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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works


Majority of people notice he's wounded, the criticism is whether or not it's enough damage to make him lose to two amateurs one on one.
He lost to one amateur one on one.

After being seriously wounded by a shot to the gut.

And after said amateur embraced the Force and let it guide her actions just like Luke did all those years ago in the Death Star trench.


The Birthday Skeleton
I also had the impression that Rey sliced Kylo's hand. But then people said that it was actually his saber, so I'm not sure anymore now. I can't wait to see the movie again on Thursday.


He couldn't because Kylo still had an attachment to the light---his father. That's why Kylo knew the day would come when he finally had to kill Han.

Hrm. I guess I didn't realize that about sabers. So maybe when she slices down for some reason he has to let go of his saber, which is why it turns off?

That seems weak. What about his friggin mother Leia? She is still alive when Snoke says Kylo should return to complete his training. Is she such a non entity in his life?
Obi-Wan and Yoda also didn't seem to have any problem training people with attachments to the other side.


I also had the impression that Rey sliced Kylo's hand. But then people said that it was actually his saber, so I'm not sure anymore now. I can't wait to see the movie again on Thursday.
The editing there was oddly sloppy compared to the rest of the fight.
Why didn't Snoke tell Kylo to kill Han during that 10+ year period? It's not like Han was hiding.
I can only conjecture and BS. I mean---Han did run and go back to smuggling. Maybe he honestly couldn't find him? Or maybe ..... hrmmm....I dunno. lol.

Also, one other thing I noticed this last time. When Leia talks about sending Kylo off, it occurred to me this time that her order is that she wants him to train with Luke. Then after she states they lost him when they sent him away. I might be reading way into her words, but it almost makes it seem like.

1) Kylo goes to train with Luke
2) The dark in him is recognized. Training is ended for fear of him going to dark side. Kylo sent away.
3) Snoke gets hands on Kylo.
4) Kylo goes back and murders Luke's padawans


Hrm. I guess I didn't realize that about sabers. So maybe when she slices down for some reason he has to let go of his saber, which is why it turns off?

Yeah, which is why I'm not sure if his hand was sliced, or his saber. Or maybe yet another glancing that caused him to drop it.


The Birthday Skeleton
That seems weak. What about his friggin mother Leia? She is still alive when Snoke says Kylo should return to complete his training. Is she such a non entity in his life?
Obi-Wan and Yoda also didn't seem to have any problem training people with attachments to the other side.

Kylo seems to put a lot of blame on Han. We don't know exactly why.


I can't get over the Rey scene on Jakku where she is wearing the Rebel helmet while chewing and smacking some food with her mouth open. It's the most vivid image & sound I have of TFA.


I also had the impression that Rey sliced Kylo's hand. But then people said that it was actually his saber, so I'm not sure anymore now. I can't wait to see the movie again on Thursday.
I initially thought she cut off his hand then I looked back and assumed since he had what looked like a full set of digits it was the saber.
That seems weak. What about his friggin mother Leia? She is still alive when Snoke says Kylo should return to complete his training. Is she such a non entity in his life?
Obi-Wan and Yoda also didn't seem to have any problem training people with attachments to the other side.
I'm 100% convinced it was because he had to separate himself from the last thing that attached him to good. Whether that is messed up or not is another argument. And yeah...I agree. That is screwed up if he didn't have that attachment to his mother. But it happens. In the novel of this movie, Snoke and Kylo talk about Vader's greatest weakness being his sentiment---for Luke. It was a weakness that caused him to "falter" and be seduced to light. Kylo couldn't complete training until he killed his last weakness that could seduce him.


Not true ;)

Let's be honest here, praised Jedi Knight heroes (AotC Obiwan) have fallen AND stayed DOWN to much less...

Kylo is a badass at controlling pain.

Kylo had to receive a total of FOUR lighstaber injuries before STAYING DOWN.

That's ON TOP of a Bowcaster shot to the gut. And people still call him a "scrub." smh

Any ideas why Snoke couldn't "complete" Kylo's training in the 10+ years since he left Luke's "academy"?

Was Kylo busy with what?

Snoke felt like such a Voldemort wannabe schemer with no real plan. Constantly reacting to what Harry Potter was doing. When he started to discuss BB-8 with his underlings...yuck.

Snoke either:
1. Only wants Kylo to be a strong as he needs to be have The First Order succeed.
2. Rey is NOW a major threat along with Luke Skywalker and his reuniting with the Resistance and training of her.
3. Kylo Ren needed to first kill a loved one to snuff out the last light, before his advanced darkside training.


Neo Member
So despite all the media showing Finn with a lightsaber, turns out he's just some dude chasing tail.

He lost to one amateur one on one.

After being seriously wounded by a shot to the gut.

And after said amateur embraced the Force and let it guide her actions just like Luke did all those years ago in the Death Star trench.

To be fair, Rey wasn't an amateur when it came to fighting/surviving.
She was left on Jakku when she was like 4 or 5.

Surviving all on her own in that time is some Warrior/Shaolin Monk type skill.

So, last night I saw this 4th time. Does Kylo get his damn hand chopped off? Or his saber cut in half? I didn't realize until last night, but the VERY FINAL moment of their fight, when they are holding each other's hands and Kylo's saber is in ground....Rey gets free and slices down first at Kylo's right hand. Kylo's saber turns off, then she swings up and slices him across his face. So my question is---what the heck caused his saber to go off? Did he let go in order to not get sliced by her downward strike? Did she hit his hand? His saber itself?

