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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works

I noticed that long before he took his mask off. It wasn't super obvious in the promotional stuff, but as soon as he walked out of his shuttle I saw that he was pretty small compared to Vader.
Everyone is pretty small compared to Vader, he had prosthetic everything!


Was getting caught part of your plan?
It's really sad how Gwendoline/Phasma has, for very obvious reasons, no significant speculation talked about her whatsoever in these threads.


It's really sad how Gwendoline/Phasma has, for very obvious reasons, no significant speculation talked about her whatsoever in these threads.

I think it's gonna be ok. She is confirmed to be in Ep. 8 and I think it's been strongly hinted that she will finally do some cool stuff.


It's just a mask. He hides behind it to project strength where it is lacking.

The sountrack / sound effects in the first scene where the mask is taken off, does suggest the mask resonates dark power (not the second time). Star Wars Lore has a lot of examples of Sith artifacts used to amplify dark side powers. The way Darth Vader's mask is presented also suggests this.

I think we can both agree on the fact that Kylo draws strenght from the mask. I am just saying that he is not just hiding behind the mask. I believe the mask has a very practical use as well to condition Kylo in the dark side of the force.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!

We're going to learn that Kylo Ren made BB8.

Also never realized how much JJ looks like the guy from The Big Bang Theory...
How tall is Ren's actor? ._.


Whenever somebody says a part of this movie is "worse than Jar Jar" you automatically know that they are full of shit. The worst being that I've people unironically equate Finn to Jar Jar.

Hell, if nothing else, Maz had that amazingly delivered "I like that Wookie!". It sucks that Lupita got stuck behind a CGI character, but damn if her line readings aren't amazing.

God forbid that people may have differing opinions from you or your friends. I know people who like Jar Jar.

I can certainly see the parallels between Jar Jar and Finn, both character threw me out of the film because of their humour. I laughed at Finns reactions and jokes, but they kicked me out of the Star Wars universe. For some of us TFA Jumped the Shark with the humour and fan service.

If it works for you cool. I'm glad you liked it, but I was pretty disappointed coming out especially after the hype reviews everywhere.


I really don't think that's the intent of those scenes. The big thing there is the audience realizing that he's not what he's portrayed himself as. It's clear that the mask helps him in his pretense, but I don't get the impression they're trying to make us think it's some kind of magical artifact.

I do admit the way it is conveyed is subtle at best.

They do not directly imply the result of each scene (Rey successfully resisting interrogation and Kylo getting beat by Rey) is due to Kylo not wearing his magical and powerful mask.

I guess we'll have to wait for the next movies to see if the masks of the knights of ren are Sith artifacts or not.


I do admit the way it is conveyed is subtle at best.

They do not directly imply the result of each scene (Rey successfully resisting interrogation and Kylo getting beat by Rey) is due to Kylo not wearing his magical and powerful mask.

I guess we'll have to wait for the next movies to see if the masks of the knights of ren are Sith artifacts or not.

Wait you think the mask is magical? Why would that be the case? It seems like a very un-Star Wars idea. I don't think the movie is trying to tell us that he lost in any of those scenes because he wasn't wearing his mask. I think the filmmakers wanted his mask off so that the actor could emote in a way the audience could see. Those are all very dramatic scenes that wouldn't work nearly as well if he was wearing his helmet the whole time.
Something I noticed after a second viewing.

Not sure if it has been mentioned yet, I am sure it has, but I believe Kylo Ren's mask is key to explaining how some scenes unfolded the way they did, negating some often heard criticism.

Kylo's mask is a powerful Sith Artifact, no doubt. It allows Kylo Ren to focus his hatred, and greatly increase his force power. The other Knights of Ren are using similar masks to increase their potential with the dark side.
But Kylo's training in the dark side of the force is not complete. His main issue is his self confidence / self image. He fears being weak. The mask serves the added purpose of hiding his former self, and making him appear strong (well it does also make him strong literally).

