by their plot or character or whatever choices. As I am late to most parties, I only read stuff about it so far, but RDR2's characters are just weirdly dissonant, being conservative and above the law in gun questions but scoring rather high in progressive social studies. Beside the slowness of everything and little actual game, this tarnishes the experience so far. Maybe it's meant as a joke, I don't know Rockstar or GTA, but it is just strange.
Totally open to female Sam or whatever, but opposed to shit writing that has an agenda it wants to push down my throat.
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modern audiences

This is such bullshit. What they mean is that they will chase an audience that isn't interested and alienate their core audience. When the next game doesn't sell they will decide to never make another one thinking that there is no longer an audience at all.

When are these companies going to realise that the people who shout the loudest for change were never going to be customers anyway 🤷‍♂️


Saw the title, imagined that many replies would be about gender, entered the thread, was not disappointed.
Personally I enjoy female protagonists. Currently replaying DMC5 and wish they let us play as Lady or Trish :(. Literally a cast of 4 playable characters, all male, why Capcom? Lady with her bazookas :):) would have been awesome.
I don't think having a female lead instead of a male is the actual problem, it's all the other woke bullshit that comes along with it that's crippling the games. We have had female leads in major franchises for decades, Metroid, Resident Evil, Ms Pacman to name a few. Gamers are accepting female characters on the whole, it's then when they shoe horn in some shitty backstory that hits as many diversity tick boxes as they can for no good reason. Kids growing up nowadays feel they are in the wrong if they are just an average straight kid and are actively making stuff up about themselves to fit in. The media reinforces this too. This woke movement was started to help kids to find their own place but if anything it's made the world even more confusing than it ever was for a much larger percentage of people.

There is definitely a correlation between the amount of woke stuff they put in the games these days and the amount that pushing those agendas adversely affects sales. If your game is about stealthily infiltrating a base and silently killing as many terrorists as you can get away with without setting off the alarm then that kind of game is naturally going to appeal to a particular type of person and unless you lean into that then your game is not going to sell.


This "modern audiences" bullshit has become the keyword for "we're going to fuck up and piss off all the fans in the process" :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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This woke movement was started to help kids to find their own place
You can't really believe that. It was and is a vehicle to usurp power based on identity politics. The leaders of it couldn't give two shits about kids or anyone else they claim to represent.


You can't really believe that. It was and is a vehicle to usurp power based on identity politics. The leaders of it couldn't give two shits about kids or anyone else they claim to represent.
I do believe it was started with good intentions to make things better but was hijacked.
The "modern audiences" audience won't buy this because it glorifies the military-industrial complex, man. Don't you know calling in the police or the military automatically makes everything worse, bro? Everyone would be so much better off without them, dude, because everybody everywhere would just act right out of the goodness of their hearts and no one at all would voluntarily elect to be jerk, you fascist.


The "modern audiences" audience won't buy this because it glorifies the military-industrial complex, man. Don't you know calling in the police or the military automatically makes everything worse, bro? Everyone would be so much better off without them, dude, because everybody everywhere would just act right out of the goodness of their hearts and no one at all would voluntarily elect to be jerk, you fascist.
Donald Kagan's "On the Origins of War" should be on every school curriculum and required reading for everyone.
This woke movement was started to help kids to find their own place.
The term was about african americans and used by them. Weirdly enough using woke for anything other than racism and social injustice against them is practically saying "all lives matter" on a "black lives matter" event, which I presume would trigger many "modern" woke people.


I don't think having a female lead instead of a male is the actual problem, it's all the other woke bullshit that comes along with it that's crippling the games. We have had female leads in major franchises for decades, Metroid, Resident Evil, Ms Pacman to name a few. Gamers are accepting female characters on the whole, it's then when they shoe horn in some shitty backstory that hits as many diversity tick boxes as they can for no good reason. Kids growing up nowadays feel they are in the wrong if they are just an average straight kid and are actively making stuff up about themselves to fit in. The media reinforces this too. This woke movement was started to help kids to find their own place but if anything it's made the world even more confusing than it ever was for a much larger percentage of people.

There is definitely a correlation between the amount of woke stuff they put in the games these days and the amount that pushing those agendas adversely affects sales. If your game is about stealthily infiltrating a base and silently killing as many terrorists as you can get away with without setting off the alarm then that kind of game is naturally going to appeal to a particular type of person and unless you lean into that then your game is not going to sell.

Yeah I agree there. The woke crowd can definitely get carried away. Studios trying to score points with the social justice mob. Many people who support more progressive ideas also see the extremism in woke-ism. When video games do progressive stuff it's not always bad, sometimes they go too far but other times it helps people feel more included. I dunno, it's not all black and white like some people want to see it, especially in today's political climate.


Reverse groomer.
always just liked the gameplay and even that was always behind MGS.
What Is It Reaction GIF by Nebraska Humane Society

Stealth gsmeplay was way better than MGS, whatchu on about??? Far more realistic and tactical than hiding behind a wall until the enemy walks somewhere else.

MGS3 was when it became comparable but by then chaos theory was a thing which blew it out of the water.

You play MGS for the story and splinter cell for the gameplay. Ideally I'd like both to be good


Writes a lot, says very little
What Is It Reaction GIF by Nebraska Humane Society

Stealth gsmeplay was way better than MGS, whatchu on about??? Far more realistic and tactical than hiding behind a wall until the enemy walks somewhere else.

MGS3 was when it became comparable but by then chaos theory was a thing which blew it out of the water.

You play MGS for the story and splinter cell for the gameplay. Ideally I'd like both to be good

Well I mean more so with MGSIV, MGSV etc. I feel the gameplay in those titles is the best for stealth based on how that open world element allows you to decide how you complete the mission and you feel like you are in more control vs a scripted type thing with Splinter Cell. I like both IP, simply that I like the gameplay and story in the MGS series where I just like the gameplay in the SC series, but not as much as the last MGS titles.

but who knows, a reboot in some open world like MGSV or Wildlands could be huge.
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