I'm too excited to see what Rian Johnson does with Episode 8. If it is anything less than in contention with ESB for best Star Wars film, I'll be disappointed.
The whole reason she was put in the cage was basic titillation, though.
Yes, Leia choking the testicle to death was awesome, and her being in control of her own liberation put a big fat exclamation point on her awesomeosity in the opening of the film. But they put her in that bikini because they wanted to "soften her up" from the "space bitch" she was in Empire (which is where the character was legitimately at her best), and that was the way they went about it. "Uh... put her in a bikini and chain her to a gangster."
Also, once she liberates herself, she crashes a speeder-bike, and is feted by a bunch of teddy bears, none of whom actually pay attention to her when she tells them not to eat her friends. Then she gets shot during the actual assault on the base (and is groped onscreen)
Her character wasn't treated very well in Jedi, and the fact the character at her weakest (literally stripped half naked and chained to a drooling ballsack) became THE primary image of her for the past 20 years is pretty annoying/irritating. That she escaped the subjugation in the film is one thing. That the celebration of the character tends to zero back in on her in subjugation is a problem. That the film doesn't actually reward her much for freeing herself afterward is also a problem.
If I had to choose between the problems with Leia in Jedi and the problems with Rey in The Force Awakens, I'm taking Rey in a fuckin' heartbeat, every time.
Lets criticize the film for editing that out.
Don't do that to yourself man lol. Empire is just...Damn. It just hits the notes perfectly. I have high hopes for episode 8 though. Just the potential of where they can take everything excites me.
I'm excited to see where VIII takes us too, so many possibilities! Only as I said in previous threads, I'm really not fond of waiting.
BTW when exactly blurey is releasing, of TFA I mean. Do we know?
The flaws of The Force Awakens become a lot more apparent the second time through.
For one, you start to notice the movie is definitely at its weakest when it's trying to hit the same story notes as A New Hope. Not all of the original stuff in the film works, but none of the original stuff is as weak as the callbacks.
Carrie Fisher's acting is pretty bad, and the acting in general is sub-par. Boyega(Finn) and Isaac(Poe) are definitely the strongest actors in the film. Ridley ranged from ok to good. She has good chemistry with Boyega. Some of the callback dialog gets a little cringeworthy.
Character motivations outside of Finn, Rey, and Kylo Ren are lacking. Smoak's laissez-faire attitude is fairly unbecoming of a dark lord mastermind. Han's lack of willingness to fight. It's understandable that Ren's turn would hurt Leia and Han, but why would Han just give up fighting the first order altogether. I could understand him avoiding places where Ben would be, but not fighting altogether tosses aside a lot of his character growth in the original trilogy.
On the other hand, subsequent watches also lets you see the more subtle hints about Rey's previous training since you know the later events. Thus, you can see her using the force from very early on in the movie. She's basically constantly pushing the limits of her force powers throughout the movie. First, it starts out with her being able to speak multiple languages as well as being able to understand droids. Second, the moment she flips the millenium falcon was obviously a use the force moment. The closing of the vent on the Raptor. The voices when she is lead to the lightsaber make a whole lot more sense if you assume she was one of the trainees of Luke in the past. So on and so forth.
Basically, The Force Awakens could have been the greatest Star Wars ever if the story beats were more original, and Leia was cut. Would have been much better to have had Kylo Ren kill Leia before The Force Awakens. It would have been a much better reason for Solo to fly solo(w Chewey)
ESB is the perfect star wars as far as I'm concerned but 8 has the potential to place right behind or even do as well, no way it tops it though. It won't have to deal with character introductions, also it will most likely be mush fresher (less callbacks, etc)
I think me and many in this thread think the movie is stronger a second time around. The callbacks imo have much less impact and I'm able to enjoy the movie for what it does and it's still a damn great movie in that respect.
I wonder what they're going to do with The First Order and if they'll continue being a player in the series. I would assume that their military size is smaller than the empires and that the majority of their forces were obliterated.
Best character in the whole movie.
Would rather get a movie on him.
So would you like Rey less if she were a he instead?
It sounds like Snoke may be based on a SSD according to the visual dictionary, but a scenario like that could be interesting compared to what we've seeen in the past.I think what might be interesting is an anarchy sorta situation, here:
The Republic's fleet (such as it was) is gone.
The Resistance seems to basically have like, 8 X-wings and the Falcon
The First Order has that one Star Destroyer and however many TIEs onboard
So there's no real governmental body, and one BIG ass vaccuum in power.