When Kylo takes off his mask for the first time during his interrogation of Rey, he wants to prove to himself he is strong and confident, even without the mask. Previous scenes with Snork and the First Order Commander left him frustrated and vulnerable. As a result, he wants to prove he does not need help (=the mask) to be strong, so takes off the mask.
But when he tries to intimidate/manipulate Rey without the mask, this quickly backfires. Rey exposes Kylo's fears, which causes him to panic and quickly retreat to seek the advice from Snork.
Some criticism has been that Rey's Force powers develop too quickly. I actually think Kylo's injury in addition to his lack of mask made him very weak. Weak enough for Rey to beat him. Not Rey miraculously becoming all powerful without training.

During the Han Solo / Kylo Ren face-off. through taking off his mask a second time, Kylo wishes to face his doubts and perceived weakness. When Kylo says he is unsure if he can do it, I think he actually means killing his father and fully embracing the dark side. He might have some conflicted feelings, but if he is to redeem himself, he has to kill his father. The last rays of sunlight disappearing in the background symbolizes Kylo's definite turn to the dark side.

Yep. And i really loved this little touch with the light during the Han Solo death scene.

I love Kylo Ren in general cant wait where he's going in 8 and 9


I liked Maz. She was like Yoda and Ackmena rolled into one.

Am I the only one who kept thinking of Edna from the Incredibles when Maz was on screen ?


I was waiting for her to call everybody "Darling" and shout "no capes !".

Kylo's mask is a powerful Sith Artifact, no doubt. It allows Kylo Ren to focus his hatred, and greatly increase his force power. The other Knights of Ren are using similar masks to increase their potential with the dark side.
But Kylo's training in the dark side of the force is not complete. His main issue is his self confidence / self image. He fears being weak. The mask serves the added purpose of hiding his former self, and making him appear strong (well it does also make him strong literally).

Is it part of the canon that some items can be used as "power ups" in SW universe ? I'm not sure I'd like this (although it could be consistent with the original plot of everybody wanting to get Luke's saber). It would remind me of Harry Potter and all the wand rules that appeared out of nowhere, when before that all the power of the characters depended on themselves, not their equipment.
The reason I dislike Maz so much is that she feels like they said "Oh yeah, we need a Yoda-like character."

She's just there to talk to Finn and Rey like Yoda would.

It's why The Force Awakens is just okay to me. Because the movie doesn't take any risks, outside of killing Solo, which from a production standpoint was probably the safe decision.


I guess I'm not that forgiving

I'm struggling to finish watching it, finished season 4, almost there! Not sure why I do this, still find it incredibly boring.

I still like it. I like it better than Rebels even from the first season. Too bad you can't get into it.

The reason I dislike Maz so much is that she feels like they said "Oh yeah, we need a Yoda-like character."

She's just there to talk to Finn and Rey like Yoda would.

It's why The Force Awakens is just okay to me. Because the movie doesn't take any risks, outside of killing Solo, which from a production standpoint was probably the safe decision.

She had some wisdom to impart, but I didn't really get Yoda from her. OT Yoda is... More eccentric than her.
God forbid that people may have differing opinions from you or your friends. I know people who like Jar Jar.

I can certainly see the parallels between Jar Jar and Finn, both character threw me out of the film because of their humour. I laughed at Finns reactions and jokes, but they kicked me out of the Star Wars universe. For some of us TFA Jumped the Shark with the humour and fan service.

If it works for you cool. I'm glad you liked it, but I was pretty disappointed coming out especially after the hype reviews everywhere.
Humor throws you out of the Star Wars universe? You must take this series very seriously. It's not like Kylo Ren showed up in the snow with his lightsaber and was like "TRAITOR!... why did the chicken cross the road?"


Humor throws you out of the Star Wars universe? You must take this series very seriously. It's not like Kylo Ren showed up in the snow with his lightsaber and was like "TRAITOR!... why did the chicken cross the road?"

Yeah, it's a strange complaint. I recently rewatched the OT films and there's comedic moments all over them. A lot more of them fall flat compared to TFA, but anytime you get the main crew together, they yuk it up constantly.


Woah, stop! I meant functionally in the story. Not purely as a character.

Jar Jar helped the Jedi reach the depths of Naboo then stayed with the party along with Padme to keep the story attentive to the main conflict being on Naboo as they went planet hopping. Then he further served as emissary to and representive for his society in the climax.