There's no way his hand got cut off. That would've been made super clear. There's too much poetry in that for it to be unclear.


Kylo seems to put a lot of blame on Han. We don't know exactly why.

Think Kylo has a throwaway line like "as a father he wasn't there" to or about him in the movie. Like Han ran away. But why? And couldn't they stay close to whereever Luke tried to train him? The JJ StarWars universe seems awefully small when it is needed, so why did they have to "abandon" him?
And what about Leia?
Was she like "Can't deal with this brat who seems to hear voices. Let me go back to running the Death Star killing business on a Yavin IV look a like rebel base"?.
I really hope EPVIII doesn't continue the vagueness and gives some answers.
Seems like Kasdan and Abrams don't have any yet and are counting on Rian to resolve it.
To be fair, Rey wasn't an amateur when it came to fighting/surviving.
She was left on Jakku when she was like 4 or 5.

Surviving all on her own in that time is some Warrior/Shaolin Monk type skill.

Makes you wonder how well the Jedi and Sith are trained if some no-name who taps into the Force can beat someone trained in the force.


The Birthday Skeleton
I can't get over the Rey scene on Jakku where she is wearing the Rebel helmet while chewing and smacking some food with her mouth open. It's the most vivid image & sound I have of TFA.

There are several very well done visual moments in this film:

  • The one that you mentioned, with Rey and the pilot helmet.
  • The stormtroopers going "Nope!" after Kylo's outburst
  • The whole "nazi" moment with Hux
  • The whole Han-Kylo moment, ending with Han dying while touching his son's face in a last love/forgiveness gesture
  • The mind duel for the lightsaber
  • The moment between Kylo and Rey with him asking her to be trained by him and her embracing the Force

Even Kylo hitting his wound, but that's maybe more about great acting than filming.


Think Kylo has a throwaway line like "as a father he wasn't there" to or about him in the movie. Like Han ran away. But why?

I think you're thinking of a line from when he's trying to interrogate Rey with the force. Something close to "Han Solo... you think of him as the father you never had. He'd have been a disappointment."


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
There are several very well done visual moments in this film:

  • The one that you mentioned, with Rey and the pilot helmet.
  • The stormtroopers going "Nope!" after Kylo's outburst
  • The whole "nazi" moment with Hux
  • The whole Han-Kylo moment, ending with Han dying while touching his son's face in a last love/forgiveness gesture
  • The mind duel for the lightsaber
  • The moment between Kylo and Rey with him asking her to be trained by him and her embracing the Force

Even Kylo hitting his wound, but that's maybe more about great acting than filming.

Absolute top is Rey walking out of the star destroyer exhaust, imho.
Entire Jakku was visually top notch.


Saw it today. Pure excellence. Manly tears during the final scene.

But that goddamn cheap CGI on Snoke (terrible character design anyway, CGI or not). The movement of his mouth was so videogame-ish. Baffled by the decision to have this Voldemort copycat be the big villain.
Makes you wonder how well the Jedi and Sith are trained if some no-name who taps into the Force can beat someone trained in the force.

Like any training, it is a fight to be better than yourself.

Yoda in Empire tells Luke the force has nothing to do with muscle. Control your mind/emotions and you will have a greater connection with the Force.


Basically. "Let me tell you about this person you know about."

For the benefit of the audience, it'll probably be Rey who has it explained to.
But it would basically be superfluous because what Snoke exactly is has little importance to the rest of the plot.
Then why physically train with light sabers?
Because they do need to defend themselves from the Dark Side and the Sith.

But when it comes to tapping into the Force itself, Yoda never showed Luke any techniques. He only focused on lifting rocks and X-wings and knowing there are no limits except those you place on yourself.


I think you're thinking of a line from when he's trying to interrogate Rey with the force. Something close to "Han Solo... you think of him as the father you never had. He'd have been a disappointment."

Yes that is the one. So how did he disappoint? If you had a dad like Han Solo with a friend like Chewie hanging around. How is that bad? He must have really changed into a different character between Ep6 and Ep7.
EPIV: A smuggler with a concience, in the moment where it counts he is selfless and returns to help the rebels land the killing blow on the Death star.
EPV: Being a general for the Rebellion, helping the princess to escape, sealing their love.
EPVI: Getting rescued by his love, being a general in the Rebellion again, leading the assault on the shield generator on Endor.
EPVII: Back to being a smuggler, abandoned his son, his wife and the Rebellion, then in the last act he is leading the assault on the shield generator on Endor again.

How comes? I really, really hope they have some meat to fill these blanks in EPVIII. It just feels like a convenient retreat for now. Like the hero telling his buddy in the sequel that it "just didn't work out" between his love interest from the first movie and him so they could get a new girl into the sequel or start from scratch again cause it was too boring to find a way to work the actual grown character development into the story.
The most sense will make if Luke will explain it to Rey.

Does it? Snoke is the puppet master so I'm surprised he is brought up once on the rebel side. I get it they were occupied with the Starsucker but it seems like information someone would eventually ask, "wait, what's this about a sith lord?"


The Birthday Skeleton
Then why physically train with light sabers?

My idea is that it's the same principle as for martial arts. You train with a weapon, but you attain the highest level by cultivating your mind. Pure weapon training only makes you above average, but not a master.
If Han knows who Snoke is then why don't they explain more about him?

It wouldn't have been relevant to anyone he was talking too - Finn and Rey don't need to know about Snoke.

As someone above me said, probably Luke will get into the Snoke topic with Rey. Or that conversation will happen between movies and Snoke will get more screentime in Ep8, and you'll learn more about him firsthand.
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