He died for your sins, traitor.I wouldn't want a movie on him unless it ends with him gets blown away like he did by Han and Chewie. Deify that Mr. Trooper.
He died for your sins, traitor.
That was where I thought it was going. Would've been simple enough even with the same scenery, etc: the Empire has the piece of the map the Rebels are missing, and it's at their big planet base where Rey is being held. The X-wing attack is a distraction from the base infiltration to get the map. Rey can be looking for the map after she breaks out, they all meet up. Voila.
I think what might be interesting is an anarchy sorta situation, here:
The Republic's fleet (such as it was) is gone.
The Resistance seems to basically have like, 8 X-wings and the Falcon
The First Order has that one Star Destroyer and however many TIEs onboard
So there's no real governmental body, and one BIG ass vaccuum in power.
Best character in the whole movie.
Would rather get a movie on him.
It seems to me like a superweapon was always part of the plans, at least since JJ took over though. The Mizzlewump rumor stated that at one point the "Sith homeworld" was going to be revealed to be a weapon. And the art book talks about the Doom Star, etc.
this image comforts me in a way I can't explain, and I feel it's loss without ever having truly appreciated it's presence.
pls assist I want to like her as a character but I'm struggling.
I never read this story, so I have no idea why he did this,
The more I think about it the less I like Rey as a character. Does she have any real defining character traits aside from being good at things with OP force powers? Does she have that much of a personality? pls assist I want to like her as a character but I'm struggling.
I was going to watch Creed again to appreciate a properly constructed new character but Star Wars completely dominated my theater. Too bad.The more I think about it the less I like Rey as a character. Does she have any real defining character traits aside from being good at things with OP force powers? Does she have that much of a personality? pls assist I want to like her as a character but I'm struggling.
That's good to hear! Though I'm not much of a Star Wars EU person if it's books/cartoons/comics/etc.Have you seen The Clone Wars, The Librarian? I'd be interested to see what your opinion about that is. Not just Ahsoka but the show in general, because I think it was the franchise's first on-screen attempt at being more gender inclusive.
I still don't understand how the Republic's whole fleet could be gone. Did they say this in the movie (I don't remember)? What about all the ships patrolling the various systems, in deep space, on the frontiers, etc.? It makes no sense to me that they'd all be holed up in that one system.I think what might be interesting is an anarchy sorta situation, here:
The Republic's fleet (such as it was) is gone.
The Resistance seems to basically have like, 8 X-wings and the Falcon
The First Order has that one Star Destroyer and however many TIEs onboard
So there's no real governmental body, and one BIG ass vaccuum in power.
Watch the movie again?
Dunno how else to help.
Did they say this in the movie (I don't remember)?
Well people are talking about how she's a good character but idk, I'm getting flashbacks to RLM
She doesn't seem very interesting aside from being good at things (I'm not trying to drag the Mary Sue argument into this).
She's a plucky girl with a lot of tech skill and abandonment issues who really wants a family.The more I think about it the less I like Rey as a character. Does she have any real defining character traits aside from being good at things with OP force powers? Does she have that much of a personality? pls assist I want to like her as a character but I'm struggling.
Off the top of my head:Well people are talking about how she's a good character but idk, I'm getting flashbacks to RLM asking people to describe prequel characters and failing. She doesn't seem very interesting aside from being good at things (I'm not trying to drag the Mary Sue argument into this).
It seems to me like a superweapon was always part of the plans, at least since JJ took over though. The Mizzlewump rumor stated that at one point the "Sith homeworld" was going to be revealed to be a weapon. And the art book talks about the Doom Star, etc.
Looks like they filmed this in daylight and then used the same effect as in Fury Road to make it night:
The more I think about it the less I like Rey as a character. Does she have any real defining character traits aside from being good at things with OP force powers? Does she have that much of a personality? pls assist I want to like her as a character but I'm struggling.
Best character in the whole movie.
Would rather get a movie on him.
That's good to hear! Though I'm not much of a Star Wars EU person if it's books/cartoons/comics/etc.
I mean, I'll buy the TFA art book eventually, and maybe Rey's journal, but that'll probably be the extent of my EU dive.
And Kilo will redeem himself in the end by nobility sacrificing himself to save someone Snoke is trying to kill.
Off the top of my head:
She's self-righteous
She can get indignant
She prefers to take care of herself
She has abandonment issues
One more: She's very sure of herself.
That's true.You could argue that her waiting for her parents is a weird form of loyalty.