Maz shows up, throws some awkward jokes, spits exposition out, and overall comes off as a character meant to tie together different drafts of the script so that the party can get the lightsaber without much drama or needing to reveal anything they would want to save for the sequels. Then she just disappears, completely edited out it seems which irritated me. She seems like she could be an interesting character, but no deeper characterization that came through for me.

I was super annoyed at the fact that she looks like Raz from Psychonauts. I mean even the names are only one letter apart.


Humor throws you out of the Star Wars universe? You must take this series very seriously. It's not like Kylo Ren showed up in the snow with his lightsaber and was like "TRAITOR!... why did the chicken cross the road?"

Yeah, it's a strange complaint. I recently rewatched the OT films and there's comedic moments all over them. A lot more of them fall flat compared to TFA, but anytime you get the main crew together, they yuk it up constantly.

Of course humour can throw you out of a film, depending on the type or context or amount. One bit I remember is when Finn found the Lightsabre training device on the Falcon and threw it over his shoulder. I just groaned at that point. Too much fan service and too much humour from Finn and Poe. Han did much better, although his reaction to seeing the bowcaster was stupid. He should have seen Chewie use it a million times.

It depends on the film. I've recently watched the OT in prep for TFA and it was certainly more low key. I went in wanting to like the shit out of the TFA and had a near complete media blackout. I got something that didn't feel like a Star Wars film for a hundred different reasons.

If works for you guys, that's cool. It didn't work for me or my friends. It was an okay action film set in the Star Wars universe, it didn't suck me in like the previous films, even the dry-ass prequels did a better job for me.


Well, I didn't notice any amount of humor moments that go beyond the OT and it's not like they resorted to fart jokes. Probably more than half of Han's lines have been sarcastic jokes in the OT (laugh it up fuzz ball, you're a real hero, delusions of grandeur, hey it's me, etc...) and that carried over to TFA.

Maybe the fan service is a more legitimate angle, but it's not new to Star Wars either. Why do you suppose Lucas went out of the way to put Jango, R2, 3PO, Chewbaca, and perhaps others into the PT? He often made the stories and timelines even more uncanny as a result and left some glaring retcons that result in plot holes. At least the training device makes plausible sense. I doubt Han did a lot of house cleaning on the Falcon.


This movie made me like The Phantom Menace again. At least Lucas rolled the dice and tried something new for his prequels. TFA is as copy of A New Hope but with lamer elements (Kylo Ren which is nowhere near as frightening like Vader) and more diversity. Not good enough Abrams.


Of course humour can throw you out of a film, depending on the type or context or amount. One bit I remember is when Finn found the Lightsabre training device on the Falcon and threw it over his shoulder. I just groaned at that point. Too much fan service and too much humour from Finn and Poe. Han did much better, although his reaction to seeing the bowcaster was stupid. He should have seen Chewie use it a million times.

It depends on the film. I've recently watched the OT in prep for TFA and it was certainly more low key. I went in wanting to like the shit out of the TFA and had a near complete media blackout. I got something that didn't feel like a Star Wars film for a hundred different reasons.

If works for you guys, that's cool. It didn't work for me or my friends. It was an okay action film set in the Star Wars universe, it didn't suck me in like the previous films, even the dry-ass prequels did a better job for me.
This is how I felt as well. It was average action flick decorated with Star Wars.

I felt nothing by the end for the new characters, or their future. The only thing I wanted was a decent sized part for Hammil. Instead it was a 40 second Macy's Fathers Day ad with no dialogue featuring him, and Rey.


This is how I felt as well. It was average action flick decorated with Star Wars.

I felt nothing by the end for the new characters, or their future. The only thing I wanted was a decent sized part for Hammil. Instead it was a 40 second Macy's Fathers Day ad with no dialogue featuring him, and Rey.


And that guys, is the reason people hate TFA. Because they did not get what they want.

