Escape Goat
So we should anticipate a lot of dead Bothans, huh?
No, thats for Death Star 2.
So we should anticipate a lot of dead Bothans, huh?
So we should anticipate a lot of dead Bothans, huh?
Wait is this the actual title? That subtitle is terrible.
So we should anticipate a lot of dead Bothans, huh?
Better than the Episode VIII Title...
So we should anticipate a lot of dead Bothans, huh?
Think that's all for it currently, but it's about the effort to get the plans for the original Death Star before ANH.
Han and Leia named their son after Ben Kenobi.
Ben nod?
I feel like him freaking out and jumping over the couch could be a great reaction gif to some hype shit popping off.
Half-life 3 announced? Boyegajumpingovercouch.gif
For some reason, I just had a scary thought that there's a chance the trilogy could end with someone actually uttering the lines "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away"
Yup. The final movie in the Star Wars saga will take place on gritty, realistic, modern day Earth. It only makes sense. Hope Snyder directs.
Why thopatricide is pretty much a no no, yeah
I must say I didn't really buy Vader's redemption either, if this helps any
"Tell me more about the Shepard."For some reason, I just had a scary thought that there's a chance the trilogy could end with someone actually uttering the lines "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away"
For some reason, I just had a scary thought that there's a chance the trilogy could end with someone actually uttering the lines "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away"
Ok I'm seeing more and more rumblings that Snoke is Darth Plagueis. Is there actual evidence of this?
Besides both being gray bald alien and similar soundtrack, none.Ok I'm seeing more and more rumblings that Snoke is Darth Plagueis. Is there actual evidence of this?
Nope. Some people just want it really bad.
It's not going to happen, either.
Besides both being gray bald alien and similar soundtrack, none.
On my 2nd viewing I noticed Carrie is listed as Princess Leia in credits, weird.
"Tell me more about the Shepard."
I've been watching Avatar the Last Airbender on Amazon recently, and I laughed way too hard at an early scene where they come upon the remains of Aang's old teacher and Aang says "I really am the last Airbender." Was supposed to be super sad, too.![]()
I know that..tell that to Abrams who decided to call her General from now on leaving princess title behind because "she grew up"Because that's who she is.
I had seen Daisy and John's reactions separately, but not synced up like that. That sofa dive is already legendary but I love how misty eyed he gets during the trailer. That must have been an incredible feeling.If you went down the rabbit hole then you probably saw this reaction vid.
Daisy Ridley (Rey) and John Boyega (Finn) watching the 3rd trailer for the first time.
lmao John Boyega looks like he's watching a boxing match or something. You could probably sync it to the ROnda Rousey knockout.
People make fun of the reaction video trend, but you haven't lived until you've seen at least a few good Star Wars and Red Wedding reaction videos tbh.Pardon me going off on a tangent for a sec.
I avoided basically all marketing for TFW (well, all that I could anyways), which meant all I'd seen by the time it came out was the three trailers. Didn't watch the international trailer or TV spots, interviews, behind the scenes stuff, etc. Since seeing the film I've been going back and watching all of that kind of material, to see what kind of stuff they put out and learn more about it. (The cast interviews are amazing, good lord are they fun.)
I kind of chased that rabbit hole a ways and that led me to trailer reaction videos, which I've watched way too many of at this point.
This one is my favorite by far. Watch the little girl when that moment in the trailer hits. That's basically the personification of how I feel when that cue lands. :lol
This is crazy to me. I love her voice and characterization. Jar Jar is a doofy looking slapstick character who ruins everything. Maz appears for like one key scene and never ruins the tone with wacky hijinks.More I think about the movie, the more I dislike the Maz character. Really brings the whole thing down for me. Worse than Jar Jar.
He shouts traitor to Finn. Because TR-8R is loyal to the end.
More I think about the movie, the more I dislike the Maz character. Really brings the whole thing down for me. Worse than Jar Jar.
More I think about the movie, the more I dislike the Maz character. Really brings the whole thing down for me. Worse than Jar Jar. I think about the movie, the more I dislike the Maz character. Really brings the whole thing down for me. Worse than Jar Jar.
More I think about the movie, the more I dislike the Maz character. Really brings the whole thing down for me. Worse than Jar Jar.
I just found out Rey's actor is a year older than me.
Life is craziness.
Whenever somebody says a part of this movie is "worse than Jar Jar" you automatically know that they are full of shit. The worst being that I've people unironically equate Finn to Jar Jar.More I think about the movie, the more I dislike the Maz character. Really brings the whole thing down for me. Worse than Jar Jar.
Something I noticed after a second viewing.
Not sure if it has been mentioned yet, I am sure it has, but I believe Kylo Ren's mask is key to explaining how some scenes unfolded the way they did, negating some often heard criticism.
Kylo's mask is a powerful Sith Artifact, no doubt. It allows Kylo Ren to focus his hatred, and greatly increase his force power. The other Knights of Ren are using similar masks to increase their potential with the dark side.
But Kylo's training in the dark side of the force is not complete. His main issue is his self confidence / self image. He fears being weak. The mask serves the added purpose of hiding his former self, and making him appear strong (well it does also make him strong literally).
When Kylo takes off his mask for the first time during his interrogation of Rey, he wants to prove to himself he is strong and confident, even without the mask. Previous scenes with Snork and the First Order Commander left him frustrated and vulnerable. As a result, he wants to prove he does not need help (=the mask) to be strong, so takes off the mask.
But when he tries to intimidate/manipulate Rey without the mask, this quickly backfires. Rey exposes Kylo's fears, which causes him to panic and quickly retreat to seek the advice from Snork.
During the Han Solo / Kylo Ren face-off. through taking off his mask a second time, Kylo wishes to face his doubts and perceived weakness. When Kylo says he is unsure if he can do it, I think he actually means killing his father and fully embracing the dark side. He might have some conflicted feelings, but if he is to redeem himself, he has to kill his father. The last rays of sunlight disappearing in the background symbolizes Kylo's definite turn to the dark side.
I saw her name in the credits and wondered how the hell I'd missed her. Then I looked it up on IMDB and was disappointed they had her doing mocap. Oh well.
Ditto Brienne behind that helmet (and being an idiot).
I desperately want this to be real, but BB-8 and his arm is a pretty bad shop job.![]()
We're going to learn that Kylo Ren made BB8.
Between, "Where's my boyfriend? I like that wookie," and Maz climbing across the table to stare down Finn, I don't know how anyone could not like her. She was great; I wish there was more of her.Worse than Jar Jar? Is such a thing even possible?
Definitely not Maz. She seemed cool. I can't even think of anything in TFA that's even half as bad... a quarter as bad as Jar Jar.
That's not how ellipses work.
And the limits to which people "will be suck" of Star Wars haven't really been tested yet. Rogue One should be a pretty good test, I'd think.
It certainly seems as if Lucasfilm should give it a try, considering.
Hasn't seemed to hurt, say, Marvel, or Pixar.
Also Darth Angsty is totes not that tall.
More I think about the movie, the more I dislike the Maz character. Really brings the whole thing down for me. Worse than Jar Jar.