Hell, even if Hamill got a decent role in TFA you would still be disappointed.
I could already imagine your comment : "The only thing I wanted was for Hamill to show how strong he has become. Instead it was a 65 year old Jedi doing Mind Tricks on Groundhog Day. O! And it felt like A New Hope!"
This movie made me like The Phantom Menace again. At least Lucas rolled the dice and tried something new for his prequels. TFA is as copy of A New Hope but with lamer elements (Kylo Ren which is nowhere near as frightening like Vader) and more diversity. Not good enough Abrams.

I feel like Phantom Menace ripped just as many general plot elements from ANH and ROTJ just as much as TFA did with ANH. You have the Skywalker found on Tatoonie by a wise jedi master and the master later dies, cutting short the Skywalker's initial attatchment to the jedi and the force. Act 3 of PM tries to be like act 3 of ROTJ with the eccentric native race fighting the army on the ground, an aerial space assault on a large base, and a lightsaber fight. This isn't an actual argument but there's even a running joke based on Lucas talking about attempting to mirror elements of the OT in the PT.

However, where things matter, are the characters, and Finn, Poe, Rey and Kylo and the situations of them interacting were infinitely more entertaining than Quigon, Padme, Anakin, and Jar Jar. For me. I could go on about how much I think the A New Hope criticisms fall flat, but it's 4 am here. They would not be articulated well as I'd want them to be considering it's such a common complaint, honestly.
Anyone preferring the prequels can have them. Please. Take them. Give them a good home, away from everyone and just promise to keep them in the castle tower locked away.



And that guys, is the reason people hate TFA. Because they did not get what they want.

Hell, even if Hamill got a decent role in TFA you would still be disappointed.
I could already imagine your comment : "The only thing I wanted was for Hamill to show how strong he has become. Instead it was a 65 year old Jedi doing Mind Tricks on Groundhog Day. O! And it felt like A New Hope!"
That sounds way better than a game of "Blink, and you lose".
I honestly cant take people saying they prefer TPM seriously. Like I can see why someone might dislike TFA but those prequels have so much bad in them it hurts my brain. There's just....no life there. The camera work is godawful, dialogue is god awful, the action often has no tension and its characters are all morons.

I remember someone saying they flashed back to RLM talking about how little you can describe the characters in TPM, but they enjoyed The Force Awakens quite a bit precisely because it had everything TPM is COMPLETELY missing. There's no fucking soul to it, it's just actors walking around from green screen scene to another green screen scene.


Wait you think the mask is magical? Why would that be the case? It seems like a very un-Star Wars idea. I don't think the movie is trying to tell us that he lost in any of those scenes because he wasn't wearing his mask. I think the filmmakers wanted his mask off so that the actor could emote in a way the audience could see. Those are all very dramatic scenes that wouldn't work nearly as well if he was wearing his helmet the whole time.

Well, magical in the sense that the mask resonates with dark force energy, allowing the user to focus their power/condition themselves. Sith artifacts are well documented in the EU, but not sure if it was featured in either of the previous movies.

Some examples:

It would make a lot of sense for the mask to be a sith artifact Not to say that Kylo would have beaten Rey with it, but it might have been another factor in addition to the Bowcaster inflicted wound.
Well, magical in the sense that the mask resonates with dark force energy, allowing the user to focus their power/condition themselves. Sith artifacts are well documented in the EU, but not sure if it was featured in either of the previous movies.

Some examples:

It would make a lot of sense for the mask to be a sith artifact Not to say that Kylo would have beaten Rey with it, but it might have been another factor in addition to the Bowcaster inflicted wound.

Yeah there's zero evidence of that being the case in this film.

Also it would make no sense why he wouldn't have put it back on when fighting Rey if it was that important. It's clearly just a mask.
This movie made me like The Phantom Menace again. At least Lucas rolled the dice and tried something new for his prequels. TFA is as copy of A New Hope but with lamer elements (Kylo Ren which is nowhere near as frightening like Vader) and more diversity. Not good enough Abrams.
Watch The Phantom Menace again, maybe that'll change your mind.
That sounds way better than a game of "Blink, and you lose".

If Luke had an active role in this movie we would've gotten to the point where the characters of old are distracting from the characters of new that the new trilogy needs to (and is going to be about). 30 years have passed and things have changed. It would feel unnatural if this new story started but then despite that being the focus the motley crew from decades ago got back together again (minus Lando RIP) to show off their stuff. Isn't it more interesting that Luke and Han will literally never see each other again and probably parted ways on awkward terms considering they jointly fucked up with Kylo? That's some interesting drama that will hopefully get touched on it VIII.


sooo I saw this yesterday evening and I'm a bit confused about this new republic thing. It was only 5 planets? why not the entire previous republic/empire? and why not centered in coruscant? Is the empire still in control of 99% of the galaxy somehow..?

And why are the rebels now the resistance after they've won.. the first order would be a better candidate to be called resistance

leng jai

sooo I saw this yesterday evening and I'm a bit confused about this new republic thing. It was only 5 planets? why not the entire previous republic/empire? and why not centered in coruscant? Is the empire still in control of 99% of the galaxy somehow..?

And why are the rebels now the resistance after they've won.. the first order would be a better candidate to be called resistance

Yeah, the movie does a poor job of explaining any of this stuff.
sooo I saw this yesterday evening and I'm a bit confused about this new republic thing. It was only 5 planets? why not the entire previous republic/empire? and why not centered in coruscant? Is the empire still in control of 99% of the galaxy somehow..?

And why are the rebels now the resistance after they've won.. the first order would be a better candidate to be called resistance

The way I understand it, the New Republic formed some kind of uneasy truce with the Empire basically keeping territory on the outside of the Republic while the resistance basically operates as its own thing opposing the New Order no matter where they are.

Looked it up to confirm and the wiki basically says just that but yeah idunno movie could have done a much better job making that clear.


The way I understand it, the New Republic formed some kind of uneasy truce with the Empire basically keeping territory on the outside of the Republic while the resistance basically operates as its own thing opposing the New Order no matter where they are.

Looked it up to confirm and the wiki basically says just that but yeah idunno movie could have done a much better job making that clear.

We still have 8 and 9 to adres many unanswered questions though. It didn't bother me when I saw the movie. Sure, I'd like to get answers on those questions ... but again, didn't bother me.
We still have 8 and 9 to adres many unanswered questions though. It didn't bother me when I saw the movie. Sure, I'd like to get answers on those questions ... but again, didn't bother me.

I wouldn't say it horribly bothered me. IMO explaining it clearer doesn't really make the impact of the scene change or anything like that so it wasn't a major problem. Bad guys are doing bad stuff and now the good guys are in trouble, got it.

Not like the issue you get with the prequel films where we are never told who the hell this "Trade Federation" is and how they aren't just doing whatever the hell they please by now seeing how they have this giant robot army while the Republic apparently lacks any standing military force. Also why are they listening to Palpatine again? What is he offering them? And before someone says Dooku arranged that, what was Dooku offering them exactly? And once again who is the Trade Federation?

i'm one of the rare fans who likes all the films. the main thing i missed from the prequels was the music. TFA had no Across the Stars, Droid Invasion or Duel of the Fates (although Rey's intro and outro themes were lovely). The camera work and acting in TFA however makes it a little easier to watch.


The track that plays when you first meet Rey in the desert is incredible. As soon as I heard that I knew I had to buy the OST.


shame thats one of the best tracks besides rey's theme sadly this is one of John's worst efforts in a long while.... I even hear some Harry potter in there...lol he really should have gone completely original for this one even though I know he always uses little bits of his old stuff....

Blue Lou

Q from Tell Em Steve Dave had a fantastic take on this

"Alright ma' [Han Solo], your 72 years old, you're takien out of retirement and put back into the bank - doing a job you hated [smuggling], dad's divorced you [the Leia break up], someone steals you car [Millenium Falcon] and I [Kylo Ren] become the next Hitler. Is that a good life for you 'cause that what's happened for Han Solo, ma"
shame thats one of the best tracks besides rey's theme sadly this is one of John's worst efforts in a long while.... I even hear some Harry potter in there...lol he really should have gone completely original for this one even though I know he always uses little bits of his old stuff....

Sounded more like Journey (the game) to me.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Listening to the OST all day long, imo one of the best movie soundtracks of all time.

The playlist below are my favorite songs (ignore the most obvious one :lol)

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